
Of Truth and Love

"I have some things to tell you."
"Chahye. I'm busy."
"Come on, Chahye. Can't that wait until tomorrow? I have work to do."
"You always said I mattered to you. I just need you to sit down and listen to me."
"I have to go to Red Velvet studio in an hour, Chahye. Let's talk there."
"What?! I can't. I can't talk about this in front of Staytuned oppa. No."
"Why not?"
"Because... This is personal."
"Aish. Can't this really wait? I have someone coming tonight as well."
"Who?! Seolhyun?!"
"Is she more important than me?!"
"Chahye. Don't even say that."
"I can't believe you, Jiho. I told you she's just using you! Why are you so blind?!"
"Shut up, Chahye. I have to go get ready."

Zico went inside the bathroom and left Chahye in the kitchen. She was at his apartment at seven in the evening. She knew he was going to be awake at that time and it was her only free time since Daejung said he'd be spending time with his band and Hyukoh.

She gave up at talking to her cousin who already ran the shower inside. She walked over to his den and slumped back on the sofa. He barely had anything in the den. Just a television set, stereo, a CD rack, a shelf above it, a sofa, a coffee table, a small desk, a laptop on it, and a book shelf. If there's anything they both liked to do, that's reading. She got up and checked if he had a new book in it and if she could borrow any.

"Hey Jiho!" she shouted for him to hear. "Do you have a book I could borrow?!"
"Choose whichever. I'm not reading anything lately!" shouted Zico back.
"Does Jisuk oppa visit you here?!" she shouted again.
"He stayed here when he had a recording with Show Me The Money. He's back at mom's since he got dropped!" he answered.
"That myunDo guy !" she said.
"We know!"

In the end, Chahye chose to walk around the den and just open the TV. But then the doorbell rang. She shouted to Jiho about it. "Go open it. I'm almost done!" he said. Although hesitant, she walked to the front door and reached for the handle. But she heard buttons being pressed and the door suddenly opened. It was Seolhyun.

"Jiho-ah... Annyeong!" she greeted as she stepped inside. "I brought you something," she continued as she removed her shoes, a bag slung behind her back.

Chahye just watched her then stepped slowly back inside. She has never met Seolhyun before but she knew who she was. Everyone knew who she was. Talk about being part of one of the most popular idol girl groups in South Korea. But Chahye never liked her. Especially now that she knows she can walk into her cousin's apartment any time she wants.

Seolhyun stood up with a smile that slowly faded away when she saw another woman in Zico's place. She was wearing shorts and a large white sweater. As for Seolhyun, she was wearing a short black and white dress.

"Who are you?!" asked Seolhyun.
"Who are you?" asked Chahye pretending not to know her.
"You're asking me who I am?! What the nerve," said Seolhyun.
"Yes. I am asking," answered Chahye back.
Seolhyun was starting to get pissed off at her tone then walked over to the den, passing her by and slightly brushing her shoulder. "What are you doing here?!" she asked as she turned around.
"I should be asking you that," said Chahye.
"For your information," started Seolhyun as she crossed her arms against her chest. "My boyfriend lives here," she said.
"Cool. My cousin lives here, too," smiled Chahye.
"Cousin? Jiho?" said Seolhyun with her eyes opened wide. "He never told me he had a cousin."
"I wouldn't want him to tell you either," smiled Chahye walking back to the sofa and sitting down.
"No. No. No. You're not his cousin," said Seolhyun. "Get out of this house," she instructed.
"And who are you to tell me that?!" blurted Chahye.

