High Emotions

Four Years Past: Will The Flames Still Burn Bright?

News years passed, and where sealed with many kisses. Geum Jan Di, was welcoming in the new year by studying night and day. She attended class and studied, that was all she was doing. Gu Jun Pyo was working very hard too. He left early in the morning to work, so he could be back with Jan Di for dinner. He never missed dinner, even if it meant re-arranging everything in his schedule. Which was really a good thing, because for the past week and a bit Jan Di had been stress vomiting, something she really didn't want Jun Pyo finding out about, because he'd strongly freak out and get worried. But finally, she just felt so very unwell. Although she had staff at her house, and she knew many of them well, she didn't trust a single one of them when it came to keeping a secret from Jun Pyo, so finally she phone her best friend.

'Ga Eul-ah.' She moaned down the phone. Her friend as a school teacher did not have to work currently, as her class was on winter break.

'Jan Di-ah, you sound ill.' Said her worried friend down the phone.

'Can you be the best friend ever and bring me some stomach medicine, and not tell any one. I don't want Jun Pyo to find out how stressed I am and freak out.' She said.

'Of course, I'm passing a pharmacy now, so I'll get a taxi and see you in about ten minutes.' Ga Eul said. She hung up, leaving Jan Di to get very well acquainted with the toilet. Ga Eul took less than ten minutes to arrive in fact, and one of the maids let her in to Jan Di and Jun Pyo's room. She then walked herself in to the bathroom.

'Aww, you look really unwell.' Ga Eul said locking the door behind her. She crouched down next to Jan Di and rubbed her back. 'I got the medicine.' Ga Eul pulled the bottle out of her bag. She read the back of it carefully as she pulled out the spoon.

'You've not had anything else with paracetamol in it right?' Ga Eul asked. Jan Di shook her head to say she hadn't. 'And you've not taken any other stomach medicine?' Ga Eul asked. Jan Di shook her head. Ga Eul suddenly laughed. 'And you're not pregnant?' She said jokingly, but then her face suddenly turned serious. 'Jan Di-ah... are you sure you're not pregnant?'

Jan Di sat up suddenly with caused her to throw up again. Her eyes where wide.

'I'm not sure...' She said quietly. Ga Eul's mouth opened like a fish's in shock. Jan Di looked like a deer in headlights.

'Lets think about this calmly. You get morning sickness about a month in to the pregnancy, right?' Ga Eul said, and then her eyes widened again. 'Jan Di-ah.' She whimpered. 'Your honeymoon was about a month ago.'

'It can't be.' Jan Di said. Then she thought about it, and her cheeks burnt red. 'It could be.' She said very quietly. Ga Eul gasped.

'Jan Di-ah. Lets go get some pregnancy tests.' Ga Eul said. Jan Di staggered to her feet. But then Ga Eul gasped. 'No, we can't go. The reporters. You're the wife of Gu Jun Pyo, the whole country will know by lunch time. I can't go either, I'm the fiancée of So Yi Jung.'

Jan Di thought, her expression was one of deep panic.

'We'll go to Ji Hoo's clinic. It's not reopened yet,and it's got them, and it wont be suspicious for us to be there. I know the pass code.' She said. Ga Eul nodded, then her eyes flicker to Jan Di.

'You need to get dressed.' Jan Di nodded. She threw up again, and then left the bathroom. She quickly dressed and they walked down to the lower floor of the house together. One of the drivers stepped forwards and bowed, asking where Jan Di wanted to be taken.

'We're going to walk, it's okay.' She said. Her and Ga Eul quickly shuffled out the house. As soon as they where out of the massive grounds they phoned a taxi, which arrived quickly on the offer of double money. They where soon speeding towards Ji Hoo's clinic. They jumped out of the taxi, and Jan Di winced quickly, upon giving away so much money, but she handed it over. They both walked cautiously towards the clinic.

Then, Ji Hoo suddenly walked out the clinic doors. Ga Eul pulled Jan Di around the corner to hide, and they kept as still as they could until they heard his motorbike speeding away. Then, they ran, faster than they had ever ran before. Jan Di quickly entered the pass code, and they entered the empty clinic building, locking the door behind them. Jan Di bolted up the stairs, and opened the supply closet that she knew had not been emptied. At the back, there where hundreds of pregnancy tests in boxes. She grabbed about ten. Ga Eul hovered behind her anxiously. She nibbled on her lip.

