Near The Death

It Started With Our First Kiss

The car had reached it destination. It stopped and your eyes stirred up.

*Why my head and shoulder feel so heavy ?* you tried to move and hoped to get rid of the strange weight on your head and shoulder. Failed.

No other way to move, you slowly opened your eyes and glanced around. The sight of Junhyung hopped off and went to help Shinhee caught your eyes first.

*We reach the place already ?* you pinched your eyebrows to have a better sight.

You turned right and saw L's face really near yours, your eyes widened. "Oppa..."

L moved in his sleep and opened one eye, he saw you and opened the other one right away, "Oh, you woke up already"

You smiled as a reply, since your head couldn't move. L smiled back and sat up, now you can freely moved your neck.

"Aw ..." you winced as the light pain rose up. L worriedly checked your head, "You okay ? I'm sorry"

You shook your head lightlt and turned to your left. Another sudden face appeared right next to your face. *L.Joe oppa* your eyes softened when seeing his peaceful face.

"Byunghun oppa, wake up" you called near his ear. But L.Joe seemed getting into the sleep more, he scooted closer to you and even snored.

You chuckled and turned to L with helping eyes, L gave you a teasing look.

"He loves your scent" L said with lighly jealous feeling. You pouted and shook your shoulder, but L.Joe didn't move.

You sighed out in frustration, all others had gone off the car, Hana and Sungyeol were talking out their stuffs, Shinhee and Junhyung were talking, only you three left and can't get off because of some sleeping-head.

*Aish* you frowned and slyly smirked. A brand new way to wake up this boy up came up to your mind.

You leaned in and took in a breath, 1 2 3 yelled, "LEE BYUNG HUN ! YOUR HAIR IS TURNING BLACK !"

Everyone all know that L.Joe looks good with any colour hair, he did have yellow, pink, brown, orange, red, and now is brownish-yellowish hair. You can't understand why is that, but L.Joe really hate black hair.

Immediately, L.Joe shot up and messed up his hair, "WHAT !? NO !? HOW ? WHEN ? WHY ? I DON'T WANT TO !"

You and L giggled, L.Joe turned around and caught you laughing. His eyes tiny-er and narrowed in a firm line, "You ... KIDDING ME ?" L.Joe shouted and grasped your wrist, he pulled you to him and rubbed on your hair, "Now I really hate your black hair, Kitten"

You laughed and shooed him off, "Out out out. It took me 15 minutes just to wake you up, Pig"

L.Joe glared at you but L gave him a dead look, L.Joe gave up and hopped off the car, you and L followed him. You and L.Joe left all the stuffs for L.


Wind burshed over your skin, a familiar but still dreamy smell entered your nose. You turned to the source of all the new feelings and gasped out loud.

"WOA ! A BEACH !" you rejoiced happily and ran to the sea.

L.Joe, L and Sungyeol chuckled while seeing you like that, *This girl, don't know how to swim but still have a great love for sea*

Hana joined you. Shinhee took aside with JunHyung, she whispered somethings to him, which made Junhyung frowned a bit and crumpled his eyebrows. She talked and he nodded, seemed not good at all.

"Guys !" Shinhee clasped her hands, caught all the attention.

She continued, "Go and change into swimming suit guys ~ I had prepared for you, just go to the changing room, my men will help you"

The boys glanced around but still following Junhyung. He seemed knowing really well this place.

You and Hana went with Shinhee. She gave Hana a pink swimming suit and you a purple one, she got herself a red one. *I hope you will look old in that dark purple colour. Hah*

You stared at the clothes in your hand, *Gosh ... it's a two peaces style*

But not wanna bring your friend down with your picky. You changed the suit.


The boys had come out and were waiting for you to come out.

"Aigoo. How will my Hana look like, huh huh" Sungyeol kidding around and threw his face to L and L.Joe, who bothering pushed him off.

"Yeah yeah. She is pretty" L.Joe commented. Sungyeol stopped his childish acts and grew his glare on L.Joe, "Yah. She is mine. Don't you dare plant your eyes on her"

L.Joe rolled his eyes, *Please. I only have Sunmi in my eyes*

Junhyung felt being left out, he tried to join the conversation, "You guys know, Shinhee is hot-"

They turned to him with bewilder eyes, Junhyung smirked and continued, "- Hana has that pure look on her. Yet, Sunmi might be realy weird in bikini, she has normal figure, or that what i think when seeing her in uniform"

Fire was burning inside L and L.Joe's eyes.