"Hey. Who are you talking to Chahye?!" they both heard Zico shout from one of the rooms. Seolhyun looked at the direction his voice was coming from. It was his room. She looked back at Chahye and glared at her. "By the way, Chahye. I called Hyuk to fetch you," said Zico.
"What the ?! JIHO! Why did you do that?!" shouted Chahye as she stood up to walk over to his room.
But Jiho was already walking over to the den in pants and a shirt in his hand. "What?! Don't you want to see him?" he asked, putting an arm inside the shirt. He stopped when he noticed another person in the den. "Oh . Seolhyun. Hi," he panicked as he put his shirt on.
Seolhyun crossed her arms and glared at her boyfriend. "Mind explaining this?" she asked.
"Explaining what?" asked Zico as he stepped forward to kiss her cheek. But she stepped back.
"Who is she?!" she asked.
"Who? Chahye?" he said looking back at the woman behind him. "She's my cousin. My mom and her mom are sisters."
"How come you never told me about her?!" she said.
"It's not like you were really interested in meeting my family. Remember? You even refused meeting my hyung," said Zico.
"And she's here in your apartment, in those clothes. And you looking like you just stepped out of the shower? Don't lie to me, Woo Jiho," said Seolhyun.
"Seolhyun, would you stop?! Me and Chahye are close. And yes. I just had a shower. I'm supposed to go to Red Velvet studios tonight," said Zico.
"What? But you said we could spend time tonight," pouted Seolhyun stepping closer to him and raising her arms, holding his neck. The sight of it made Chahye want to throw up.
Zico took her arms off of him and stepped back. "I can't. I really have to go. I just have to wait for Hyuk to arrive and take Chahye," he said.
"I don't want to go with him, Jiho-ah," said Chahye rolling her eyes.
"Wait. Who's Hyuk?" asked Seolhyun, taking her bag off and following him to the kitchen counter.
"Dean," he answered as he took a glass of water. 
"Dean? The singer?" she asked. "What does he have to do with you?" she directed the question at Chahye.
"You don't care," she answered rolling her eyes at them and walking back to the sofa.
"Come on, Chahye. Be a bit more friendly," smiled Zico.
"Don't tell me that," answered his cousin.

Zico went back to his room to get his bag and Seolhyun followed him. Chahye tried to close her eyes and distract herself as she heard her whimpers to him through the walls. "Stop it. I don't want my cousin hearing you like that," she heard him say from his room.

She decided it was no use trying to talk to Zico tonight. She stood up and walked to the refrigerator to get one of the demi sodas Zico always has stock of. "I'm getting one of the apple sodas, Jiho," she shouted from the kitchen.

"Take one more for Daejung or something," said Zico. He stepped out of his room and saw her in the kitchen. He went to the den, Seolhyun following, and closed his laptop on the desk. "Will you just sit down or something, Seolhyun?" he said.

The doorbell rang and Zico walked over to open it. "That must be him," he told himself. He opened the door and it was Dean. "Yo, man. Thanks for coming," he greeted shaking his hand then bumping shoulders.
"It's nothing. I haven't really seen Chahye for a while," smiled Dean as he stepped inside following his friend. He saw a girl sitting on the sofa. He bowed and smiled at her.
Seolhyun gasped at his presence and stood up to now as well. "Hello. I'm Seolhyun," she said.
"Hi. Dean," he said. "Is... Is that her bag?" he pointed at the one on the sofa asking Zico.
"Huh?! Uhm... This is mine," answered Seolhyun.
"Chahye's bag is in my room," said Zico.
Chahye walked out of the kitchen with an apple in . "I took one of the apples, too, Jiho," she said approaching the den. She stopped when she saw Dean standing right next to her cousin. "Oh. Dean," she said. "Should we be going now?" she asked looking at her cousin.
"Go get your bag," Zico instructed her. Chahye nodded and walked back to his room down the hall. "Did you bring a car?" he asked.
"Yeah. You're supposed to be at Red Velvet, right?" asked Dean.
"Yeah. Then I have to go to The Black Label because I'm doing a song with CJamm for Show Me The Money," answered Zico scratching his head. "I hope that guy wins."
"Does Chahye already know CJamm got into the top 16?" asked Dean.
"Yeah. We were just talking about it earlier. The best friends are both in the finals, CJamm and BeWhy," smiled Zico.
"Has she told you about something else? Chahye?" asked Dean.
"What other things? We have a lot of issues together, you know," answered Zico.
"Wait. I'm sorry. Can I in?" smiled Seolhyun at them. The two men just looked at them. "What are you to her? Jiho's cousin?" she asked Dean.
"Oh. I'm sorry to have not introduced my connection to her properly," he said. "Chahye is my girlfriend," he said smiling.
"Girlfriend? I... I thought you were single?" asked Seolhyun.
"They've only been together for a month or so. Right, Dean?" asked Zico, Dean only smiling back. Even so, Seolhyun still raised an eyebrow at him. "So stop speculating she's my fling, girlfriend or something. I can show you our birth certificates just so you stop," said Zico shaking his head at her.

