Lotte World - Surprise

It Started With Our First Kiss

After a warm lunch time, you two gained enough energy and were ready for another playing time.

"Merry-go-round ?" L.Joe pointed to the area where other couples were enjoying their time together. But you shook your head, didn't like the idea.

"Up-down ride ?" again he pointed to the kid's area. You gave him a look, "Oppa, that's for kids"

"That's why I want to take you to" he said like it's the obvious thing.

You pouted, "I am not a kid ..."

L.Joe laughed, he rubbed your hair, "So, what do you want to play ?"

You smiled and hyper-ly pointed to the most incredible game in the theme park - Roller Coaster.

L.Joe choked on his word, "T-That ?!"

You noticed and curiously looked at him, "You are scared of that ?"

"N-no ...." he defended

"Okay, Let's go there" you clapped your hand in excitement and brought him along.

*I hate Roller Coaster ... who ever invented this kind of human-killing, go and enjoy this yourself* L.Joe frowned, but his manly-self didn't let him say that out loud.


On the ride, you eagerly looked around, overjoyed with the next ride you would go. But there was L.Joe, whose face became pale and looked like a stiff dead body, he tightened his grips on the handles and didn't look at anything but the sky.

"Oppa, are you excited ?" you turned to him and quickly he kept his head down and meekly smiled.

"Uh - uh ... I" he spluttered each words.

"Are you alright ? You looked horrible" you worriedly asked. L.Joe nodded and gave you an assuring smile.

You nodded and soon turned the attention back to the coaster which was slowly moving.

As soon as the coaster moved faster, L.Joe grasped your hand and squealed it tightly.

"Whooaa ha haaa haaaaa !!!" you yelled in enjoyment

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and L.Joe's shout could be heard by all the people who watching below.


"Oppaa, why didn't you tell me the truth that you are scared of that ?" you lightly scolded him while on his back. He now looked like a zombie, pale-face, panting hard, couldn't stand still on his feet.

"Because you wanted to play that so badly" L.Joe admitted, he used both his hands to rub his forehead and throat.

You softened, "I still can play it next time"

"If this time I didn't go with you, I don't think next time I can, and I don't want you to go with another boys" L.Joe looked at the roller coaster, he held his chin up and pointed his finger, "YOU - NOW I HAVE DEFEATED YOU"

You laughed your head off at him, even though feeling like dying, he still managed to shout at the roller coaster.

L.Joe breathed in and out, he was recovered fast.

"Okay, let's play another game" he said and then turned to you " - some gentle games"

You grinned at him and nodded.


      [ LOVEY DOVEY ]

A big banner with those words pounded to your eyes. *What's that?*

People said the advertisers are good at finding people they need, and seemed like the MC of this show found you and L.Joe interesting or what, who knows ?

"Two of you" the MC called for you and L.Joe from the stage

You was surprised and looked at him weirdly, L.Joe who got annoyed and gave the MC a look.

Seemed like he has been too familiar with this kind of situation, he still carried on that oh-so-bright face and waved to you and L.Joe.

"You two are such a cute couple" the MC said through the micro, you blushed as everyone stared at you and L.Joe.

"We are not -" "Yes, so what ?" L.Joe cut you off, you stared at him in disbelief

The MC amused smiled, "Come on here" he waved L.Joe over.

L.Joe turned to you, *This gonna be a unforgetable memory*, he pulled you on the stage with him.

Now you found yourself stood on the stage with L.Joe and 4 other couples. The MC said that you will play a game and if any couple win, they will receive some special gifts.

You really didn't interest in the gifts, all you cared was the game rules.

 "This is peppero game. Every couple will receive a peppero stick, and both of you have to eat it at the same time. Which couple has the shortest stick left is the winner" the MC announced.

You popped your eyes widened, *Seriously, this is not a peppero day, and they want us to play peppero game ?*, you thought and tuck onto L.Joe, whispered, "Oppa, can we not play this game ?"

L.Joe stared at you, "I wanna play" he used his aegyo voice.

You stared back, L.Joe smiled and turned back to the MC, you sighed and gave in, *So he called this is a pay-back for that roller coaster thing ?*



The boys from other couples now started biting on the sticks, also did the girls. Only you and L.Joe, didn't start yet.

"Can we start now ?" L.Joe raised one of his eyebrow.

"Er ... okay" you hesitated putting the stick in your lips and directed it into L.Joe's lips.

