Death Bell

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?



My poor sister, she’s been in the hospital for two days now unconscious. Minho’s health has gotten worse because he won’t leave her side; I hope she wakes up soon so Minho will eat or drink something. I walk into her room holding Key’s hand, the doctor said she should be waking up today; he also said the baby was ok and it’s lucky it survived the fall. I look at Yeonnie lying in the bed, one of her legs is in a cast and her right arm is bandaged up. She also has a bandage wrapped around her head and a drip going into her arm. My poor little girl.

‘Minho? Please, at least have a sip of this water.’

‘No hyung.’


‘I said NO!’

Minho stands up and glares at me and Key, Key grips my hand even tighter. Suddenly the machine that is monitoring Yeonnie’s heart changes in sound, we all turn to Yeonnie and we see one of her hands curling into a fist.

We all huddle around the bed and hold our breaths, no one dared to move an inch as we watch Yeonnie. We can see her eyes twitch, and her head slowly moves to the side. I look to her eyes; I think she’s trying to open them. Her eyes twitch and they slowly open.




I’m swimming in the sea; I’m swimming deep down it’s so dark and lonely here. I carry on swimming forward, the darkness becomes a light blue and I feel like I am not alone, I carry one swimming; the water becomes white… Is this normal? My eye twitches in irritation as I try to swim closer to the bright light.

My eyes open and I blink a couple of times, I look around my surrounds to see Key. Jonghyun and Minho all looking at me, I look at my arm which has a plastic tube in, I must be hospital. What happened? Why don’t I remember what happened? I try to speak but my mouth is to dry. Key seems to understand and he gets me some water. I let the water quench my thirst.

‘Why am I here?’

‘Do you not remember?’ I look at Jonghyun.

‘Do you know who we are?’ I look at Key and nod my head.

‘Do you remember falling down the stairs of the basement?’


I run down the stairs letting my tears fall from my eyes. I gasp and hit my head, I can feel myself tumbling I feel something heavy land on my leg and I start to cry. Minho, my lover, my best friend, the father of my child, why? Why did you have to become ill? Why do you have to leave me? I sharp pain pierces through my heart and I yell out in pain. This is what it feels like to heartbroken, I cry and cry and cry. My life has always been bad, ever since I was little to this moment in time. My life has been horrible, I’m not worth it. I have no one, there is no point crying for help, my legs are being crushed and my right hand is trapped, I feel faint, I know I won’t last much long.




‘I’m sorry, I was upset.’

‘It’s ok, I understand. Just… Just don’t leave me.’ Minho tries to hold back his tears.

‘I won’t leave, I’ll never leave you.’


‘Nado saranghaeyo.’   He leans forward and kisses my forehead.

‘Minho let the doctor do a check up on her. Come on, come and have something to eat.’ Key speaks.

‘Will be you ok without me?’


I nod my head as they go out the room. The doctor comes into the room.

‘Good news. You should be able to leave the hospital in a couple of hours.’

‘My baby? How’s my baby?’

‘Your baby suffered no damage; looks like you’ve got a strong fighter.’

‘Thank you.’


The doctor leaves the room and leaves me to rest, starting from when I get home later today I will take care of Minho as much as I can. I will clean the house, I will cook the food, and I will take him wherever he needs to go. I will help you with your medication; I will make sure you will see the birth of your child.

I close my eyes and try to imagine a future of me and Minho. Sitting on the sofa watching our child play with their toys on the floor, a puppy comes running in and plays with our child and then me having to clean the dogs paws because of the mud.  I slowly start to drift off to sleep in my own little fantasy world.


---------------------------THREE HOURS LATER-------------------------



I get out of the car and make my way to the house; I hobble along on my crutches, I reach the door to open it but I struggle with my crutches. Jonghyun comes from behind and opens it for me. I could have done it myself… eventually.

I am greeted by a hug from Hannah when I went into the living room; she squeezes the living daylight out of me and I start to cough. She pulls away.

‘Mianhe. I missed you. How are you feeling?’

‘It’s ok, my leg hurts a bit but I’m fine; I missed you too.’

I go to the stairs and try to climb with my crutches; ah it hurts so much. I will not back down! I go up one step and realise I’m already panting, I turn my head slightly to see everyone looking at me. Stupid idiots- don’t they know it’s rude to stare?

‘Stop staring you freaks.’ 

‘Do you need help up the stairs?’

‘I think I can manage.’

They smirk and leave the hall letting me climb the stairs on my own. I take another step and wince in pain, but it doesn’t compare to the pain in my heat. The pain of knowing that one day Minho won’t be here, the pain of knowing that one day our child will ask ‘Umma, where’s appa?’ and knowing how to respond. I must put up with the pain, I must stay strong. I lift my head and look up at the rest of the stairs that I need to climb; I sigh and take another step. It’s now been five minutes and I’ve only climbed three steps. I wince in pain again.

