Don't Bring Me Down

It Started With Our First Kiss

At the same meaning time. Songsamdong, Seoul. The old building where Beast were there.

They had dragged you into this building. The building seemed really dark with just a few old light bulbs, the wall had a lot of green moss, the atmostphere was just the same with that kind of ghost film.

“Ah ! This girl is heavy …” Kikwang cursed as he carried you on his back.

Yoseob snickered, “Isn’t because you are too weak ?”. Kikwang glared at him, Hyunseung and Dongwoon bursted into laughter.

“Here” Junhyung kicked a cranky chair from the corner of the room to Kikwang. Kikwang dodged it by his foot and roughly put you down on it.

Hyunseung took a rope and tied your hands behind the chair, in case you woke up and ran off without them knowing. “Done. I am a genius !” he cheered.

Yoseob threw him a look, “Aish … stop acting like a kid, will you ?”

Hyunseung just shrugged off.

There were DooJoon, who warily looked at you. *Hana will hate me for doing this to her bestfriend … or worst … she will kill me …* DooJoon flinched at the thought, most of all, his sister is the best to him.

“Yah … why are we doing this to her ?” DooJoon asked with a sigh.

Dongwoon blinked, pouted teasingly, “Hyung, are you really Beast’s leader ? You ask such a ridiculous question !”

DooJoon crossed his arm, “Maknae, do you know ?” he raised his eyebrow. Dongwoon gulped and shook his head, “Ani …”

“Junhyung was the leader of this” Hyunseung stated, he knew nothing but doing around with other members’ orders.

DooJoon eyed Junhyung, “I knew. Now tell me the reason”

Junhyung remained silent. He didn’t know why he did this to you also. Shinhee asked him to, and without thinking for twice, he gave in.

“HEY ! She is awake !” Yoseob notified, as all six pair of eyes carefully looked at you from every corners of the room.


*Ah … my arm is sore …* you struggled awake. Your eyes slowly opened. Widening at the first sight.

“BEAST !?” you yelled upon surprise. All the memory about Beast coming near you at the park suddenly came back with a light flash through your mind.

“Hi !” Hyunseung waved his hand. Kikwang hit him on the head, “Yah ! Act cold !”

“What am I doing here ?” you asked and once again tried to stand up, too bad, you couldn’t, “And being tied like this ?” your eyes stirred in confusion.

KiKwang chuckled, “You are really calm for a kidnapped person”

“Kidnap ?” you squinted and received a nod from Kikwang.

“Why ?!”

All eyes were now on Junhyung. Junhyung leaned back as he noticed the attention on him.

You felt betrayed, you once thought Junhyung is a good sunbae, now he kidnapped you ?

“Junhyung sunbae …” you trembled. His eyes flicked open at your voice, *She still calls me sunbae in this situation ? Is she stupid or what ?*

Junhyung was ready to answer, but the loud noise from motorbike controlled the air.

Kikwang smirked and stood behind you, “Here they come. Our dearest friends”. Like robots, Beast all came after KiKwang.

“W-what are you do-“ you looked behind you but a BIG CRASH was made.


The cranky door of the already old building was poorly crashed by the strength of the two leaders.

Sunggyu and CAP haughty walked in the building with some tree trunk on their hands, there were no more a friendly oppas to you.

“Sunggyu oppa ? CAP oppa !” you yelped. And your eyes widened in unexpectation, while Beast had that interesting looks on their faces as Infinite and Teen Top followed the leaders behind.

“Oppas …” you was ready to cry now.

“SUN MI !” L shouted and tended to run to you, but Woohyun dragged him by the shoulder, “Yah. Think before acting”

Oops …

“MY KITTEN !”. Yeah, you’re right. It’s L.Joe.

“Aish, that boy” Woohyun crunched his eyes as seeing L.Joe.

He flied his way to you, careless all about how much ChunJi tried to hold him back, how much Niel shouted after him. L.Joe heard nothing, saw nothing but you. Inside his eyes, you looked like beating up really badly by Beast.

