After The Long Night

The Brain vs The Heart

“Eomo! It is me,” Donghae covered his mouth, not wanting to wake up Tiffany.

He stayed awake for a few more hours because he can’t get over the fact that Tiffany likes him. Yeah, they had moments and had shared quite a number of ups and downs but “She’s right,” Donghae thought, “we barely really know each other.”

Donghae sighed and stared at Tiffany for a long time, “Tiffany-ssi, you are full of surprises.”

He worried if Tiffany was getting cold despite of her scarf. Donghae reached over and loosened her scarf but made it up by removing his jacket and spreading it over her torso. “That should do it,” he took a last look at Tiffany and how her hair was wet from her own tears. He breathed in deeply and fell asleep in the driver’s seat forgetting to tilt it back.

A few hours later, the sun can already be faintly seen on the horizon that greatly spread in front of the car. Tiffany was awakened and even before she could open her eyes, she felt an unpleasant feeling in her head (from drunkenness). She groaned and lifted her hands to rub her forehead. Tiffany opened her eyes and realized that she was in an unfamiliar place—a car. In just a split second, she had recalled everything she could from last night.

Tiffany gasped and whispered, “Donghae-ssi!” Her eyes slowly (very slowly) turned to her left where she expected to see someone. Lee Donghae.

Indeed, Donghae was in the driver’s seat, sound asleep. She sat up and tried to take everything in. She tried to stretch but something fell on her feet. She bent down to pick it up—Donghae’s jacket. After realizing what it was, she looked at her seat and realized that it had been tilted back. She held the jacket and smiled but her head snapped back to Donghae’s direction.

“Eomo!” she (silenty) exclaimed when she noticed that Donghae’s jacket was in her hands, leaving Donghae sleep miserably in his undershirt. His plain white sleeveless undershirt. Tiffany frowned and sighed as she bent over and tried to cover Donghae with his jacket. “Mianhaeyo,” she whispered. Tiffany also tilted Donghae’s seat back. Okay. Now, she’s feeling bad and guilty. “I slept comfortably, but you didn’t,” Tiffany mumbled, “Mianhaeyo.”

“You’re just giving me more reasons to like you more,” Tiffany sighed as she took in the sight of Donghae who still managed to be cute even when sleeping. Tiffany blushed and decided to go out of the car to stretch her legs. She removed her high heels and stepped out to watch the sun rise. “It’s beautiful,” she muttered to herself. She leaned against the rear end of the car and searched her pockets for her phone but like Donghae last night, she was disappointed to find out that it was broken and totally useless. “Aish!” she threw her phone as far as she could. She reached for her wallet and put back on her high heels. Tiffany headed to the highway for a cab.

Coincidentally, Donghae woke up inside the car. He rubbed his eyes and yawned then stretched. He did not miss his jacket covering his torso and how his seat was tilted back. “Must be Tiffany-ssi,” he smiled and sat up to look clearly over where Tiffany slept. “Tiffany-ssi?” Donghae panicked when he saw the seat empty. He looked outside but Tiffany wasn’t there. “Tiffany-ssi?!” Donghae called a little louder and went outside. “Aish! That girl, always leaving me clueless and worried! Tiffany-ssi! Tiffany-ssi!” He became a lot worried when Tiffany was not even outside. “Tiffany-ssi!”

He kicked the right front wheel and hurried back inside the car. He inserted the key to the ignition and was ready to start the engine when he heard a car door slam and fast footsteps approaching his car. Donghae hesitated and was to check which made the sound when a smiling Tiffany went inside the passenger door.

“Tiffany-ssi..” Donghae’s eyes widened.

Tiffany just bowed with her eye smile. She raised her hand and in it was a plastic bag with sandwiches.

“What’s this?” Donghae asked.

Tiffany just shoved the bag to his lap and gestured him to eat.

“You went out? How? To buy breakfast?” Donghae asked again.

Tiffany enthusiastically nodded, still with that smile. She reached into her pockets and waved her wallet in front of Donghae’s face with a smug smile.

“Yah! Why aren’t you talking?!” Donghae impatiently asked.

