Jonghyun's Birthday

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?


It’s ten in the morning and I’m about to sneak into Jonghyun’s room to wake him up; Key has made a really nice breakfast for him. I open the door and go into Jonghyun’s room to see him wrapped up in his blankets like a sausage roll, I shake him but he doesn’t stir; I carefully stand up on the mattress trying to avoid his legs, I start to jump up and down on the bed pretending that it’s a trampoline.

‘Wake up Oppa! It’s your birthday! Wake up Oppa!’

He opens his eyes and smiles at me, he tries to unravel himself from his duvet but he ends up falling out of the bed and onto the floor; I start to laugh at him. He suddenly tackles me and I end up lying on the bed, he starts to tickle me, oh gawd.


I start laughing hysterically, I try to get him to stop but he carries on.


My belly is starting to hurt from all this laughing, I hear someone come down the hall and I let out a yell.

‘Help me! Someone help!’

I try to stop Jonghyun but he carries on, the bedroom door opens and Minho comes in looking worried.

‘Minho hahaha help hahaha help hahaha me.’

He face relaxes and he smiles; he walks out the room. Damn you Minho! I manage to wriggle free from Jonghyun’s grasp; I run out the room, run to the kitchen and hide behind Key. A couple of seconds later Jonghyun comes down the stairs laughing; Key puts his breakfast onto the table and Jonghyun eats it all straight away, Minho comes in and comes to give me a hug but I push him away lightly.

‘What’s up?’

‘Oh don’t act so innocent you should of helped me instead of leaving me with him.’

‘You looked so happy though.’

‘Whatever and YOU! You can forget about your present!’ I point at Jonghyun.


‘Don’t ever tickle me again.’

I can’t believe that they’re falling for the act, hehe this will be fun! Tonight we’re going to the concert/festival thing! I start spazzing and jumping around the room; I suddenly stop when I see Minho, Jonghyun and Key giving me a weird look, oh gawd I forgot that there are other people in the room.

‘Someone’s got mood-swings.’ I glare at Jonghyun.

‘She must be PMS-ing.’ I look at Key.

‘Yah I PMS-ed last week for your information!’

Oh my gawd I did not just say that! I run up to my room and smack my forehead. Aish, I’m so stupid! I’ll go and wake Hannah up. I go to knock on her door but I stop because I her moans; I open the door ever so slightly and look in. I can’t believe it… Taemin… Is on top of Hannah!!!! Argh so disturbing, I turn around and sit on the stairs. Ottokhe?!?!

‘Minho I’m going to wake Taemin and Hannah up.’

‘Neh Key.’  Ottokhe?!?! Ottokhe?!?! Key’s coming! I knock on Hannah’s door.

‘Taemin, Hannah, Key’s coming! Taemin hide!’

I hear shuffles in her room, I run downstairs just as Key is about to knock on the door.

‘Key! Taemin went out for a jog.’

‘Oh, that’s strange. Thanks for telling me.’

I sigh a big sigh of relief as Key goes downstairs, I go to my bathroom and take a shower.


---------------------THREE HOURS LATER--------------------


Taemin and Hannah are avoiding me, it’s so funny, every time I’m in the same room as them they get all red with embarrassment; they’re just making it worse for themselves. I’m still going to ignore Jonghyun and Minho, I’ll talk to them just before we get to the concert.

I got that Supa Luv, that Supa Luv oh

‘Yoboseyo? ‘


‘Hey CAP.’

‘I’m really sorry but my schedules been changed so I won’t be able to hang out with you on Saturday.’

‘It’s ok.’

‘I’m sorry sis.’

‘It’s ok Oppa, I understand.’

‘To make it up to you, I have seven backstage passes for you tonight.’



‘Kamsahamnida! I’m so excited!’

‘Haha, I’ll see you later.’

‘Bye Oppa.’

‘Bye sis.’

Back stage passes! I get to meet Super Junior!!! I’m so happy! I look at the clock; two hours till we leave, me and Hannah will have to get ready now. I run downstairs.

‘Guys me and Hannah are going to get ready now, I suggest you should too.’

‘What for?’ I look at Jonghyun.

‘I’m taking you out for dinner.’

We all get up and go to our bedrooms and start to get ready, I put my turquoise dress on, I go into Hannah’s room and help her straighten her hair, and then Hannah helps me to curl mine. We go downstairs and sit in the living room to wait for the guys.

‘I won’t tell anyone.’

‘Thank you.’

I smile at Hannah; I knew she would end up with Taemin. After awhile the five guys come down and we leave the house. Hannah, Taemin and Onew go in one car; Key and Jonghyun go in another car and me and Minho go in another car.

‘We should have came on the motorbike.’

‘The helmet would have ruined my hair.’

What a lame excuse! I wonder when I should tell him that I know how to ride a motorbike; I learnt a lot of things in America, I guess I’ll have to tell him sooner or later. We park in a back alley car park.

‘Where are we? This isn’t a restaurant!’ My phone starts to ring.

‘Yoboseyo? Yeh we’re at the back.’

I hang up and CAP opens the a door.

‘Hey guys, here are your backstage passes.’

‘Thanks Oppa.’

I turn around and give everyone a pass; I hug Jonghyun. ‘Happy birthday Oppa.’

We all go through the door to be greeted by Teen Top and F(x).

‘Happy birthday Jonghyun!’

His mouth hangs open. We go and take our seats (front row!), this is going to be so fun! Super Junior performs first, they sing Sorry Sorry and Bonamana and I swear that  Kyuhyun  winked at me! Teen Top then performs Clap and Supa Luv; Ricky kept glancing at Hannah. F(x) then performs Nu Abo and Chu. SNSD performs Oh and Gee, this night is amazing!!


----------TWO HOURS LATER-------------------------


At the end they all come on the stage, I see CAP wink at me and I return it with a smile.  I look at the rest of the members. Kyuhyun steps forward and speaks.

‘Thank you all for coming tonight we hope you all had a great time. Today is of our friend’s birthday. So let’s all sing happy birthday to Kim Jonghyun!’

A spotlight appears and it shines on Jonghyun; everyone starts to sing happy birthday to him and he smiles like an idiot. Today has been so fun I don’t think anyone could forget it.




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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D