‘Minho?’ I whisper his name but he seems to hear and comes to me.

‘Do you need help?’


Without hesitation Minho picks me carefully and I keep hold of my crutches, he carries me into my room and places me onto my bed, he kisses my forehead and sits next to me. I think we’re about to have the talk, we are going to talk about his illness. I gulp.


‘I don’t care ok! I’ll take care of you, I’ll get you your medication, I’ll feed you, and I’ll do everything.’

‘The medication, might keep me alive. There’s a small amount of people who have the disease who survive.’

‘So you might live?’


‘I hope you are one of them who survives, I can’t possibly begin to imagine not living without you.’

‘Let’s just hope for the best. Now let’s talk about something which is more important.’

‘What would that be?’

‘Baby names!’ Minho you really know how to cheer me up.

‘Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?’

‘I’m happy whatever is born.’

‘Me too.’

‘Can we watch a film?’

‘Ok, you choose.’

Minho goes down stairs to bring a film up to watch on the TV; I hadn’t even thought of baby names till Minho mentioned it then, wait? What will the last name be? Choi or Mi? What about both? No, that would sound too weird. Oh good Minho’s back with a film.

‘What film have you chosen?’

‘Death Bell.’

‘AAAHHHH! Go and get a different one now!’


‘It’s a horror movie.’

‘You’ve never watched one though.’ He frowns. So cute- I’m going off topic.

‘That’s not the point! I get freaked out just by thinking about them!’

‘Well, you’re going to have to watch this with me now.’

‘You’re going to put it on no matter what aren’t you?’


He puts the disc in the machine, it starts to play; I am so freaking scared. The screen is black.

‘OH MY GOSH! What’s happening?’

‘It’s just the title coming up you pabo.’


Swimming! I love swimming, a race! Come on! Woo- she won! That’s nice; maybe he didn’t pick such a scary movie after all.

‘AHHHHHHHH!’ I spoke to soon, something just happened to the girl in the pool. I grab Minho’s arm and bury my face in his shoulder, he laughs at me.

‘You can look now.’ I open my eyes and watch as things happen in the school. Ten minutes later I get another shock and scream.


‘It’s not that bad.’

‘Turn it off now!’


I grab the remote and try to press the off button but nothing works. I look at Minho who is laughing; I notice two batteries in his hand. In an attempt to turn the film off, I throw the remote with as much power as I can, it hits the TV and smashes the screen but unfortunately for me the screen is frozen on a gruesome scene. I try to get up; I manage to hobble out of Minho’s room. I hurry as much as I can in my crutches and make my way up the stairs. I go into my own room and shut the door, a minute or two later I hear knocking on the door.

‘Go away Minho.’

‘Mianhe Yeonnie, I didn’t know you were scared that much.’

‘Whatever; I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight.’

‘Goodnight Yeonnie.’

I lie down on my bed and shut my eyes; that was so scary, I almost wet myself. After about ten minutes my eyes flicker open. I can’t sleep, my eyes wonder around the room but I realise that I can’t see anything because it is pitch black. I am so freaking scared right now, I hear a thud downstairs.

‘AAHHHHH!’ I yell out in shock. Calm down, I’m just over reacting. No, I can’t stay here alone.

‘Yeonnie, I heard you yell, are ok?’

‘Minho! Please come here, I don’t want to sleep.’

‘Why? What do you want to do?’ I could see a smirk spread across his face.

‘Stop with the erted thoughts. I’m scared, please stay with me.’


He gets into my bed and wraps his arms around me; I breathe in his scent and close my eyes.

‘I’m sorry; I didn’t know you were that scared.’

‘Don’t do it again.’


‘It’s ok.’


‘I love you too Minho.’

We both close our eyes and fall asleep.



--------------------NEXT DAY----------------------



‘Yah! I’m awake stop it!’

‘Yeonnie! Get up!’  I open my eyes to see Taemin almost in tears.

‘Taemin; what’s wrong?’

‘It’s Minho.’  I shot out of bed ignoring the pain in my leg.

‘What’s wrong with him? Where is he?’

‘He fainted and an ambulance has just taken him to hospital.’


‘Come on get dressed, we have to go to see him.’

‘Who cares about getting dressed? I’m going like this to save time.’

‘Ok, at least put a coat on.’

‘Come on let’s go!’

I manage to get downstairs quite quickly in my crutches; we all huddle up in the car as we head to the hospital.




Thank you so much for commenting and subscribing! Think this may be the longest chapter I've wrote so far.

The film Death Bell is real, my friend made me watch it while we where in school on the computers; we watched the first two parts and almost ripped her hand of in fright! To be honest it's not that scary I was just freaking out but OMG I couldn't sleep, I was so scared that I cried and I went into my mums room and I was crying to her in the middle of the night so my dad went to sleep in my bed while I slept with my mum! I was so freaking scared. I still am!



Saranghae <3    xxx

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D