
A New Life That Comes With Love


[Play this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgNtiEit2Tk]


Doojoon’s POV


It’s been two days, since a new week of school has started and Ha Rin hasn’t showed up in school yet. I don’t even know why she didn’t go to school for two days, I don’t know what happened to her. I haven’t talked to her since Saturday, I hope she’s fine.


I suddenly bumped into someone while I was walking along the corridors deep in my thoughts. “YAH! Watch we’re you’re going!” a junior shouted. But when she saw me, she apologized immediately, “Mianhe sunbaemin, I didn’t know it was I wasn’t looking”. I laughed. “Its okay, it’s my fault”.





When I arrived in our classroom, I saw someone sitting on Ha Rin’s chair beside me near the window. When I looked who it was, it was her but she looked so sad and depressed. ‘What’s wrong? Is she mad at me?’ I thought.


End of Doojoon’s POV


Ha Rin’s POV


“Ha Rin-ah! Ha Rin!” I heard someone calling my name, when I turned to see who it was I smiled. “Doojoon Oppa! You’re here already? I didn’t notice you, Mianhe”. I told him.


“I came a few minutes ago, and I’ve been calling you many times. You looked a bit down, what’s wrong? He asked me with his hand on my shoulders.


“Nothing Oppa, get your books out class will start in 5 minutes.” I lied. He didn’t look convinced so I said, “I’m fine oppa, really, so don’t worry okay?” I tried to smile so he won’t notice anything.


End of Ha Rin’s POV









Doojoon’s POV


“Yah! Park Ha Rin! Are you listening? Please try and focus more on class.” Ms. Choi our Math teacher shouted at Ha Rin, who has been spacing out since our first class started. Now it’s the last class for today and she’s still like that. “Mianhe sungsengnim”, Ha Rin quickly apologized. ‘What’s bothering her? I’ll just ask her later’. I thought.


Class Ended.


“Oppa! Wait for me, I’ll come with you.” I heard Ha Rin called out for me while fixing her things.


“Araso, but are you sure? I thought I should walk you home first so you can rest.” I told her. I have training today every Wednesday and she usually comes to watch and wait for me so we can go home together.


“Aniyo oppa, I’m fine. Come on let’s go you might be late!” Ha Rin said running with me outside the corridors to go to our school’s gym.








After my training, Ha Rin and I went to Starbucks near our school, to chat and relax. We usually go here when we know that we have something to talk about and also because it relaxes the two of us.


We sat in our favorite table near the window, “Wait here okay? I’ll order for the two of us.” I stood up and told Ha Rin.




I came back with Ha Rin’s caramel frappe and my chocolate chip frappe too, and I saw Ha Rin looking out the window spacing out again.


“Ha Rin here’s yours.”


“Thanks Oppa! You never forget what my favorite frappe is, thank you!” Ha Rin smiled at me.


“So, how are you? What happened to you? You didn’t come to school for two days and you didn’t text or call me. Are you mad at me for not talking to you last weekend? I’m really—“


“Woah! Oppa! Slow down, before you choke yourself. What are all these questions huh?” I was interrupted by Ha Rin who was now laughing at me.


“I was worried about you, you know. Where was your phone anyway? What’s bothering you? You’re always spacing out, if you’re mad at me for not talking to you I’m really sorry, I was busy I didn’t even get the chance to hold my phone for 1 minute. I’m sorry Ha Rin.” I looked down.


“Okay oppa, I’ll tell you. I was sick because I played out in the rain with my cousin so I had fever, cough, and cold. I was sick for two days that’s why I didn’t come to school. My phone’s battery was dead and I didn’t get the chance to charge it so I didn’t know you texted me. And I’m not mad at you, I’ll never be.” Ha Rin told me holding my hand reassuringly.




We were walking along sideways of the road and Ha Rin wanted to go to the park, so we went and sat by the benches drinking our frappe.