'I'll wait outside the bathroom.' Ga Eul said. Her friend nodded and ran inside the bathroom. She wasn't gone for long.

'Fighting, Jan Di-ah!' Ga Eul said thorough the door. The door burst open. Jan Di came out looking terrified. 'Well...?' Ga Eul asked. Jan Di shook her head. Ga Eul's face dropped for a second. The Jan Di opened to speak.

'I'm too scared to look.' She said. Her face was very pale. Ga Eul grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Even Shinhwa's Wonder Woman was scared. Ga Eul stepped forwards.

'I'll do it.' Ga Eul said, taking a deep breath. 'I'll be the one to look.'

Jan Di nodded gratefully. She stayed still outside the door. Ga Eul hesitantly walked in. She peered in to the sink where the tests lay. She shakily picked up the box to read the key. She started shaking more. She walked out the bathroom shakily. Jan Di looked to her. A single tear tracked down Ga Eul's face.

'Jan Di-ah...' Ga Eul said shakily. Jan Di moved closer to her friend questionably. 'You're pregnant. You're going to have a baby. A really cute baby.' Ga Eul said quietly. She started crying heavily. 'This is so amazing.' She wailed, jumping up and down. Jan Di froze. It was not the best time for her to have a baby, she hadn't even graduated yet. But, she loved children. She really loved children, and she loved Jun Pyo, a lot. She wanted Jun Pyo to have children, she knew he'd be a great father. She wanted this baby, more than anything. She smiled.

'I'm going to have a baby.' She said calmly to the crying Ga Eul. Ga Eul started crying more, she flung her arms around Jan Di.

'This is so sweet. I've watched you two every step of your journey, and now...you're having a baby.' She wailed. Jan Di grabbed on to her, they both jumped up and down happily.

They stayed hugging each other for a long time, and then Jan Di wiped her own misty eyes, which where no where as bad as Ga Eul's constantly leaking ones.

'You should go back home now, don't tell anyone...and come over for dinner, so I can tell... every one.' Jan Di's heart pounded heavily at these words. Jun Pyo. She had to tell Jun Pyo. How was he going to react? He was scared of children, scared that he was going to mess them up... so how was he going to react. Jan Di was nervous. 'Come over for a late dinner so I can tell him first. I'll ring every one else, you just get Yi Jung-Oppa and yourself to turn up.' Jan Di finished. Ga Eul nodded through her tears that where slowly drying off.

'On second thoughts, I'll send you home. Let me just ring Driver Lee.' She said. Ga Eul nodded. Jan Di went back in to the bathroom, and discarded the pregnancy tests so the next person in the clinic wouldn't have to look at them. They walked out and sat on the front steps of the clinic, waiting for Driver Lee to turn up who Jan Di had rung. He took about ten minutes, but that was still very fast considering.

'Sorry Miss Jan Di for taking so long.' The driver said. Jan Di smiled weakly.

'You where very fast, thank you. Can we drop Ga Eul off back home first?' She asked politely. The driver bowed and opened the door for the two women to climb in to. He set off quickly. In the car Ga Eul put her head on Jan Di's shoulder.

'Jan Di-ah. You're going to be the best mother ever. Kids love you, you looked after me, you looked after Kang San. You're going to be awesome.' Ga Eul said. This was probably the most truthful thing she'd said in her life, and it was straight from the heart. So much so she started crying again. Jan Di patted her friend's head, and contemplated her words, until they arrived at Ga Eul's house. Before getting out of the car Ga Eul tearfully hugged her friend.

Ga Eul walked in thorough the gates of her house, and as soon as Jan Di's car moved out the way, a fresh cascade of tears found it's way out of her eyes. She staggered to the studio door, she opened it tearfully and walked in. Yi Jung was sitting at his potter's wheel. He glanced up at her, and then did a double take as he noticed her tears.

'Jaygia!' He said. He jumped up quickly, leaving the now ruined pot on the wheel. He walked over to her quickly, and she flung her arms around him, and buried her head in his shoulder.

'What's wrong?' He asked quickly.

'Some thing touching happened again.' She wailed. Yi Jung's eyes suddenly flashed back to after Jae Kyung and Jun Pyo's wedding had been called off, and Ga Eul had been crying heavily because of how touching she felt it.

'You're like this because of something touching happening?' He asked. She nodded in to his shoulder. He chuckled softly, and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

'Can you tell me what?' He asked. She shook her head. 'Okay'. He said. He hugged her tightly and chuckled again, she was crazy.

