
Of Truth and Love

Eunji and Minhwan has noticed how Chahye wasn't in the mood to the dance that day. Other than making mistakes with some of the steps, even Dean looked irritated at her. They were now down to the last song, I Love It and the performance will be on Friday. They can manage but they have to remind the two to step their game up. Eunji pushed Minhwan to talk to them. He was the oldest from the whole team and he was a lot closer with Dean than she was. Minhwan had to give in.

Just as the rehearsals ended for that night, Minhwan called Dean and Chahye together at front to talk to them. "What is wrong with the two of you? You've been messing up. The other week, both of you were good and even becoming friends. Now, you seem to be enemies," he said.
"I'll do better, Minhwan hyung," said Dean.
"I'm sorry, oppa. I guess I'm just tired. I had to do extra work at the cafe earlier for not being there last Sunday, I'm sorry. I'll work harder tomorrow," said Chahye bowing to her leader.
"I hope so, Chahye. You and Eunji are the only ones familiar with the lead's steps so please be mindful," said Minhwan.
"Can we use the room a bit longer tonight? For us to practice?" Dean asked Minhwan. This caught Chahye off guard. He once again wants to be left alone with her.
"Sure. Any time. Just be sure to hit the lights and lock the door, okay?" reminded Minhwan.
"I will, hyung. Thank you," smiled Dean bowing to him. Chahye could only roll her eyes at him.

Everyone else has left except for Chahye who sat on the bench, with legs crossed and earphones plugged to her ears. She was listening to the radio. It was Crush's new song "Don't Forget" playing. She watched as Dean walked with Minhwan over to the door, talking to him with smiles across his face. He disgusts her so much. Just as Crush's song ended, the DJ introduced a new one. And a familiar line was sang in the background.

Dean just closed the door after waving goodbye to the dancers. He walked back inside to see Chahye stand up and furiously remove the earplugs from her head. "Why should it be 'I'm Not Sorry'?" he heard her grumble under her breath.
"What's so wrong about hearing my song?" asked Dean as he walked closer.
Chahye smirked and looked away. "It's wrong because it's you," she said.
"Why are you so mad at me, Jin Chahye?" he asked.
"Why? You ask me why I'm mad at you?" she said turning around to look at him. He didn't even move. "I hate you for being you, for being a prick, for being an ," she said.
"Why didn't you tell me you knew Crush hyung?"
"Why should I even tell you? It's none of your business."
"Well, Crush is a friend of mine. And he's soon going to join my crew. And he happens to be all around the girl I like. So yeah. It is my business. Tell me."
"Hyoseob oppa is my bestfriend so whatever we have between us is just ours."
"Bestfriend huh? I wonder why he didn't introduce you to us if you were that special to him."
"Because I don't want to be introduced to the people he works with."
"But you ended up working for me."
"You know... If I only knew I had to work with you and become your lead dancer, I wouldn't have even stepped inside this studio. If I didn't need money so badly, I wouldn't even come back here when I gave you that piece of paper."

Dean suddenly felt sad thinking of what the paper had written on it. Also, he felt bad that she came back not for him, but because of the need of money. Really, no one in this world could not live without thinking of money.

"What do you need the money for?" he asked sincerely, waiting for her back to turn away from his view.
"It's none of your business," she said sternly. "I just need it soon."
"Is it so you could go back to the university?" he asked again.
"Dean," said Chahye sighing. "I told you. It's none of your business. Stop asking me that," as she flipped her hair back and sat on the floor in front of the mirror.
Dean walked over to her left side and sat down as well. He only looked at her through the mirrors as she looked through her phone. He slowly turned to look at the side of her face. "Chahye-ssi," he said. "I'm sorry. About... About last Friday."
"That was done," she said hugging her knees to her chest.
"I don't know what happened after but I'm sorry," he said.
"Shut up," she answered back.
"I'm also sorry for acting that way in front of Crush hyung. I just thought that he didn't know anything," he said still waiting for her to look at him.
"Did you even tell him?" she asked.
"Uhm... No. I haven't. We haven't really talked about anything else other than the songs we were working on," said Dean scratching his head.
"Then good. Are we going to practice or not?" she said as she stood and stretched her arms up.

They spent another hour practicing the steps for "I Love It", another song that makes the hairs on the back of Chahye's neck stand up, the reason she wasn't able to dance well earlier that way. She was pissed off with Dean and she still had to work with him. Luckily, without everyone else watching them and the lead dancers to giver their comments and complains, she was able to concentrate more on the dancing than at Dean.

Dean was different though. He personally loved this song. The choreography created for this song was easy. It was their third run through the song and they agreed they would do it more seriously this time. The girls were supposed to stand behind him as he sang the first verse, Chahye in the middle of course. By the chorus, the girls would dance their way to the front, Dean joining in. On the second verse, everyone else would go off stage leaving Chahye and Dean on stage. Chahye would dance on her own, squatting at one part. Dean grabs her hand and makes her stand up, hands on his chest. Tonight, Dean purposely said "I love you, baby" straight in her face, not losing her gaze. Chahye stepped back and continued with the dance, imagining the others with her. At DoK2's part, the dancers would do something more hiphop while Chahye and Dean stood facing each other, behind them waiting for their cue.