“Ha Rin-ah, if you’re not mad at me then what’s wrong? Can you tell me what happened? Is there a problem?” I asked her, because I felt that there’s still something wrong.


“It’s about my dad still not having a new job, but don’t worry I’m fine. I just can’t help not to think about it. But I’m fine now oppa, geokjeongma araso?”


“Araso, but I know you’re dad will find a new job soon. Don’t think about it too much okay?” I hugged her tight. I felt tears on my shirt, and I knew Ha Rin was crying. “Don’t cry jagiya, I’m here for you, I’ll always will be.” she nodded.






We are now in front of Ha Rin’s house, “Are you okay now Ha Rin? If there’s something wrong you’ll tell me immediately okay? Don’t worry too much about things and just be happy okay?” she nodded. I hugged her, “I missed you, saranghae.”


“I missed you too oppa, I love you too. I’ll remember what you said and thank you for today. I said goodbye and kissed her cheek then went home. I’m glad that she’s okay and she’s not mad at me, I missed her.


End of Doojoon’s POV











Ha Rin’s POV


It’s been exactly a month, when my mom told me about my dad’s problem about his job and things went slowly back to normal. My mom and I would go to malls to shop but only for necessary stuff that we need at home. My relationship with Doojoon Oppa is also getting better and we’re going strong each day that we’re together in school or on weekends when we would talk on the phone till our ears burn.


I was changing after I took a shower when I heard voices from downstairs. I went downstairs and saw Doojoon Oppa and Nikki Unnie in our living room. I sneaked in the kitchen without the two noticing me.


“Good Morning sleepy head how’s your sleep last night?” My mom greeted me happily while putting cupcakes on a plate to give our visitors their snack.


“Sleepy head? Why, what’s the time? I looked at the clock and it was exactly 10 am. ‘Whaat?! 10 am?’ I was shaking my head because I can’t believe I woke up late today.


“Yes dear, you slept late last night doing your homework remember?” my mom told me.


Now I remember, I was too busy doing my homework last night. Yeah, even if I still have 2 days to do it, I’m the kind of person who does my homework early so I can have more free time for myself to rest for the weekend.


“Oh yeah, but why are Nikki Unnie and Doojoon Oppa here today? Isn’t it too early for us to have a visitor, and besides we’re saving money right?” I asked my mom.


“I called them, because your Appa and I thought that we should have a family bonding today.” My mom said while taking out the drinks now and I’m helping her with this now.


“Family bonding? But why is Doojoon Oppa here, he’s not related to us so he’s not part of the family bonding that you’re telling me about right?” ‘Family bonding? With Doojoon Oppa?’ I thought.


“Yes, but technically he is because I know you two are close so we consider him as part of our family. Do you have any questions dear? I shook my head saying no. “Okay then, why don’t you bring these in the living room and say hi to them. So your Appa and I can start cooking our lunch. My mom told me, so I went with our snacks in the living room.




While watching in the living room, my mom came with some more drinks for us. When she saw me and Doojoon Oppa sitting too close beside each other with his arm around my shoulders, it was a big no for my parents because they thought that it was a bit too much for best friends to act like that.


Yes, my parents only knew us being best friends not us being together; of course we wouldn’t want them to know because I know they would say no. this time when my mom saw us, she didn’t mind she just smiled and went back in the kitchen without saying anything. ‘This is another unusual thing’. I thought.


While eating lunch, which we enjoyed, too much that I can almost vomit because of all the food they cooked for today. ‘Seriously! What’s so special about today?’ I thought while eating.


Then my dad cleared his throat and began to say something, “After lunch, we’ll go to the mall and watch a movie.” My dad said smiling at us.


“All of us? But I thought we’re not allowed to? Aren’t we saving money?” I asked all these questions.


“It’s okay Ha Rin, we can go once in a while right? My dad simply said and finished his lunch.







