Confessions of Unsure Hearts

The Brain vs The Heart

To: Teuk-ah

YAH! I miss your weird laugh! Catch-up talk tomorrow? :)


To: Minnie

I’m free tonight.. Are you?


To: Teuk-ah

Aigoo~ Do you miss me that much? :P I’m free NOW.


To: Minnie

HA! You wish! I’ll meet you at the rest bar in front of SME building. That okay?


To: Teuk-ah

Neh~ I’m around the vicinity, too. I just got off from work. See you, Go! Go! Xing!


“YAH! TEUK-AH!” Mineul ran to her best friend whom she saw entering the agreed meeting place.

“Minnie!” Leeteuk ran to her.

“How’ve you been? On hiatus, right?”

“Neh,” Leeteuk nodded. “I’m doing great. Let’s go inside?”


The two seated themselves and placed their orders. While waiting, Mineul turned to Leeteuk and said, “Well, this is something new..” in an interesting tone.

“What? What is?”

“You’re not wearing any form of disguise or whatsoever, huh?”

“Well, the people around this vicinity are different, since SME building is just across the road. Many people here are also workers from SM Entertainment so they don’t get star-struck ,” Leeteuk explained. “Besides, it’s nighttime.”

“Oh,” Mineul nodded.

“By the way, congratulations for graduating!” Leeteuk clapped.

“I’m awesome, huh?” Mineul jokingly bragged.

“Yeah..just not as awesome as I am!”

“YAH!” the girl stuck out her tongue.

Their orders arrived and they started to eat while they catch-up with each other’s life.

“Did you miss me?” Leeteuk raised an eyebrow.

Mineul acted as if she was going to vomit and laughed. “I did not!”

“Woo~ Lies,” Leeteuk said with food in his mouth.

“Of course, I missed you! We’ve been seeing each other but not like the old times,” Mineul pouted before taking a sip of liquor.

“Yeah, I miss the old times,” Leeteuk nodded.

Mineul suddenly held Leeteuk’s arm, “By the way, any news about Donghae oppa? If he has a girlfriend or what..?”

Leeteuk teased, “Waeyo? Wae? You’re old feelings are rekindled? Wae?” Of course, it kinda chipped his heart but during the last few months, he had been trying to accept the fact that maybe, he and Mineul will never be more than best friends.

“Aniyo, not that. Not my feelings but someone else’s,” Mineul wiggled her eyebrows.

“Nugu? Who?”


“MWOH?!” Leeteuk’s eyes widened.



“Tiffany?” Mineul almost whispered as she laid a hand on Tiffany’s knee.


“Do you?” Mineul asked.

“Do I what?”

“Do you have feelings for him? Donghae oppa?” Mineul asked.

“M-Mwoh? M-Me?” Tiffany nervously laughed.

“Yeah. Why are you stuttering?” Mineul raised an eyebrow.

“Me? Feelings for D-Donghae?!” Tiffany’s palms started to sweat.

“Just answer me.”

“But we barely know each other!” she denied.

“And that matters because..?”

“Aish! Why are you asking me this, Min?!”

“Because friends know when their friends are falling in love. Trust me, I know,” Mineul said. “So do you have feelings for him?”


“It’s a yes or no question but,” Mineul sighed with a smile, “you’re confused.”

“I’m not confused! You’re just talking nonsense,” Tiffany fiddled with her fingers.

“You and your excuses! Imagine this; you were so eager to hear my answer that you came here without notice, you were stuttering, you can’t answer me straight and I could go on and on,” Mineul sighed again.

“B-But.. he likes you,” Tiffany pouted.

“That’s what he thinks. He’s just regretting what he did and he feels pity. He had mistaken it for liking me. He’ll be back on his feet in no time,” Mineul pointed.

Tiffany sighed.

Mineul continued, “I knew it!”

“YAH!” Tiffany hid her face in her hands.

“Besides, you were right,” Mineul said.

“Right about what?”

“My feelings,” Mineul emphasized the word my.

“Your feelings toward whom?”

“Towards you know..”

Tiffany tilted her head to the side in confusion, “Help me, I can’t seem to recall.”

“My feelings towards..”


“My best friend.” Mineul smiled.

“ME?! YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME?!” Tiffany joked.