ChunJi bit his lip, “Freak … I can’t control him anymore since he is in love now”

SungJong chuckled and held L’s hand, he didn’t want L to make another wrong move.


“Get him” Junhyung said under his breath. Your eyes widened in fear as Dongwoon and Yoseob took steps forward.

“NO !” you shouted and struggled really hard. L.Joe stopped in his track.

Dongwoon and Yoseob frowned, they have waited too long for a chance to kick off L.Joe, who pissed them off the most.

“Come on !~ Come to us !” Yoseob whined like a kid. Kikwang shook his head and whistled them back, “Those good for nothing heads, come back here !”

Ricky and ChangJo took the chance to drag L.Joe back.

“Hyung, if you didn’t stop, you must be the one to be beated up, or Sunmi to be killed. Bubble head hyung” Ricky scolded L.Joe.

"But-" L.Joe opened his mouth to protest. But L cut him off by pulling L.Joe off the ground on his collar, which surprised almost everybody in the area, even Beast.

"YOU ! STOP ACTING LIKE THIS IS A GAME ! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE ! BE CAREFUL OR I WILL BE THE ONE TO CUT OFF YOUR THROAT AND THROW YOU DOWN THE HAN RIVER !!!!" L snarled like a little kid, you had that scary face on when his own toy was stolen away.

Your face fell at the sight, but your heart winced in pain, since it's you, who caused this chaos all the time.

"Oppa, please don't ..." you trembled, tears couldn't be held in anymore.

L stiffened, your voice affected him once, you begging him for L.Joe hurted him twice. *She all cares for L.Joe*

L sent L.Joe a look and yanked him off, "Jerk" they both meaned each other.

'Clap clap clap'

Someone clapping hands. L.Joe fixed his imagined collar and looked around, his eyes darkened at the not-really-surprise person.

"Shinhee ?" you said a little too loud, Shinhee stepped out from one of the room with her arm-crossed, still with that kind of high-heels, again.

"Gosh ... I hate high-heels ..." Niel stated, made the boys smirk a bit.

"No welcome me ?" Shinhee asked, her head tilted aside, as if she really thought they would welcome her.

DongWoo hissed, "Girl, you are the most unbelievable one that I have ever met"

But Shinhee showed nothing but a straight face, "Since you all know that innocent Lee Sun Mi and being blind for looking at any other girls. Oh please, I am much more pretty than that ugly duck"

DongWoo moved forward, but Sungyeol blocked him and Hana held his waist back. Dongwoo swung his arm and it hit onto Hana's head slightly.

"Sorry" Dongwoo calmed down and bowed to apologize. DooJoon on the other hand became restless, he jumped up as Hana being hit.

"I'm okay" Hana nodded a little and looked straight into Shinhee' eyes.

"Shinhee. Stop it. You are hurting your friend" Hana said with a strong voice.

Ricky scooted closer to Niel and whispered, "She surely is DooJoon's sister, as strong as him"

Niel rolled his eyes and shoved Ricky lightly, "Shut up"


"My friend ? Who ? You ? This girl ?-" she nodded to you, "those stupid boys ?-" she smirked at Teen Top and Infinite, except L.Joe, "-you must be kidding me. Since when you became my friend ?"

Your world seemed to be stop right away, your first girl friend along with Hana was saying those hurtful words, she denied the friendship and replaced it with an emotionless face, without caring your recent state - being tied on a chair.

"Shinhee, y-you meaned it ?" your voice shook like crazy.

Shinhee turned to you with dead eyes, "I.MEAN.IT"

Crash. This was not any sound of the furniture of the old building. But the sound of your heart, a little piece was dropped down. Which is called friendship.

"W-why did you make friend with me at first for ?" you eagerly asked. It's seem off somehow that Beast didn't make any move toward you, they let you tell your heart out.

Shinhee walked closer to you a bit, as Hoya had taken few steps toward.

