You Belong To Me



She blinked her eyes few times more before confirming the identity of the tall figure in front of her right now. The person in front of her also shows the shocked expression as he widened his pair of eyes.

“HyeRan ah..”

“YooChun oppa..”

She starts to cry. She misses this person. The person that helps her through thick and thin. YooChun can’t stand her tears anymore. He wipes it away using his both thumb and quickly hugs her. HyeRan also hugs him and cries even more on his office attire.

The hallway suddenly fills with HyeRan crying voice. YooChun soothed her by caressing her hair. He can’t say how he is so happy to be able reunite with HyeRan. When he heard HyeRan sniffle, he let go of his hug. However, HyeRan hugs it tighter. “I miss you oppa.” She wipes away her tears using her back of hand. She can’t even describe the feeling she feels now. YooChun kisses her head and hugs her back. “I miss you too.”

They both realized, with all things that barged into their life, they slowly forgot each other. There’s no any contact after their last dinner together. Finally, after almost 5 minutes of hugging, HyeRan let go. She looks up to her oppa face. “Are you working here?”

He nodded his head. “How about you?”

“New York General Hospital.”

Just when YooChun opens his mouth to speak, Kris and YeRin come out from Ri In room. Which they found before HyeRan notices about YooChun name on the door.

“Eloise Umma.” YeRin stretched out her both arm. Kris walks to her and hand YeRin. YooChun stares at Kris, YeRin and lastly HyeRan.



“Eloise? Umma?” YooChun crossed his arms. “Yah! Park HyeRan! You have a lot to explain to me young lady.”

Ri In steps out from her room. “Why everybody standing here? I thought I asked you to take YerRin to the pantry. What’s going on?” she asked to Kris, and switched her gaze to YooChun.

 “You know her Ri In?” YooChun asked.

Ri In nodded her head. “She is my housemate. Why?”

HyeRan kissed YeRin chubby cheek when YeRin plays with her only jewelry, necklace around her neck.

“She is my sister.”

Kris stands there dumbfounded. “What is this? Brother? If she has a brother here why she stays with Ri In? And why this shorty eye is puffy? I don’t understand this family at all.”

Ri In puts her hand on HyeRan arms. “brother? You never tell me. It’s really a small world huh? Who would have thought your brother is my business partner?”

HyeRan look up to YooChun, “yeah. It is.”

They both smiled sweetly to each other. Kris saw her and buried his eyebrows. “Here comes another man in her life. As if JaeJoong is not hot enough to compete.”

“I want to go back now. Do you want to come with me?” YooChun asked.

HyeRan look at Ri In, asking for permission, she nodded her head, of course granted her wish. Her eyes then landed on Kris. “Oh yeah. I can’t today oppa. I’m with Kris.”

Kris smiles winningly.

YooChun nodded his head coolly,  “gives me your phone number. I will contact you when I want to drop by.” He fished out his phone.

She shook her head, “I don’t have a hand phone. I left everything at Chang-” she swallowed her lump of saliva after accidentally blurted ChangMin name. “I left everything.”

He looked at her in confusion. “You really need to tell me all of this.” He makes a circle in the air. She knows he knew something is going on.

Kris sighed; he can’t keep up with the conversation anymore. There are too many holes. He didn’t understand their conversation at all.

He then saw HyeRan sighed too. “Sure oppa.” HyeRan and YooChun hug tightly with each other. “Unnie, I see you at home okay.” Ri In nodded. “You want me to take YeRin too?”

Ri In looked at Kris, “nah. It’s okay. I’m sure Kris want to spend some quality times with you.” HyeRan laughed. She definitely saw Ri In make a face when she mentioned his name.

Soon, YooChun, HyeRan and Kris left the building. Kris immediately slipped into his car, HyeRan and YooChun looked at each other.

“I don’t like that guy.” He confessed.

HyeRan pats his arm, “he’s a nice guy oppa. Don’t worry. He is just a friend. Not more than that. You can contact me through Ri In unnie arasso.”  

They hugged each other one last time before HyeRan joins Kris in the car. “Ready to go?”Kris asked. She nodded her head. Then, she waved to YooChun who is standing outside the car. YooChun stared at Kris car until they disappeared in his sight.

