A New Life That Comes With Love


[Play this song:]



Key’s POV


“Sorry Miss.” I bowed my head and apologized after knocking off the vase beside me as one of our props. ‘I’m in big trouble.’ I hissed and thought angrily.


“Let’s stop rehearsals for now. Follow me to my office Key.”Mrs. Milne said and walked off I then followed her.





‘Clean the mess that you’ve made and I want to see a replacement for the vase tomorrow. Understand?’What Mrs. Milne said kept repeating on my head, now I have to replace that damn vase. I just can’t believe why Onew hyung and Ha Rin have to kiss like that. It wasn’t there in the movie; it was a kiss on the CHEEK not on the LIPS. Argghh! I kept thinking about the kiss while I was cleaning MY mess.


“Key, what was that for?” I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Jonghyun hyung with curiosity on his face.


“It was an accident okay?! I didn’t know it was beside me.” I lied. ‘I got so angry when I saw them kiss that’s why.’ I furiously thought.


With that Jonghyun hyung left and went where the others were. As I was walking to the bin outside our building I heard someone called out my name.




As I looked back and saw who it was I said, “Oh, its you.”


“Oppa, kwenchana? What did Mrs. Milne told you? Do you need some help?” Ha Rin asked all these questions at me with worry in her voice and took the broom in my hand.


I threw the broom away from us and said, “Why do you care?! I don’t need your help and you should learn how to mind you’re own business?! So what if I’m in trouble?! I don’t need you here, just go back to your boyfriend and continue what you’ve started earlier?!” I yelled at her irritated.


She immediately ran inside and at the corner of my eye I can see a tear escaped from her eyes. ‘Was that too much? I think I scared her.’ I sighed and kicked the bin frustrated. ‘Mianhe Ha Rin.’ I apologized in my thoughts.



End of Key’s POV




Ha Rin’s POV


After Key oppa went out of Mrs. Milne’s office I saw him talking to Jonghyun oppa so I didn’t approached him for me not to interrupt. But I knew that I want and I need to talk to him because I’m really worried. ‘I hope you’re okay oppa.’ I hopefully thought.


“He said it was an accident.” Jonghyun oppa came and told us what they’ve talked about.


“But is he okay?” Taemin oppa asked. Jonghyun oppa kept silent and didn’t say anything and sat down near the stage.


They were busily having their conversation and I went quietly to look for Key oppa. I saw him walking to where the bin was outside and I called him.  “Oppa…” and I went closer to him.


He looked back and saw who I was and said, “Oh, its you.” I ignored his cold attitude and asked him.


“Oppa, kwenchana? What did Mrs. Milne told you? Do you need some help?” I asked all these questions at him with so much worry in my voice and took the broom in his hand as I wanted to help him.


He threw the broom away from us and said, “Why do you care?! I don’t need your help and you should learn how to mind you’re on business?! So what if I’m in trouble?! I don’t need you here, just go back to your boyfriend and continue what you’ve started earlier?!” Key oppa yelled at me irritated.


I immediately ran inside and I quickly wiped the tear in my eyes. ‘Why did he yell at me like that? I was kind enough to ask how he was because I was so worried and now this? Key oppa, why are you being like this? What did I do for you to be so mad at me?’ I questioned myself feeling upset and I stayed in the bathroom to cry everything out for awhile.





I washed my face before coming out of the bathroom after some time so the others won’t notice that I cried. I went back and sat between Min Young unnie and Onew oppa and they both looked worried when they saw me.


“Ha Rin-ah, where were you?” Min Young unnie asked but I didn’t say anything.


“Ha Rin-ah, are you okay? Have you seen Key?” Onew oppa asked and held my hand but I just kept quiet looking straight. ‘I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone, sorry oppa and unnie.’ I said sorry in my thoughts.



End of Ha Rin’s POV







Onew’s POV


After we were dismissed from school, Ha Rin and I were walking and I thought I should try to cheer her up because she seemed to be upset with something. We stopped at the park where we went before and Ha Rin didn’t realize it because she was still spacing out until now.


