
We Just Couldn't Have It All© : Book 1


He thought that he could just marry her,

And live a comfortable life with an heiress just like him

But, now that he met someone

Could his poker face still make him happy?

A large crowd of people came approaching the gates of the high school. Exhausted people of all years were going out and celebrating a job well done on their first day. Everyone giggled and they realized what fun they had.

Just like any other, Jinri was about to go out of the school whilst recalling Lee Taemin’s very loud proclamation. He came headlong and said it to her so she gave it a second thought, “Oh..what to do now? Might as well, go there and clear things out.” Jinri tilted her head and looked at the far away building where someone was waiting for her. “But, I’m not sure if he kept his promise. I might as well go and take a rest from those tennis club activities. It really tired me out.” Jinri massaged her sore arms and stretched her not-so-long arms. “Oh..where’s Soojung?”

“JINRI-AH!” Just as she was looking for her, Soojung found her first. “Come! Come!” With Soojung is the frowning Lee Taemin with his hands still on his pockets, he looked indifferent for a while and was spacing out. He noticed Soojung calling Jinri and decided to get on the white car of Soojung’s family.

“What is it?” Soojung looked very worried and tried to check on him.

“Do not mind me. Call her already; she needs to stop herself from being a heroine of a manhwa. “ Taemin sat on the back seat and crouched himself comfortably while letting out his MP3 and putting earphones on. He tried to relax himself due to him possibility of him wanting to vent anger.


Back to Soojung now dragging Jinri inside the car

“Let’s go the two of you. Mom’s inviting us. Haha.” Soojung was the only optimistic person trying to ease the mood inside the car. She squeezed the two beside each other and her on the other end.

“Soojung-ah, I wanted to sightsee.” Jinri pleaded to exchange seats with Soojung. Soojung just plainly moved and now, Jinri was far apart from Taemin. Taemin on the other end didn’t feel anything and was just sleeping peacefully.

Jinri and Soojung were having girl talks. Jinri meanwhile felt that she was not out of place anymore. “Soojung-ah, when will the two of you have a date?” Jinri looked very curious. But, Soojung just had a long face and brushed off the topic casually. “Tell …me..” Jinri looked very innocent.

“Well…I know that but we still wanted our parents to know. But, we’re always sneaking around and treat each other to movies, go to the amusement park, like normal couples.” Soojung had looked like she was seeing death suddenly.

“Oh…you’re unni.” Jinri peeped through the window and saw Soojung’s unni, Sooyeon on the wide screen. “Wow…she really is something. I really really wanted to meet her.” Jinri was about to clap her hands.

“ couldn’t be. She’s really popular, right?” Soojung had her head down. She felt like crying but suddenly someone pulled her.

“It is alright.” Lee Taemin let her lean on his shoulder and shared the earphone with her. “Sleep and rest, you know? It’s good that music could treat anything.” Taemin comfortably closed his eyes again. Soojung tried to sleep due to the heavy traffic on the road.

“What a cheesy fella. Very..very…FAKE.” Jinri said to herself.

Suddenly, Lee Taemin bolted upright and threw daggers on Jinri. “If you are not Soojung’s friend, I would really send you to prison.  You’re really a pain.” Lee Taemin battled on. He couldn’t believe that a girl around his age would not appreciate his love for his own girlfriend. “Just because you don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Oh…who told you that I don’t have a boyfriend? I had many boyfriends and they were all better than you.” Choi Jinri didn’t back off. They were like chattering noisy birds of unknown origins.

“Huh? You had, I knew it. Just because you cannot have a nice guy like me around, you already told a lie.” Lee Taemin was getting on Sulli’s nerves.

“I’m saying the truth. I had my first boy---“ Just as they were battling, Soojung was battling also on her dreams.

“She’s…she is groaning in pain, again.” Taemin brushed her long hair and tried to pat her shoulder. “It’s alright Krystal I’m here for you.”

“I..think you don’t really love my best friend. I just think that you…you only treat her as a precious younger sister. Oh..we’re here.” Jinri and the other two arrived at a grandiose hotel.

Jinri got off first as she was admiring the urban view. Taemin was just looking at her and tried to wake Soojung up. She looked alarm and was drooling, “Mianhe.” Soojung wiped it off and also got off.

“Lee Taemin, Jung Soojung, let’s go.” Jinri first entered the venue. They rendezvous with Soojung’s mother. “Oh…madame.. Good evening. Haha.” Jinri gleefully greeted.

“Wahh…Is it already nighttime?” Mrs. Jung looked glad at Jinri. “Oh..the two are so lazy. Haha.”

Taemin was supporting Krystal. “I’m alright now, Oppa.” He released her and they were going to a high floor. There was maintenance at the elevator and they had to take emergency stairs.

“Taemin-ah, I’ve contacted your parents. They’d be dining with us.” Mrs. Jung winked.

“Tsk. They don’t have to.” Taemin said whilst looking at his phone. “Oh..and now, they reached. Look.” Taemin let them guise at his phone.