She moved your chin up, "Because you my game, you stole away my boy - L.Joe-"

"I AM NOT YOURS !" L.Joe shouted, his hand was formed into a ball. L chuckled and tapped his shoulder to cool him down.

"-you used to be" Shinhee finished for him.

You managed to look around, but your eyes showed nothing but a hurt feelings in it.

"Don't act pitiful anymore. Because you only have two choice now: give back L.Joe to me or your dear oppas to be dead under my Beast' hands" Shinhee smirked.

*This is not the cheerful and cute Shinhee I know* you still refused to believe in her.

"Choose. NOW" Shinhee dragged your face and shook it left and right. You closed your eyes and bit hard on your lips, prevented the urge to shout into her face. *She must play with me*

"Forget it. I can't take it anymore" Sungyeol said and before his friends understood what he meaned, Sungyeol was now running to you.

"You are on" Niel satisfiedly smirked and ran to Beast also.

"Aish, these two rushful one" Woohyun joined the show.

SungJong and Hana shared a look and decided to stand behind.

Hoya and Dongwoo smirked unkwowningly and hi-fived before going after Sungyeol.

"Ricky, you stay behind, Ric- RICKY !" ChunJi yelled as soon as he noticed Ricky and ChangJo were already in front of Beast. "GRAH. Maknae" soon, ChunJi ran after them also.

"Yoon Doo Joon, you are a dead meat now" Sunggyu cratched his head and grinned like a silly boss. Hana pouted and pulled on his sleeve, "Sunggyu sunbae, he is my brother"

CAP chuckled and dragged Sunggyu over, "Forget about Doojoon. I'll take over Kikwang, you DongWoon. Deal ?"

"Deal !"

L and L.Joe glanced at each other and to the members, "You want to save Sunmi, or kick off your Shinhee's head as your wish ?" L asked in a teasing voice.

L.Joe hit L's shoulder and ran first, "Take care of Sunmi for me"

"Jerk" L smirked.


"YOU'RE ON !" Yoseob hollered and Beast spilled on the fight.

*Hana is safe. At least I know it* DooJoon took a last glance at Hana and went to help s out.

"Junhyung sunbae, please stop it" you plead, Junhyung was melted a bit, but Shinhee snarled, "Jun, don't you dare". Junhyung shallowed down his guity and turned away from you.


Sunggyu jumped out behind Dongwoon's back and wrestled him down. "Hah"

Dongwoon managed to stand up but Ricky popped out of nowhere and jumped onto his back.

"Haha. This is what people call maknae-on-top"

Dongwoon - Finished


"Hey pretty. Do you think you can beat me up by your skinny look ?" Kikwang hissed ChunJi.

ChunJi gritted his teeth, "SUNGJONGIE !!"

"What ?!" SungJong widened his eyes from a far.

"This shorty boy said you are a weakling !!!!!!!!!!!!" ChunJi screamed and kicked Kikwang's leg, made him drop down on the ground.

"Mwo ?" SungJong whined.

Kikwang - Finished


Yoseob was attacked by ChangJo and Niel. They pressed Yoseob against the wall and looked down on him, since Yoseob stumbled down on his knees.

"Arm, waist, feet. Tickle attackkkkk !!" Woohyun ordered and the two younger boys followed him.

Yoseob gulped and struggled. Opps. Useless.

"WHOA ! HAHAHA !! STOP IT !!" Yoseob laughed his head off.

Yoseob - Finished


Woohyun and Hyunseung were quarelling in a corner, they fought about Sunmi, nope; about Infinite and Beast's issue, nope; about who is more handsome, nope ... about Cube High's queenka - HyunA.

"You dork ! HyunA is mine !" Hyunseung chorted.

Woohyun snickered, "Yours ?! My dear, not because you and her were once performed on High School Gathering meaned she is yours" he tapped on Hyunseung's back like friend to friend.

Hyunseung spatted, "And you are just another fanboy who hitting on her !"

