Something Bad

A New Life That Comes With Love


[Play This Song:]



Ha Rin’s POV


“Teukie oppa! Yah! Who is she? Tell me! Pali!” I whined like a child.


“She’s my… girlfriend.”


“MWOH?! Girlfriend?! Aigoo, we have to talk about this in my house NOW! Pali!” I yelled at him. He couldn’t say anything because I yelled so loud and with that he sped up and in 3 minutes we arrived in front of my house, I pulled him out of his car and then we went inside my house.


“Hi Ha Rin and Leeteuk, would you want something to…” My mom asked us, but I cut her off by saying, “No umma, we have to talk first.” My mom didn’t say anything afterwards.


“Now speak up oppa, why didn’t you tell me that you have a girlfriend huh? You used to tell me everything before but why not this time?” I asked everything to him, because I still couldn’t believe that he kept this from me. Now we’re in my room and I was standing behind the door and he was sitting on my bed.


“Its because I know you’d freak out dongsaeng, and I know that if I tell you, you’ll try and break my relationship with my girlfriend like you usually do when I was still in Korea. Even with all the girls I had as my girlfriend here in London. I just don’t want that to happen again this time you know, please understand.”


“But, I did all that because I don’t want you to get hurt and I did that because I know all the girls you’ve dated before are all playgirls and es, and It was all worth it because you knew I was right.” I tried to defend myself. Yes, I’m also a protective cousin just like him. And it’s true that I did everything to ruin every relationship he had with a girl, because I don’t want him to get hurt.


“Yes I know that Ha Rin, and I’m thankful to you that you’ve tried to help me realize that I was wrong dating all those girls before. But, this time its different, Mia is different and I really love her I don’t want to lose her so please let this go and don’t ruin this for me please dongsaeng?” He begged.


“Oh, so Mia is the name of the lucky girl huh? Well okay, I’ll give her a chance and know her better. But she acts y around me, I don’t know what I can do oppa I might punch her face myself, you know me.” I smirked at him. “But, you’re right, she looks different and she looks very nice so I’ll give her a chance. I promise.” I winked at him this time.


He came up to me and hugged me really tight, “Thank you so much dongsaeng! I knew you’d understand. I should have told you earlier, you’re really the best dongsaeng ever!”


“I.can’t.breathe.” He let go of me, and we sat on my bed facing each other and he has a big grin plastered on his face, waiting for me to ask questions about his girlfriend.


“So, is she British? Since she doesn’t look Korean to me, how and when did you two started dating?” I asked all these questions at him all at once and I can see that he really wants to tell me everything.


We talked and laughed about how his relationship with Mia started all night in my room. We finished when Leeteuk oppa’s mom called him and asked him to go home. We didn’t even had our dinner, because Leeteuk gets really talkative when it comes to talking about his ‘girl’ or his ‘baby’ as he would like to call it. I’m happy for him and I promise I won’t do anything stupid to ruin his relationship with Mia, or should I say ‘Mia Unnie’ this time.


End Of Ha Rin’s POV







Onew’s POV


I’m standing by Ha Rin’s form room’s door, and I’m waiting for her to come out. The others told me to wait for her instead because they still have to go to their lockers and get their books. I said yes because I want to ask her something, and I want to have some alone time with her.


“Oh! Onew Oppa! Where are the others?” Ha Rin asked.


I was daydreaming and I was awakened by Ha Rin’s voice, I didn’t notice that she was already there standing in front of me. “Oh, they went to their lockers so they told me to come with you. Shall we go?” I asked her.


“Araso, kaja!”


“Ha Rin-ah, can I ask you something, If you don’t mind.” I asked her. We’re now walking to our first lesson, and I think the others went together because I can’t see them around.


“Sure oppa, what is it?” She said, smiling at me. ‘Aww, she really has a cute smile.’ I thought.


“What’s your ideal man? I mean, what qualities are you looking for a guy?” I asked her uneasily.


She laughed and said, “I don’t really have an ideal man oppa, as long as that person is kind, caring and loves me for who I am, then I would love him too. Besides, I have a boyfriend oppa, and he’s the best for me.” I just nodded and smile.


‘She’s so innocent and true to herself. She’s really different from the other girls out there, whoever her boyfriend is, he’s one lucky guy to have her as his girlfriend’ I enviously thought.


End of Onew’s POV







Jonghyun’s POV


Its first break and now we’re here on our bench in the big tent eating our snacks, and I thought this could be the right time to ask Ha Rin her number especially now that I’m sitting beside her and what I’ve found out earlier when I came with her to her locker before break.




Ha Rin and I were walking to her locker after our lesson together and I thought that I should ask her what I wanted to know ever since we started school.


“Ha Rin-ah, can I ask you a question? Its okay if you don’t want to answer it.” I asked.


“Sure, what is it?” she said smiling at me while getting her books from her locker.


“Do you have a boyfriend?” with that she stopped and looked at me. “I told you its okay if you don’t want to answer it.” I told her immediately worried that she might be mad at me with the question I asked.


“No its okay, its just that I didn’t expect you to ask me that all of a sudden.” She smiled.