Back to the Gu mansion, and Jan Di was feeling massively restless. She was pacing, and walking back and fourth. She had tried to go back to studying, but couldn't concentrate. She had called Woo Bin and Ji Hoo to ask them to dinner, they where both coming. She had even called her family and his family to ask for lunch tomorrow, she would tell them then. She didn't think she could deal with telling every one at once. The cooks had been asked to make enough food for six people, which only left her to fidget and sit on the stairs of the house. Then the sound of a car came up the drive way. In walked Jun Pyo. She checked her watch. It had only just gone three o'clock. It was way too early for him to be back. She blinked her eyes, thinking she was dreaming, but he was still there.

'I got home from work early.' He said smugly. 'But what are you doing just sitting here? Aren't you meant to be studying?' He asked. She stood up and walked back to their room, he followed her.

'Yah, why are you just walking away from me? What did I do?' He shouted after he. They got in to their room and she locked the door behind them. She turned turned to her husband.

'I'm pregnant.' She blurred out. Jun Pyo's eyes widened.

'Really?' He asked. She looked to the ground and nodded. Then, he did something she really hadn't been expecting. He enclosed the gap between them and hugged her tightly, he picked her up and swung her around, he laughed, and then carefully set her back on her feet. 'Now you really can't run away.' He laughed. He kissed her briefly, and then crouched down, putting his ear to her stomach. He then kissed her stomach. 'Yah, baby. Be good, and we'll spend lots of time together. Be handsome too, like your father.' He said to her stomach. Jan Di kicked him lightly.

'What if it's a girl?' She pointed out.

'Be pretty like me if I was a girl.' He said. Jan Di rolled her eyes. Jun Pyo stood up and went quiet in thought for a second.

'I'm hiring the best maternity doctor in the country to come and stay here. And from now on you can't leave leave the house with out two bodyguards.' He said. His face was serious. Jan Di's forhead wrinkled.

'What? Yah!' She said, holding up her first threateningly. He stood up properly so he was taller than her.

'Geum Jan Di! Don't be stupid, that's not just your baby, it's mine too. It's the next heir to Shinhwa too, anything could happen. A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. And your kidnapping record isn't that good either.' Jun Pyo said his forhead was crumpled to show how serious he was.

'One bodyguard, no doctor.' She compromised.

'One bodyguard, one doctor.' Jun Pyo said firmly. Jan Di sat down on the bed, and folded her legs.

'One bodyguard, and a doctor that can help me study too.' She said. Jun Pyo put his hands on his hips.

'Yah, do you want to be the businessmen man in this relationship?' He asked. Jan Di laughed.

'Idiot.' She said under her breath.

'Don't swear in front of the baby!' Jun Pyo said, his hand went to her stomach again. He patted it.

'That's not a swear word.' She responded. 'I thought you didn't like kids.' She said quietly.

'I like our kid.' He replied as if it was obvious.

'Jaygia, are you sure you're okay to go to dinner?' Yi Jung asked as they got ready to go out. Ga Eul had been crying on and off since she had arrived home earlier, but she had finally been able to calm herself about half an hour ago to go an get ready.

'I'm fine. Anyway, we have to go. Jan Di-ah will kill us if we don't.' Ga Eul said. She walked out of her room in a light pink casual dress.

'Lets go then, traffic's bad outside.' He said. She nodded walked outside to the car. She waited at the door until he unlocked it. He looked over his shoulder at his old car. 'You need to learn how to drive that at some point.' He told her. She nodded.

'Can we start tomorrow?' She asked.

'In the afternoon, I'm going for a meeting in the gallery in the morning.' He said. He unlocked the car and they both got in and fastened their seatbelts.

'Is your exhibit nearly done?' She looked surprised.

'No, but they need to prepare for it early.' He replied. He turned a corner.

'Before we get to this dinner, am I going to find out this touching thing when I'm there?' He asked. Ga Eul frowned.

'I'm not meant to say.' She said. Yi Jung nodded, he sensed she really couldn't say anything, so changed the subject.

'Do you think Woo Bin will be there? I haven't seen him in a week or so, and he looked pretty down then.' Yi Jung spoke was a worry in his voice. Ga Eul's eye brows raised up in surprise.

'What's wrong?' She asked. Yi Jung shrugged.