He smirked and started biting on the stick, your body stiffened, you did nothing but looking at L.Joe's eyes, which were coming closer to you.

You leaned back a little, L.Joe suddenly wrapped his hand around your waist to keep you stay still. And at his touch, your whole body really stopped, also the heart, it stopped for a second.

*Maybe he will eat a 3/4 the stick* you thought while trying to calmed down your mad heart. FAIL.

Your heart began to pop out of your chest when your eyes widened at L.Joe's face, which was coming closer to you, really close, as if there was nothing gap between you two.

*I want to kiss her, again* L.Joe couldn't help that thought took his mind

*Oh no* you thought and quickly felt the touch on your lips. L.Joe's lips crashed on yours and he kept that position for like forever, until the MC blew the whistle for the end of the show.

"Okay, I can see that all of you have tried hard. Now you can give the left to me" the MC said

L.Joe pulled back from your lips and smiled, you was froze like ice, even your eyes couldn't move away from him.

When the MC came to you, L.Joe stuck is tongue out and the piece of peppero was on it. He took it out and gave it to the MC, "Sorry for my saliva"

The MC arkwardly nodded and started measuring the sticks.

L.Joe turned to look at you, he didn't say a word, he slowly slipped his hand around your waist. You snapped back from the daze and stared at him. *Why did he do that ?*

"4cm - 3.2cm - 2.8cm - 2cm and the winner is Byunghun and Sunmi, with 1 cm left" the MC cheerfully annouced and led you and L.Joe to step up.

You still didn't get off from the kiss, you just did what the MC told, beside, L.Joe pulled you with him by your waist.

"Your prize are a couple ring, a tour to Snowy Town for 2 people on 13th and 14th Feb" the MC handed L.Joe the prize. L.Joe smiled his mouth off and squealed your shoulders.


Now you two were sitting in some coffee shop in the Lotte World. You still kept silent after the kiss. L.Joe was playing dumb and kept talking nonsense things.

"Oppa" you called for him to stop blabbering.

"Hump ?" L.Joe mumbled

"Explain to me" you insisted

"Do you like the prize ??" L.Joe diverted the conversation. You coughed and gave him a look, he sighed and replaced his hyper face with a smile.

"I - I kissed you" he admitted

You blushed, but kept your frowning face on, "Wae? You want to play around ?"

L.Joe straightened himself, he looked you straight into the eyes, "No. I really mean it while kissing you. My heart told me to, and I didn't want to betray my own heart"

You could felt the butterflies in your stomach now, "And why your heart told you to do that ?"

*Why ?I even don't know why myself. This feelings are coming back, the feelings I had forward her when I was young.....*

"I am not really sure, but maybe ......" L.Joe stopped

"Maybe ..." you continued his sentense " ... you saw me as your slave and wanna play with my feelings ?" you said it, but really didn't want him to admit it.

"NOO" L.Joe yelled and grasped your hands, "I can't understand my own feelings right now. But I am sure that I didn't see you as my slave when that kiss happened"

*I can see the sincerity in his eyes* you slowly gripped a smile and nodded to him, "Okay, I know you telling your heart"

L.Joe smiled back and pulled you for a light hug.

*Do I like you or not, but I am sure that you are the special girl to me ...*


Soon, L.Joe will realize his feelings. Haha !!

Do you want some drama ? Or I should make it easy for you and L.Joe ?

And I didn't know what to do with L and Gongchan =))

Anyway, Valentine is coming !~

2012/02/11 - 1:32PM


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ayucshan #1
Chapter 72: I can't stop laughing after read the ending XD kkkk lol myungsoo ~~ he became so cheesy lol the cold city boy~ kkk and L.Joe too XD i thought he will go to california for real XD kkk but really this story daebak~ thank you for this funny and fluffy story~
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 29: bored???aniya I enjoy reading this chap though...kekek...although im a bit dissapoint that it is b1a4 coz im not a bana...
icannotwin #3
This story is awesome. Finish reading it in one day
WOW!!! This story is JJANG! Luv the story! Second time reading already
Chapter 72: I like your story!!^^
Wow can't wait to finish this story!! ^^
Chapter 72: It's a great story ;)
Daebakkkkkkkkkk ><
I EFFING LOVE THIS STORY XDD. sorry for too much caps ouo. But I usually see a lot of grammar mistakes, no offense. But yeah this story made me cry and laugh at the same time C': Good work author nim~