What In the World--?!

The Brain vs The Heart

“Minnie,” I heard Leetuk’s voice calling me softly.

I was half-awake but I kept my eyes closed. I tossed, turned and groaned. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep in the conference a while ago but feeling this soft thingy against my shoulder and back, I wouldn’t bother to wake up now. Now, back to sleep..

“Minnie,” Leeteuk called me once again.

I groaned without opening my eyes, “Whuut~”

I’m sure I heard Leeteuk say something but I did not clearly understand it. I just heard a muffled voice of him saying, “Yah, if you don’t wake up now, I will woicndcnskissdalofnfhsdfyooouo.”

“Neh?” I mumbled in my sleep, trying to make sense out of Leeteuk’s unclear words.

I did not hear him answer but I waited for it. I’m too tired to turn and open my eyes to check on him. To check where I was lying down. All I know is that I’m sleeeeeeeeepyyyyy~ *yawn*

I impatiently waited for him to answer but suddenly I can hear his slow breaths, or at least, that’s what I thought I heard.  Then, I felt a warm and hot-ish air mildly blowing on my face.

Are we outside? Am I sleeping outdoors?

After the warm air came a sweet fragrance. I inhaled deeply trying to take in as much of the sweet fragrance as I can. This can totally help me fall asleep easily—the soothing sound of someone’s breath, warm air on my face, a sweet frag—

Wait, wait, wait. I think I know now.

I opened my eyes in curiosity just to see Leeteuk’s face a few millimeters from mine.

He was leaning over from the driver’s seat—TO KISS ME!

So, it was his breath I was hearing, his breath on my face I was feeling and his sweet sweet breath I was smelling.

My eyes widened and so did Leeteuk’s.

In a quick movement, Leeteuk went from leaning towards me to flopping back on the driver’s seat. So, yeah, we were inside his car and I was sleeping on the passenger seat.

I, on the other hand, sat up and rubbed my eyes. “What were you trying to do?” I suspiciously asked him.

“I was doing what you think I was doing,” Leeteuk said.

I gasped with a horrified expression written on my face, “You were trying to kiss me while I was ASLEEP?!”

“Neh,” he nodded as if it was not a big deal.

“YAH!” I repeatedly hit him on his arm.

“YAH! I WARNED YOU, DIDN’T I?!” he yelled as he tried to block my hand from hitting him.

My hands dropped and I was surprised by what I just heard. “MWOH?!” I asked him.

“I told you, right? ‘Yah, if you don’t wake up now, I will kiss you,’” he reminded me.

I touched my head and grabbed a fist full of my hair, trying hard to recall. “Are you sure?” I doubtfully asked him again.

“YAH! I’M NOT A LIAR!” Leeteuk yelled before sulking on his seat with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes looking somewhere else. He’s probably mad at me for accusing him.

I looked at him as I waited for him to look at me again. Okay, now, I’m feeling guilty. Of course, I know Leeteuk wouldn’t do anything ‘y’ to me but I doubted him. I replayed our conversation and closed my eyes in what I realized: I was mad because I think he did not warn me.

So, I was mad because of that and not because he was going to kiss me?!


So if he had politely asked me for a kiss, I would’ve given him one?!


I touched my head once again. WHY IN THE WORLD--?! My gaze fell upon Leeteuk who still won’t look at me. Leeteuk. My best friend. My fake boyfriend. That’s all that he is to me, right? Right?

Now, I don’t know. I don’t know why we were becoming natural in doing this fake relationship. I don’t know why I was mad at him for the wrong reason—a really wrong reason.


“Leeteuk, I--”

“Mianhae, Minnie,” Leeteuk softly spoke with his head down. He continued, “I know I was not--” He stopped when I squeezed his hand.


“I should be the one to apologize,” I said.

He looked at me in bewilderment. “Wha---”

“I doubted you and I falsely accused you when I should’ve trusted you.”


Leeteuk put his other hand over mine and gave it a light squeeze, too. My heart thumped as he continued, “Apology is not needed, Minnie. Me, too. I’m sorry. Mianhae.”

Okaaaaaaay~ So why am I feeling this feeling that I should’ve felt when I made eye contact with Donghae? Why now? Why with Leeteuk?

I just stared at him as I was going deeper into my thoughts. This night is making me insane. My lips, my eyes, my hands wouldn’t follow me.

I commanded my eyes to look away. IT DISOBEYED.

I wanted to take back my hands from his hold. IT WOULD NOT MOVE.

I wanted to tell him that we should probably end this night before we start a fight. IT REMAINED CLOSED.









*Please leave your comments & suggestions. I wanna receive some love from you, readers! No bashing please! Tell me what you want the story to be like. I receive polite criticisms, too!


Preview for the next chapter:

             “I actually don’t know. I am always ready to move back in but I’m afraid that some people are not ready to welcome me back home,” he laughed as he secretly referred to the man he was talking to—Lee Donghae.





OM! I'm really sorry that I have not updated for quite a long period of time (well, for me) :) Anyway, I hope you love this chapter because it's kinda important--Mineul's feelings are surfacing (is there actually a word like that?!) :D I also hope I was successful in trying to make Leeteuk as innocent as possible because (we all know this, though) LEETUK IS DEFINITELY NOT A ! HAHAHA! :D Just trying to clear things, because one of my biggest fears is for you to misunderstand or hate him. :) Enjoy reading and I appreciate those coments, keep 'em coming! ^.^

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THE BRAIN VS THE HEART: This one's finished! ^.^ But still.. its web is spinning and I'm having the time of my life! :))


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k-popsone1116 #1
Chapter 52: sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!~

PLEASE! *puppy eyes*
@ParkEunIn. I'll be praying about that sequel you guys have been asking me for, arasseo? ;)
@Mizuki1987. you're more than welcome, dear! i love that you loved it Kekeke~ :D Feel free to check out my new fanfics also if you have time, neh?
thanks for this fanfic!!! i can't stop to read it!!! ^_^
ParkEunIn #4
PLEase..........sequel i'm curios about haefany couple because i'm a HAEFANY LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adria0o5. by the looks of it, you people will get your HaeFany Couple endiiiing~ ;)
@Eunnasj. i'll pray about that sequel you're talkin' about.. Kekeke~ :))

KOMAWO, COMMENT-ers!! :D *bows*
Oh My SOooOOO CuuTTEE !!! and what ??! 1 voted a no for the poll ="""( Unnie we want SEQUEL !!!
adria0o5 #7
Such a sweet ending but I was curious about what happened to the love story of HaeFany couple. :)
@niksmiles. THANK YOU! :) please participate with the polling, arasseoyo? Kekeke~ :)
niksmiles #9
WHAAA. So contended with the story now :))
@seladia. neh, neh.. this is the third to the last chapter.. :(( THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *bows*