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It Started With Our First Kiss

"L.Joe" CAP waved L.Joe over. All the Teen Top members were gathering at CAP's house for a weekend.

L.Joe put a apple down from his mouth to speak up, "Wassup hyung ?" he made his way to the hyung. CAP took somethings out from with wallet and gave L.Joe, L.Joe looked at CAP confusedly as he observed the 2 tickets in his hand, "... Lotte World ... ?" L.Joe mumbled

"Yup" CAP nodded his head and turned back to watch TV.

"Why did you give me this ?" L.Joe asked and waved the two tickets around.

"My dad gave me, he wanted me to take my girlfiend to there, you know, I don't have any girlfriend. Besides, I hate hanging out with boys in that kind of place" CAP shrugged and eyed his dongseangs, who were obsessed with Music Core.

L.Joe tilted his head, "So ?"

CAP stopped his eyes and silently looked at L.Joe, then he spoke "Out of us, you are the only one have your own girl now. Take her to the Lotte World"

L.Joe was more confused, "Who ?"

"Lee Sun Mi"

At your name, L.Joe turned red and stiffed, "Why must I take her ? She is nothing but my slave" L.Joe made a poker face to hide his pink face, but CAP knew it, he shrugged and nodded in giving in, he leaned into L.Joe and took back the tickets.

"I'll call Myungsoo to give him this. He is gonna take Sunmi to go with him" CAP smirked teasingly and took out his phone.

Right before CAP could press any numbe, L.Joe yanked back the tickets and snapped, "Give me"

CAP laughed inside his stomach, "You're better bring Sunmi with you. If I know you go with some other girls but her, I'll kill you"

"Got it" L.Joe waved his hand high in the sky and joined the boys with music show on TV.


It's Saturday nitght, and you was walking around the nearby mart with Sungyeol. Like the everyweek routine, you and Sungyeol would come here and bought foods for the next week, as I said next week, but the food actually often ran out because of Infinite, who happened to be at your house like 6/7 days a week, they came, they ate, they played, they slept, and yet the food ran out in just 2 days.

"Oppa, do you think we should buy this or this ?" you held out the pack of raw dukkbokki and the bigger one.

Sungyeol didn't think twice, he answered right away, "Take the big one, Sunggyu hyung and Dongwoo hyung will eat all of it in just one try anyway"

You chuckled and put it in your basket, you and Sungyeol went around the mart for some more rounds and finally went to pay.

"It's 136500 won" the cashier said. Sungyeol took out the money and paid for the food. You dragged the 2 big plastic bags by your hands and was being dragged down a little by the heavy bags.

"Everyone will think we are pigions, who eat like elephants" you joked

Sungyeol patted your head and helped you with 2 bags, "I'll hold this". His eyes widened when he took the bags, obviously because the heavy.

"Okay, I am gonna make the boys pay back the food to me" Sungyeol laughed his choding voice and you joined in


     L.Joe's POV

Okay, so what I am doing here in front of her house ....?

Oh right ... Lotte World.

Should I ask her out, or saying that she should obey and go with me ? I guess the first one is better ...

Whatever, but why the door is blocked outside ? Are they not home ?

"Oppaaaa, I said I am not doing that --"

I heard a familiar voice, Sunmi ? I turned to the voice and yes, it's her, walking to my direction with a boy. WAIT ? A boy ? L ? Gongchan ?

I narrowed my eyes, tried to get a good sight of him.

"Who ever you are, not to touch her ..... oh, it's just Sungyeol hyung" i mumbled myself, okay, now I looked like a freak.

I waited for them to come nearer, and they were finally here. I carefully eyed Sunmi, who didn't notice me at first because he has been so into Sungyeol's hyung's joke. I patiently waited for her to notice me as I tapped my food on the ground, making some noise.

"L.Joe ?" that was Sungyeol hyung, I politely bowed to him, "Hi hyung "

Sungyeol nodded and asked, "What are you doing here ?"

I carefully looked at Sunmi, who looked at me with her big round eyes, I bet she was surprised to see me.

"I want to meet Sunmi for some private things" I tried to speak the word "private" louder, as the meaning for Sungyeol hyung to give us some free time.

Sungyeol hyung smirked a little, I guessed he knew what I meaned, "Okay, 20 minutes and I will come out to take her in. Not to make her cry" hyung warned me. Okay, so why must he warn me like that ? Am I the type that makes girls cry ? .... aish whatever.

"Oppa, why are you here ?" Sunmi asked me

Should I tell her now ? "Er ... Are you free tomorrow ?" I asked her, so embarrassing.

"Nope" she answered and I sighed in relief, "- wait, yes"

I widened my eyes waiting for her to say, "Myungsoo oppa texted me a while ago, also asked me if I am free tomorrow" she said and shuffled on his phone.

Okay, so L, you tried this game first, so don't blame me if I win.

"Text him, say that you are busy" I demanded her, she looked at me, confused.

"Why ?", silly girl, is that too obvious that I ask you to go out with me ?

"You will go with me" I calmly said

"Where ?", she annoyed me already, I hate short answer, I can say it, but no one could say it to me.

"Just text him. Aish " I snapped at her, just want her to send the message is that hard ?

She gave me a look and slowly nodded, "O-okay, but I will just say that I am busy" she quickly texted

So she doesn't want L to know that she goes with me, still have a crush on him huh ? .... why my heart stopped a beat at that though ?

"Done, he said okay, next time" she showed me the message, eww, there is a <3<3 on it. Cheasy, don't know that L could be this cheasy.

I made a disgust-face and nodded, "Great, tomorrow I will come here at 9am to pick you up"

"Hey, but where will you take me to ?" she asked, so I haven't told her yet, I am older now, forget things so easy.

I leaned into her, she was taken aback and stepped backwards, I kept walked up and leaned to her even more, finally she has faced her back with the wall.

"Where do you think I will take you to ... ?" I whispered into her ears, okay, I felt like a ert now. She flinched and pushed me, but can't help, I am way stronger than her.

"W-what are you t-talking about ?" she flushed pink, aw, cute.

"Or maybe we should go to the hote-" she cut me off by clapping her hand on my mouth. Oh girl.

"I am not going with you" she got mad now, I have joked around too much eh ?

I smiled down at her, she blinked in surprise, haha, cute.

"We are going to Lotte World, silly" I poked her forehead and she winced, "Ouch oppa"

"So... too bad, you don't go with me, I guess I should ask Ricky to go with me" I teasingly spoke slowly.

She pouted and held her face up, "Er ... Can I take my words back ?" she pulled on my sleeve, damn, how could Sungyeol hyung lives with her like that all those 17 years, she is freaking cute.

I smirked, a sweet one, "Fine" I rubbed her hair and nodded.

She smiled like a little kid and jumped up and down, "Yayy, Lotte World ~~ Should I call Ricky and tell him that I will bring him some snack ?"

"WHAT ?! NO. You are going with me, only two of us" I yelled, how could she think that she will go with Ricky but me ?

"Two of us ?" she asked, I nodded, she continued "Like a date ?"

Now I blushed, does it sound like a date ? Whatever, I nodded once again.

To my surprise, she smiled cheerfully, "Okay"

I arkwardly scratched my head,  "Okay, see ya tomorrow"

She nodded and went back to her house. And I happily raced home. Whooo hoooo~


Enjoy ~

Gonna update more, maybe tomorrow ? :D

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~