“What happen HyeRan? Why you look so different?”



Kris stopped when the traffic lights turns red. He notices how quiet she is after a little reunion in Ri In’s company. Although she is quiet, but that smile of hers didn’t stop curving on her face. And he knows the reason for that.

“Quit smiling.” He said.

For the first time during the car ride, HyeRan stop smiling and turn to Kris. “What did you said?”

“Nothing. Where do you want to go now?” he asked while his pair of eyes didn’t land on her. He saw from the corner of his eyes, HyeRan shrugged her shoulders.

“I take you to my favorite place.” Kris switches his gear and drives when the light turn green.

“Sure!” she said it brightly.



Kris stops when they reached at Central Park. He loves to spend his time here, just taking a walk or sits at one of the bench and enjoys looking at people passing in front of him. The beautiful scenery makes him forget with what he is dealing right now. He doesn’t like the feeling of loneliness. He hates it in fact. However, he got to admit, ever since this shorty makes her appearance in his dull life, he starts to have a different view on his life.

“Central Park.” HyeRan mumbled. She has seen it in English Movie. The place where she once dream she will spend it with Jung YunHo during their high school. She closed her eyes, feeling the cool breeze kissed her face.

“Let’s take a walk shall we.” Kris smiles.




After 20 minutes of walking, they reached at the north end playground there. she immediately spots a tire swing. Kris laughed when he saw how she runs quickly before a small blonde kid reaches there first.

HyeRan slips her body through the chain and quickly fits her to the tire empty center. Kris arrives few seconds after that. He then uses his long legs to kick the tire, making the swing moves back and forth.

“Yah.. How dare you use your leg.”HyeRan complaints.

Kris grinned. “I use what God gave me wisely.”

Them both laughed. After he saw HyeRan is in steady pace, he stops kicking the tire and leaned on the column that support the swing. He watched her happy face. he saw how her face seems happier.

“Are you that happy?”

HyeRan closed her eyes and nodded. “You don’t know how much I want to see him. It’s been a long time. I want to see him because I can’t meet the rest.”

He sighed, “again with the holes in your sentence.”

HyeRan stops herself from swinging and look up, searching for Kris eyes. “You don’t know anything about me before I came here.”

He walks to her and squats on one knee, although he is squatting, his eyes level still matched with HyeRan’s. “Mind telling me?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Don’t worry, we have time.”

“I don’t think we can finish it today. I’m sorry.”

He sighed, “Fine. Whatever you say.” He ruffles her hair.

“Yah! Stop messing with my hair. You act like I’m younger than you!” she pushed his hand away. Kris creased his eyebrow. “Oh yeah.”

“How old are you actually?” HyeRan asked.


“Bwoh??!! 24? And I let you do everything to me. Pfft. He’s a dongsaeng.”

“How old are you?” Kris asked back.


“bwoh??!! You are a noona?”

They both stared at each other in shocked and later burst in laughter.



JaeJoong opens up a can of Nescafé after throwing his coat and briefcase on the couch. He saw the post it notes on the fridge before he opens the fridge just now.


To: JaeJoong and Eloise.

            We are going to have dinner outside and will be catching late night movie too. Don’t wait for us. Have fun you two.

                                                                                                From: SuYin and YeRin.



“But I don’t see her. Where is she?” he walks to the couch and switched on the TV.



Kris has asked her to have a dinner together however she nicely rejects it saying she feels like she doesn’t want to have dinner tonight. Kris has to agree and now they are on their way to back home.



YunHo throws the file that he just got on the floor, making all the paper escaped from the files and scattered on the floor. He is angry to himself, how can’t he not notice the traitor is in front of him?

Last night, before he sleeps, he suddenly got a call from his PA. Saying there’s a last minute complaint from the latest customer. He asked her to handle it.

However things are not that simple as he thought because it turns out they are a lot of customers complaining, telling the media the great Jung Construction is giving out E class of service. The problem is mainly on quality of material. Jung Construction gives out 3 years of warranty on everything. However, after few months the building is done, crack starts to show and when it’s raining heavily, the roof unable to support the water level. He only realized this thing has gone to worse after their company became the front page story of the newspaper. Without wasting any time, he called his private investigator and only 3 hours after that he got a full report on whom behind this.