“YAH! You know who I’m talking about,” Mineul blushed.

“Leeteuk?” Tiffany guessed.

“Who else?!” Mineul said.

“GYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” the two girls squealed in excitement.

“So you love him?” Tiffany asked.

“I think so,” Mineul sighed.

“We know so,” Tiffany laughed.

“But do you think he loves me back? As in more than a friend?” Mineul frowned.

“I think so.”

“You just think so?”

“Okay, I take that back. I know so,” Tiffany winked.



“Yah, Minnie!” Leeteuk shook Mineul.


“You got lost in your thoughts! HAHAHA!” Leeteuk laughed his weird laugh.

“Me? I did?”

“Neh! You were staring out into space like an idiot!”

“Idiot, my foot!” Mineul stick her tongue out again at Leeteuk.

“What were you thinking about?” Leeteuk asked. “Me?”

Leeteuk was right with his guess and Mineul could only blush in her seat. “HA! YOU WISH!”

Then Leeteuk became serious, “Yes, I wished.”

“Mwoh?” Mineul’s breaths became short and she could hear blood rush in her ears.

“Aigoo, you heard me,” Leeteuk mumbled and blushed, too.

“I did. And you were right,” Mineul can’t look him in the eye and for the first time (FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN HISTORY) everything became awkward between the two friends.


“I was thinking about you,” Mineul said, almost like a whisper.

“Then it was a wish come true,” Leeteuk looked at the ceiling with a smile. He felt like a little boy who got a toy robot, even better.

“Was that a--”

“A confession? Yes.”

The sincerity in Leeteuk’s voice made Mineul’s heartbeat speed up in an unimaginable rate. Her head shot up and their eyes met. “Teuk-ah..”

“Then what you said that you were thinking about me.. was that a confession, too?” Leeteuk asked while they stared into each other’s eyes. “Do you love me, too?” be continued on Chapter 38..








*Please leave your comments & suggestions. I wanna receive some love from you, readers! No bashing please! Tell me what you want the story to be like. I receive polite criticisms, too!


Preview for the next chapter:

             “Tiffany-ssi, you’re drunk, I’ll take you home,” Donghae stood up.

             “But *hic* I have my *hic* car!” Tiffany protested like a toddler. “I’m not *hic* drunk!”





ACK! It's so hard to keep the chapter's length moderated when there are couple moments. So there, Tffany's SECRET answer is not-so-secret anymore. HAHAH! :D TeukMin shippers can I hear a 'WHUUUUT'?! Keke~ :D I'm feeling hyped up! By the way, please pay attention to what I post in the Story Feed (AFF's Latest Feature) because I'm a not-so-consistent author when it comes to updating. Bookmarks and Subscriptions (for unsubscribed readers) will greatly help YOU! I swear. ;) That's it for now. 'Till my next update~ :*

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THE BRAIN VS THE HEART: This one's finished! ^.^ But still.. its web is spinning and I'm having the time of my life! :))


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k-popsone1116 #1
Chapter 52: sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!~

PLEASE! *puppy eyes*
@ParkEunIn. I'll be praying about that sequel you guys have been asking me for, arasseo? ;)
@Mizuki1987. you're more than welcome, dear! i love that you loved it Kekeke~ :D Feel free to check out my new fanfics also if you have time, neh?
thanks for this fanfic!!! i can't stop to read it!!! ^_^
ParkEunIn #4
PLEase..........sequel i'm curios about haefany couple because i'm a HAEFANY LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adria0o5. by the looks of it, you people will get your HaeFany Couple endiiiing~ ;)
@Eunnasj. i'll pray about that sequel you're talkin' about.. Kekeke~ :))

KOMAWO, COMMENT-ers!! :D *bows*
Oh My SOooOOO CuuTTEE !!! and what ??! 1 voted a no for the poll ="""( Unnie we want SEQUEL !!!
adria0o5 #7
Such a sweet ending but I was curious about what happened to the love story of HaeFany couple. :)
@niksmiles. THANK YOU! :) please participate with the polling, arasseoyo? Kekeke~ :)
niksmiles #9
WHAAA. So contended with the story now :))
@seladia. neh, neh.. this is the third to the last chapter.. :(( THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *bows*