We sat down on one of the benches and I said loudly, “Woah!~ The weather is so nice!~” That distracted her and then she realized we were now sitting at the park.


She then asked me, “Oppa! Why are we here? We should be walking home by now.” She stood up but I pulled her down to sit again and I said, “No, we’re not going home yet. Wait here, I’ll buy us something to eat.” I demanded and went.


“Here Ha Rin, you’re ice cream.” I said. She accepted it and asked, “What’s this for oppa?”


“To celebrate, we had good rehearsals didn’t we? I want to cheer you up too. You never spoke to any of us after the rehearsals, so smile for me, puhh-leeaassseee?” I asked her as cute as possible to make her smile and poked her cheeks.


I finally saw her smile and I said, “Finally! I saw that cute smile of yours again.” She playfully punched my arm and smiled more.


End of Onew’s POV



Ha Rin’s POV


“Now tell me what happened and you began to be so silent after the rehearsals.” Onew oppa asked me seriously.


“I was just really tired oppa. Mianhe.” I lied and apologized. ‘You shouldn’t know what the truth was oppa, Mianhe.’ I thought


“Are you sure that’s just it?” He asked me again to be sure and I just nodded.


“The rehearsal was good right?” Onew oppa asked to change the topic.


“Yes, but it was very tiring. Right?”


“You’re right. But it was all worth it after the run through that we had. We pulled off the kiss too.” He said and started to lean in closer to me and I closed my eyes.


‘RING! RING! RING!’ My phone rang suddenly and I picked it up quickly upon seeing who the caller was. I faced the other way to hide my blushing face and talked to Leeteuk oppa.  And I heard Onew oppa sighed in frustration.


“Araso, we’re on our way now.”


“Oppa, it was Leeteuk oppa asking me where I was and why I’m not yet home until now so I told him that we’re going home now. Let’s go?” I told Onew oppa and I stood up.


“Araso.” He said and pouted. I held his hands with mine and I kissed his cheek which surprised him but smiled. “Thank you oppa!~”








After having dinner and doing some homework I heard my phone rang again. I got it from the table beside my bed and I saw who the caller was. I hesitated on answering it at first but I still did after a few rings.


???: Ha Rin-ah? *in a low voice*

Ha Rin: Yes Key Oppa? *nervous*

Key: Were you sleeping? Sorry if I woke you up.

Ha Rin: Aniyo.

Key: I just called to say…


Key: I’m really sorry Ha Rin. I’m sorry if I yelled at you earlier and I scared you, I was just mad at myself and tired. I myself was surprised on how I acted in front of you, I’m really sorry. I’ll understand if you won’t forgive me Ha Rin, Mianhe. *begging*


Ha Rin: Its okay oppa. *emotionless*

Key: Thank you Ha Rin. See you in school.

Ha Rin: Bye.


End of Ha Rin’s POV



No One’s POV


The call ended but Ha Rin and Key weren’t satisfied with what they’ve talked about and wondered in their rooms lying on their beds.


‘Yes I’ve forgiven you oppa but I still don’t get why you acted that way. I know you’re tired but why we’re you SO MAD? That was the first time I saw you like that, it scared me a lot and I don’t know if we’ll be the same after what happened.’ Ha Rin thought.


‘Sorry if I frightened you Ha Rin. I know even if you’ve forgiven me already you’re still upset with what happened and I wouldn’t be surprised if we won’t be the same as we were before. I’m really sorry.’ Key thought.


End of No One’s POV





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kyaaaaaa~~ that's it??? >_<
nakakabitin naman >.>
I LOVE IT though kekekeke ^_____^
thanks for this story ^^v
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
can i be either Minho or Taemin's love or something? HAHA. this story is interesting though. ^^
Oh. Am I appearing in this story? Would like to know which character I'm playing. Hopefully its not the evil one. KEKE.
ahhh~ I shall read diligently~
Hi! This story is made by me, its one of our individual stories. I hope you'll read it and like it too! Please leave comments because your opinions matter to us. Thank you very much!~ <3<br />
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