“That bastard!”



Kris stops his car and after making sure she is not leaving anything in his car, she steps out from the car.


Kris locked his car. He saw HyeRan walking ahead of him and quickly chased her. He pulls her ponytails a bit, making the poor girl yelped and smacked his arm.

“Having fun today?”

Kris asked her while putting his arm around HyeRan neck. HyeRan doesn’t know why, usually she is not this open. She doesn’t simply let people do comfortable stuffs with her. However when it comes to Kris, it’s a different case. Maybe it’s because their small age difference she can treats Kris like he is one of her family. Not to mention with his great face, how can she refused to let him put his arm over her? A lady stills a lady, man with great body, height and face can never fails to shake a lady heart.

Kris can’t stop teasing her while they are waiting for the elevator to come down. He plays with her hair, lightly stepping on her leg and sometimes pulled her nose.

Both of them didn’t know that actually there is a pair of eyes who keep eyeing on the both since the moment they both step out from the Kris car.

“Why she acts so differently with him..”




JaeJoong is going to have a takeaway Chinese food when suddenly he saw Kris and HyeRan passed in front of him. They both are teasing each other until they didn’t saw JaeJoong is just right beside them.

HyeRan looks at the number showing which floor the elevator is at. She puts away Kris arm, “yours so heavy!”

Kris smirked.


She turns around and smiled brightly, happy to see him. “Hi JaeJoong!” Kris turns around too, “Hey dude.”

JaeJoong nodded his head, “where do you guys come from?”

“Brunch with YeRin and spend some quality time with her.” They both smiled towards each other.


The elevator door opens, Kris is going to grab HyeRan hand when JaeJoong grabs hers first and turns her around, following him. “JaeJoong where are we going?”

“I haven’t had my dinner.”

She nodded her head and turns around, “Bye Kris!”

Kris who is standing there shocked to see JaeJoong acts just now.

“What the?”




JaeJoong unlocked his car and open the door for HyeRan before slowly pushed her inside. He then walks to his side of the car. HyeRan is going to but cuts her intention when she saw how cold he looks right now.

When he already drives until half of the way, JaeJoong stole a glance at HyeRan. “why you so quiet?”

“You don’t want to talk to me.”

JaeJoong scoffed, “You will have a lot of things to talk if I were Kris don’t you?”

HyeRan turns to him, “what’s that supposed to mean?”

“I saw how you act around him. You like him don’t you?”

“What are you talking about? I do not like anyone.”

 JaeJoong silenced himself; don’t want to have a fight with her. They finally arrived at the Chinese restaurant. He stops his engine, “You want to eat here or takeaway?”

HyeRan crossed her both arms, “if you want to have a fight with me then I don’t want to eat. I rather stay inside this car and wait for you.”

JaeJoong sighed. “I promise, I will not say anything about this at here. We eat first. Okay?”

She nodded her head.




“Hi, I’m YunHo. Can you please get hold of Mr. Shiyo?”

He taps his finger rapidly on his desk. “Hello.”


Mr. Shiyo chuckled, “of course I’m still here. I’m still here, watching your company going down. Is there anything else you want me to help?”

“I can’t believe you did this to us. We let you take care of Japan branch, what else do you want?”

Toro Shiyo laughed, “oh innocent YunHo.. this is not enough for me. I still want more. But you let other people handle your other branch.”

Shiyo didn’t hear a click on his door.

“How dare you do this to us…”

He turns around when he hears YunHo voice so close to him. To his surprised, YunHo is standing in front of him. He tries to runs away but who’s he kidding? YunHo was once a champion on sparring category for international Taekwon-Do Tournament.

YunHo grabs his arm and quickly hit his chin using his fist. “We treat you like a family until we gave you this Japan branch and this is how you repay us?”

He then punched Toro stomach. Toro kneeled on the floor. He can taste a metallic taste in his mouth. He wipes away the corner of his mouth. He then chuckled with bleeding teeth.

