The Sleepwalker

It Started With Our First Kiss

"NOW. EXPLAIN" you spoke, erased the quiet atmostphere of the room. L.Joe jumped in suprise at your angry voice, the slowly raised his arms in surrender "I .. I don't ... know ..."

"YOU DON'T KNOW ?" SungYeol yelled and grasped L.Joe's collar

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO SUNMI ? DID YOU TWO ... ?" Dongwoo asked while shifting his eyes from L.Joe to you

"Yah ! Oppa ! I was still in my clothes. I bet he didn't do anything" you pointed out

L.Joe eyes suddenly widen, he pulled SungYeol's hands off  "Leave me hyung ... I think ... I think I went to her room while I was sleeping ... I swear I didn't do anything to her"

"You mean .. You are a sleepwalker ?" Hoya was always the most calm and smartest.

L.Joe nodded slowly, he bewared of being attacked again "Yeah. At home, I always sleepwalk, some morning, I found myself sleeping in the bathroom" L.Joe embarrassedly told.

Now all the faces formed a relieved sigh, then they all bursted into a big laughter "You really did sleep in a bathroom ?! Haha !"

Only you, L and L.Joe uneasily looked at each other *Did I/he do something to her/me last night ? Aish ...*


It's over mid-night, L.Joe was sleeping with his foot on L's waist, hand was on L's neck ... L was having a hard sleep ...

Suddenly L.Joe sat up, left the room in a sleeping state, ... he walked with his eyes closed and went to a kitchen, opened the fridge and d around to find a bottle of water. After drinking down the water, he made his way up to L's room, but ... sleepwalker would never can find the right way to go, ... L.Joe went to your room and climbed next to you, eyes still tightly closed, he wrapped his arms around you and even pulled you close to him, deep in his dream, he could feel the warm from you *L ... ? How could he be so warm and skinny like this ... ? Like a girl ... ew ... whatever*

In your side, you didn't know that L.Joe was next to you, while asleep, you looked for a pillow you often hold, but unknowningly, your hand touched L.Joe and also pulled him to hug. Soon, you two curved into each other and sleeped soundly.

Really, you two looked really cute together while sleeping. And it's just sleeping and sleeping ...


You didn't want to talk about this anymore, so you just left it and didn't ask L.Joe about anything more.

"Okay ! YAH YAH !! Go and brush your teeth oppas !! I will prepare your uniforms" you clapped your hands to catch attention from them. All the boys stopped in their track and went out to do what you ordered.

"What about me ?" L.Joe raised one his eyesbrow

"You ?"

"Yes. I don't have my uniform here" L.Joe pointed out

"Oh ... right. You can wear mine" you slyly smiled

L.Joe nodded his head "Okay ... hey ... wait... YOUR UNIFORM ?!"

You laughed at his reaction "HAHA ! I'll give you my brother uniform. Wait, you are too short. I'll give you L's uniform instead"

"I'm not short" L.Joe grasped your hand and turned you. Now you was pressed against the wall by L.Joe "I told you to not call me short, didn't I?" L.Joe spoke in a low voice, you can feel his breath because you two were really close. Unnoticedly, you blushed and avoided his gaze.

L.Joe smirked "Why are you blushing ? I am too hot when shirtless huh ? Oh .. or last night it's you who dragged me to your room and slept with you ?"

"What are you talking about ?! How could I carry you ? You are a big head boy" you talked back

"Okay ... but you are still interested in my hot body right .... Lee Sun Mi .... my slave" L.Joe leaned in close to your face, your nose and his did touch. L.Joe looked straight into your eyes, you gulped and looked away.

*Damn ... He maybe skinny ... but his body is tough...* "No. I. AM.NOT" you pushed L.Joe off and ran out to get the clothes for the boys.

L.Joe was susprised, but then he slyly laughed at you *She is really cute while blushing*


You went to each room and gave the boys uniforms that you had ironed.

"Here Sungyeol oppa, yours. Wear it properly okay. I'll help you with the caravat later" you handed Sungyeol

"Thanks baby" Sungyeol grinned and gave you a kiss on forehead

"SungJong oppa, here, this time I ironed it carefully so don't blame me for not as good as you" you joked

"I know I know, you are the best" SungJong joked back and poked your head


"SUNGGYU OPPA, WOOHYUN OPPA. STOP FIGHTINGG !" you shouted right away seeing they kicked each other on the bed.

They stopped and slyly looked at you "Sorry" they mumbled

"Nam Woo Hyun ... here yours, oppa. I'll will help you with the caravat later too ..." you gave him the uniform.

"I know you will babe ~" Woohyun forced you for a hug "Urk .. take off " you fakely puked

"Gyu oppa, here is your uniform. This time remember to wear your pant carefully okay ? Last time ..." you reminded him

"Got it madam ! Thank you Sunmi" Sunggyu pinned your cheek to stop you from telling his embarrassing story.


You headed to Dongwoo and Hoya's room. But to your susprise, they were sleeping ... again ...

"WAKE UP !! Aish ... how could you two got back to sleep that easily ?" you hit their butts

They lifted their heads up "MWO .... ?"

"Hoya oppa, your clothes, get change now. You will be late again if you are not hurry" you tapped Hoya back and handed him his clothes

"Okay dear ... calm down ..." Hoya yawned and headed to the bathroom

"Kenyan oppa ~ Change change change now !~~~ Aw ... look at your face" you laughed and his face

"... yeah baby..." he sleepwalking to the bathroom too


With a sigh and a face lightly blushed, you went back to L's room.

"WHAT THE ... AISH ... L.JOE ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MYUNGSOO OPPA ?!" you widened your eyes at the sight of L.Joe and L rolling around the floor, yanked each other hair and cursing.

"I am doing what to him ? Ask him about that" L.Joe yelled at L's face

"He pissed me off" L stated the fact and looked at you with puppy eyes ... yeah ... L with puppy eyes

You softened at L "Aigoo ... okay, here Myungsoo oppa, your uniform, I have ironed it carefully, I don't want to ruin my oppas' images" you smiled at L.

"Thank you baby ~" L called you baby for the very first time, because L.Joe was there. He really cares for you, but never called you baby before *Baby ... what is wrong with him recently ... ?* both you and L.Joe thought

L.Joe looked at you and raised one of his eyesbrow "Mine ?"

You gave him L's uniform "Here is Myungsoo's oppa's clothes, it's fit you the most"

"Why are there another L's uniforms ?" L.Joe asked, sounded jealousy ...

"They all have extra clothes here, even god doesn't know when will they stay here..." you smiled at the thought of it.

*Should I bring my clothes and leave it here too ? I think I will stay over randomly after knowing that those boys are so close to my slave ... yeah she is my slave and nothing more* L.Joe thought but kept silent.


It's supported to be posted 6 hours ago ...

But ... I went to buy some new clothes :D:D

Okay ~ Okay ~ I'll make it up tomorrow ~

2012/01/21- 12:29 AM

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~