I Will Make You Love Me

Geun Suk opened the window to Yoo Rin’s apartment building to let the smoke out. “Ya! What gave you the idea that you could actually cook? Do you want to set the building on fire?!”

Yoo Rin stared at Geun Suk rebelliously. “I was hungry.” Yoo Rin said stubbornly touching her stomach frowning. Yoo Rin cursed her oppa for asking Geun Suk to act as her babysitter/watcher. Yoo Rin knew that she been toeing the line lately but her oppa didn’t have to ask Geun Suk.

Geun Suk opened the refrigerator and frowned, just water and a half eaten apple. Yoo Rin burned the last 2 eggs. Geun Suk then glanced at Yoo Rin who was looking over his shoulder and rubbing her stomach. “Get your coat.”


“We’re going to the market.” Geun Suk stated putting on his coat and shoes.

Yoo Rin folded her arms in front of her. “If you’re going to the store,go by yourself. Why do I need to come with you?” Yoo Rin complained. As she expected Jang Geun Suk was bossy to a fault and she didn’t want to go anywhere with him.

“Why do you need to be told twice?” Geun Suk said in exasperation. He’s been in the apartment for less than 20 minutes and Yoo Rin almost set fire to the place. He had no intention of leaving her home alone.

Yoo Rin walked to couch and opened her brother’s magazine and pretended to be interested in masculine topics like fishing and running shoes. Geun Suk tossed Yoo Rin’s coat at her it landed on her head.

“Ya!” Yoo Rin yelled

“I’m get you ice cream, the kind you like.” Geun Suk said slyly

“How would you know what ice cream I liked?” Yoo Rin asked putting on her coat.

“I have my ways.” Geun Suk said in a mysterious tone wagging his eyebrows at her. Yoo Rin rolled her eyes then tossed her boot at him.


For Yoo Rin going to the supermarket was itself a road trip of sorts because her oppa never lets her come along.

“Ya! Stop putting cookies in the cart you’re going to spoil your appetite.” Geun Suk said taking out the additional 3 boxes she slipped in the cart. Yoo Rin pouted. Geun Suk was acting like such a mommy.

“Ya! I’m starving. Can’t we just order a pizza?” Yoo Rin complained

“Stop whining. All you eat are junk food. Don’t you want to study medicine? Ya! It’s a wonder your brain even works when all you eat are cookies and pizza.” Geun Suk said in wonder.

“I like brownies and muffins too.” Yoo Rin remarked staring at the box of cookies Geun Suk put back longingly.

“I’m going to look for some lettuce. You. Stay.” Geun Suk ordered taking the cart with him as well.

“Sooo bossy.”Yoo Rin said under her breath.


Yoo Rin stood outside the supermarket waiting for Geun Suk. “I should have bought my keys.” Yoo Rin said shifting from one foot to the other impatient. When someone slammed into her hard enough to toss her on the ground.

“Ya! Babo, why are you standing there like and idiot?” a girl with red tinted hair yelled at Yoo Rin.

Yoo Rin blinked at the group. 5 girls. They were not from her school. All look tough and much bigger than she is.

“Ya! Aren’t you going to say anything freak?” the red tinted hair said.

“Ya! What’s your problem? You bumped into me and you have the guts to yell at me?” Yoo Rin replied standing and brushing her coat off. She was spoiling for as fight considering her brother betrayed her and she hasn’t eaten dinner yet.

“You! You are my problem! You !” the tinted girl screamed pushing Yoo Rin roughly on the shoulder.
Yoo Rin stood her ground. “? Who are you calling ? You don’t even know me.”

“Ya! I saw you at the hi-way with Ki-won’s man.” Another girl replied

Yoo Rin glanced at the red tinted girl who clenched her fist at Yoo Rin. “Ya! Stay away from Shin! He’s mine!”

“Shin?...Shin?” Yoo Rin replied puzzled. Did they mean Shin Hoon? Yoo Rin wondered.

“You heard her stay away from Shin. Ki-won and Shi have been dating for a year. And you steal her man.” Another girl accused.

Yoo Rin shook her head at them. Shin has a girlfriend. Has he forgotten to tell me? That Babo.

“There must be a misunderstand, Shin and I, we’re just-“Yoo Rin started to explain but the red tinted girl gave her a slap on the face.

“Ya! What are you doing?” Geun Suk yelled running towards them with the bag of groceries in arms hand. The girl stood back for him. “Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk touched Yoo Rin’s face gently her lower lip was bleeding.

“Who the hell are you?” Ki-won asked Geun Suk

“Oooh! He’s hot.” One girl said

Yoo Rin wiped the blood off her lower lip “Ya! That was un-called for.”

“You! Arghhh!!!” Ki-won screamed going for went for Yoo Rin’s hair. Yoo Rin took a step back. Ki-won slipped on the ground face first. Yoo Rin folded her arms in front of her then tilted her head to the side.

“Ya! Clumsy aren’t you?” Yoo Rin remarked

“Yoo Rin?” Geun Suk really didn’t know what was going on.