Tiffany just shook her head and covered with an embarrassed look on her face. “I have not brushed my teeth yet,” Tiffany said with her hand over .



“Warm,” Tiffany talked in her sleep as she tightened her arms around his neck.

When Tiffany spoke these words, her breath reached his nose. “Amazing how her breath smells sweet despite of the food and soju,” Donghae thought and continued walking.



“I’m sure your breath still smells sweet,” Donghae muttered to himself as he recalled the moment from last night.

“Hmmm?” Tiffany did not hear.

“N-Nothing,” Donghae forced out a smile and opened the plastic bag and started eating.

“I’ll drive,” Tiffany said with her hand still covering . She reached out her other hand and jerked her fingers, asking for the keys.

“Aniyo, you might still be dizzy,” Donghae refused with food in his mouth.

Tiffany sulked and waited for Donghae to finish before he was able to drive her home.

“Pull over here,” Tiffany pointed at a big white house that had a garden on the right front side of the lawn.

“Here?” Donghae stopped the engine.

Tiffany nodded.

“Wow, it’s huuuuge~”

Tiffany looked at her house then back to Donghae. “It’s just the outside,” she joked. “Anyway, thank you for today.. and last night.. Bye, Donghae-ssi!” she opened the door and was about to go outside.

“Just Donghae,” Donghae corrected her and said, “Don’t drink again if you don’t want to sleep talk and have bad dreams that make you cry!”

“MWOH?!” Tiffany’s head shot back at Donghae.

“Bye, Tiffany-ssi!” Donghae waved goodbye naughtily, leaving her hanging.

Tiffany went out and waved, too. “Bye, Donghae! F.Y.I., I don’t sleep talk!”

“That’s what you think!” Donghae mischievously countered and drove off.

“I sleep talked last night?! Eomo!” Tiffany worried for what she might have said and went inside her house with a genuine smile on her face.








*Please leave your comments & suggestions. I wanna receive some love from you, readers! No bashing please! Tell me what you want the story to be like. I receive polite criticisms, too!






Hey, you guys! I updated. Keke~ Turns out SOON meant TONIGHT for me :)) I’ll be having a sleepover with a few of my gal pals and I don’t know if I’ll be able to update during the span of my great escape. HAHAH :D Anyway, The Brain vs The Heart’s web keep on spinning and I am utterly inspired! And I promise TeukMin moments on the next chapter~ And about the sleeptalking.. would Tiffany ever found out that she gave her secrets away to Donghae? ^.^ I think, and I just think, that I’ll be able to publish next chapter tonight also. Gimme a few more minutes. Keke~ KOMAWO, READERS!

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THE BRAIN VS THE HEART: This one's finished! ^.^ But still.. its web is spinning and I'm having the time of my life! :))


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k-popsone1116 #1
Chapter 52: sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!sequel!~

PLEASE! *puppy eyes*
@ParkEunIn. I'll be praying about that sequel you guys have been asking me for, arasseo? ;)
@Mizuki1987. you're more than welcome, dear! i love that you loved it Kekeke~ :D Feel free to check out my new fanfics also if you have time, neh?
thanks for this fanfic!!! i can't stop to read it!!! ^_^
ParkEunIn #4
PLEase..........sequel i'm curios about haefany couple because i'm a HAEFANY LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@adria0o5. by the looks of it, you people will get your HaeFany Couple endiiiing~ ;)
@Eunnasj. i'll pray about that sequel you're talkin' about.. Kekeke~ :))

KOMAWO, COMMENT-ers!! :D *bows*
Oh My SOooOOO CuuTTEE !!! and what ??! 1 voted a no for the poll ="""( Unnie we want SEQUEL !!!
adria0o5 #7
Such a sweet ending but I was curious about what happened to the love story of HaeFany couple. :)
@niksmiles. THANK YOU! :) please participate with the polling, arasseoyo? Kekeke~ :)
niksmiles #9
WHAAA. So contended with the story now :))
@seladia. neh, neh.. this is the third to the last chapter.. :(( THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *bows*