“You can punch me but my dear friend, things already broken. Many stockholders are going to back up from your company. Jung Construction will be down in few days more.”

“Go to hell! I will save my company no matter what it takes.” He said before he turns around and perfectly landed his leg on Toro face, making him falls hard on the floor unconsciously.

He fixed his jacket and walked out from the room.

They both arrived home safely, without any arguing on the way back. It’s only 7.30 when they got back. After JaeJoong opens the door, HyeRan immediately go up to her room, leaving JaeJoong alone in the living room. He sighed and plopped himself on the couch.  

“I don’t want you to spend time with him anymore. He is a heartbreaker. Did you forget what happened before? You want to break your heart again?”

If only he could directly say it to her. He cares for her. He really does.  

 After freshen up, she walks to the big mirror, she takes the towel and dries up her long hair. When she is done, she quickly changes into her pajamas. Just when she wants to plopped on the bed, she saw two white boxes on her bedside table. She didn’t realize it before.

“Since when these are here?”



JaeJoong just finished changing his shirt into his more comfortable shirt when he heard a soft knock on the door.

“Wait a minute.” He walks to the mirror and fixed his shirt.

His open the door and reveals HyeRan looking down to the floor. “What’s wrong?”

“Thank you.”

She still didn’t dare to look up. JaeJoong sensed her voice, “Eloise. Look at me. What’s wrong?”

Slowly, she lifted her head but still avoiding JaeJoong gaze. “I want to say thank you for the presents.”

JaeJoong finally understood. He smiled, “you should be happy when receiving presents, why you look so down?”

“Because I had a fight with you just now.”

JaeJoong laughed a bit, “it’s nothing okay. It’s my fault actually.” They both standing awkwardly at the door.

“Soo.. Do you like the presents?”

HyeRan nodded her head happily, “of course I am. You are the best.” She grabs JaeJoong neck and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks JaeJoong.” She then left him.

JaeJoong puts his hand on his cheek and watches HyeRan step up on the stairs.



Is it possible to rain during almost end winter? She smiled to herself; of course she knew the answer. She sits on the couch by the window in her room while holding a cup of hot chocolate, staring at New York City view. She knows she is having ‘the day’ again.

If she counted right, it’s almost one month she lives here. In Kim household, where everybody treats her nicely, even the little YeRin. Kim JaeJoong, he gives her everything she wants to. A job, a home, a comfortable feeling, and the most important are a companion. While Kim JunSu, well, he adds the colorful feeling in her dull life. He barged in her life with bright colors, making her world suddenly lit with his color. A happy smile never leaves her lips. Next, Jang Ri In or should she called Mrs. Kim Ri In? Well, she is basically her everything. Her mother, her friend, her best friend, her ear, her hand and legs. She is her everything. On their first meeting, Ri In already offered her a place to stay. What could she asks more? Ri In hug is the first thing she seeks when she is having a hard day.

Last but not least, Kim YeRin. That little girl with long black wavy hair just like her auntie, well, if JunSu bringing bright color, YeRin bring sparkles and spread it over her world. So that it becomes brighter, more sparkle. She loves her like she is her own daughter. She never asks where YeRin mom’s now is. She respects that. Is Kim JaeJoong choice whether he wants to tells her or not.

She said her thankfulness to God every time every day before sleeps. Thanking God for letting her met with these awesome people. Now her prospective towards life is not in negative mode anyway. She wouldn’t think everyone wants to take away her happiness anymore. She is also not thinking that she is a bothersome to other people.

However, no matter how hard how fast she runs from it, she will face this feeling again. The feeling of missing Jung YunHo, Shim ChangMin, Park ShinHye, Lee YeonHee and Park YooChun. She smiled gratefully when the incident where she met with YooChun earlier this morning gushed into her thoughts. She tries to forget them, throw them all the way to Guatemala. But she knows, these 5 people also give a meaning into her life. The 5 people in Seoul are the same important to the four people in New York. Except him, Jung YunHo. He is the love of her life. Her everything. Her life will be mind blowing awesome if they are together. Do every activity together.

That’s why today, she thinks about him again. Except today, she feels she is extremely missing him today. HyeRan puts her hand on her chest, “Yes, you still in here Jung YunHo.” A tear shamelessly drops and slid gracefully on her cheek.

