Chapter 26

Stylish Kiss

A few month pasted sinces break Down and things were going well. Halloween was almost here; U-kiss was going to be performing their two lead tracks from their album on Music Banks Halloween special.

Hana was off from school finally and was so excited she was able to go to work with her sister. She could not believe all the idols she was able to meet. They were all down to earth and nice to her.

Hana wandered around with Dongho who was dressed like a prince for their first performance. Their second performance is going to surprise kiss mes.

"Dongho sii!" IU smiled at him as she walked over in her Alice in Wonderland dress. "Who is your friend?"

"This is Hana she is Yooah noonas little sister."

"It’s nice to meet you enjoy the show! There are going to be some interesting performances today." IU skipped off and Dongho grabbed on to Hana's hand dragging her along.


I looked at Kiseop whose hand was finally was all healed. I was putting on a cravat around his neck when his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him. I started to blush, "Kiseop what are you..." I felt his lips press against mine.

I watched him pull away moments later smiling at me. He blushed and skipped out of the room moments later. He disappeared so fast I did not get a chance to ask why he kissed me.

I touched my lips that felt warm and wet from his kiss. I walked over to the couch and sat down, staring to daydream. I was lost in my thoughts until I felt someone flick my forehead causing me to jump.

I watched as Kibum sat next to me. I wondered why his hair was a mess. I started to fix it when he grabbed my wrist. He moved it away from his hair.

"Yooah we never really got to talk about the kiss that happened on the beach a few months ago." Kibum looked at me. "I'm sorry I forced a kiss on you. I should not have done that without asking you first."

"It's ok! I should get used to you guys making moves on me!" I stood up but felt someone grab my wrist. I looked back at Kibum who pulled me into his lap. His arms locked around my waist.

"Who is making moves on you?" he asked as he turned my face to make me look at him.

"Well... Never mind I think I'm mixing up U-Kiss kindness with making moves." I tried to change the subject, "How is your piro piro business going. Do you want me to design something for it."

"Are you sure?" He gave me a questionable look. "You don't have to do anything." He rested his head on my shoulder and I blushed.

"Yahh Kibum what are you doing?" Soohyun came over and grabbed onto my hands, pulling me away from Kibum. He put an arm around my shoulder.

"I was..." his voice started to crack.

"He caught me because I tripped again you know that I am clumsy" I said cutely making Soohyun blush made me giggle.

Kevin's head popped into the room "Hyungs it's almost our turn."

"Coming!" They said at the same time. Hana entered the room moments later.


Kevin looked at Kibum and Soohyun's flushed face. "Hyungs are you thinking about naughty things."

"NO" Soohyun and Kibum yelled at the same time. They performed and their fans were screaming out to them...

"Eli be my pigeon prince...Dongho be my kiddy king...Kevin be my sweet prince...Kiseop be my dorky prince...Kibum be my prince charming...Soohyun be my flower prince...Xander be my hyper prince."


U-Kiss next look was going to shock kiss mes. I smiled at my work and watched as the boys headed to stage.

Authors Note: I hope this update is ok. Pleace give me feed back and if you are a slient reader please leave a comment I will love to hear from you.  

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Continuing from the last feed! I want to promote my other stores


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Chapter 61: Love this story!!!!! <3 <3
Amazing story! Keep Writing awesome stories! Fighting!
Rianne2580 #2
yayyyy!!! Happy ending :) hehehe <3
Yay! Yooah and Kibum got their happy ending! And Hana and Dongho too! Everyone gets together with who they should. Man, Yooah's mom is just plain evil. Gabe too. But everyone is happy now, and so am I.
This was a really amazing story and I absolutely loved it! I think this was one of the first U-KISS stories that I read. Anyways, it was beautiful to read all the conflicts and finally have them resolved. You are truly an amazing author who knows how to evoke emotions from their readers.
I give you 20 stars, which is 4 suns, the rating I give to the best stories I've read! Keep writing amazing stories! :)
I loved the story umma~ thanks for a good ending~
kpopmusiclover #6
Update soon pls!!! I seriously can't wait!! ^^
Casandra #7
Update soon!!!!!!
suspence! oi its killing me.... also have i mention i really dont like her mom ... or gabe for that matter..but please finish soon!!!!
Rianne2580 #9
Oooh.. :) PLAN :) <3 hheeheh :3
Casandra #10
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!