Bumping into a familiar face.

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?

Has some bad language in Minho's POV. Only a little bit though :D


'Arrgh!' I jolted out of the bed screaming, phew it was just a dream again! What time is it? 12pm?!?!?!?! I am going to late for my first day of school! Well, it doesn't start for another four days but the headmaster wants me to be there early so I get to know the place so I don't get lost.

I go to get a shower using the boys toiletries I bought yesterday. I look at myself in the mirror, the bruises are still purple *sigh* at least their light purple now they should be gone in around 2 weeks. Hopefully. I look at all the clothes I bought and sat staring at them for about 10 minutes before I choose what I'm going to wear. I choose black jeans, a mellow yellow long sleeve top, grey jacket and some black trainers. After I put them on I look at myself in the mirror, I had no makeup and I smelt like a boy.This better work, I packed all my clothes and belongings into my suitcase sat on the bed.

'I miss you daddy. Why did you have to go? Eveything would be fine if you were here.' I started to cry, I have never cried in front of anyone since my dad died. When he died, I cried for two days straight and then I went in to shock , I only cry when no one else is with me, I only cry for my father now, nothing else effects me anymore.

I wipe my eyes and stand up, I put my hand on the door knob and sighed, this is it; as soon as I step out of this door I will be a boy from then on.


I am so ing angry!!!! Why do I have to have a room mate! Urgh! I'm stuffing my clothes in my drawers and I'm tidying my bed, I'm cleaning my room for this boy! Urgh!!!!!

Finally I've finished my room. MY room! Soon to be OURS! I go out of the room and start to storm to the cafeteria for lunch even though it's 2pm. I am so ing pissed, I could kill someone!


'Ow.' I look down, I am lying on a boy Oh My Arsehole! Seriously, what is up with this world lately. I stand up, grab this boy and throw him across the corridor, his back hits the wall. I walk up to him.

'Watch it punk! I'm not one to mess with! ing look next time! Got it?' He had a hood over his face so I can't tell who it is, he meakly nodded. I stormed off, why the hell did I do that? I was angry I didn't meen to, I better apologize when I find out who it was.



'Ow' That hurt, I peak my eyes open and see a boy on top of me, my heart is beating fast, oh my camel pie, what do I do? Uh Oh, he's getting up, oh no he's grabbing me by the shoulders. Everything goes blank...

Urgh I open my weakly, I am on the floor across form him. Wait, Minho?!?!?!?! Oh no I look down and cover my face with my hood. My back is killing me! Oh No, he's walking towards me!

'Watch it punk! I'm not one to mess with! ing look next time! Got it?' I nodded meakly and he stormed off, I could hear him muttering something to himself.

I get up slowly rubbing my back, I look for the room 4A, I find it quite easily. I go in and look at the two beds. Oh great! I guess the neat and tidy one is mine seen as the are lots of stuff on the other one. I put my suitcase under the bed, I take my jacket off and I put it under the bed aswell andI lie on the bed. I am so exhuasted I'm sure a little nap won't be wrong. I close my eyes still panting from my encounter with Minho and the wall. My breath is slowing down and before I know it I'm in a deep sleep, where Park Soohyun is waiting for me....

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D