“Yes, I have a boyfriend, why did you ask by the way?” she asked me.


“I-I..just want to know..because there might be a problem, now that you’re friends with us and most of us are guys so, y-yeah.” I lied.


“Oh, that’s so nice of you Jonghyun oppa. No worries, he knows and he doesn’t mind so its okay if I hang out with you guys.” She said smiling at me, now we’re walking to the big tent to have our break with the others.”




I don’t care if she has a boyfriend, I’ll still ask for her number. We can get to know each other better by this and I can still think if I still want to ask her out or not. I’m not only doing this for myself, I know I’m also doing someone a favor.


“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers Ha Rin. So we can text or call each other anytime right?” I asked her casually.


“Sure, why don’t all of us exchange numbers, so if we need each other’s help it’ll be easier.” She said, and with that she gave us her mobile number and we gave ours to her.


End of Jonghyun’s POV


Onew’s POV


We were eating on our first break, while I was trying to help Taemin on our ICT homework. He didn’t have time to do it last night because he was too busy practicing his dance skills in front of the mirror. ‘Lazy kid.’ I thought when suddenly Jonghyun spoke up and asked something to Ha Rin.


“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers Ha Rin. So we can text or call each other anytime right?” Jonghyun asked her. ‘Hmm, now Jonghyun’s making a move, numbers always come first huh?’ I thought.


“Sure, why don’t all of us exchange numbers, so if we need each other’s help it’ll be easier.” Ha Rin agreed with it and then we all gave her our number and she gave hers to us.

‘Now I can talk to her whenever I want to.’ I happily thought and smiled to myself like a fool.


End of Onew’s POV


Key’s POV


“Hey, why don’t we exchange numbers Ha Rin. So we can text or call each other anytime right?” I heard Jonghyun hyung asked Ha Rin, I stopped and smirked wondering if Ha Rin would say yes.


And she did say yes eventually, “Sure, why don’t all of us exchange numbers, so if we need each other’s help it’ll be easier.” We all exchanged numbers and when Jonghyun hyung had Ha Rin’s number with him, I can see that he’s really happy and satisfied with it. ‘Smart move hyung.’ I told myself, praising Jonghyun hyung.


‘With Ha Rin’s number with me, I can be really close to her now.’





“Ha Rin-ah! Let’s go together on our next lesson. You have to do something else first right Jonghyun hyung?” Break ended, and we have English next so I’ll go with Ha Rin alone.


“Ne, you two go first I’ll follow. Let’s go to our lockers now guys.” Jonghyun hyung said and Onew hyung, Minho, Taemin and Min Young followed him.


“So..Ha Rin, how do you find London and the school so far? Are you enjoying it so far?” I curiously asked her while we’re walking.


She thought at first and said, “Yeah, I like being here and it’s better than I’ve expected before coming here. Especially that all of you are all my friends from my first day and I appreciate it so much.”


“Really? That’s good then, at least you’re happy and I’m glad that you are.” I patted her shoulder and smiled.


‘Who would think that she would adopt to this environment that quick? I admire her for that.’


End of Key’s POV







No One’s POV


“Min Young-ah, I haven’t asked you this question ever since I came here you know.” Ha Rin chuckled. “Are you my unnie or my dongsaeng? My birthday is on the 3rd of August, you?” She asked. It’s now their second break and they’re just sitting on their bench and having different conversations with each other.


“Oh, I’m your unnie then, from now on call me unnie araso?” Min Young smiled and came to Ha Rin and hugged her.


‘So that’s when her birthday is, now I know.’ The 5 guys thought.


“Ha Rin-ah, what sports do you play?” Minho asked. “What hobbies do you do when you have free time on your own?” Taemin added.


“Sports? I only know how to play badminton but I’m not that good at it, I’m not a sporty person. Ha Rin laughed. “Hobbies? I like singing and dancing, I love singing ever since I’m a little kid with my cousins. On dancing, I love it but I know I’m not that good at it but I want to learn.” Ha Rin finished with a grin on her face.


“I can teach you how to dance!” Taemin suggested excitedly.


“I can teach you different sports Ha Rin, just tell me what you want to learn, I’ll teach you anything.” Minho said that with a wink.


“Aissh, you two maknaedeul stop it. Minho the ‘sports addict’ with his winks and Taemin the ‘dance master’ with his cuteness. Aigoo!” Key said and smacked the backs of the two boys.


“Its okay Key oppa, thank you guys I’d love to learn. Its funny cause all 5 of you had questions to ask me today. Did you plan all this?” Ha Rin asked them showing no expression on her face.


“Uh..oh..uhmm” Onew stuttered.


“Okay, this morning it was Onew first, then Jonghyun, then Key, then you two. Why did you guys do that? You’re like interviewing me or something. Explain please.” Ha Rin said with her arms crossed standing in front of the 5 boys. Min Young was just there speechless and busy watching the whole scene.


“Yah! Kim Kibum! You explain.” Jonghyun commanded looking nervous. ‘Uh.Oh.’ Jonghyun thought.


