I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk pulled out a pack of cigarette from his jacket pocket and with practiced easy pulled a stick towards his mouth. His eyes furrowed in annoyance.

“Where the hell are you?! “ He said aloud turning away from the building to light his cigarette when someone hit him lightly on the back of the head.

“Ya!!” Geun Suk yelled in anger. Who ever this was picked a bad time to piss him off. He turned roughly his fist clenched.

“Tsk…tsk…” A y female warned wagging a finger at him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, you know Yoo Rin hates smokers, boy.”

“Noona!” Geun Suk said “What are you doing here?” He added knowing shortly after the Yak’on debacle Yunji said she was going back to school in America.

“ME?! You’re wondering about ME? I could ask you the same question! Why are you here instead of the shigol-jip? Ha! Ha!” Yunji asked slapping Geun Suk painfully with the purse. Geun Suk tried his best to evade her but Yunji was fast.

“Ow! Ow! Noona! I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ya! Please stop! Stop! Oww! Yunji Noona!”

“Aigoo! You big Babo! Just when Yoo Rin went all the way to your country house to see you, Pabo! Sogida!” Yunji emphasized this with ever hit.

“What?! Why?! Noona Why did Yoo Rin go to a country house?” Geun Suk asked standing still. Yunji stopped hitting and stared at Geun Suk with narrowed eyes.

“YA! Park Shin Hoon! You unspeakable moron!” Yunji screamed at him then hit him on the head with her purse for good measure.

“Ehhh? You know he’s Park Shin Hoon?" Hyun said stopping abruptly a few feet away from them, Bong-hyung and Choi followed.

. “YA! Han Bong-hyung! You knew about this little charade didn’t you?!” Yunji ignored Hyun and when on to charge Bong-hyung.

Bong-hyung knowing Yunji so well backed up then used Hyun as a shield. “Ya! When did I get involved in this?”

“You’re her Oppa for Pete’s sake! I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the master mind who put Shin up to this!” Yunji said fiercely grabbing hold of Bong-hyung by the collar and shaking him.

“He had nothing to do with it.” Geun Suk said loudly.

Yunji stopped shaking Bong-hyung and she stared at Geun Suk.

“Hyongnim…”Geun Suk said taking a deep breath. “has nothing to do with this. It was my plan.”

Yunji let Bong-hyung go, but not before she gave him a good shot on the stomach with her elbow.

“Are you aware, that I could beat you to a pulp, for tricking my baby-girl; boy?” Yunji said slowly walking towards Geun Suk.

“So, Sunbea and Noona already know about the secret?” Hyun asked Choi stupidly. Choi rolled his eyes at his friends denseness.

“Yunji-noona, You can beat me if you like. It doesn’t matter. I am willing to pay for my lie. I just want Yoo Rin.”

Yunji gave a battle cry and charged at Geun Suk ready to kick him. Bong-hyung blocked her with his arm.

“YAAAA!” Yunji screamed at Bong-hyung.

“Noona, You need to calm down.”Bong-hyung said pushing Yunji gentle away.

“You’re her brother! You’re the one who’s supposed to feel outrage about this!” Yunji said.

“I didn’t need to be.”Bong-hyung countered

“What?!” Yunji asked in disbelief.

“This is between my sister and Shin um..Geun Suk. We need to stay out of this.”Bong-hyung said firmly.

“Ya!” Yunji said but Bong-hyung stared her down, Yunji was surprised. Bong-hyung never went against her before. Yunji shut .

Bong-hyung turned to Geun Suk. “Eun Hye called, one of the twins said that Yoo Rin went from the airport to your haraboji’s townhouse, then took the bus to your Family Country House…do you know why- ?”

Geun Suk didn’t even let Bong-hyung finish before he got in the car and sped away.

Choi took out his mobile. Hyun scratched his head puzzled. “Where is he headed?”

Bong-hyung held out his hand to Yunji. “You just got back from a long flight, let me get you something to eat.”

Yunji eyed the offered hand suspiciously. Bong-hyung gave Yunji a breath-taking smile. Yunji couldn’t help herself she accepted his hand.


Yoo Rin stood in front of the Park Country House, and mentally kicked herself for refusing the Twin’s offer to take her there by car. 8 hours by bus. She didn’t even got anything decent to eat aside from the chips they sold in the bus.

“Babo! Babo! Babo!”Yoo Rin said hitting herself on the forehead with her fingers.

Yoo Rin tried to look through a window, she tapped on it roughly “Hello?! Anyone there? Ya Jang Geun Suk?!”

No one answered, the place was empty. “Why the world would haraboji Jang think Geun Suk would be staying here?” Yoo Rin asked aloud as she sat by the steps.

The place felt the same. Yoo Rin thought. She’s only been to Shin’s country house once, it was soon after that when Shin’s family decided to migrate to America. Shin, Or should she think of him as Geun Suk…Yoo Rin closed her eyes. She missed him. There was nothing in this world she wanted other than to see his smiling face again.

The trip was necessary, although she hated lying…she just needed answers. The reason for the elaborate lie, Why the need to become Jang Geun Suk, but all the while wooing her as Park Shin Hoon? Yoo Rin tried to figure out when it started, when she started falling in love with Shin... being constantly hounded by Jang Geun Suk made Yoo Rin remember things about Shin she never knew she cherished.