Tonight though, Dean didn't let Chahye go as DoK2's rap parts were ending. He was facing her but suddenly stepped closer to her. As she wasn't so sure, Chahye stepped back. "I love it and I like it, jjalbeun meori nun mite jomdeokkajjido I want nobody but you baby," Dean kept on singing as Chahye felt the wall nearing her back, never losing their gazes at each other.

Somehow, looking at him at that minute felt extremely comfortable for Chahye. Dean lifted his right hand and placed the tips of his fingers just on top of her chest, sliding them upwards to her neck, just when her back finally rested against the wall. His other hand now held itself against the wall, just beside her head. Unconsciously, as she stared at Dean and the music still playing, echoing in the studio, her hands rested against his chest. She wasn't breathing fast. Her heart was beating fast but she liked it. There was something in Dean's eyes that made her relax.

Dean moved his hand behind her neck and pulled her closer to his face, his mouth just hovering over her lips, singing the last notes notes of his own song. It echoed in Chahye's head, making itself her drug, setting her in a new high. Dean voice was her drug, a drug she wanted to avoid. "We make love," was the last words she heard him sing before closing her eyes and lifting her right hand to reach his hair from the back of his head.

And the same song started to play from the top again.

Dean pressed his lips softly onto hers once and she just let him. Chahye couldn't understand but the first kiss instantly made her want for more. With her eyes closed, he did it again. And again. And another time. Then he felt her hand start ruffling through his hair. With a smile, he pushed her head closer to his and he kissed her again as her lips parted for him. He knew how she could be sensitive to touch and so he kept himself sweet in the first moments of their exchange. He would kiss then pull back a bit, only to attack her with more sweet ones. Chahye's lips stayed opened and he found this an opportunity to slide his tongue in, as gentle as he could. He heard her faint moan as their tongues finally touched, making her lift both her arms and hug his neck, deepening the kiss between them. He removed his other hand from the wall and held her waist instead, making them feel each other's body.

She was perfect, Dean thought. She was beautiful. She was the combination of interesting and mysterious. She was a judging from her sloppy kissing and sudden arousal without doing so much. It excited him. She was finally his. He pulled back to breathe and brush off the hair from her face but she kissed him again while at it, soft and quick. He gave it back to her with the same softness and quickness. But she suddenly kissed him harder. She wanted him, he thought. He pushed her back to the wall and made sure he pressed himself against her better, her chest against his body, their legs right in between each other, kissing her deeper. He knew rubbing against each other wouldn't be good. He pulled back one more time to whisper to her along with the music, "I love you baby".

Just as he held both her cheeks and kiss her again, Chahye suddenly pushed him away with the energy she has left. "No..." she said softly. But Dean didn't hear it and still leaned close. "I said no," she said louder, turning her head to the side, still trying to push him away.

He still held her cheeks and was breathing deeply, almost at synch with her. He finally was able to hear his own voice from the speaker and not his own heart beating too fast. He stepped back and released her face, but still looking at her with deep eyes. "That was nice," he said with a smile, trying to reach for her hand.

Chahye avoided his hand and pushed him farther away. She ran towards the bench and took her bag. "I have to go home now," she said.
"But Chahye..," he said.
"That was just a mistake," she said standing up and aiming to walk to the door.
"Can we talk about this, please?" he said taking a step towards her.
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said looking back at him with a slight bow. She hurriedly sprinted to the door and walked out.

He wanted to follow her but he heard quick steps from outside. She was running away. No use in following her now. He sighed and groaned as he covered his face with his hands. "I was so close," he complained. He looked at himself at the mirror and thought about the events that night. It was as if he could see Chahye in front of him, replacing his reflection. He never thought she would give in to his longing. He never thought he would be able to kiss her, neither was doing it for that long. He looked at his hands and still felt her waist, neck and face against them. For all he knew, she would have slapped him at the first kiss but she just let him. And he knew she liked it. He knew she wanted it. 

"Thank you," he said when he heard his song still playing through the speakers.



= _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ =

To all you DEAN fans out there.......


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Hi guys! I'm currently back at writing Of Truth And Love. Hopefully, I can post a new update REALLY SOON! I'm so sorry if it took so long. I have a lot of stories to tell you guys! Please anticipate my return! Bam!


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MecrazySasaUnnie92 #1
Chapter 76: Sana mag update na.... ilang years na akong nag aabang ng chapter 77 huhuhuhu Ano besh??? Comeback juseyo~
Acerv_ #2
Chapter 75: ttt... I'm scared... that's horrible I don't even know what to say...
ayenvyone #3
Chapter 74: wahhhh!! thanks for updating!!
Chapter 73: girl
Chapter 70: so amazing you're good writer omg
Chapter 68: o.o young master she have other bro !??
Chapter 64: omo that her dad
Chapter 62: lol how many people she know
Chapter 59: bad GD bad GD lol how could you make him like this omg XD
ayenvyone #10
Chapter 73: cant wait for the next update dor this and all of your stories