During Breakfast & At The Beach

The Brain vs The Heart

“So, Donghae,” Leeteuk started.


“Do you like Tiffany?” Leeteuk went straight to the point.

Donghae laughed and quickly answered, “Honestly? My answer is not a no and not a yes, either.”

“Well, that’s something new,” Leeteuk remarked.

“Anyway, you and Mineul..”

“What about us?”

“You know you have to talk to Mr. Lee Sooman about it,” Donghae said.

“That’s what bothers Mineul the most,” Leeteuk confessed.


“Neh and I assured her that everything will go well,” Leeteuk said.

“I think so, too. I mean, I’m pretty sure Mr. Lee Sooman will approve of it since we’re on hiatus and since Mineul is not our co-idol,” Donghae agreed.

“That’s exactly what I told her.”

“And how did she react?”

“She thought I was planning to leave her when we resume with or Super Junior activities and cried,” Leeteuk said.

“She seems to love you really much, hyung,” Donghae said and they walked back to the table with one plate in each hand.

“For my Minnie,” Leeteuk set Mineul’s plate in front of her before taking his seat. “And mine,” he looked at the mini-feast in his breakfast plate.

“Tiffany-ssi?” Donghae hesitantly gave Tiffany her plate and took a seat like his hyung.

“Komawo,” Tiffany bowed in gratitude without looking at Donghae. She just can’t seem to look in his eyes after all that had happened.

The four finished eating at around 8:25AM. Mineul and Leeteuk, of course, were mushy and romantic but the other two survived breakfast without even saying a single word to each other.

At 8:45AM, the four were walking along the shore barefoot with their things on tow.

“Who wants to take a dip?” Leeteuk asked, looking at the three.

“Me!” Mineul said excitedly, jumping up and down.

Tiffany raised her hand with a smile.

“Donghae?” Leeteuk asked for his respond.

“Later, I’ll catch up with you on the waters,” Donghae answered.

“Okay!” Leeteuk laid down his beach towel and Mineul spread hers beside Leeteuk’s.

Tiffany laid down hers beside Mineul’s beach towel and she stretched her legs in front of her.

Donghae followed the three and did the same, sprawling his beach towel beside Tiffany’s. He took out a book from his knapsack and lied down on his back, reading.

Leeteuk took off his shirt and threw it to his bag. He waited for Mineul who was tugging down her shorts and pulling up her shirt to reveal a two-piece swimsuit.

“Ready?” Leeteuk reached out his hand to Mineul and they ran to the beach, first splashing each other then they swam.

“What are you waiting for?” Donghae asked Tiffany without removing his eyes from what he was reading.

“Nothing. Please look over our things, I’ll be back in no time,” Tiffany then stood up and headed somewhere with her bath towel.

True enough, Tiffany came back shortly after, wrapped in her bath towel. She was holding the towel secure with one hand and her other hand was full of her clothes—her clothes during breakfast, as Donghae made out from the pile.

Donghae wordlessly took a quick look at Tiffany then went back to reading.

Tiffany ran to the beach with that hideous towel still covering her body.

Donghae stopped reading and watched her look around for Mineul and Leeteuk. Though he was far, the disappointment in Tiffany’s face indicated that she failed.

Then she stopped a few feet from the water. Tiffany dropped the towel and removed her ponytail, shaking her hair. Like her friend, she was wearing a two-piece swimsuit—hers was black, Mineul’s was dark blue.

Donghae was still watching her from afar as she walked warily to the water until it reached her knees. “She looks out of place,” Donghae said, commenting on how Tiffany looked around like a total alien to the place.

Then two men approached Tiffany, forcing Donghae to sit up and close his book. He saw Tiffany bow with that eye smile and shook hands with the two men.

“They’re checking her out,” Donghae scoffed.

Then he saw one of the men splash water to Tiffany. Donghae heard her squeal happily and childishly run away from the two figures.

“What the—Friends now?! That was fast! Aish!” he muttered under his breath and forced himself to go back to reading.

Meanwhile, Leeteuk and Mineul surfaced from under the waters for air. The waves sent them bouncing up and down. Their hands were linked under the water—the water reached up to their chests.

Mineul screamed in joy, “This! Is! Fun!”

Leeteuk laughed at her childishness and said, “Let’s swim back?”

Mineul nodded and indeed, they swam back, occasionally smiling at each other under the clear waters.

They walked along the shore.

“Do you trust me?” Leeteuk asked out of the blue.

“Of course, I do.”

“Do you trust me in the matter of handling our relationship well in front of our agency head?”

“That’s a different topic.”

Leeteuk then stopped walking and faced Mineul. “What if I told you that I’d already set an appointment with Mr. Lee Sooman tomorrow?”

Mineul closed her eyes, “Then I guess I’ll have to trust you. That’s much easier than losing you.”

“Exactly my point. By hook or by crook, I’ll make this work,” he poked Mineul’s nose.

“Realistically speaking.. What if.. What if it does not work?” Mineul stubbornly challenged.

“Then I’ll have to lose my work,” Leeteuk laughed.

“You can do that?”

“For conversation’s sake, yes I can. But no, I won’t.”

“MWOH?!” Mineul exclaimed.

“No, I won’t,” Leeteuk repeated and continued, “How many times do I have to tell you this? I know this will work. I’m 100% sure that this will work.”

“You really have faith that much?” Mineul frowned.

“For you, yes. And you don’t?”

“I do but—“ Mineul was cut off midsentence.


Mineul nodded.

“Perfect love casts out all fears. That’s what we have,” Leeteuk spread his arms and Mineul leaned closer for a hug.

“Perfect love,” Mineul muttered.







3 MORE CHAPTERS BEFORE THE ENDING! Hey you guys.. do you like our new background? Kekeke~ :D Was Donghae spying? Was he jealous? Was he stalking? WAS HE FANBOY-ING?! LOL :D Anyway, Mineul still has some doubts :( But like she said, it's easier to take risk than to lose the one you love, right? ^.^ Leave your feedback and comment, arasseo?

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THE BRAIN VS THE HEART: This one's finished! ^.^ But still.. its web is spinning and I'm having the time of my life! :))


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k-popsone1116 #1
Chapter 52: sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!~

PLEASE! *puppy eyes*
@ParkEunIn. I'll be praying about that sequel you guys have been asking me for, arasseo? ;)
@Mizuki1987. you're more than welcome, dear! i love that you loved it Kekeke~ :D Feel free to check out my new fanfics also if you have time, neh?
thanks for this fanfic!!! i can't stop to read it!!! ^_^
ParkEunIn #4
PLEase..........sequel i'm curios about haefany couple because i'm a HAEFANY LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adria0o5. by the looks of it, you people will get your HaeFany Couple endiiiing~ ;)
@Eunnasj. i'll pray about that sequel you're talkin' about.. Kekeke~ :))

KOMAWO, COMMENT-ers!! :D *bows*
Oh My SOooOOO CuuTTEE !!! and what ??! 1 voted a no for the poll ="""( Unnie we want SEQUEL !!!
adria0o5 #7
Such a sweet ending but I was curious about what happened to the love story of HaeFany couple. :)
@niksmiles. THANK YOU! :) please participate with the polling, arasseoyo? Kekeke~ :)
niksmiles #9
WHAAA. So contended with the story now :))
@seladia. neh, neh.. this is the third to the last chapter.. :(( THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *bows*