After the movies, my parents let us play in the arcade center for two hours and they called us for our dinner in an expensive restaurant and my dad ordered a lot of food again. ‘Things are getting stranger now.’ I worriedly thought once again.


It’s now 8:30 and we just finished our dinner, and we went to Doojoon Oppa’s house to get some of his clothes because my mom told him to stay with us tonight.





We’re all dressed in our pajamas, and we’re all about to enter our own rooms when my dad saw Doojoon Oppa entering the guest room. He said, “Doojoon-ah, wait. You brought all your homework with you as I told you to right?”


“Ne, abeonim” Doojoon Oppa replied smiling, his innocent smile that I love very much.


“Then, you sleep in Ha Rin’s room tonight”


“Whaat?!” I was shocked by what my appa just said.


“Why not Ha Rin, we have a lot of extra mattress bed for him to sleep on. We can put that in your room now, come with me Doojoon help me carry it.” My dad said, but more like commanded Doojoon Oppa. With that, I saw Doojoon oppa smirked at me and quickly followed my appa.





Nikki unnie was too busy watching a movie on her laptop so she didn’t notice the two of us enter the room. After one second, she then noticed the extra bed, she turned and looked at me and widened her eyes when she saw Doojoon oppa standing beside me by the door.


“Yah! Yoon Doojoon! What do you think you’re doing here? You have a room for yourself this is ours. Get out!” she said and throw a pillow at Doojoon oppa.


“She can’t unnie, appa told him to sleep here. We’ll do our homework anyway, we won’t bother you so don’t worry.”


“Oh okay, sorry Doojoon-ah. But don’t do naughty stuff okay? I’m just here watching you two, I know you guys are together, so don’t take advantage on my little sister okay Doojoon?”


“Araso noona.” Doojoon oppa nodded and smiled at her.





In the middle of doing our homework, well technically helping Doojoon oppa with his because I finished mine already. I can’t stop tapping the table because of all the thoughts and questions I have in my mind.


“What’s wrong jagiya?” Doojoon oppa asked me while writing his essay.


“I don’t know, I just a have a lot of things in my mind right now. I can’t think straight; don’t you think this is a bit unusual? I mean, you’re here in my room right now, and all the other things that happened today.” I frowned. “I just can’t help it, asking why all these happened today, but don’t get misunderstand me oppa, I’m happy and I had fun today. It’s just that. I don’t know.”


He then stopped writing, after a few minutes he said, “Yes, because they never allowed me to do our schools stuff here in your room with only the two of us alone. Since they’re thinking we’ll do something we shouldn’t. Maybe now it’s different, because they trust us enough to be alone in a room together, Nikki noona’s here with us anyways. Do they know that we’re a couple, no right?” he asked me.


“No, of course they don’t know. The only thing they know is that you’re my best friend, that’s it. Yeah, maybe that’s just it. I’m tired, let’s stop this and sleep now oppa”.


“Okay, good night jagiya, you look cute on your pajamas by the way.” He told me with his erted smile.


I hit his arm, “Keep your erted thoughts with you oppa. Goodnight!”


“I was just kidding okay, see you in my dreams, saranghae jagiya.” He kissed my cheek and went to his bed which is a bit far from ours to give us some space.


Before I went off to sleep I thought of all the things that happened today.

  1. Considering Doojoon oppa as part of our family.
  2. Letting me and Doojoon oppa sit too close to each other.
  3. Eating at a fancy restaurant.
  4. Doojoon oppa sleeping tonight in our house.
  5. Doojoon oppa sleeping in my room with me tonight.


I enjoyed this long and tiring day even if a lot of things that happened were unusual.



End of Ha Rin’s POV

--[Play this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgNtiEit2Tk]


Doojoon’s POV


It’s been two days, since a new week of school has started and Ha Rin hasn’t showed up in school yet. I don’t even know why she didn’t go to school for two days, I don’t know what happened to her. I haven’t talked to her since Saturday, I hope she’s fine.