“You ! Stay away from Shin!” Ki-won screamed

“Shin?!” Geun Suk asked louded glancing at Yoo Rin.

“Ya! I’m going to kill you!” Ki-won screamed at Yoo Rin

Yoo Rin chuckled looking very dangerous. “You can try.” She started cracking her fingers.

Geun Suk thought fast. Yoo Rin looked like she was ready to massacre all these girls.

“Ya! Han Yoo Rin!” Geun Suk said and knowing Yoo Rin when she starts swinging she won’t be able to stop. Geun Suk decided, he grabbed Yoo Rin by the waist, swung her over his shoulder and ran with her screaming and kicking.

“Ya! Ya! Jang Geun Suk! Yaaaa! Yaaa!”

Geun Suk ignored her and kept running. The girls were stunned but called out to him to stop. Geun Suk didn’t and made a note to slug fake Shin in the face when they meet. Geun Suk stopped running when he got to a deserted alley.

“Ya! Jang Geun Suk! Put me down I am getting dizzy!” Yoo Rin screamed.

Geun Suk put Yoo Rin down, she then stepped on his foot. Geun Suk started hopping in one foot. Yoo Rin’s braid came loose half of her hair covered her eye. She untied it in her frustration mumbling to herself.

A long strand of Yoo Rin’s hair brushed against Geun Suk’s face. Geun Suk closed his eyes. It smells like lavender. Yoo Rin’s hair has always smelled like lavender. When Geun Suk was in America his mother liked to browse in a store called Cranberries and Apples that sells scented oils and candles. He never told her why he asked to go with her to that store whenever he had the chance. It was the lavender that scent that reminded him so much of Yoo Rin that he bought packets of the scent to put under his pillows.

“Ya! Are you feeling sick? What’s the matter?” Yoo Rin kneeling in front of Geun Suk to touch his forehead. Geun Suk’s eyes snapped open. Yoo Rin face was so close. Yoo Rin stared back at Geun Suk puzzled at his expression.

“Yoo Rin.” Geun Suk said softly reaching out with one hand to cradle her neck.

“Oy!” Yoo Rin remarked nervously.

“I saw them run in this direction!” a female voice screamed. Then they heard the sound of running footsteps.

Geun Suk quickly pulled Yoo Rin in his arms. Yoo Rin resisted. “Ya! What-“

“Quiet. Shhh…” Geun Suk said keeping Yoo Rin head press on his chest blocking her from the view of anyone who would look I the alley.

“They passed here. Ya! She was with that hot guy!” a voice said

Geun Suk quickly pushed Yoo Rin against a wall, his back to the street. It was starting to get dark. Yoo Rin shivered involuntarily.

“She’s dating two guys at once, the !”

Yoo Rin struggled against Geun Suk now annoyed they would speak of her that way. Geun Suk kept Yoo Rin trapped with his arms blocking her way. Yoo Rin glared at Geun Suk. He shook his head her.

“You scared her out of her mind Ki-won.”

“She had no right to come after Shin.” Another assured Ki-won

“Han Yoo Rin. I’ll get her.”Ki-won swore.

Yoo Rin pushed against Geun Suk’s shoulder. Babo! Did he think she would get hurt because 5 girls wanted to beat her up?

“Let’s go home. We’ll get her later for sure.”

Geun Suk heard them leave. When the footsteps were gone. He let Yoo Rin go.

“Ya! What’s the big idea?” Yoo Rin asked pushing him away.

“ Do you want me to call your brother and tell him you got into trouble?” Geun Suk asked taking out his mobile.

“Andwea! No!” Yoo Rin said grasping Geun Suk’s hand that held the phone.

Silence. They stared at each other. Yoo Rin lowered her hand quickly then brushed her hair away from her face. Geun Suk coughed.

“Let’s head back to your apartment. “ Geun Suk said

“Good idea. But the ice cream’s all mushy.” Yoo Rin pointed at the bag Geun Suk held regretfully.

Geun Suk gave Yoo Rin a pat on the head. “I’ll get you a new one.” He promised

Yoo Rin looked up at him. “You better.” Then smiled.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
coolroro #2
Chapter 56: Amazing storyline your story is the best one I have read until now
kissme-minseok #3
i remember this!
madesunrene #4
THis is amazing!
patchiee #5
Please update ;(
Anngandako #6
can't wait for the next chapter... :)
lolisho #7
bears and knives...charming!^w^<br />
Akira has great aim for shurre~ <br />
Geun Suk rushing into the bathroom >x<" x3
joeydragonlady #8
ammybabyx and juwie1608 thanks for reading sorry for the late update. will be finishing Sukkie's story soon.
juwie1608 #9
I came across your fanfic earlier but only subscribe just now. Wow, you wrote this since 2008?? Hope you will continue, cos the last chapter was a cliffhanger. Love the JGS character you portrayed her.
ammybabyx3 #10
I really hope you plan on adding more chapters soon. I spent my whole day reading this :D Great job!!