'I really have no idea, and I normally know. That's the worrying thing.' He replied. He felt safe telling Ga Eul things he would tell no one else. Ga Eul went quiet, Yi Jung didn't like people talking when he was thinking, and she knew he was.

'Jae Kyung-Unnie called, she says things are going well with Tommy.' She changed the subject. Yi Jung nodded.

'That's good, I guess.' He said.

'Yeah, it's good. I don't like Tommy, I mean if he cheated on her before, I'll happen again, right?' She said. She had been thinking this for several weeks but hadn't said anything. Yi Jung looked at her quickly as he was driving.

'She's not exactly some one who's weak minded, she'll be fine, and be back in Korea to annoy us very soon I'm sure.' Yi Jung said. Ga Eul smiled, she actually felt a lot better about it. They stopped outside the Gu Mansion and both climbed out the car. By the looks of the other cars, they where the last to arrive. They walked in, and where taken in to the dining room by one of the maids. Jan Di and Jun Pyo where sat on one side of the table, with Woo Bin who looked like he was thoroughly faking being okay, and Ji Hoo was on the other side. Yi Jung and Ga Eul sat next to Ji Hoo. Every one greeted each other happily. Jun Pyo was smiling like an idiot non-stop, and Jan Di was rolling her eyes and laughing every time she looked at him.

'You look very happy.' Yi Jung commented.

'Did something good happen?' Ji Hoo asked. Jun Pyo's grin grew larger, and Jan Di seemed to be finding the table very interesting, as that was all she was looking at.

'Jan Di's pregnant! We're having a baby' he grinned.

'Woah.' Woo Bin said, he smiled a real smile, for the only time in weeks. Yi Jung's jaw dropped open.

'That was really fast. You where married, what, like five weeks ago?' Yi Jung then turned to Ga Eul who was getting teary eyed again.

'Is this what you where touched about?' He asked. She nodded and tears started leaking out of her eyes again.

'Congratulations.' Ji Hoo said. He seemed both happy and very unhappy at the same time. Jan Di nodded and smiled back, though she was very red from embarrassment too.

'Yeah, really congradulations. I'm sure you'll be a good mother.' Yi Jung said to Jan Di. She smiled and nodded, tucking her hair behind one of her ears.

'What about me?' Jun Pyo demanded. Woo Bin laughed, he briefly forgot his pain.

'I'd put my money on Jan Di. Hey, how about a bet, in eight months and eighteen years time we'll ask the kid who's it's favourite parent is. Who are you betting on?' Woo Bin asked.

'You couldn't ask them that!' Ga Eul said, raising her head and scrunching up her nose.

'I bet my holiday house in Sweden that it's Jan Di.' Woo Bin said laughing. Jun Pyo folded his arms and gave him a dirty look.

'I put my Paris house on Jan Di.' Ji Hoo said.

'Aish, why is every one betting for Jan Di?' Jun Pyo said was a tone of false anger. He was too happy to be really angry, and it only showed him the faith they had in his wife, which he liked, but he had to keep his reputation.

'Jan Di's proven her abilities more than you have.' Ji Hoo said calmly.

'I put my Florida house on Jun Pyo. I think Jan Di will be good, but kids normally like the ones who spoil them, and I can see Jun Pyo going that a lot.' Yi Jung said.

'I bet my life that the child will like them equally.' Ga Eul said. Woo Bin laughed.

'Hey, Little Sis, I don't want to have to kill you if you're wrong.' He laughed. Ga Eul kept a serious face.

'Then I bet... I will dress up like a chicken and dance if I lose.' Ga Eul said. Every one burst out in to laughter. Jan Di shook her head fondly. Jun Pyo's hand was resting on the back of her chair protectively.

'Do you really think my child will will want to see their Aunt dancing in a chicken costume on their eighteenth birthday?' Jan Di laughed.

'Aunt.' Ga Eul repeated, her face crumbled and she was crying again. Every one could only try not to laugh.

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Chapter 5: This story seems about ga eul and yi jung
Chapter 51: this is very touching story and the best . it is like a feast for BOF fans. i can read it again and again but i wished ji hoo also have happy ending
Chapter 51: Awww this was super cute. Thank you for this ^^
seamusmommy #4
Chapter 51: I really liked this story, it was one if the most believable Bof continuations I've read. But seriously? More tragic loss for Jihoo? At the very least let him find Hyo Joo's neice and raise her as his own. :(
which one is gaeul?