15 : Planning with Uncles! ft. Lil' Taemin

SHINee : Family Version

When they woke up, they woke up to a lot of destruction.

Not that much.

Kidding. This is not a sword art online.

Taemin woke up to see his uncles rushing around the house, pushing each other and cleaning up the whole place. He wondered to why his uncles are rushing like crazy, which his little mind are too lazy to ask. He turn to look at his hyungs, who are still sleeping heavily without even bothered on the noises that they had around them.

He turn his attention to the uncles, pushing around each other while holding a pile of clothes on their hands and some on the basket under their arms, and run outside before the other went into the kitchen, doing something, maybe cooking.

“ah, you’re awake already?” he look up to see uncle Ryeowook looking down at him with smiles all over his face. Little Taemin would just nod and smile, rubbing his fist to his eyes and rub it all over, pushing the sleep away from his eyes.

Ryeowook thought that it was cute, and cooing over the little kid.

“what are you doing, uncles?” he asked, blinking his eyes repeatedly.

“the uncles are just trying to do the housework so that you appa and mama are not tired when they got back.”

“oh.” It was all Taemin could give out a response to.

“do you want to go to the kitchen and help the others make breakfast?”

Taemin nodded, smiling at the thought of food and spending some time with his uncles. He lifted his arms up, making uncle Ryeowook pick him up and settle him on his hip. Although he did miss his mama because his mama was the one who would always carry him around, and that got him to think about his parents.

“when is mama and appa coming back?” he asked, looking at his uncle while his uncle walk to the kitchen with him.

“the day after tomorrow. Don’t worry, they send kisses to you boys a lot and ask for the uncles to take care of you well. Did you miss them?”

Taemin nodded again. “I miss mama and appa.”

“aww, it’s not that bad. They will come back.” Uncle Donghae walk past, patting his head before transferring the dirty dishes into the sink. Yesterday, all of them camped out at the living room and did not clean up after all.

If it was Super Junior’s dorm, they would not have a problem with that. But since it’s the Super Junior’s leader’ house, they need to show some respect and take care of it. Plus they got like 5 kids under their protection, so they need to make sure they don’t screw up or they will face the wrath of him. And you, the wife. And the mother.

“so, what’s for breakfast?” Ryeowook trying to change the topic to ensure that the little one are not thinking much about his parents anymore. He sees Sungmin (surprisingly still here), Yesung, Siwon and Heechul prepping up their breakfast. The moment they hear Ryeowook’s voice, their heads turn to see him, to find little Taemin on his hip.

“morning little one!” all of them chorused together. Taemin giggled, watching his uncles cooing over him before uncle Ryeowook put him down on the stool.

“we’re making honey sweet potatoes hotteok. Have you ever tried it?” Heechul asked, looking at him. Taemin shook his head. So far what he had is porridge because he couldn’t still adapt to not eating rice in the morning.

“mama always make me porridge.” He answered, looking at the brown liquid inside the bowl infront of him with interest.

“awh, why? Did she forced you to eat porridge?”

“ani, Teuk-hyung said that he’s not used to not eat rice in the morning so she made him a porridge instead.” Yesung answered for him, moving to grab a small pot and head over to the rice container.

“oh, I see. Well, you still have to try the hotteok, okay? Uncle made this for you all.” Heechul says, moving to the heated pan with the bowl and prepped the dish.

“okay.” Is what Taemin would say. Again.

“do you want milk?” Siwon ask, not wanting the kid to stay there, bored at the table. Taemin nodded and let his uncle fetch the milk for him.

“anyone got a schedule today? No?” Sungmin asked, looking at the members. All of the shook their heads, confirming it.

“then we better be going somewhere today. It’s Super Junior’s off day!” he excitedly announced, clasping his hands together to his cheek. Taemin smiled widely and copied his uncle’s actions cutely, making his uncle cooed at him again.

“where to?” Shindong walk in, interrupting Sungmin’s cooing at the little one. He noticed that Taemin was up and on the stool, so he head over and sat next to him, patting his head.

“park! Park! Park!” Taemin chanted happily.

“what kind of park?” Siwon comes over with his glass of milk, setting it infront of him. Taemin paused to drink his milk before setting it down again, smiling wide.

“clowns and bumpy cars! Candy!”

“I think he meant the theme park.” Yesung chuckled, stirring the soft rice inside the pot.

“not a bad idea. But is Jinki and Jonghyun okay though? They’re sick, right?” Ryeowook asks, glancing over to the living room ever so often. The other shrugged.

“let’s make sure that they’re not on the ride or it will get worse.” Siwon sighed.

“Jinki hyung and Jonghyun hyung are sick again?” Taemin pouted. He did not like to see one of them being sick just like yesterday.

“they are. But they will be better soon. Don’t worry.” Shindong patted his back, reassuring him that it was fine.

“now, let’s get back to planning on how much are you guys going to eat my special breakfast dish.”

“can he eat that, though? It’s too sweet. The kid might get a sugar rush in the morning.” Siwon peek through the pancakes. As much as it could be tasting good, it’s not that good for kids to be eating sugary meal in the morning.

Heechul scoffed. “and you call cereal is healthy? That thing got sugar too!”

“mama made pudding and all of us go woooooo!” Taemin wave his hand around, making it like a snake gliding in the air.

“your mama is too weak for your aegyo, that’s why.” Siwon sighed again, before turning to Heechul.

“half. The most of it was one only, hyung. Can’t let him get too excited or we might lost him later.”

“pfft. Party pooper. Let the kid live once in a while, kiddo.”

“don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”

wonder how it's going to be then? sorry for super most late update ever, i had exams, so yeah, i had to focus on that first. it's almost done though, so i'll be getting my head on the next chapter! what's gonna happen? hahaha stay tuned!


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Thank you for the 90 subs!!! I'm thinking of doing the 100 subs special when it happened!! Thank you!! Xx.


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