Blood Compatible

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?


I pace up and down the corridor waiting for a doctor to come out of Jonghyun’s room, I look at everyone else. Key has his head in his hands, he is crying. Onew has his arm around Taemin, both of them were as pale as ghosts and Minho was leaning on a wall with his head facing the ceiling. I kept pacing back and forth, for some reason I think that this might be my fault. I turn around to see a doctor coming towards us; we all rush over to him.

‘Does Jonghyun have any relatives that we could speak to?’

‘No, he has no family. We’re all he’s got.’ Key looks at the doctor. He really had no family? This makes all the matters worse.

‘Jonghyun needs blood; we need to take blood from each of you to see whether you are compatible with Jonghyun’s blood.’

We all nod our head. Nurses come and take us into separate cubicles; they take a small amount of blood from us each and go somewhere. We all sit down on seats and wait impatiently. After about five minutes a nurse comes out.

‘Mi Jonghun?’

‘Neh?’ I look up in surprise.

‘Your blood is the most compatible with Jonghyun’s. Please come this way with me.’

I follow the nurse. After five minutes she has enough blood. She leaves the room and lets me rest for a bit.

‘Mi Yeon?’ I look up, it’s Minho.                                                                                          

‘Look, let’s just forget about it ok? Don’t mention it ever again; I don’t want our friendship to be ruined. I forgive you, let’s just forget it.’ He nods his head. We go back into the corridor and sit down.  The doctor comes back out.

‘Jonghyun took some sleeping pills and the pills that he took had some poison in so we needed to remove a lot of his blood and put fresh in to remove all the poison. He is awake now and he is doing fine. Before you go and see him I need to speak with him and Mi Jonghun alone if that’s ok.’

I get up and follow the doctor into Jonghyun’s room, I see him looking at me intently, what is going on?

‘Mi Yeon, I don’t know why you’re doing it but I’m glad your did pretend to be Mi Jonghun because if you weren’t here when Jonghyun fainted, he probably wouldn’t be here right now.’

‘How do you kno-‘

‘Your blood is the same as Jonghyun’s. Your are brother and sister.’

‘Bwo?!?!?!?!’ I shout at him in surprise, I look at Jonghyun who isn’t surprised at all.

‘You knew?’

‘Yep.’ He looks at me with his dark eyes which suddenly remind me of my dad.

‘Well to be accurate, your only half brother and sister.’ The doctor cut in.

‘I’ll give you two sometime alone.’

The doctor walked out the room, leaving me in a lot of shock. I sat on the chair near Jonghyun’s bed.

‘I’m sorry, I should have told you when we first met, but I just wasn’t sure.’ He looks at me and smiles.



They will have a heart to heart in the next chapter and all will become clear. hehe xxx

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D