Married And Unconscious

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?




I get to the hospital and see Minho awake on the bed, his face is pale but he’s smiling; I know it’s fake though. I walk over and sit on the chair beside his bed; I take hold of his hand and squeeze it encouragingly.


‘You know, I was really looking forward four our date today.’

‘Me too, I was going to ask you something.’

‘What was it?’

‘Pass me my jacket.’

I grab his jacket and give it to him, he gets a small box out and hands it to me; I look at the box in my hands. I slowly open it to reveal a ring.

‘I have had this planned for weeks. If…If I can find a priest, will you marry me right now this second?’


I didn’t give it a second thought, even though Minho is lying ill on a hospital bed he can still make me happy

-----------------TWO HOURS LATER-------------------


‘And do you Mi Yeon take Choi Minho to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? In weakness and in strength?’

‘I do.’ I try to hold back my tears of happiness but I fail as I can feel my tears run down my face.

‘I know pronounce you husband and wife.’

‘Thank You.’

A bow down in respect to the priest and then shake his hand. After we sign the papers Jonghyun comes in with some cake. I can’t believe it! I’m married! If only my appa or oppa was here, I haven’t spoken to my brother Mi Jonghun for almost five years now ever since he left for University, maybe I should try to contact him. I sit down next to Hannah as we all talk and laugh.

‘So have you thought of any names for your baby yet Yeonnie?’

Key looks at me, I glance at Hannah and Taemin giving them a signal to tell Key now.

‘Umm Key?’

‘Yes Taemin?’

‘Hannah is expecting a baby too; I’m going to become a father just like Minho.’

‘Bwo? Hannah how could you seduce my Taeminnie like that? Do you want to die?’

‘Key it’s my fault not Hannah’s.’

‘How long have you been pregnant for?’

‘Four weeks.’ Hannah whispers.

‘You did it before Yeonnie?!’

‘Calm down Key it’s not like any of us are s!’

‘You can’t talk Onew, your still a .’ Oh crap.

‘No I’m not.’

‘When did you do it?’

‘Three weeks ago.’

‘With who?’

‘I was in a club ok? I got a bit too drunk.’ Thank the Lord that he’s a good liar.

‘Ok then.’  Phew… That was close.

After an hour Minho falls asleep and we all leave, when we get home I take some pain relief for my leg. I go into the kitchen and sit on a chair; I watch Key as he cuts the vegetables into small pieces for the soup.

My mind starts to wonder as I think of names for mine and Minho’s child, I would prefer to have a girl but I honestly don’t mind. Jae? Hwa Young? Min soo? I could call the baby Min Soo after CAP; he’d love that, but L. Joe and the other members would get jealous. Choi Mi Young sounds nice; it’s Minho’s last name and mine as well.

Choi Yeon. That’s my name now, I’m finally married to the one person I’ve only ever loved.

‘Yeonnie are you ok? You’ve been daydreaming for the past ten minutes.’

‘I’m ok, I was just thinking.’

‘Minho will be ok you know.’

‘I know, he’s strong. I wasn’t thinking about him; I was thinking of names.’

‘For the baby?’


‘Have you thought of any?’


‘Tell me.’



‘It’s going to be a surprise.’

‘Ok then; I have to be the first one to know though.’ He pouts.


Key turns around and starts to cook again. I hope Minho will be ok, I’ll go and see him again tomorrow after my check up.


---------------------NEXT DAY----------------------


I slowly make my way down the stairs trying not to trip on my crutches. Suddenly my heart starts to beat incredibly fast and an unexpected dizziness comes upon me and I start to breathe faster. Something’s wrong, I need to get to the hospital right away. Where is everyone? Taemin and Hannah have gone out and so had Key and Jonghyun, Onew is the only one left.

‘Onew!’  He dashes out his room.


‘We need to go to the hospital right away.’

‘Wae? Is your belly hurting?’

‘There’s something wrong with Minho, I can feel it.’ 

Onew helps me into his car and we arrive at the hospital ten minutes later. I try to walk as fast as I can but the crutches are slowing me down, I make my way to Minho’s room but a nurse stops me from going in. I start pacing back and forth but I fall because of my crutches, I don’t move, I just cry on the floor.

‘You need to get up, your blocking the way.’

I can feel Onew lift me up and place me on a chair next to him, I place my head on his shoulder and cry, my sobs echo in the corridor.




Poor Yeonnie. I can feel her tears on my shoulder through my top; I rub her back and try to comfort her.

Then a sudden thought occurs in my mind.





‘Yeonnie. Stop crying now. I need to ask you something very serious.’

I stop crying and sit up; I rub my eyes and look at him in the face.

‘What are you going to ask me?’

‘Who’s the father of your child?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Is Minho the father or am I?’

‘Minho is.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m positive.’

‘How do you know?’

‘I just know.’

‘What do you mean you just know?’

‘I just do!’

‘When the child is born I want a test to be done.’


‘Do you want Minho to know what happened between us?’

‘Nothing happened!’

‘Are you sure?’


‘That child is either mine or Minho’s, if you don’t do a test when the child is born I will reveal what we did to everyone.’

‘Why would you do that?’

‘Because if I am the father I don’t want Minho to raise the child as his, I want to raise the child as mine.’

‘You wouldn’t.’

‘I would.’

‘No you wou-’

‘Excuse me?’  A nurse comes towards us and we stand up. ‘Are you related to Choi Minho?’

‘Yes, I’m his wife and this is his best friend.’

‘I’m afraid your husband has gone into a coma. We don’t know when he’ll wake up or how long he’ll be unconscious for. I’m sorry.’



Sorry for not updating in like three days. 
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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D