I suddenly bumped into someone while I was walking along the corridors deep in my thoughts. “YAH! Watch we’re you’re going!” a junior shouted. But when she saw me, she apologized immediately, “Mianhe sunbaemin, I didn’t know it was I wasn’t looking”. I laughed. “Its okay, it’s my fault”.





When I arrived in our classroom, I saw someone sitting on Ha Rin’s chair beside me near the window. When I looked who it was, it was her but she looked so sad and depressed. ‘What’s wrong? Is she mad at me?’ I thought.


End of Doojoon’s POV


Ha Rin’s POV


“Ha Rin-ah! Ha Rin!” I heard someone calling my name, when I turned to see who it was I smiled. “Doojoon Oppa! You’re here already? I didn’t notice you, Mianhe”. I told him.


“I came a few minutes ago, and I’ve been calling you many times. You looked a bit down, what’s wrong? He asked me with his hand on my shoulders.


“Nothing Oppa, get your books out class will start in 5 minutes.” I lied. He didn’t look convinced so I said, “I’m fine oppa, really, so don’t worry okay?” I tried to smile so he won’t notice anything.


End of Ha Rin’s POV









Doojoon’s POV


“Yah! Park Ha Rin! Are you listening? Please try and focus more on class.” Ms. Choi our Math teacher shouted at Ha Rin, who has been spacing out since our first class started. Now it’s the last class for today and she’s still like that. “Mianhe sungsengnim”, Ha Rin quickly apologized. ‘What’s bothering her? I’ll just ask her later’. I thought.


Class Ended.


“Oppa! Wait for me, I’ll come with you.” I heard Ha Rin called out for me while fixing her things.


“Araso, but are you sure? I thought I should walk you home first so you can rest.” I told her. I have training today every Wednesday and she usually comes to watch and wait for me so we can go home together.


“Aniyo oppa, I’m fine. Come on let’s go you might be late!” Ha Rin said running with me outside the corridors to go to our school’s gym.








After my training, Ha Rin and I went to Starbucks near our school, to chat and relax. We usually go here when we know that we have something to talk about and also because it relaxes the two of us.


We sat in our favorite table near the window, “Wait here okay? I’ll order for the two of us.” I stood up and told Ha Rin.




I came back with Ha Rin’s caramel frappe and my chocolate chip frappe too, and I saw Ha Rin looking out the window spacing out again.


“Ha Rin here’s yours.”


“Thanks Oppa! You never forget what my favorite frappe is, thank you!” Ha Rin smiled at me.


“So, how are you? What happened to you? You didn’t come to school for two days and you didn’t text or call me. Are you mad at me for not talking to you last weekend? I’m really—“


“Woah! Oppa! Slow down, before you choke yourself. What are all these questions huh?” I was interrupted by Ha Rin who was now laughing at me.


“I was worried about you, you know. Where was your phone anyway? What’s bothering you? You’re always spacing out, if you’re mad at me for not talking to you I’m really sorry, I was busy I didn’t even get the chance to hold my phone for 1 minute. I’m sorry Ha Rin.” I looked down.


“Okay oppa, I’ll tell you. I was sick because I played out in the rain with my cousin so I had fever, cough, and cold. I was sick for two days that’s why I didn’t come to school. My phone’s battery was dead and I didn’t get the chance to charge it so I didn’t know you texted me. And I’m not mad at you, I’ll never be.” Ha Rin told me holding my hand reassuringly.




We were walking along sideways of the road and Ha Rin wanted to go to the park, so we went and sat by the benches drinking our frappe.


“Ha Rin-ah, if you’re not mad at me then what’s wrong? Can you tell me what happened? Is there a problem?” I asked her, because I felt that there’s still something wrong.


“It’s about my dad still not having a new job, but don’t worry I’m fine. I just can’t help not to think about it. But I’m fine now oppa, geokjeongma araso?”