Fortunately, you showed up intime so that JunHyung could still live without any wound made by the two L.

"Oppas" you called them. They all turned to you and jaws dropped, eyes opened wide and the pupils of the eyes didn't want to stir away.

Your white skin stands out immediately with that purple bikini. The bikini didn't reveal much, but enough to show off the S line of a 17-year-old girl. Moreover, that brightest smile of yours didn't want to leave your face.

Sungyeol glanced at his fellow male friends and chuckled aloud. *Aigoo. Now they know that my sister is a goddess*

Sungyeol took his jacket and walked to you. Your gaze followed him and your face fell as he wrapped his jacket around Hana's shoulder.

"Tksss tkss... and you said you are the best brother" you scowled. Sungyeol smirked and pointed his finger to the boys, "Stop looking at my sister". He protectively covered you with his hug.

You grinned, "Okay, thanks oppa" you pushed him off and laughed.

L and L.Joe walked to you also, they purposely stood around you to stop the look from Junhyung.

On the other hand, Junhyung was stunned because of your unexpected beauty. *She doesn't have that y figure like Shinhee, or looks really cute like Hana. She is smexy with that dark clothes, pretty and stand out with her bright smile. One word, she is gorgeous*

And Shinhee was having a fashion show all by herself, she had her arm on her hip and did some y pose around L.Joe. When L.Joe didn't really pay a second to look at her, she even approached L, the same with L.Joe. At last, Shinhee walked to Junhyung and dazed him off his thought.

"Jun oppa" her voice choired like a high-pitch voice of a bird.

Junhyung turned to her with his priceless face, "Hump ... ?"

Shinhee suspiciously stared at him, "Don't tell me ... you found that Sunmi girl prettier than me" she sounded like in a big surprise.

Junhyung was tending to nod, but he realized and smiled warmly to Shinhee, "Aniya. You are always the best to me". Shinhee smirked and held her chin up, "Of course I am"

"But - remember what I told you a while ago" Shinhee finished and walked away, didn't let Junhyung said a word.

*She is always like that. Bossy and see me like a normal guy, when I have feelings for her all over those years*


"Come Sunmi" Hana held her hand out and was willing to play on the beach with you. But you really did not have any urge to play now, you love beach, yet swiming in it is a dangerous thing to you.

"It's okay. I want to expose my skin to the sun" you shook your head and nodded to Sungyeol, who waving Hana over. Hana pouted, "Seriously ?"

You nodded once again, Hana sighed and gave you a quick smile, "Okay. Then i will be back with you soon" and she ran to the sea.

L and L.Joe out of nowhere had a swiming competition, whoever loses, has to pay for lunch.

And here they go, swimming like there was a shark chasing them around. You laughed along everytime L caught up with L.Joe and grasped his leg, which caused L.Joe to drink up a lot of water.

*Ah ~ It feels so good to see Myungsoo oppa and L.Joe oppa get along well. I can't understand why they used to be so hateful to each other before*

A smile unknowningly formed on your face as you rested your chin on your knees. But it soon dropped down as you saw Shinhee standing all by herself in the water, her eyes glued on L.Joe, and for that moment, you felt your heart clutched in pain. *Shinhee really loves L.Joe. I can tell only by her look for him*

"Why so sad huh ?" a voice appeared and someone sat down next to you. You looked up and it was Junhyung.

"Hi sunbae" you greeted him with a smile. Junhyung chuckled, "Call me oppa"

You blinked, it's not that you don't want to call him that, just because it sounds so weird only by calling someone you just met oppa. "I think calling you Junhyung sunbae is fine"

Junhyung gave you a smirk, "You are really stubborn, like your brother"

You stayed silent, *Everyone knows Sungyeol oppa is stubborn. Great, and he is 21 already*

Junhyung also kept silent and looked over to the others. His eyes planted on Shinhee, who still had that emotionless face and her eyes still not leave L.Joe. Junhyung hated seeing Shinhee like that, especially when she swoon over a boy that she had treated so badly in the first place.

"Jun -" you called him but stopped as you caught his intend eyes on Shinhee.

You observed him, the way he smiled a little when Shinhee slipped on her feet, the way he frowned when Shinhee tried to talk to L.Joe but being refused, ... all of them really like they way you had toward him.

