Chapter 38

Maid For 20 Days
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-Chapter 38-

-Update on: 20 February 2013 -

-----Trying to calm the crying Hyeok-----

“You should tried to memorize the times to easily get the answer” Jinyoung told Leo and Leo nodded in understand.

N was listening to the music as usual as his head rock from side to side, following the rhythm that went into his ears. Ken and Hongbin was colouring the books, Ravi was at the corner, playing alone while Hyeok was sitting on the floor with his hands tightly gripping a toy-blocks and throw it to the floor every time he found one then started to crawl and searched for the others. Jinyoung was teaching Leo how to do math and Leo listened to him really well.

While Leo was solving one of the questioned, Jinyoung propped his right hand vertically on the table and rest his chin on his palm as he looked around. He widened his eyes when he saw Hyeok trying to stand up as he force himself pushing the floor and straightened his legs to stand. He watched Hyeok in interest and Hyeok started to walk bit by bit as his legs shaken since it was his first time. Jinyoung blankly watched the scene with his eyes didn’t even blink and slowly he poke Leo.

“Hey…” he muttered as his eyes fixed to Hyeok.

“Look at that~” he mumbled and Leo frowned as he can’t clearly heard what Jinyoung is trying to say, instead of asking him to repeat what he said, he turned to the direction Jinyoung is pointing at.

Leo widened his eyes and quickly run toward Hyeok who was walking without knowing his direction really well as he just proceed toward the wall. But, even before Leo can prevent him to walk even further, Hyeok’s forehead hit the wall and he sit on the floor as an impact. His eyes get watery soon and his mouth slightly opened, ready to cry anytime soon.

As he started his crying-session, Jinyoung widened his eyes and quickly went to calm him down as he picked him up. Jinyoung tried to blow a cool air on his fore head but it won’t make Hyeok to stop crying. Jinyoung started to grow panic and turned to Leo.

“Tell me where your sister school is” Jinyoung demand and Leo grew puzzled.

“Its xxxxxxxxxxxxxx” he said and Jinyoung quickly brought Hyeok out and went to where Leo had told him.

Everybody blankly watched the scenes and they looked at each other, didn’t understand what Jinyoung is planning on doing.

Leo locked the door quickly and right at that time, CNU went out of

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Chapter 52: nice story
Can i have the background picture?? ouo
Chapter 52: Awwweee... Best B1A4 story ever!!! I seriously LOVE it!!!!
Chapter 50: Why?!!! Seriously ur killing me... My tears came out so much... grrr... :3
Chapter 15: Jinyoung,, please don't... Meanie... ^^
Chapter 1: Aweeee.... These siblings are the cutest ones... :3
Rexist #7
Chapter 52: I wish I was the girl... With vixx as my deongsaeng plus B1A4 as my master.... (*0*)
khatz17 #8
Chapter 52: I also thank you for making such a wonderful and awesome story I love it!
Chapter 52: Ahh I'm sad its over, I had fun reading this :(
I liked the ending, it made me smile!
caramelios #10
Chapter 52: Omg it's over oh no what am i gonna look forward to now? :( hehe I'm looking forward to new ff from you! ;)