Dinner at L.Joe's house [2]

It Started With Our First Kiss

"Dinner is ready kids" L.Joe's omma called for the boys

Don't need to look at them, you already those boys would run into the table as if they were starved for years. They sat next to each other, but left out the 3 places between them. You tended to sit next to Sungyeol, but Sungyeol grasped L's hand and made him sit next to him *Stupid oppa ... doesn't he know I have to sit between L oppa and L.Joe ?*  you furiously sent Sungyeol a glare and sat down next to L. As expected, L.Joe sat next to you, you could feel the tense shoot throught you as soon as L.Joe sat down, L replaced Sungjong in the glaring fight with L.Joe.

"Okay, this dinner also got the help from Sun Mi and Myungsoo. Hope you kids will enjoy it" L.Joe's mom said

"Of course Mrs Lee. I'm sure that all the dishes here will be very delicious" Hoya cheerful complimented

"Omma ~ Can I move in to live with you ? I really love family-dinner" your brother made a wrong move, you shot your head up and looked at him like you was got shoot. "Oppa" you called him

"Sure. Why not ? I'd like to. Byung Hun will have more brother and sister" his mom looked at L.Joe

"MOM" both you and L.Joe yelled

"Okay okay ... Just saying" she put her hands up in surrender.

You looked at your brother once more, sent him your look < I dare you to talk about that topic again >, Sungyeol gulped and silently ate.

All of you started eating and chatting. Seemed like L.Joe's mother had a lot of fun chatting with Sungjong and Sungyeol. L.Joe was having a great fight with .... L's side .... Because L didn't waste his time on doing childist thing with L.Joe, instead, L talked with you and forced you to eat a lot of food.

"Eat this more Sun Mi, you are too skinny" L said as he picked the chicken from the bow. "Hey ! That's mine" Dongwoo whined since L stole his chicken. "You are like a dinosaur already hyung, let she eat" L said with his straight voice when still looking at you.

"Eat those too. These are really good for your health" L carefreely picked an egg from Hoya, a slice of potatoes from Woohyun, a slice of steak from SungGyu and put it in your dish

"It's too much oppa. I'm full now" you denied the food, but L insisted, he personally fed you himself "Not to say no to me"

The boys looked at you two and fakely puked

"Remind me next time not to eat with these two love-birds" Sunggyu commented

"Yeolie, next time make your sister stay away from L, or else we will not have enough food for him to faten your sister" Hoya mumbled

The most anxious one is L.Joe, he couldn't even shallow his soup *How could L treat her like she is his girlfriend ? They are not right ? Beside .. she is my slave* L.Joe made up his smile. He started to cough and tapped your shoulder.

"Ark ... urk ...ark ... yah ... slave ... go and get me some water" L.Joe acted so well, you was really worry for him, you swiftly got him a cup of water and put it onto his mouth, you even his back "Are you okay now ? Babo .. Why was you so careless while eating ?" you scolded him with worried eyes. *Her eyes .. she is really care for me ? Aish .. stupid heart ... why are you beating so fast* L.Joe drank up the water and straightened himself.

"I'm fine now" L.Joe said and all the heads shook in relief. You sighed in relief and turned back to L, since you was talking but cut off because of L.Joe. L.Joe saw you turned back, he then had another plan

"My slave, I don't think I could eat by myself properly. Feed me" L.Joe said in harsh voice

All the boys and even his mom looked at him weirdly, but you still did what he said. You grasped his spoon and started feeding him "Open your mouth master" you normally said and leaned in closer to feed him easier. At your suddenly action, L.Joe was taken a back, he opened his mouth but eyes were glued on your pink lips *Why she is so close to me ? And her lips are so pink ... those lips had taken my first kiss ... and I want to be taken my second one by those too ... Ark wait ... shh ... L.Joe, L.Joe, you are crazy*

Infinite noticed L.Joe blushing madly, they smirked *Little Joe is falling in love with our sister kkk*

*He loves her too ? Okay ... I really have to do something about this* L looked at L.Joe and rolled his eyes

L.Joe's mommy excitedly looked at both of you *So my son likes Sun Mi. Great choice my son. But ... I notice that MyungSoo also likes her ... I cant stand out of this ... Have to help my son*


You guys stayed at L.Joe's house for a while. Then, time to go home finally up.

"It's late already, I think we should go home now" you said to Mrs Lee. She nodded and led you to the door

"Thank you again for the dinner omma" you and the boys bowed your heads

"No. It's really thank you for you to come" L.Joe's mom smiled and turned to his son "You drive Sun Mi home" L.Joe looked at you and you looked at your brother.

"I'll go home with Sungyeol oppa. Thank you for your caring omma. Just let L.Joe rest" you bowed once again.

*I should let her go with L. Help L and piss L.Joe off... haha.. this is fun* Sungyeol thought and pushed you to L "You drive her home first, I have to go to SungGyu's house for a while"

You looked at Sungyeol with questionable look, but still hopped on Myungsoo's bike and went with him.

*Why Sungyeol hyung didn't drive her but let L do ... ? I should be the one to drive her* L.Joe looked at Sungyeol in annoyance

Wait for L.Joe's mom went to the house, Sunggyu hit Sungyeol's head "Yah ! Why did you lie to Sun Mi ? We all have a sleep-over at your house today, why must you come to my house" Sungyeol rubbed his head "Hyung ... I just want L to drive her, beside, L knows that you will come to my house but he didn't say anything" Sungyeol pouted

The rest of Infinite hi-fived each other, after said good-bye to L.Joe, they hopped on their motorbikes and drove off.

*THEY HAVE A SLEEP OVER AT HER HOUSE !?* L.Joe yelled in his head


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I love you guys, my readers~

And the poster all credits to ThuyVy. Also thanks her for making me such a nice poster :D

2012/01/12 - 8:40 PM

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~