Chapter 47

Stylish Kiss

The month of January was over and February was half over.  Yooah finished up her finals this week so she was not at the company that much. She was heading back to U-Kiss dorm when she saw Alexander and Kibum leaving with their bags and things that used to be in their rooms. She started to wonder what was going on.

Yooah thought the best thing to do was not approach them; it might not want to see her right now or explain what is going on.

“Yahhhh Hyungs why in the hell did you agree to this.” Kevin said with tears falling down his face. “Why didn’t you tell us ealier that they were planning on removing you from the group? I would have went to the company and told them I woul quit if they kicked you two out. HYUNGS”

“Kevin that wouldn’t help and fans will be upset if you left.  Xander and I decided it would be best to keep this from you boys. We wanted to protect you.” Kibum said in a calm tone. He was trying not to cry in front of Kevin. Kibum and Kevin knew each other for awhil; they were in Xing together. They practically grew up together and Kevin was like a brother to him. Kibum pulled Kevin into his arms. “Stay strong for me ok and make sure Yooah stays safe. That person Gabe has some unfinished business with her.”

“I promise, but are you going to tell her.” Kevin asked.

“The company is going to have a meeting later today. She will find out than. Alexadner and I are supposed not tell anyone. The company is releasing a statement to the world tomorrow. Kevin make Kiss Me’s and Yooah happy no matter what.”

Kibum and Alexander left Kevin who was still crying.  Yooah had her school books in her hand as she walked over to Kevin. “Kevin are you ok?”

Kevin shook his head and hugged onto Yooah who dropped her books onto the ground. She hugged Kevin back, “They were kicked out Yooah. The company is breaking us apart.”

“Kevin we don’t know why they left. We will…” Kevin looked at Yooah and rested his head on my shoulder.  “Hey Mr. Blow Fish we should head inside. It is really cold here and you might catch a cold.”


 Hoonmin decided to meet with Yooah for lunch. She was waiting for Hoonmin at a table in the café that she went with him when she was looking at studying in Korea. Hoonmin walked by the window and saw her sitting there reading something off of the small screen of her phone.

 Hoonmin let out a sigh, it was going to be revealed soon that he was joining U-Kiss. He wanted to talked to her and tell her how bad he feels that Kibum and Xander Hyung were kicked out. He wished they could have been nine.  Hoonmin snuck up behind Yooah and covered her eyes, “YOOOAHHHHH!” he said cheerfully.

 "Hey Hoonmin!” She smiled smiled weekly as she moves his hands way from her face.

 “I know you are down and will not be happy with me what I am about to tell you, but I did not know what was going to happen before they offered it to me.” Hoonmin took her hand and pulled Yooah away from the table she was sitting at and moved to a table in the back. He did not want to be overheard.

 "Whatever it is I could never hate the sweet bunny Hoomin.”  Yooah said as pinching his cheek as she sat down.  Moments later they ordered food.

 "Hoonmin waited till the waiter was gone until he spoke to Yooah. “I was asked to join U-Kiss and I said yes before they told me that they were kicking out two members. I thought we were going to be nine when I joined. Please forgive me Yooah.”

 "Hoonmin I am not going to blame you for something that was out of your control. Things happen for a reason and we cannot change the past.”

 “Why are you so smart?” Hoomin smiled at me as our drinks arrived.

 “Because I just am, but I did not see this coming. I should have known when Kibum was trying to keep his distance from me.” Yooah said as she took a sip of her drink.

 “You like him don’t you?”  Hoomin asked.

 “I am not sure anymore who I like. I keep getting myself confused with all the drama those boys have caused me. Eli stole my first kiss. Kevin apparently kissed me when I was sleeping.  Kibum kissed me to stop me from talking, but he really is one of the only one who understood what I was going through at the time. Dongho kissed me by mistake when his hyungs were picking on him.  Kiseop kissed me for some reason. That boy is odd; I never know what is going on his his head.  Kevin kissed me on his birthday, and recently I got kissed by Soohyun by mistake. “

 “That is because you are irresistible Yooah!” Hoonmin smiled sweetly.

 “Do you know who the second new member is going to be?”  Yooah looked at Hoonmin who looked down at the table.

 “Well I am not supposed to say anything, but…” Hoonmin leaned forward and she did the same. “…Jaeseop is joining the group as well. You seem close to him, but I guess he did not tell you yet, but he wanted to.”

 “AJ and I have a strange relationship.” Yooah smiled as the food arrived. Once the plate was put in front of me I started to eat.

 “You are not like any girl I have ever met.” Hoomin said as he whipped the dressing from the sandwich off of my face. “How are the other U-kiss members?”

 “They locked themselves into their rooms. The only person who is acting normal is Soohyun. He is taking care of the boys. Kevin and Dongho seemed to be the worse out of all of them.” Yooah looked at Hoonmin.

 “Ahh! The company plans on making him the leader of U-Kiss.” Hoonmin took a bite of his sandwich.

 “Leader…really. I thought U-Kiss was not supposed to have a leader.” Yooah asked.

 “The company thinks things would be better if we had a leader. After what the others been through we need it. Well they need it, but I feel bad about all of this. I know that fan’s are going to hate me.” Hoomin looked at her.

 Yooah felt her phone vibrate and read a text message. YAHHHH you are not supposed to date my fellow U-Kiss member without me there to protect you.

 KIM JAESEOP you idiot. I can handle myself and HOOMIN is a nice guy. What did you do follow me?”

 “Yes I followed you!” AJ pulled over a seat and sat down. “You told her didn’t you?” AJ crossed his arms and puffed out his cheeks.