"Sunbae" you poked his side. Junhyung turned to you, "Yeh ?"

You meakly grinned, "You love Shinhee" you claimed without any hesitation.

Junhyung bewildered his eyes, "Huh ? Who told you ?"

You laughed a bit, sure that you had caught him, "I can tell. You look really happy while watching over Shinhee"

Junhyung sighed and lowered his head, "You are the first one to catch me off-guard like that"

"Why don't you tell her ?" you questioned. But Junhyung only shook his head, "I can't. Her heart doesn't belong to me"

Sadness also took over you, you knew his feelings, "But you can try. It's not a good way to chase your love if you being a coward all the time"

Junhyung gave a thought about it and smirked, "Thanks. I will think about it"

You beamed happily and nodded.

'Bring her to me'

A voice choired inside Junhyung's mind. His eyes sharpened and asked you to go out to the sea with him.

"Come, I think Shinhee is feeling really bored out there" he offered his hand. You had forgot all the scare, since you got excited when knowing that Junhyung loves Shinhee.

Then you went with him.

Shinhee's face brightened when Junhyung brought you over her. A mysterious smile came over her face.

"It's a watse if you only sit there when I had put up this trip for you" Shinhee said.

"For me ?" you blinked. Shinhee forgot and had blurted out that. Junhyung caught a panicked look from her and helped her out.

"I think that place will be warmer and higher for you two to play" Junhyng pointed out far.

Shinhee sighed in relief, she pulled on your hand and made you to come there with her.

Without any suspicion, you cheerfully followed her.

Half the way to the place Junhyung pointed. Shinhee purposely lose your hand and shoved you to the water.

Lost balance, the water was really deep for you to stand on your toes now, so you totally sunk into the water, eyes closed tightly and held back your breath. Panicking waving all your arms and legs, but in your mind now was all black, the only things you could think of now was Sungyeol, L, L.Joe, your three most special persons in your life.

Luckily, Hana saw you and she told Sungyeol. Immediately, Sungyeol ran to you, "SUN MI ! SUN MI !"

Shinhee shook in surprise, she didn't expect you to not know how to swim, yet now she was the only one near you.

L and L.Joe stopped their competition and quickly swam to you with the full speed.

Junhyung grew guity, he knew Shinhee will do somethings to you, and he also didn't know you can't swim. *Oh no*

Like a speed of light, L and L.Joe made their way to you and caught you right in time.

Both your hands were pulled up by two other different hands.

"Sunmi. Lee Sun Mi. WAKE UP" L.Joe shook you. L weakened and held on your waist, "Baby, please open your eyes"

Sungyeol and Hana came later, Sungyeol yanked you off L.Joe and L, he your back and patted on your cheeks, "Sun Mi. Do you hear me ? Do you hear me ?"

"Sunmi ..." Hana sobbed on her tears, she got scared easily.

You opened your eyes weakly, water ejected off your mouth and you could see the three faces that you always had in your mind when the death nearly came to you.

"Oppas ..." you trembled. They sighed in cheer.

"Oh my god, I thought I lost you already" Sungyeol hugged you tight. And he gained himself two hit on the head by L and L.Joe.

"Don't say that. She will never can die" L scowled. L.Joe nodded in agreement, for the very first time, L.Joe kept silent and didn't join in with any word. He has been in such a terrible drama.

*I swear, if i have any evidence that Shinhee did this. She will be a dead meat* L.Joe carefully learned Shinhee's face.

She really didn't show any facial except that satisfied smirk. *Hah. She could have died if those freaking boys didn't come to save her*

Aside, Junhyung stared blankly at Shinhee, *You changed so much Shinhee. You are no more that innocent girl who ran after me and call my name all the time. You had grown up in a wrong way, a way that knowing how to harm a person, and didn't even show any guity over it*

You were helped to come back to the seaside. For all the entire day, none of L, L.Joe, Sungyeol and Hana did anything else except asking if you were okay.

And they surprise trip ended in a down atmostphere.

L and L.Joe both had feelings that Shinhee was the one caused you to be like that. But you paid no doubt at her, all you thought was that you were careless yourself.


:D I didn't update yesterday

And this chapter changes alot from the orginal one, so if my old readers have time, re-read this again :))

I think I will update the new one within tomorrow or Saturday ~

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~