Chahye soon came back out with an apple still in . "Guess you don't want me here anymore, huh?" she said grunting at Zico.
Dean took the apple from her and took a bite as well. "Come on, Chahye. Give Jiho his privacy," he said.
"I'll make it up to you soon, Chahye. I promise," said Zico hugging her then leaving a kiss on her forehead. This action outraged Seolhyun and pursed her lips to avoid screaming.
"I'll see you on Sunday then," said Chahye as she released him.
"See you," said Dean following Chahye out the door.
"Wait," said Seolhyun, making the couple stop. "Jiho said you're Dean'ssi's girlfriend. I'm not buying it," she said shaking her head. Zico could only roll his eyes at her.
"Seolhyun, would you stop?" asked Jiho starting to raise his voice.
"I am his girlfriend so shut up," said Chahye.
"Liar," said Seolhyun. "You didn't even greet Dean when he came here."
"Oh, so you wanted us to get all sweet and touchy like you and JIho?" asked Chahye raising her eyebrows. Seolhyun did the same and smirked at her. If there was anything else in the world Chahye hated, those are y girls that pretend to be all sweet and angelic. She then stepped closer to Dean and took his hand, him just watching her. "Well, let me tell you something, Seolhyun. While you and Jiho act lovey-dovey shy around people, me and Dean don't do that. Well, at least not like how you two do it," said Chahye.
"How then?" said Seolhyun crossing her arms.

Chahye smirked at her before pulling Dean down to her level and quickly crashing her lips into his, her hand locking his neck. Seolhyun stepped back at the sight in front of her. Even Zico had to cover his mouth in surprise. Dean, on the other hand, slowly sneaked his hand onto his waist, pulling her close, his other hand throwing the apple away. He was certainly surprised by her but it's been a while since they last kissed and touched and he missed that. He held himself back and just tried to kiss her as softly as he could, especially since they were in front of her cousin. However, Chahye suddenly slipped her tongue in between his lips, her right thumb grazing the bottom of his lips, telling him to keep on. He was sly, yes, and he did. With one hand, he held her chin and made her move her head up so he could get better access into . It's very seldom that Chahye would literally throw herself to him and so he took the chance. The hell with Zico watching. This was his girl. He wouldn't care.

Seolhyun hid herself behind Zico while he rolled his eyes at his cousin and his friend literally making out in front of them. "Okay, okay. That's enough. I think she gets it already, " he said making the two stop.
Chahye was looking at her cousin as she slowly released Dean's lips. She smirked at the sight of Seolhyun being flushed. She gave Dean a final peck before stepping back and smiling. "I think we need to go," she said, taking Dean's hand and winking at Zico.
"Don't you dare do that in front of me again, Jin Chahye," said Zico.
"I can't promise that, Jiho-ah," she said winking as she led Dean to the door, both of them going out and straight to the elevator.

The ride down to the basement parking was silent. Dean ended up finishing the apple Chahye took and threw it in the trash before walking towards his car.

"Is that the first time you saw Seolhyun-ssi?" asked Dean as he opened the door to the passenger seat.
"Yes. Sort of didn't like it," she said sliding inside. He walked around the car and got into the driver's seat, later on starting the engine. He put both hands on the wheel and breathed hard. He looked to the side and Chahye was looking down on her legs and sighed.

"So...where are you going?" Dean started.
Chahye looked at him then pursed her lips together. "I...don't know. I don't want to go home yet," she said.
"Want dinner?" hesitated Dean to ask.
"I already had dinner with Byul and Seungjae," answered Chahye.
"Hmmm... Then where to?" Dean asked himself.
Chahye saw how Dean was once again flustered and uneasy. She reached for his hand on the wheel. "I know you're okay with what happened. I just really wanted that girl to shut up," she said with a comforting smile. Dean just smiled back shyly.
"Let's go to your place?"

The drive back to Dean's place was silent, too. The ride up to Dean's place was even devastating as they both felt tension rise with even their arms barely touching. "It's sort of crazy inside since the boys were here last night," said Dean as he punched his pass code. Chahye just folded her arms and nodded, waiting for them to get in.