“They are probably thrilled. Your parents are one of the most influential people in our society.” Mrs. Jung patted Taemin’s back. She then squinted to Jinri’s side. “Jinri-ah, please meet them.” Taemin observed her.

“!” Soojung  wanted to walk side by side with Taemin. Jinri felt out of place the moment she set foot on the grandiose hotel. “I..I..” Jinri couldn’t talk.

“What is it again?” Taemin threw daggers on her. “No- Nothing.” She lowered her head and continued on following them.

Whilst entering the hotel, Jinri was already shaking. She even tripped two times and even hurt her ankle. She decided to rest on a seat there. For a second, she lost track of Mrs. Jung and Soojung and Taemin. “Guys? Madame?” She felt like crying.

Krystal and her mother with Taemin sat on the VIP café of the hotel. Mrs. Jung greeted few of her acquaintances with a glued and uncaring smile. She now was led by a waiter to a table.

“Gumawo.” She said to the young waiter and gave him a tip. “Now..let’s sit. Don’t be shy.” She smiled at each of the teens she invited. She then squinted and looked, “Where’s Jinri?”

“Huh? Isn’t she following us?” Taemin and Soojung looked at every nook and cranny of the surroundings. “I’m really worried. She felt sick after entering this hotel. Maybe, she’s having inferior complex again. Her inferiority attacks her again. Omo.” Mrs. Jung was worried. She tried to contact Jinri but she couldn’t get any reply.

Sulli was lost and circled around the lobby. She asked for help but the employees were not answering her. She tried to reach for her phone but it was in the car with her other things. She looked if she had her wallet but it only contained a few wons not enough to go back home. “What to do?”

“Tsk. There’s no other way let’s find her, Krystal!” Taemin announces. He led Soojung with her.

Sulli who was very hurt sat on the emergency stair. She grasped the rail and now she was lost in thought again. Nothing came in her mind and was about to dose off not until someone saw her. “Oh..are you alright?” A kind voice seemed to approach Jinri. She didn’t recognize the voice but it was that of an adult.

“Are you alright?” The man’s voice seemed to draw closer. She tilted and her head and saw a man’s figure trying to aid her. “Oh…are you okay?” She didn’t reply and she found herself being piggybacked by a stranger. “Well..I think you’re too tired to speak, but don’t worry I’ll help you, okay? I think you sprained your ankle. But, I don’t think I’d make it if…Oh…just dine with me for a while.”

“ need. I..I don’t want to anymore. Hey…don’t worry..I’m Kim Heechul by the way. Haha.”

“I thought you looked like someone I know. I thought you are that cold person.” Jinri looked very tired and soon dozed off.

Taemin who was on the same floor saw her sleeping on a familiar man’s back. “What..what are you doing to her?”

“Taemin-ah?’s you after all.” Kim Heechul wanted to hug him but, “Oh..then do you know the clinic?”

“Get her down.” Lee Taemin looked ferocious.

“What’s up with my younger brother? you know her? I saw her lost and injured. Is she your girlfriend?”

“My . Let’s go to the infirmary. She’d be treated there.”

For a moment, Taemin felt concern to someone besides his family. He thought of Krystal as a family but now he was worried about someone he doesn’t fully know. He and his brother was also reunited because of her. Lee Taemin just couldn’t get on even with his poker face.



Yay! Finally, a second update this day. Hoho. I know. I know. Taelli is so adorable, right? And, Sulli and Heenim..haha. So, got the hang of the story? Please look forward for more Taelli and oh, what about Kai?

He's about to come.




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Chapter 62: Please make a kaistal sequel a happy ending for them!!!
I had 7 upvotes,170 subscribers, and 15000+ views. Thanks for keeping up with me.
I will be having a sequel called, "Our Happy Ending Together." If I could, I would be messaging all of my subscribers or I'd be posting it here. >.<
Please do support it as well. I had so much fun in writing stories that I want to share it with you guys.
I'm going to work hard even more. See you soon!
Chapter 61: Is this the last chapter cuz it cant be it is just left in a clift hanger. are they going to meet ? Is sulli going to see taemin again ? Is Kristal going to accept kai again ? I still have all of these questions please answer them please write anothere chapter to answere my questions.
Chapter 15: Im like a bit confeust but mabe if i keep on readingvi will get it
Chapter 15: Im nd of confiust in this story like in allot of parts
Chapter 60: please please kaistal haply ending;)))))
Chapter 59: are they really would let this slide?
i mean you cant fool yourself forever.. you just hurting yourselves jongin, soojung. and you're going to hurt sehun and minah as well..
i hope they'll find a way to be together
KaistalandChaeki #8
Chapter 59: NOOOOOOOO it should really be Krystal!! WHY??? please update soon!
Chapter 59: Why kai still choose minah over krystal? Why so hurting?
Connie85 #10
Chapter 59: Why leave when they already discover their feeling...