Minho makes me feel better.

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?


I’m walking along a beach; the sun is hot enough to cover me in an invisible blanket of warmth. The beautiful ocean waves are crashing gently against the cliffs and the shore and I can see the birds joyfully fly around in circles in the air, the soft golden sand runs in between my toes with a tender breeze. In the distance I see a girl wearing a white dress, she smiles at me and starts to wave, I walk towards her but then stop, her expression has changed she’s no longer happy and content but sad and scared. Suddenly the sky turns grey and the sun disappears, the calm sea water turns into a rage of anger and frustration, it crashes widely and I can hear it roar.

‘AHHHHHHH!’  The girl starts to yell, she starts to cry and she slowly crouches on the ground, she’s sobbing endlessly and I can do nothing about it.

‘AHHHHHHH!’ She yells again.

What can I do? I run towards her but I trip on a rock, I look down at the blood trickling from my toe, it goes onto the rock, my blood is creating a word and as I look closer I read what it says

Mi Yeon is M

‘Ahhhhhhhh!’ I jump out of bed; phew it was just a dream. But, what was the end of the sentence on the rock? I stick my foot out of the bed and look at my toe, I feel it for a cut but there’s nothing there. Well of course there won’t be a cut you were dreaming! I get up and go to the bathroom, seen as I’m up now I might as well have a wash and get dressed.


‘NOOO! Please stop! No!’ I sob and sob and sob; there is nothing I can do, nothing I can do to stop this. The pain is unbearable, I can feel him inside me, and his hard fast movements are just unbearable.

‘AHHHHHH!’ I let out a cry, why me? What have a done to deserve this? Where are you appa?

‘AHHHHHH!’ Please, please, please stop. Why does he want to cause me so much pain?



 My eyes snap open. When will these memories stop? I turn on my side and stare at Minho, he’s rubbing his toe, did I wake him up? Oh no! What to do! Wait, he doesn’t look angry at all, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. Maybe I didn’t wake him up, I stare at the bathroom door for a good ten minutes before it opens again, I quickly close my eyes and listen, the door shuts and I open my eyes, where did he go? Doesn’t matter, I might as well get up. I stand up and start to sway, the room feels like its spinning, I manage to get the bathroom and within a minute I’m being sick in the toilet. What the hell? I quickly wash and get dressed; I go out the bathroom to find Key looking at me.

‘Are you ok? I heard yelling in the night, did Minho do something?’

‘No, he didn’t do anything, I just had a bad dream.’

‘Ok, you should come and eat some breakfast with us, you don’t look so good.’


I grab my jacket and head to cafeteria with Key, when we get there I can see the others already sitting down and eating. Key comes with me to the dinner ladies, he orders his breakfast and waits for me, I don’t know what to choose so I just grab some toast and an apple. I sit down next to Onew and Taemin, we’re all silent as we eat our breakfast, it’s not an awkward silence though, it’s a comfy silence and I’m glad of it. Onew breaks the silence.

‘What lessons have you got today Jonghun?’ I realise that he’s talking to me.

‘Uh, I don’t know I need to look at my timetable later.’

‘He’s got the same as me.’ I choke on the piece of apple I was swallowing; I have the same lessons as Minho?

‘Just for today?’  I look at him anxiously.

‘No, every lesson, of every day, of every week.’ No!!!!! Why? I already have a bet with him that I’m bound to lose!

‘O-o-o-ok.’ I go back to eating my apple, trying to avoid everyone’s gaze.

The school bell rings and everybody goes to lesson, I meekly follow Minho to class, I don’t know what class it is so I just stay quiet and stay behind him. When we get to the class I look around. Biology. Well at least it’s a subject I’m good at, I go to the teacher who points to an empty seat, and guess who I have to sit next to? Yep! You got it, Minho.  I trudge to the seat and get my pen out, I slowly look at Minho, he is looking at the board waiting for the teacher to start. Class soon starts, I try to pay attention, but my stomach is hurting too much.

‘Mi Jonghun is it?’ I look up at the teacher who is talking to me.


‘Can you give these sheets out for me seen as you’re not listening?’


 I walk to the front and get the sheets off the teacher. As I start handing them out I suddenly feel dizzy again, I get the desk that me and Minho sit at and put the sheets down, Minho looks at me curiously and I try to smile but fail. The room is spinning around me and I can feel my temperature rising. Before I know it my legs buckle underneath me and I can hear everyone get up and crowd around me, I see Minho get up and then everything goes black.


Jonghun puts the sheets of paper at our desk, I look at him confused, he tries to smile but he fails. Unexpectedly, he falls to the ground, what in the world? I get up just like everybody else to look, he’s fainted, I knew he didn’t look right this morning while he was eating his breakfast.

‘Minho take him to the nurse’s room and stay with him.’

‘Why me?’ I look up at the teacher.

‘Because you are his roommate and you are the strongest one here. Now go.’


 I carefully pick Jonghun up and walk out of the class room; it will take at least three minutes to walk there. Something falls off his neck and drops onto the floor; I stop and pick it up, its chain. I stop and carefully put it back on around his neck, my hand slips and he starts to fall, I grab him at the waist and as I try to balance myself my hands go to his chest. What? That’s not normal, it feels strange, it feels as if he has s, really small s. I can’t believe I’m doing this, I is his top and look at his chest; it’s wrapped in bandages really tight. Impossible, Mi Jonghun is a girl? It can’t be, instead of going to the nurse I take her to our room, I put her on her bed and get a wet flannel, I place it on her forehead and dab gently. I dab her neck and then I roll her sleeves up to dab her arms, I see bruises all over her arm, I roll her other sleeve up to find more bruises on that one. Mi Yeon? It can’t be.

‘Mi Yeon?’
 I speak softly, she begins to stir, I can’t believe it. What’s she doing in an all boy’s school? I dash to Key’s room and get some medicine from his cabinet in the bathroom and I rush back.

‘Mi Yeon? Wake up you need to have some medicine.’

 She slowly opens her eyes, wait, maybe I shouldn’t tell her that I know her secret; she might freak out and run away.

‘Mi Jonghun? Have some of this medicine, it will make you feel better.’

She swallows the pill and drinks some water. She is so pale; she looks like death warmed up. She needs to eat something with that medicine, I get up and go to the cafeteria, I come back with a bowl of soup and some bread.

‘Here, swallow this, you’ll feel better after you’ve eaten.’

I get some soup on a spoon, she opens and I feed her, she swallows it and immediately looks better, I give her some more and soon the soup is all gone. I put the empty bowl on the floor, I get the flannel and wet it again and place it on her forehead. She smiles as I dab her forehead, without knowing I get close to her and dab her neck as well, her breathing starts to quicken and I start to worry.


He’s feeding me soup, why’s he taking care of me? I don’t care, he’s making me feel better and I kinda like it. He dabs my forehead with the flannel and he suddenly gets closer and starts to dab my neck. My heart starts to beat fast, he starts to look worried because my breathing has quickened, he goes to get up but my hand grabs his.

‘Stay, please.’

 It’s barely a whisper, but he hears me. He smiles at me and puts the flannel back on my head. His smile is to die for, I smile back at him and I forget about the fact that I’m a boy.

‘Thank you.’ My eyes slowly fall and drift off into a deep sleep.


‘Thank you.’ She falls asleep almost immediately after saying this; I hold her hand and watch her as she sleeps and before long I drift off myself, still holding her hand.





Sorry if this chapter is a bit longer than I normally do, I got a bit carried away. Thank you for subscribing!!!! :D xxx

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D