Woohyun growled, no more mouthfighting, he took a step faster and punched Hyunseung on his stomach.

Hyunseung yelped and looked up, tried to find a softspot on Woohyun but once again beated up badly.

Hyunseung - Finished


Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo were having a easy game. Since DooJoon seemed like not wanting to fight.

"I don't think fighting is a good way" DooJoon said.

Hoya and Dongwoo shrugged coolly, "Fine, we will have a small talk then"

"I will protect Hana" Sungyeol said out of the blue. DooJoon blinked for a couple time then grinned, "I send her to you. Protect her well"

Sungyeol sparkled his eyes. "Hyung !!"

DooJoon - Finished


Junhyung still kept the place beside you, for some reasons, he didn't want to leave you alone with Shinhee.

"See ? It's all your fault that your dear oppas are involved in this fight. Wait up for them to be KILLED" Shinhee laughed sacrastically.

You rolled your eyes in disbelief, moreover, was this kind of fight counted as a gang fight ?

"Ricky is on Dongwoon's back, ChunJi oppa and Kikwang are playing kick-and-shout, Yoseob is tickled to death, Hyunseung can be counted as fighting, I guess ..." you listed out.

Shinhee blinked and turned to look at the scenes. She shook in anger, "ARE YOU REALLY BEAST ?! FIGHTING OR PLAYING ?"

Junhyung gritted his teeth, *She got on my nerve now*. Junhyung dragged Shinhee's twist and pulled him closer to him, "You stop your game, now"

Shinhee was taken aback, but she still pulled out a smirk, "I don't want to. Not until I get L.Joe"

As the reminder of L.Joe, he was now behind Shinhee.

"You little y queen !" L.Joe had her by the neck.

"Urk" Shinhee stuck her word and eyes widened.

You gasped, "Oppa"

But L.Joe didn't bulge. He had decided to bring Shinhee down, for real.

"You killed my life 3 years ago. Now you want to tear me off from my friends, again. Do you think I am still that stupid boy. No. Now it's time you begging under my foot"

L.Joe held his embrace tightly and brought her down.


"Are you fine?" L asked as his hand busily un-tied you.

"Neh" you asnwered rushly and as soon as your hands were free, you ran to L.Joe immediately.

"Please, L.Joe oppa" you begged instead. L.Joe was mild already, but he kept his cool.

"She made your life become nothing better than mine before. There is no way I will let her go this time"

Junhyung stood there, calmly observed L.Joe. *He wouldn't kill her. I know L.Joe enough to say he is not that kind of man. But Shinhee needs to learn a lesson*

"But, I don't want you to dirty your own hands, oppa. Please, I am begging you ... do it for me"

You pleaded with teary eyes. L.Joe can't never stand seeing you cry. Never.

"...this time only ..." he gave in and released Shinhee.

You lowered your body, held your hand out to help her to stand up. But to everyone surprise, Shinhee yanked you down and stood up by her own.

"Huh?" you blinked.

Everyone gasped and gathered around you. But too late, Shinhee already pulled the knife out and pointed it to you then L.Joe.

"You die ? Uhm ... I don't think so. Since enduring your most beloved boy's death would be more terrible to you, right ?"

Not even warning, Shinhee flied to L.Joe with her knife held out.




"NOOOOOOOOOOO !" not really but everyone was expecting to hear you yelling.

But it was L.Joe's voice.

"No ! Sunmi !!!" L.Joe shook in disbelief and felt like his heart was nowhere in his chest now. Your body was covering him from the incoming knife. And you took it for him. Blood was now all over your body, and on his clothes too.

You managed to look at his face for once last time before black out, "I ... am ready to answer your confession now..."


It's not a double update, but a long chapter :)

Is it okay ?

Haha !~ Since it's not really a action scene ...

After re-read it, I found it funny somehow :)

Aw ... Sunmi is dead...LOLL

Kidding, I don't know how will she be :P




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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~