First meeting at midnight (part two)

Is Hate really Love? Or is Love really Hate?


'AAAAHHH! Please stop! Please, I'm begging you, please leave me alone!' I sob uncontrobably, I know I'm dreaming, but it's just so real and I can't wake up. I'm shaking now, wait, shaking? This has never happened before. I slowly open my eyes expecting to see Park Soohyun...

What the hell?!?!?! It's midnight and someone is waking me up, my eyes focus on a dark figure beside me, Minho?!?!?!?! You've got to be kidding me, I'm in a room with Minho? Why not Jonghyun?!?!?! He's yelling me now, I meen it's midnight and he's yelling, how sensible is that?

'You idiot! Why in the world were you screaming? I was fast asleep?' I stare at him blankly, I was screaming? Urgh it must be my nightmares again, I HATE my life so much.

'Urgh, sorry mate, bad dream or summit' I try to act cool even though I am absolutely petrified.

'One, I am not your mate! Two a bad dream? A bad dream, how old are you 6?' He's pacing up and down the room; now I can either shout back and get him more angry or reply cooly and get him annoyed.

'Look, it's my first night here and I don't want to have any ememies. I'm sorry ok? It won't happen again.' I stand up and stare at him straight in the eyes.

'You are lucky this is your first night and that I'm too tired to do anything, or else you would be looking very sorry for yourself '

I stare at him head to toe, and I realise that he's only wearing pants, my mouths hangs open. Oh my camels! He has a six pack, I repeat he has a six pack! Breathe, remember to breath... Breathe in....Breathe out.

'What are you dribbling at you fool?' I put my hand to my mouth and I can feel a little of drool, only a bit though. I can feel myself blushing, thank the world the lights not on. I go to the bathroom.

'Where are you going?' He looks at me all confused.

'To have a pee. What else?' 

I walk into the bathroom, switch the light on and lock the door. I have never been so embarassed in my life, wait if it was dark, how could he see me drooling? Nevermind. I finish doing my business on the toilet and wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror, *sigh* I miss my long hair so much. I unlock the door and step into the bedroom, the lights on now. I look over to my bed to see that Minho is there rumaging through my suitcase. What the hell? He turns around and looks at me, he's got a pink bag in his hand. Uh oh, there my girl toiletries, you know my 'monthly' accessories. Well, at least he hasn't found any of my lace bras (I like to wear bras that look good, even though I'm the only one who see's them) Uh oh he's opening his mouth! I need to think of an excuse quick!

'What's this for?' I look at him dumbfounded.

'Or should I say who is this for?'

'...'I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

'Umm....' Oh daddy, what have I got myself into?



Would just like to say - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING! :D xxx

May not update till Thursday or Friday because I have three big maths tests coming up. But I am obssessed with AFF so I will probably end up updating this story and failing my maths. Hehehe Ah Well :D xxx

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Such a great story it was my very first Fanfic I every read this made laugh, cry smile. It even made my friend scream when I told her Minho was going to die.. (ah good times good times) I want to thank you for making such a great story. that showed me Fanfic
KKKKYYYYYAAAAA I LOVED THIS STORY SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL SERIOUSLY i read it in 2 hours im so sad its over *TEAR* anyway love it :)))) BYII
lee_onew13 #3
KYA~I was crying when I thought Minho was predicted not to survive.
It was so great!Oh!And I also watched Koizora!
I love your story!*bows*
Good story! You tricked me I thought Minho was going to die......but he didn't =]
I love this story even though i became confused at one point
zhavanyameidi #6
I like this story. But I'm quite confused too. Why MiYeon should had a with Onew -_- and my heart beat faster when I read that Minho is gonna dead hahaha.
i wish this story never ended....<br />
you're a great writer!
fishcakes #8
Oh my gosh! I loved this <3<br />
hehe, tho... At the beginning she thought she liked her half brother e__O<br />
Great job on the story over all :D