Once inside, Chahye saw piled up pillows on the carpet in the den in front of the television. That probably was where Punchnello lied down while playing. There were still unwashed glasses on the counter with an open bag of chips. "I hope your room is cleaner than the den," smiled Chahye as she walked to behind a sofa, picking up a black shirt hanging from the arm rest. "Is this Seunghyun's?" she asked showing it to Dean.
"Oh. Right. Yeah. That's his," said Dean a little flushed as he snatched the shirt from her hands.
"So, doing nasty things with your bestfriend huh? I would have never imagined, Kwon Hyuk," smirked Chahye.
"We didn't do anything. We were playing last night and Colde spilled some cola on his shirt. Seunghyun has clothes in this place. Just like you and Crush," said Dean folding the shirt quickly and dropping it back on the sofa, raising an eyebrow at her.
Chahye raised her eyebrows at him then smiled. "Jealous huh?" she said stepping closer.
"Sort of," he answered waiting for her to come closer. She reached for his waist and pulled them closer, her eyes not leaving his. "I think we can start leaving some of your clothes here though," he said with a grin, his thumb tracing along her chin.
"I can arrange that," she smiled. She reached for the back of his neck and made him stoop lower, their lips lightly touching.

A few more sweet kisses and Dean pulled back first, holding onto her waist and pushing her away.

"I thought you were mad at me?" he asked holding her hand as he led her to one of the stools by the counter.
"Not really mad... I was just irritated. I'm sorry," said Chahye following his lead.
"Why?" he asked, taking both her hands and making them tangle around his neck while he held her waist, holding her even closer.
"Because..." started Chahye. "I just don't want you meddling in my affairs. You have too much to handle already to get involved in mine, Kwon Hyuk."
"Don't you trust me, Jin Chahye?" asked Dean looking straight into her eyes. 
Chahye kept his gaze and sighed. She put her right hand on his cheek and rubbed it softly with her thumb. Dean closed his eyes and savored her touch. "I'm sorry, Dean. I trust you... But you have to understand," she said softly.
"I'm trying to, Chahye. Because I want to," he said opening his eyes again.
"I'm sorry," she repeated, leaning forward and resting her head under the crook of his neck.
"You can trust me, Chahye. I know it could take some time to completely trust me, but I want you know that you can," said Dean leaning his head on hers.

After a few more minutes of cuddling, Chahye pushed herself away and stared at Dean, wanting to step aside and sit somewhere more comfortable. But he held her waist tighter and grinned.

"Where do you think you're going, lady?" he asked.
"Somewhere to sit down?" said Chahye raising one of her eyebrows at him.
"What if I don't want you to?" he said.
"What now, Dean?" she said rolling her eyes at him.
"I'd rather see you sit on me," he smirked.
"You did not just say that," smiled Chahye.
"Remember what you did at Jiho's place? I haven't really gotten over that completely yet," he said with a grin.
Chahye giggled and bit her lips. "I bet I hit a nerve in Jiho's," she said.
"Oh. I'm sure you did. And you actually ," he said reaching for her chin and leaning closer.
"Then that's one point for me," smiled Chahye as she felt his lips brush against hers.
"One point for me for getting you inside my house," smiled Dean.
"Another point for me because you obviously want me right now," she said before smashing her lips with his and tangling her arms around his neck.
They started kissing, tongues fighting for domination as they explored each other's mouths. "Make that three points because I really need you now," said Dean as his hands went down to her hips, his fingers brushing against the end of her shorts and her legs.
Chahye leaned back. "Give yourself five points, because I need you now, too," she said taking the hem of her sweater and taking them off, leaving her in a black bra.
"I'd take them," smiled Dean before leaning down her neck and leaving soft kisses down to her chest.


Chahye was wide awake in the middle of the night. Her lover's head rested on her arm while he dozed off, one of his arms rested around her bare waist, scared that she would leave him alone. She stared at the ceiling and replaying the scenes from earlier. Another unforgettable fit for love and exchange of lustful desires. Somehow, in the back of her head, she couldn't have believed she would ever be able to have with anyone. But Dean...

She brushed her fingers along his sweaty hair. She knew he had something on her, a trance, a connection. She couldn't resist him and she didn't know if that was right or wrong. Nothing about their relationship is right. Them hiding from the public's eye. Her not trusting him the most. Her secrets. His schedule and reputation. But they both loved it. The danger, the consequences, the unforeseen future, the fits of pleasure, the arguments, the sweetness. And she couldn't let go. For once, she was excited about the future and yet it left her in equal fear.

Dean moved his head from resting on her arm, to snuggling right next to her bare chest, his nose breathing in her lovely scent, the fresh smell of still lingering in the air. She was his drug and he couldn't get enough of her. He held onto her waist tighter under the sheets. He felt her fingers brush through his hair again and he didn't need to guess that she was awake. He knew she would be anyway. That was how she was during nights.

