24 : Double in Trouble? 2

SHINee : Family Version

“I’m home!” Minho’s voice resonated around the big house. Putting his shoes on the rack neatly, he trudge to the hallways, looking around to notice any noise or talking around the house. The only noise that he could make of is the sound of tv playing, and when he entered the living room, he only found his older brothers snoozing off with the youngest on the couches, Pororo playing on the tv which he turn it off seconds later.

Looking for his twin, he hummed while walking to their room, hoping to catch his twin into doing something relevant to his life, or even taking a nap, as long as his twin is home too.

Minho had felt bad for leaving Kibum this morning without telling him about his practices. Even so, he wasn’t able to spend time with him during school hours too, always having to leave him because he was dragged around by his team mates or the seniors of the football club. Kibum must have been upset about it.

“I’m home!” he trudge into the room, seeing his twin busy on the laptop, typing away and did not even acknowledging him. Putting his bag on the chair before settling down on his own bed, Minho pursued his lips.

Kibum is upset.

When Kibum is upset, he put on the silent treatment on everybody. The only one who can make him speak is Taemin, and who doesn’t? Even the parents couldn’t do it too. And seeing Kibum being on this phase again, Minho knew that he was the one who’s behind this reason.

“how class?” he spoke up, eyes on his twin, making sure that he could see some progress. And as he expected, Kibum didn’t answer at all, but keep on typing on the laptop like Minho hadn’t even ask the question in the first place. Saying that if he is listening to the music, Kibum didn’t have his favourite headphones on him, or even the earphones that he carry around so much.

“bad day?” Minho asked, testing the waters. Kibum stopped typing, clicking on something before pushing the lid down and sit up, pushing the laptop away before getting out of the bed and walk to the table, getting his bag and walk out.

Minho frowned. Kibum seriously are pulling that silent treatment card on him. He sighed before getting his towel and walk into the bathroom, needing to take a shower before he can come out and solve his problem later on.


When he thought that everyone is receiving the same treatment, Minho was dead wrong. During dinner, Kibum interacted with the others normally, like nothing ever happened. He even responded to the Minho’s joke by a laugh or his usual chuckles. Literally, Minho could be eating a whole watermelon and Kibum would laugh like nothing happened!

But when they went inside their room to finish their homework and prep their bedtime routine, Kibum changed. He would not even talk or look into his direction. Feels like a movie, yeah? Minho sulked when Kibum got into his bed and turn his side lamp off, turning to the other side facing the wall and not him and tried to sleep. Minho would ask him for a talk, but Kibum even plugged his earphone to his ears, shutting out from any conversation.

Minho sulked and went to bed that night in disappointment.


The next day, Minho had to get up and went early again for his practices. He made sure to wake up Kibum as usual, before heading out early. Usually he would walk to school, or even take a bus with his twin, but his appa decided to send him to school because it is too early for school hours. Eventhough he tried to decline because his appa’s work schedule wasn’t even that fixed, sometimes he would come back home at 5AM due to other schedules, or even going to work at 5AM because of recording.

But his appa is too stubborn to listen to any of his concerns and still sent him to school like any other day was normal to him.

Minho stretched properly, warming up before stopping, thinking about how he would be upsetting Kibum again. He walk over to his bag, pulling out his phone and bring out the messaging app, typing on it.

To : Kibummie

Going to school early. Will be back late like yesterday, so take the bus back home. Take care of yourself ok?

And sent.

He swore that people would mistake him and Kibum as a couple, when it’s just them being brothers, all that lovey dovey thing was basically them expressing their love for each other. Minho was there when Kibum needed him, and vice versa. Their twin bond is unbreakable, and when something goes wrong, they would make it out together.

And in this case, this small misunderstanding, both of them would need to be present to solve it all. If Kibum would talk to him after this, then they would no need to solve this matter. If not, they need to talk.


Kibum received the text, putting it back on his back pocket. Kibum was not even bother to reply him, because Minho didn’t say it to him face to face. Does he not get what is happening? And what have he done to this brotherhood? Does he think only a simple text could make it better?


Seeming as the match is on weekends, he have plenty of time to ignore Minho, until he apologized. It was not his fault in the first place to have been treated like this yesterday, it’s his. And Kibum is too damn stubborn to admit that it was his fault too. hell no, when Kibum was hurt, he got it deep.

hey ho! been updating on a fast internet connection for a while! heeeee. thanks to the subs, old and new, you guys are very helpful in encouraging me to update! although you may receive some noti about updates, but it's just me editing the story. but stay tuned yeah?


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Thank you for the 90 subs!!! I'm thinking of doing the 100 subs special when it happened!! Thank you!! Xx.


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