Nobody knows that every time before sleeps, after saying her prayer, she will always spend almost 30 minutes. Reminiscing her moment with everybody in Seoul. Especially YunHo. She will spend almost 20 minutes, talks about her day as if he is there, inside her room, on her bed, snuggling her.

“YunHo oppa.. What are you doing now?” she said above whispers. She feels so vulnerable right now. her eyes then landed on the two boxes on her make up table. She stands up and takes the biggest boxes there.

A silver iMac laptop was revealed from the box. She smiled when she saw it. She quickly switches on the laptop and click on the safari logo on desktop.

It seems JaeJoong already on this laptop and set the homepage to Korea Times.

“Aww.. He is such a nice man.” She smiles. She scrolled down the page and immediately YunHo picture greets her.

She widened her eyes when she saw the title, “Jung Construction is expected to shut down their business this month.”

“Oh no!” she stands up. She looks around her room. “What should I do?”

She walks left to right and vice versa. “What should I do?”

Her eyes then accidentally landed on her luggage.



JaeJoong is filling his jug of water when suddenly he heard noises upstairs. He just placed his jug on the counter, ready to go upstairs to check up on her when he saw she is coming down with big luggage in her grip.

“Where are you going?”

HyeRan stops, “I’m going back. He needs me… Jung YunHo needs me.”




Author’s note: hi! :D so how’s the chapter? I hope I’m doing good! Oh yeah, just wondering, have you noticed I wrote a longer chapter few chapters ago? What do you think? Are you getting bored because it’s super long or are you fine with it? Lemme know ok! Love ya! Last but not least! I’m super duper happy because I got 4 comments!!! Thanks you girls!!





@cassietriplekiss: finally someone mention about YooChun!! Thanks for your attention. *hugs* no no no.. YunHo mom is not going to that way again. This time, she wants to be a better mom to her only son.

@nizzyool: yesh!! YooChun is in merica!! How’s the chapter?

@Laishayano: I will explain later why YooChun is in NY with YeonHee! :D

@2104thecassie: hey there! New reader and subscriber! Thanks for commenting! Updated! Have you read ‘I belong to you’ as well?


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LOL almost all comments that I received want me to write the scene. idk actually. should I?


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sher1994 #1
Chapter 48: will you not update?
lol yasss this story is awesome
ZaraJung62 #3
Chapter 48: Woooohooo.
Why i'm so damn excited about Yeeun and Kris??

OMG. Hyeran. You're such a tease.
Poor that certain ert. ROFL!
Calm down Yunho-ah! Soon she will be yours okay!
anmade #4
Chapter 47: i'm waiting for the next chapter :D i teally enjoy reading this ff :) what a great story hehe
77nathaniela #5
Chapter 47: nice update..thanks..and yes pls the wahaha..i want an update authornim
ZaraJung62 #6
Chapter 47: Ermmmm. yes please??? LOL.
Mr. ert in action. How dare you think about naughty things in front of your mother Jung Yunho??
can't wait to make Hyeran as your wife eyh? hahahahahahha!
calm down you idiot. she will be yours soon.
and why i feel that hyeran is plotting something for yeeun and kris? hmmm...
Chapter 47: Thanks for updating author-nim..
aaaw can't wait to see yunho-hyeran wedding day!^^
yes, chapter please! XD
kafkaruiza #8
Chapter 47: finally, Yunho and Hyeran will getting married, yeyeye ^^
and would you make a love line about Kris,, maybe with yeeun? how she reacts when met Kris was so cute...
Chapter 47: Yay!!! Hyeran and Yunho are finally going to get marry and I'm still crying the fact that Yoochun and Yeon Hee died. It's just so unexpected and shocked for me. I'm glad everyone is happy though :) yes, you should write a chapter :)
77nathaniela #10
Chapter 46: yesss...hyeran and yunho, they are getting married also jae and jihye woaaahhhh, such a good story, more update pls ;-)
although yoochun and yeonhee didnt make it..but its glad that the son's custody is in suyin couple.. yayy everybody is happy at last, good to know.