“Araso, but I know you’re dad will find a new job soon. Don’t think about it too much okay?” I hugged her tight. I felt tears on my shirt, and I knew Ha Rin was crying. “Don’t cry jagiya, I’m here for you, I’ll always will be.” she nodded.






We are now in front of Ha Rin’s house, “Are you okay now Ha Rin? If there’s something wrong you’ll tell me immediately okay? Don’t worry too much about things and just be happy okay?” she nodded. I hugged her, “I missed you, saranghae.”


“I missed you too oppa, I love you too. I’ll remember what you said and thank you for today. I said goodbye and kissed her cheek then went home. I’m glad that she’s okay and she’s not mad at me, I missed her.


End of Doojoon’s POV











Ha Rin’s POV


It’s been exactly a month, when my mom told me about my dad’s problem about his job and things went slowly back to normal. My mom and I would go to malls to shop but only for necessary stuff that we need at home. My relationship with Doojoon Oppa is also getting better and we’re going strong each day that we’re together in school or on weekends when we would talk on the phone till our ears burn.


I was changing after I took a shower when I heard voices from downstairs. I went downstairs and saw Doojoon Oppa and Nikki Unnie in our living room. I sneaked in the kitchen without the two noticing me.


“Good Morning sleepy head how’s your sleep last night?” My mom greeted me happily while putting cupcakes on a plate to give our visitors their snack.


“Sleepy head? Why, what’s the time? I looked at the clock and it was exactly 10 am. ‘Whaat?! 10 am?’ I was shaking my head because I can’t believe I woke up late today.


“Yes dear, you slept late last night doing your homework remember?” my mom told me.


Now I remember, I was too busy doing my homework last night. Yeah, even if I still have 2 days to do it, I’m the kind of person who does my homework early so I can have more free time for myself to rest for the weekend.


“Oh yeah, but why are Nikki Unnie and Doojoon Oppa here today? Isn’t it too early for us to have a visitor, and besides we’re saving money right?” I asked my mom.


“I called them, because your Appa and I thought that we should have a family bonding today.” My mom said while taking out the drinks now and I’m helping her with this now.


“Family bonding? But why is Doojoon Oppa here, he’s not related to us so he’s not part of the family bonding that you’re telling me about right?” ‘Family bonding? With Doojoon Oppa?’ I thought.


“Yes, but technically he is because I know you two are close so we consider him as part of our family. Do you have any questions dear? I shook my head saying no. “Okay then, why don’t you bring these in the living room and say hi to them. So your Appa and I can start cooking our lunch. My mom told me, so I went with our snacks in the living room.




While watching in the living room, my mom came with some more drinks for us. When she saw me and Doojoon Oppa sitting too close beside each other with his arm around my shoulders, it was a big no for my parents because they thought that it was a bit too much for best friends to act like that.


Yes, my parents only knew us being best friends not us being together; of course we wouldn’t want them to know because I know they would say no. this time when my mom saw us, she didn’t mind she just smiled and went back in the kitchen without saying anything. ‘This is another unusual thing’. I thought.


While eating lunch, which we enjoyed, too much that I can almost vomit because of all the food they cooked for today. ‘Seriously! What’s so special about today?’ I thought while eating.


Then my dad cleared his throat and began to say something, “After lunch, we’ll go to the mall and watch a movie.” My dad said smiling at us.


“All of us? But I thought we’re not allowed to? Aren’t we saving money?” I asked all these questions.


“It’s okay Ha Rin, we can go once in a while right? My dad simply said and finished his lunch.







After the movies, my parents let us play in the arcade center for two hours and they called us for our dinner in an expensive restaurant and my dad ordered a lot of food again. ‘Things are getting stranger now.’ I worriedly thought once again.


It’s now 8:30 and we just finished our dinner, and we went to Doojoon Oppa’s house to get some of his clothes because my mom told him to stay with us tonight.