Tokyo, 14 days ago

The moment Yoo Rin landed in Tokyo she made a call to the one person she knew that could help her get answers with no questions asked.

“Moshi, moshi? Akira-kun? Atashi Han Yoo Rin dess.”

“Yoo-kun! Kohnbahnwa! Long time no hear! How are you?”

“I’m actually at the airport, Akira-kun. Tokyo International.”Yoo Rin replied tentatively.

“Ehh? I’ll come and pick you up.”Akira said

“Honto ni? Arigato! Are you sure you’re not busy?”Yoo Rin asked

“When was I ever busy when it came to Yoo-kun?” Akira asked chuckling. Yoo Rin can hear him getting into his car.

“Tsk, always a Casanova. ”Yoo Rin teased lightly. Akira chuckled. Yoo Rin felt calm. Akira always made her feel a certain light calmness.

“As if it ever worked on Yoo-kun. Find a coffee-shop, be there in a few.”Akira promised.

“Hai.” Yoo Rin replied


“So, Yoo-kun, What brings you back? Not that I’m not happy you are…” Akira said weaving his top down sports confidently against the hi-way.

Yoo Rin kept her eyes closed. “Oi! Would it kill you to slow down?” She could feel the hair blowing away from her face as they moved at 120 mph. Yoo Rin felt that her heart was in .

Mimasaka Akira gave a cheerful laugh, and patted Yoo Rin’s head. “Yoo-kun, you’re evading the question.” Akira chided.

“Akira-kun, do you think murdering me at my young age would give you any satisfaction?” Yoo Rin replied in panic.

“Tsk…Oh very well…”Akira said slowing down to mer 80mph.

“…I am doing this because I can never refuse Yoo-chan.” Akira added flirtatiously

Yoo Rin opened her eyes slowly. She tried to control her palpitating heart “If I’ve known you would be driving I would have asked Emu-chan or Memu-chan to have a driver pick me up instead.” She complained.

“They miss you, you know.”

“Semasen. I miss them as well.”

“It broke their heart when you told them you weren't interested in me.”Akira said seriously.

Yoo Rin eyed Akira worried. Then, Akira gave a sly wink.


“You know I’m kidding. Who would want to marry straight lace like Yoo-kun?” Akira replied laughing.

“Hey! Shut-up you gangster!” Yoo Rin countered laughing.

“Yoo-kun will tell me what’s going on when you’re ready, nee?”Akira said

Yoo Rin made a face at him. “You’re like a pitbull going after a bone.”

“Always.” Akira replied then he quickly adjusted the speed, so they were back to speeding down the road.

Mimasaka Akira, the only son of Japan’s most prosperous construction company, that deal with amusement parks, hotels and office buildings. As part of the famed F4 Akira is known as a Madame killer, meaning a playboy with a preference to married women. That was just his day job. There was talk that his parents were of the the Japanese underground, the Japanese mafia.

Yoo Rin who has known the Mimasaka children since she was 12 years old. Her Aboji is the elder Mimasaka-san’s school friend. Although Yoo Rin’s mother disapproved her spending every other summer with the Mimasakas in Japan, she had no say when her Aboji insisted. Yoo Ri knew from the beginning that her stay with the Mimasakas was to acquaint her with future in-laws, the twins who disapproved of this made certain to that her every stay with them as uncomfortable as possible. But Yoo Rin was discipline tough, kendo being a sport she grew to love when Shin left, taught her patience, and toughness. The twins Emu and Memu didn’t stand a chance. Akira, was polite but he never seem to notice her until…

“Chotto Matte! She’s a child! Almost as young as the twins, for God’s sake!”Akira remarked when he first heard about his father’s intention to marry them off.

“Child that she is, She is brilliant. 190 I.Q. If she was male she would have been the clan child of an ancient line in Korea… practically royalty.”the elder Mimasaka countered.

“Lineage? This matters? Why?!”Akira asked his eyebrow raised.


“Semasen.” Yoo Rin who was 16 said loudly. She didn’t mean to over hear but since it concerns her… “Gomenasai. Mimsaka-san, I too refuse this arragement. With no insult intended. Akira-kun. Gomenasai.”

“Ehhh?” both Mimasaka said in unison. Then Akira broke into an amused smile. Little girls can be interesting as well.


“Choi, What did he say to Yoo Rin?!” Geun Suk asked his coin over the phone anxiously.

“Haraboji sent her to your old country house.”Choi replied.

“Country house? My dad’s old country house? That country house?” Geun Suk wanted to pull his hair out.

Choi turned to his grandfather for confirmation. The old man nodded smiling and giving Choi a thumb’s up. Choi sighed. So much trouble. “That’s the one.”

“Why?! It’s in the middle of nowhere?!” Geun Suk wondered nervously. By now he was certain Yoo Rin knew he’s been lying to her. This was bad. Geun Suk didn’t intend for Yoo Rin to find out on her own, he had plan to tell her everything, then a sudden thought occurred to him. “Choi, I’ll call you back.” Then he started calling another number.

“Lee Hon? What flight was Yoo Rin on when you guys went to get her from the airport?” Geun Suk asked

“Ehh? It was pretty strange. It was a JAL flight D.C.-Tokyo.”Lee Hon replied

Geun Suk felt his entire body go cold. America. Yoo Rin came from America.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!