 “Yes I told her.” Hoonmin said taking another bite of his sandwich.

Soohyun and Yooah looked towards the door and saw Alexander standing there with his arms crossed; they moved away from each other quickly, trying to think of the words to explain to mama Xander. Alexander pointed to the bed and they sat down.

“Hyung it is not what you think.” Soohyun said with a blush on his face. He was avoiding Yooah’s eyes. Her eyes were really scary when she is pissed off. He hates seeing her unhappy because her mood is all over the place.

“What do you think that I thought it was…you acting out your . I would never thing that and I know you would not do anything to our stylist because you respect women to a point.” Alexader uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his hips, “Don’t make it sound like I am jumping to conclusions because I am not. Stop playing matchmaker, and let things happen on their own. It is better for people to choose if they like each other rather than pushing them together making their relationship really akward.”

“Well if they are not going to tell each other how they feel then someone should intervean.” Soohyun crossed his arms. “Yooah is not going to be our stylist forever and she has chemistry with Kibum. If they don’t get together they will never know how anything.”

“L.O.V.E. doesn’t work that way.” Alexander crossed his arms and watch Dongho run to his bed, and hug his giant pink teddy bear. He watched Alexander lecture Soohyun and Yooah, but Alexander was mainly lecturing Soohyun. Dongho loved it when Alexander lecuted outhers, but hated it when he is the one being lectured.

“Don’t mess with the love bug hyungs? Cupid will do his job soon and Soohyun Hyung do not play cupid I do not want to see you in a diper; trying to shoot love arrows into peoples butts.” Dongho said, “When you know it’s the right time your heart tells you?”

Both boys staired at Dongho and were wondering how he knew about love. They also thought it was cute how he was taling about letting Cupid do his job, but Soohyun did not like it when Dongho said for him not to play cupid.

“Yahhhh don’t look at me like that. I know because of Hana and I know hyung was planning on playing matchmaker tonight. He gave me chocolate to keep my mouth shut!” Dongho hid his face behind the plush toy and blushed.

“But Yooah and Kibum are different they need a little push!” Soohyun said.

“YAHHHHHH! I am right here and you should not be talking about me when I am sitting right next to you!” Yooah crossed her arms, “I do not mix business and pleasure. All of you guys are stupid. Wait I know boy’s are from Jupiter because they are stupid.” Yooah said as she stood up and stormed out of the room.


They were boarding the plane back to Korea to arrive on time for the Gayo Performances. Yooah was happy that she was sitting with Kiseop this time. She did not want to deal with the matchmaker Soohyun, the nagging mother Alexander, the betraying maknae Dongho, and she did not want to sit with Kibum because things were akward.

They were going to arrive in Korea in about fouthy-five minutes. Yooah was reading a book when Kiseop tapped her on the shoulder, “Kiseop is something wrong?” She looked at him with her big chocolate brown eyes.

“You look distracted!” Kiseop placed a hand on top of my head and rubbed it; he messed up my hair, “You are worrying me.” Kiseop looked at Yooah with his big, warm eyes.

“Sorry that I am worrying you, but everything is ok. I am just tired; I am rarely at school and the dean allowed me to miss a lot of classes because of you boys since my grades are all A’s.” I yawned.

“That is from reading a book.” Kiseop said with a sweet smiled, “Take a nap. I promise that I will wake you up when we land. Things will calm down after the end of the year shows, but me and dongho have a week break because we will be acting in Real School.”

“I know I will be helping you and Dongho on set! I’m fine what can I do with such a short nap.” Yooah said as she looked back down at her textbook.

Kiseop took her textbook out of her reach. “Your eyes are going to pop out of your head if you keep staring at the same page. You have been on the same page for fifteen minutes. Rest because we will be running around a lot in the next few days.”

“I’m fine besides when we land we have to pick up Hana from Kevin’s parents house. She stayed there when we were in Japan.” She reached over Kiseop’s seat to try and grab her book back. “Now give me that book. I have exams coming up you babo.”

"Is that how our pretty stylist to talk.” Kiseop arms wrapped around Yooah’s waist and he pulled her into his lap. “Now sleep and behave or I will make you.”

“Fine you win this round Kiseoppie, but next time you might not be so lucky.” Yooah as as she returned to her seat and started to dose off.

A.N. - Sorry if its short and that it took some time for me to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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Continuing from the last feed! I want to promote my other stores


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Chapter 61: Love this story!!!!! <3 <3
Amazing story! Keep Writing awesome stories! Fighting!
Rianne2580 #2
yayyyy!!! Happy ending :) hehehe <3
Yay! Yooah and Kibum got their happy ending! And Hana and Dongho too! Everyone gets together with who they should. Man, Yooah's mom is just plain evil. Gabe too. But everyone is happy now, and so am I.
This was a really amazing story and I absolutely loved it! I think this was one of the first U-KISS stories that I read. Anyways, it was beautiful to read all the conflicts and finally have them resolved. You are truly an amazing author who knows how to evoke emotions from their readers.
I give you 20 stars, which is 4 suns, the rating I give to the best stories I've read! Keep writing amazing stories! :)
I loved the story umma~ thanks for a good ending~
kpopmusiclover #6
Update soon pls!!! I seriously can't wait!! ^^
Casandra #7
Update soon!!!!!!
suspence! oi its killing me.... also have i mention i really dont like her mom ... or gabe for that matter..but please finish soon!!!!
Rianne2580 #9
Oooh.. :) PLAN :) <3 hheeheh :3
Casandra #10
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!