Jonghyun goes to hospital

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?




I really didn’t want to face Minho after what had just happened but I guess I have to sooner or later. I walked down the hall and I saw Keys’ bedroom door open, I went closer and I saw Jonghyun on the floor unconscious. I knelt down beside him, I shook him but he didn’t move, he wasn’t breathing. What do I do? I don’t have a phone to call for an ambulance or anything, I shout for help but nobody comes. I ran quickly to my room to see Minho lying on the bed listening to music, I yanked the headphones out of his ears and pulled on him with all my might. He fell on the floor.

‘What’s- Mi Yeon I’m-’  I don’t want to hear this.

‘Shut up and follow me quickly.’

I grabbed his phone from his bed and ran out the room; Minho had no choice but to follow. By the time I got back to Jonghyun and Key’s room tears were falling down my face. I called for an ambulance using Minho’s phone while Minho was trying to wake Jonghyun up. Nothing was working.

‘Mi Yeon, how long did the ambulance say it would take to get here?’

‘5 minutes.’

‘That’s not fast enough we need someone who knows CPR.’

‘I am so stupid! I know CPR ,move out the way.’

I placed my hands on Jonghyun’s chest and starting pressing, 1,2,3,4... 14,15. I can’t believe I’m doing this, I placed my mouth on Jonghyun’s mouth and I slowly blew air into his lungs, I went back to his chest and starting pressing,1,2,3,4 . He coughed. Oh my God he coughed! He opened his eyes.

‘What happened?’

He tried to sit up but he fell back on the floor, he eyes close and his breathing became short and fast. Suddenly the paramedics came and took Jonghyun on a stretcher out of the room, we followed them. Outside the room was Onew, Taemin and Key. Their eyes were full of questions but none of them spoke. We followed the ambulance to the hospital, not one of us spoke a word.



Hope you like the chapter! I am so busy today I have no idea how I managed to update! :D xxx

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D