Just The Two Of Us

The Brain vs The Heart

“NO PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION!” Tiffany yelled upon seeing Mineul and Leeteuk hugging each other in the shore.

The two let go of the hug and turned to Tiffany’s direction, seeing that she was not alone. Two guys, whose chests were bare like Leeteuk’s, were on her either side.

 “Oh, Tiffany,” Mineul acknowledged her friend and company, “I see you’re not alone.”

Leeteuk eyed the men from head to toe. “If there was a man who deserved Tiffany,” Leeteuk thought, “It’s my dongsaeng. Lee Donghae. Not you beach bums.”

“Neh!” Tiffany said and went on with the introductions, “I just met them!”

Tiffany gestured to the man on her left—tall height, narrow-eyes and mischievous-looking. “This one’s Taecyeon!”

Then she gestured to the other man—gym-ready body, tall height, thick eyebrows—who looks a bit like Super Junior’s Choi Siwon. “And he’s Seunghun.”

The two men bowed politely at Tiffany’s friends; Leeteuk and Mineul did the same.

“I’m Choi Mineul,” Mineul shook hands with the two men. “And he’s--”

“I’m Leeteuk,” Leeteuk offered a hand shake, too.

“Super Junior?” Taecyeon’e eyes widened and Seunghun quickly examined Leeteuk’s face.

The girls giggled and waited for Leeteuk’s response.

“Ah, neh,” Leeteuk embarrassedly answered.

“Wow,” Taecyeon said to Tiffany, “Big time!”

Tiffany smiled, flashing her eye smile.

“It was nice meeting you but I think Donghae is waiting in your room, Tiffany,” Leeteuk said, trying to shoo the strangers. He loved his fans, but not when their trying to steal a dongsaeng’s girl. “Oops, sorry! Tiffany is not yet Donghae’s girl! But it does not matter! Mineul and I will make a way to get them together!”

The two men looked at Tiffany meaningfully and embarrassed as she was, she could do nothing but to scratch her head and glare at Leeteuk.

“You came here with Super Junior’s Donghae?” Seunghun asked.

“Well, not rea--” Tiffany tried to answer but Mineul and Leeteuk interrupted her.

“YES!” the couple said and this made Tiffany glare at them more furiously.

Taecyeon gaped and Seunghun’s face turned glum. “Oh,” Seunghun nodded slowly.

“Guess we’re going ahead?” Taecyeon gestured towards the beach.  Mineul and Leeteuk’s loud YES definitely made them think that they checked out the wrong girl.

“It was nice meeting you all,” Seunghun politely bowed and two ran off.

Tiffany could only watch them. She quickly turned to the two, “YAH!”

Leeteuk was quick to say, “Look! Donghae’s things are not there with ours anymore,” he pointed.

The girls looked to the direction where Leeteuk pointed and he was right. Only their things were left there.

“Aish!” Tiffany whined and stomped to get her things.

The couple snickered and followed behind.

“She couldn’t resist him, after all,” Mineul whispered.

It was already 10:30AM when they reached their respective rooms.

In the couple’s room, everything was normal. They bathed and dressed up for lunch at around 11:30AM.

“Time flies when you’re having fun, huh?” Leeteuk said as soon as he got out of the bathroom.

“Neh. By the way, let’s eat lunch. Just the two of us,” Mineul suggested.

“Am I that irresistible that you want to keep me to yourself?” Leeteuk joked.

Mineul rolled her eyes as she combed her hair. “It’s the four of us, then. I’ll call them,” Mineul reached for her phone.

“I’m just kidding!” Leeteuk rushed to her and snatched her phone away.

“You better be,” Mineul said and went to the balcony for some fresh air.

A few minutes later, she felt Leeteuk’s arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder as she leaned on the balcony concrete.

“Lunch?” Leeteuk whispered as his nose trailed down Mineul’s neck.

The hair on the back of her neck stood up and her eyes fluttered at his intimate gesture.

She turned around and nodded, “Lunch. Now.”

The couple headed downstairs for lunch and sat across each other, munching away.

“How was this vacation, so far?” Leeteuk asked before taking a bite.

“So far, so good,” Mineul said after a swallow of food.

Leeteuk nodded and took a sip of wine. “You having fun?” he asked Mineul.

“Anywhere with you is fun.”

“Aigoo~ Is my Minnie being cheesy with me now?” Leeteuk laughed.

“You make me cheesy,” Mineul shoved a spoonful of food to then smiled.

“So, tell me the truth, Minnie..”

Mineul looked up at him in response. She raised an eyebrow.

“Since when did you know?” Leetuk asked.


“That you love me, too,” a smile formed in Leeteuk’s lips.

“Hmm,” Mineul looked at the ceiling as if doing so would give her the answers. Then she looked back at Leeteuk and answered, “It was during that day when you took me with you in SM Entertainment’s building and I almost got hit by the motorcycle.”

“And I saved you?” Leeteuk bragged.

Mineul laughed and put down her spoon and fork. She can go for a trip down memory lane right now. “Yes, you saved me. And inside the building, I hurt my ankle.”

“And I gave you a piggyback ride.”

“Neh. And I fell asleep during the conference.”

“And I carried you to my car.”

“And you attempted to kiss me,” Mineul smugly reminded and a hint of color pink in her cheeks followed.

“My defenses are down. I know I did,” Leeteuk laughed as he wiped his mouth with a table napkin. He crumpled it and started unconsciously playing with it.

“I did not love you at that moment literally, though. It was just a moment of pure confusion and that was when I started questioning myself,” Mineul confessed.

“So that day with me was like a catalyst of your unknown feelings?”

Mineul nodded with a smile and said, “Exactly.”








*Please leave your comments & suggestions. I wanna receive some love from you, readers! No bashing please! Tell me what you want the story to be like. I receive polite criticisms, too!






2 MORE CHAPTERS BEFORE THE ENDING! So the cute couple is shipping the HaeFany couple but they want nothing more than just being with each other. Awwww :)) Anyway, I can't put anything more on this part because evrything's pretty much self-explanatory BECAUSE I'm trying to make it as descriptive as possible BECAUSE this one's coming to an end. *sigh* Next chapter is second to the laaaast! GAAAAHHH :\ Saranghaeyo, yeorobun!

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THE BRAIN VS THE HEART: This one's finished! ^.^ But still.. its web is spinning and I'm having the time of my life! :))


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k-popsone1116 #1
Chapter 52: sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!~

PLEASE! *puppy eyes*
@ParkEunIn. I'll be praying about that sequel you guys have been asking me for, arasseo? ;)
@Mizuki1987. you're more than welcome, dear! i love that you loved it Kekeke~ :D Feel free to check out my new fanfics also if you have time, neh?
thanks for this fanfic!!! i can't stop to read it!!! ^_^
ParkEunIn #4
PLEase..........sequel i'm curios about haefany couple because i'm a HAEFANY LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adria0o5. by the looks of it, you people will get your HaeFany Couple endiiiing~ ;)
@Eunnasj. i'll pray about that sequel you're talkin' about.. Kekeke~ :))

KOMAWO, COMMENT-ers!! :D *bows*
Oh My SOooOOO CuuTTEE !!! and what ??! 1 voted a no for the poll ="""( Unnie we want SEQUEL !!!
adria0o5 #7
Such a sweet ending but I was curious about what happened to the love story of HaeFany couple. :)
@niksmiles. THANK YOU! :) please participate with the polling, arasseoyo? Kekeke~ :)
niksmiles #9
WHAAA. So contended with the story now :))
@seladia. neh, neh.. this is the third to the last chapter.. :(( THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *bows*