Without opening his eyes he asked, "What's keeping you awake, Chahye?"
She looked at him, a bit surprised he was awake enough to talk. She sighed then looked back at the ceiling. "A lot of things... I guess," she said.
"Like what?" he asked, his lips brushing against her left side.
"Like... If I should call Daejung," she lied.
"I thought you already texted him?" said Dean looking up at her.
"I did. I just... I'm just worried. I hope he doesn't tell Jiho and Jisuk oppa," she said, then remembering that Daejung didn't reply when she texted him 2 hours earlier. "I think I should go home, Dean," she finally said.
"What time is it?" he asked.
"I don't know. Maybe around 1 or something," answered Chahye unsurely.
"Can't you just stay until the sun rises? Please?" he said as lifted his head and looking at her.
"I... I just don't think I should stay any longer when Daejung doesn't know where I am," she said looking to her right. She was lying. Dean saw her hesitation. He sat up then moved across her. He stood on all fours above her, looking straight into her eyes. "What the... Dean..." she said closing her legs together, trying to push him away.
"Stop lying to me, Jin Chahye. You're just using your brother as an excuse to me," he said seriously. "What really is the problem?"
Chahye stopped pushing his shoulders and sighed. "Nothing," she said.
"Is it another dream?" he asked.
"No. I didn't sleep, Dean," she answered.
"How do you even stay awake after all the we did? You came to me three times tonight. You should be tired and asleep," he said.
"But I'm not and you shouldn't have to worry about it," she said pushing him again.
Dean has had it and pushed himself up. He sat on the foot of the bed and watched her pull the sheets up to cover herself. "He didn't make you sleep back then, I guess," he said.
Chahye sat up, too, by the headboard facing him. "He just leaves me. He thinks I'm asleep. But I wasn't. I was usually crying myself to sleep. At least that's what I remember," she said.
"Do I... Do I scare you, Chahye?" asked Dean.
She just stared at him, unsure of her answer. Was she? "N-No... I'm not scared of you," she said.
"Then why are you like this? Why do you still keep distance from me?" he asked.

She didn't answer. Chahye started looking around, making her eyes adjust to the dark. She spotted her shirt on the floor behind Dean. She reached to her side and opened the lamp on his desk. Dean just watched her as she stood up and walked towards him. She stooped down and picked her shirt up, along with her other articles of clothing. One by one she picked them up then started to put her legs through her . Dean just sat there, listening to her movements behind him, pulling the sheets close to him to cover her legs.

"I'm going home," she heard him say.
"You can catch taxis at the corner road, I think," said Dean.
"Thanks. If I can't, I'll just ask Hyoseob to pick me up. I don't know," she said as she put her bra on, reaching behind her to clasp the hooks together.
"I shouldn't have asked that, should I?" asked Dean.

Chahye was about to put her shirt on when she stopped to look at him still sitting on his bed. "I'm not scared of you, Dean," she said. He turned his head but didn't look at her. "I love you. I'm just... I'm just really scared of a lot things. And I don't want anything bad happening to you," she said in her most calming tone Dean has ever heard.

He didn't answer and just watched as she put her shirt on and fixed her hair. She reached for the door when Dean asked, "Should I pick you up tomorrow?"
Chahye opened the door then looked at him, their eyes catching each other. "Me and y Street are meeting tomorrow. I'm all good until Thursday," she smiled.
"But we'll see each other on Friday?" he asked.
"Yes. Before you leave for America," she said.
"I'll see you then," said Dean with a faint smile. "Good night, Chahye."
"Good bye, Dean."

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Hi guys! I'm currently back at writing Of Truth And Love. Hopefully, I can post a new update REALLY SOON! I'm so sorry if it took so long. I have a lot of stories to tell you guys! Please anticipate my return! Bam!


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MecrazySasaUnnie92 #1
Chapter 76: Sana mag update na.... ilang years na akong nag aabang ng chapter 77 huhuhuhu Ano besh??? Comeback juseyo~
Acerv_ #2
Chapter 75: ttt... I'm scared... that's horrible I don't even know what to say...
ayenvyone #3
Chapter 74: wahhhh!! thanks for updating!!
Chapter 73: girl
Chapter 70: so amazing you're good writer omg
Chapter 68: o.o young master she have other bro !??
Chapter 64: omo that her dad
Chapter 62: lol how many people she know
Chapter 59: bad GD bad GD lol how could you make him like this omg XD
ayenvyone #10
Chapter 73: cant wait for the next update dor this and all of your stories