“Aiisshh! We didn’t plan anything Ha Rin, I didn’t know that the other hyungdeul asked you something as well.” Key sighed and looked down. Ha Rin didn’t seem convinced. ‘Did we do something wrong?’ Key thought.


“Ne Ha Rin, please believe us. We didn’t plan this and I just wanted to know you better and I’m sure the others do too. So please don’t be mad, and believe us.” Onew looked sad and begged Ha Rin. ‘I knew that I shouldn’t have asked her something earlier.’ Onew thought frustrated.


Ha Rin started laughing loud and said, “Aigoo! Why are you all like that? I was just playing around with you. You didn’t notice?” She laughed. “I guess I did a good job on my acting.”


“MWOH?!” The 5 guys shouted together. Ha Rin was startled and went at the back of Min Young.


“YAH! PARK HA RIN! WE WERE WORRIED YOU KNOW! GUYS, GET HER!” Jonghyun said and all of them started to run after Ha Rin. “UNNIE!~ HELP!~” All of them started running after each other and played until their break was over.


‘She’s so cute and fun to be with.’ The 5 guys thought.


End of No One’s POV







Ha Rin’s POV


“I’m so excited Ha Rin! I’ll get to sleep over your house tonight, we can do a lot of stuff tonight! It’s a weekend tomorrow anyways, YAY!” Min Young unnie said eagerly and started jumping around.


“Yah! You two, get in the car now!” Leeteuk oppa shouted at us. We went in the car and Leeteuk oppa drove off fast.


“Yah! Oppa! What’s the rush? Slow down, you don’t even have your seatbelt on.” I said worried that we might get into an accident or something.


“Ani, I need to drop you off your house quickly cause I still have to meet up with Mia later.” ‘He has a date that’s why. He seemed to be really serious about his Mia, I hope I can meet her soon.’


I just nodded and smiled and the next thing we know, we’re already in front of my house. We immediately went out of the car and we said bye and thanked Leeteuk oppa.


Min Young unnie and I went straight to my room and rested for awhile. We went downstairs to eat our dinner with my family and went back to my room afterwards.


“So Ha Rin, what do you think about the guys? Its time for us to have our girl talk now, are you interested in any of them?” Min Young unnie asked me.


I laughed and said, “Yah! Unnie! You do know that I have a boyfriend right?” Min Young unnie nodded. “Then why are you asking me that question? Am I supposed to answer it?”

“Its because I just want to know what you think about them, I know you have a boyfriend but if ever you’re not committed with someone who would you like?” Min Young unnie asked me again. ‘I seriously don’t know what to say.’


“They’re all nice and I like all of them, and they all have their own personality you know. If I don’t have a boyfriend, I would like… Onew Oppa or Key Oppa.“ ‘I just said their names because I picked them randomly, and the two of them seemed to click with me the most.’ I explained to myself.


“Oh, so its OnKey huh? But what about Jonghyun Oppa? He seemed to be into you, and he likes you a lot, I can see that.”


“OnKey? You call them that?” I laughed because of the name. “Aniyo, even if he likes me I know he won’t ask me out. You know why? He was the one of asked me if I have a boyfriend. He’ll just see me as his little sister, I know.” I said.


“Yeah, we have couple names for each other, we have a lot. 2Min, JongKey, OnTae, TaeKey and more. Okay, if you say so dongsaeng. Speaking of your boyfriend, why don’t you tell me about him?” She curiously asked me, and she seems eager to know about Doojoon Oppa.


“Sure! I’d wanted to tell you everything about him anyways. Their family is our family friend, that’s why we’ve known each other for a long time but we’ve liked each other when we were on the same school and on the same class too. We haven’t been together for a long time before we left Korea, that’s why it was really hard for me to leave him there. But I had no choice, he promised me that we’ll make this work so I trusted him, so we’re still together until now.” I told her everything. ‘I’m supposed to be happy that I’ve told someone about me and Doojoon Oppa, but why do I feel this way. I feel that something’s not right and it worries me.’ I worriedly thought.


“Aww! I found your love story with Doojoon really cute. You ended up being together because both of your families were close. I hope your relationship with him will stay strong even if both of you are really far apart from each other.” She wished me luck with my relationship with Doojoon oppa and hugged me after.


‘Why do I feel this way? Something’s not right, something’s bad is going to happen.’ I thought anxiously.


End of Ha Rin’s POV



Ha Rin's MOMENTS with each of them! :">:"> HOPE YOU LIKE IT! PLEASE DO COMMENT! THANK YOU! :)

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kyaaaaaa~~ that's it??? >_<
nakakabitin naman >.>
I LOVE IT though kekekeke ^_____^
thanks for this story ^^v
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
can i be either Minho or Taemin's love or something? HAHA. this story is interesting though. ^^
Oh. Am I appearing in this story? Would like to know which character I'm playing. Hopefully its not the evil one. KEKE.
ahhh~ I shall read diligently~
Hi! This story is made by me, its one of our individual stories. I hope you'll read it and like it too! Please leave comments because your opinions matter to us. Thank you very much!~ <3<br />
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