Campus Surprise

I Will Make You Love Me

Yoo Rin felt like a great burden was lifted from her as she is now on a bus out of the resort. One of the more memorable summers she ever had. Yoo Rin started to have a flashback Geun Suk coming out of the shower his body still wet…Yoo Rin started shaking her head to shake off that thought. Her father was bound to disagree with her plan to go to America during the Christmas break it was going to be a war but Yoo Rin is confident he’d break eventually.

The house was quiet. Odd. Her oppa was usually at the couch watching TV and eating snacks. Did something happen? Yoo Rin wondered. She rushed inside to find her parents speaking quietly with a couple she didn’t know.

“Annoyng hanshimnika, Good evening.”Yoo Rin said bowing politely to her parents and to the couple. Silence. Her parents and the couple stared at her as if they saw a ghost. Weird. “Omma, where’s oppa? Did something happen?”

Her mother rushed to her side and hugged her which in itself was unusual. “What happened to oppa?” Yoo Rin was starting to worry. It was then her oppa Han Bong-hyung came out from the kitchen. “Oppa!” She said pulling away from her mother. “Has something happened?”She asked grabbing his arm and whispering.

Bong-hyung shook his head and put his arm around her. “They’ve been acting really strange the entire summer.” He whispered. They both glanced at their parents way. Their mother was almost in tears.

“We’re going to my room. Good evening.”Bong-yung said grabbing Yoo Rin’s bag and backpack and motioned for Yoo Rin to come with him. Yoo Rin bowed to her parents and the couple.

“You know what’s going on?”Yoo Rin asked her brother. Yoo Rin is very close to her brother. He always made it a point to encourage her in everything she did. When she got into high school he charmed all the bullies in her year so they left her alone.

“Abuji and Omma have been hush hush about what’s going on. They’ve been meeting that couple for the past 2 months.”


“Who know?”Bong-yung asked rustling thorough her bags. “What did you get me?” He asked eagerly. Yoo Rin smiled it was nice to know that something never change.


Geun Suk was pissed. He threw his bags down the hotel lobby. He missed her. He spoke to the manager who informed him pleasantly that Han Yoo Rin has finished her stint at the resort and won’t be back until next year. It took all his will power NOT to slap that fake smile off his face. Choi passed him a cigarette and lit it for him.

“We missed her by hours.”Hyun informed him.

“Argh! That girl. Why did she have to leave today?!”Geun Suk said in frustration cigarette un-puffed in his left hand.

“She has great survival instincts.”Choi said getting their bags and walking towards their car.

“What a waste! All the while I thought you’d finally sweep her off her feet plain girl as she is.”Hyun remarked grinning.

“Shut it!”Geun said grumpily. “Now I have to wait 3 more days before I see her again.”

“You’ll see her at school. I wonder how she’ll react when she find you there.”Choi asked suppressing a laugh. Geun Suk glared at him.

“You need to quit smoking.”Hyun pointed out.

“She isn’t at all what you describe her to be.”Choi said as they all got in the car. Hyun nodded vigorously.

“Hmm?”Geun Suk was not paying attention.

“She’s interesting. “Choi said opening a bag of chips.

“She’s too plain.”Hyun remarked Geun Suk slapped Hyun on the head. “Ok ok. She’s your fiancée. I get it.


First day of School

Yoo Rin waved good bye to her brother. From behind her she saw a lot of girls faint. A usual occurrence whenever they spot Bong-hyung. This was the first year without her oppa and she wonders if she could survive without him around.

“Yoo Rin!” Eun Hye screamed jumping up and down in front of her. Yoo Rin smiled. At least she had Eun Hye who was a bit silly but very happy to be around. Eun Hye had a crush on her oppa the longest time and she herself admitted that on Eun Hye befriended her for that reason but things ended well. Although her brother never noticed Eun Hye and  becYoo Rin became great friends.

“Eun Hye! How was your summer?”

“Fine. Hey have you heard-“

Before Eun Hye could finish her reply. Two arms one on each side draped themselves on Yoo Rin’s shoulders. Two identical, tall good looking boys smiled down at her.



The twins were back. Lee Hon and Lee Jan. Yoo Rin smiled and shook off their arms. They still finish each others thoughts.

“Hon, Jan. How was your trip to Europe?”Yoo Rin asked walking backwards. Eun Hye followed. The twins walked backwards with her. Hon and Jan were also good friends. They met each other in the 4th grade when Shin was still here. They were the only ones she could talk about Shin. They were wealthy sons of the school’s director.

“You know-“-Hon

“-very well-“- Jan

“It was hell.”-Hon

Yoo Rin laughed she remembered well how they fought their parents to letting them stay with her to work at the resort. They didn’t want to leave Yoo Rin alone for the summer. They made it their business to keep an eye on her. Last summer was the first one she had alone without the twins to hang around with. She needed to be more independent.

“I came back in one piece, so you guys don’t have to worry.”Yoo said walking the normal way again. Eun Hye never got along with the twins. And they don’t seem to care if they got along with anyone other than Yoo Rin.

Jan wagged his pointer finger at her. Hon did the same. “You are never going off anywhere without us again.” Jan said tugging at a strand of hair that came loose from Yoo Rin’s braid.

“Ah, Stop it Jan.”Yoo Rin said annoyed. Hon and Jan stopped at their tracks. Yoo Rin turned and looked at them.

“You’re one of-“ – Jan

“the few aside from-“Hon

“Our mother-“ –Jan

“-that can tell us apart.”-Hon

“Yeah Yoo Rin, how do you do it? They are identical.”Eun Hye stated. Yoo Rin shrugged her shoulders. Yoo Rin has known them for so long that she knows their every trick. They tried to test her a lot when they found out she can tell them apart. One twin tried to play the part of the other, but Yoo Rin can always tell.

When the twins entered the campus there were shrieks of girls calling their names. Waving and running towards them. Yoo Rin and Eun Hye stepped away from the twins as the female population surrounded them.

“It’s a pain to be popular.”Eun Hye said dramatically. Yoo Rin laughed and as she was to stepped inside the building someone blocked her way. Yoo Rin brows furrowed, she was annoyed.

“Its too early to-“Yoo Rin stopped short. She never knew she could be so unlucky. Right in front of her wearing the same school uniform was The guy and his two minions from the resort.

“Annyong haseyo, wife.”

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!