We’re all dressed in our pajamas, and we’re all about to enter our own rooms when my dad saw Doojoon Oppa entering the guest room. He said, “Doojoon-ah, wait. You brought all your homework with you as I told you to right?”


“Ne, abeonim” Doojoon Oppa replied smiling, his innocent smile that I love very much.


“Then, you sleep in Ha Rin’s room tonight”


“Whaat?!” I was shocked by what my appa just said.


“Why not Ha Rin, we have a lot of extra mattress bed for him to sleep on. We can put that in your room now, come with me Doojoon help me carry it.” My dad said, but more like commanded Doojoon Oppa. With that, I saw Doojoon oppa smirked at me and quickly followed my appa.





Nikki unnie was too busy watching a movie on her laptop so she didn’t notice the two of us enter the room. After one second, she then noticed the extra bed, she turned and looked at me and widened her eyes when she saw Doojoon oppa standing beside me by the door.


“Yah! Yoon Doojoon! What do you think you’re doing here? You have a room for yourself this is ours. Get out!” she said and throw a pillow at Doojoon oppa.


“She can’t unnie, appa told him to sleep here. We’ll do our homework anyway, we won’t bother you so don’t worry.”


“Oh okay, sorry Doojoon-ah. But don’t do naughty stuff okay? I’m just here watching you two, I know you guys are together, so don’t take advantage on my little sister okay Doojoon?”


“Araso noona.” Doojoon oppa nodded and smiled at her.





In the middle of doing our homework, well technically helping Doojoon oppa with his because I finished mine already. I can’t stop tapping the table because of all the thoughts and questions I have in my mind.


“What’s wrong jagiya?” Doojoon oppa asked me while writing his essay.


“I don’t know, I just a have a lot of things in my mind right now. I can’t think straight; don’t you think this is a bit unusual? I mean, you’re here in my room right now, and all the other things that happened today.” I frowned. “I just can’t help it, asking why all these happened today, but don’t get misunderstand me oppa, I’m happy and I had fun today. It’s just that. I don’t know.”


He then stopped writing, after a few minutes he said, “Yes, because they never allowed me to do our schools stuff here in your room with only the two of us alone. Since they’re thinking we’ll do something we shouldn’t. Maybe now it’s different, because they trust us enough to be alone in a room together, Nikki noona’s here with us anyways. Do they know that we’re a couple, no right?” he asked me.


“No, of course they don’t know. The only thing they know is that you’re my best friend, that’s it. Yeah, maybe that’s just it. I’m tired, let’s stop this and sleep now oppa”.


“Okay, good night jagiya, you look cute on your pajamas by the way.” He told me with his erted smile.


I hit his arm, “Keep your erted thoughts with you oppa. Goodnight!”


“I was just kidding okay, see you in my dreams, saranghae jagiya.” He kissed my cheek and went to his bed which is a bit far from ours to give us some space.


Before I went off to sleep I thought of all the things that happened today.

  1. Considering Doojoon oppa as part of our family.
  2. Letting me and Doojoon oppa sit too close to each other.
  3. Eating at a fancy restaurant.
  4. Doojoon oppa sleeping tonight in our house.
  5. Doojoon oppa sleeping in my room with me tonight.


I enjoyed this long and tiring day even if a lot of things that happened were unusual.



End of Ha Rin’s POV


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kyaaaaaa~~ that's it??? >_<
nakakabitin naman >.>
I LOVE IT though kekekeke ^_____^
thanks for this story ^^v
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
can i be either Minho or Taemin's love or something? HAHA. this story is interesting though. ^^
Oh. Am I appearing in this story? Would like to know which character I'm playing. Hopefully its not the evil one. KEKE.
ahhh~ I shall read diligently~
Hi! This story is made by me, its one of our individual stories. I hope you'll read it and like it too! Please leave comments because your opinions matter to us. Thank you very much!~ <3<br />
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