
Of Truth and Love

I came to the hospital and went straight to where I thought Jihye was. The nurses said she was dead. I couldn't believe it. But then I asked where her children were. They said the boy was in the infirmary, sleeping well. The girl... They led me to her room. I was supposed to get in and introduce myself but I heard her crying and screaming.

"Don't touch me! Where is my mother?!"
"Chahye... Please stop... Please stop crying..."
"Who are you?! LET GO OF ME!"
"You need to stop and sleep, Chahye-ssi..."
"Jiho! Jiho oppa! Let go of me!"
"I'm your aunt Chahye... It's all right..."
"I DON'T KNOW YOU. JIHO. I want Jiho..."
"He's not here... Please, Chahye, stop..."
"I don't want to be here. Daejung! I don't want you in here, woman!"

I heard her crying and screaming and I cried myself. What have I done? What should I do? I didn't know. And because I was the coward that I am, I ran out and tried to forget everything I heard.

But I didn't. Everyday, I would try to find something new. I sent one of my men to keep an eye on her inside the hospital. I also found someone to hunt down the lawyer handling her case. I found his name. Lee Junyoung. I wanted to hire a different lawyer for her, but I saw his profile. He was their neighbor. I thought it would be all right to trust my child in him.

I was there during the first hearing. Seeing him on the witness stand made my blood boil. I wanted to strangle him. But Youngsoo stopped me.

Secretly, after they won the case, I secretly met up with Jihye's sister. I offered her me giving custody to Chahye. I could bring her to America and she could be treated properly. She could forget. But she admitted to me.

"I know that you could support Chahye and help her so much. But I don't think that would be a good idea. Especially not now that she doesn't remember anyone, not even me. She has forgotten how to trust anyone, and that includes me. The only people she shares herself with are with my children and Daejung."

And she was right. I stepped into the house, cautious of meeting eyes with his husband who I know does not favor my presence. I saw my child sitting on the floor in front of the television. She called her name and she looked back. She only stared back at her. But when she saw me, she stood up and ran inside a room and we all heard her lock the door. Jihye's sister admitted to me as well that even her husband could not touch her.

Right there, I offered to get a psychologist and help her. There was one given and referred to by child services but I said that I would be much more at peace with a psychologist with good experience and skills. They agreed. She started going to her. I offered to pay the expenses with the lawyer but she said that he was working with them for free, because this man adores Chahye and feels as though it is his obligation to see the case through, which includes being with Chahye all the way.

I know about everything. Her going to Canada, to Japan, her high school, her college. I wanted to visit but because of family and business matters, I had to go to America. But four years ago, I came back here for the first time and I had people look for her. They did and informed she was going to a university soon. I knew she was almost going to be 18 and her allowance from child services would end. I tried to look for her lawyer, the only person I knew would keep my secret.

I met with Junyoung in my office first pretending to have a case I want to get his opinion on. Later on, I revealed my real intentions. He agreed to help me. But then we both learned that she received a scholarship at Seoul National University, being one of the best students from her high school. She wouldn't need the money I would offer.

But she decided to finally live on her own and Junyoung told me that her brother was also thinking of staying with her. I knew she would need money if she wanted to have Daejung with her. I started sending money and letters to her through Junyoung. I knew that somehow she trusts him therefore she would believe that the letters are from her father. She did but never wanted to see me. She never even answered my letters. Junyoung always told me she wouldn't even open them.


"But I came..."
"And that makes me wonder."
"I don't know as well."
"I'm just really happy that you're here."
"What is your business?"
"Here in Korea, I own Joombas. I own a construction company contracted to the government. I actually own a provincial bus route company, too. And an eight hectare piece of vegetable farming land over in Daegu. I have men doing the work there."
"What about in America?"
"In America, I have stocks in Universal Music. I have also set up a chain of groceries in New York, Pennsylvania and ia. My son has already set up his own entertainment company, too, in LA. He has dancers there and managers and trainees. If there's an event, people get manpower from them. It's small and caters mostly to Asians but it will get big in the long-run. Through Universal Music, we plan to expand the subsidiary to London."
"Those are great places."
"They are."

Chahye just grinned then looked back down at the cup of tea in her hands, steam going up to her nose and clearing her sinus. She has more questions but they don't seem to come. She was both embarrassed and scared about the way she reacted when they met earlier.

"Kwon Hyuk-ssi..." said Bada, getting her attention once more. "He's a nice chap."
"Oh. Thank you," said Chahye shyly. "Uhm... Where is he?"
"He's downstairs with Junyoung," he answered. Chahye just nodded and drank up.
"I... I wanted to be with someone because I was scared. I... I knew I could faint again," she answered.
"Your cousins couldn't make it?" asked Bada.
"No. Jiho... He's starting his own business. And Jisuk oppa.... He's working really hard in Show Me The Money," she said with a smile.
"That's the rap show, right? I see. Then that's good," he smiled.
Chahye then looked at him then out of the window. "I'm happy for them. They're finally doing the things they love," she said.
"What about you, Chahye?" he asked.
"Me?" she said looking at him. "What I'm doing? Nothing. I mean... I'm just surviving university and dancing for Joombas. But... I don't really know what I like."
"Why so?"
"Because... Because... I don't know. I don't know what I like..."
"Impossible. You must have a hobby or something. Or maye a goal in life."
"I dance. I sing. I do sports. I do languages. But the only goal I have right now... Is to be happy... With Daejung, my cousins, my friends and... Hyuk. I don't know anything else."
"You know... When you were a kid... You always said that you wanted to be able to cook just like your mom."

Bada said that while smiling and Chahye returned it very faintly. "I'm not that good in cooking though," she said slowly shaking her head while giggling.
"You'll get better," he said.
"Can I ask you something?" she said.
"Throw it away," affirmed Bada.
"Why do they call me the young princess? I understand that you're rich and they do formalities but why me?" she asked.
Bada looked at her and searched her eyes. "Well, since you really look like you don't remember, I'll explain then," he said putting his teacup down onto the small table beside him. "You lived in this house when you were born until you were 4 years old."
"I....did?" asked Chahye leaning her head forward, not believing the words coming out from his mouth.
"You did. With your mother," smiled Bada. "Those were the happiest four years of my life."
"What... What did we do here? I thought you never got married with her?" asked Chahye.
"Chahye-ah... Your mother... Was my secretary and became my mistress," admitted Bada to which Chaye replied with no sign of surprise.
"Then why did we leave?" she asked.
"Because... As I always said in my letters... I was a coward," sighed Bada.
"To lose everything you have ever built?" asked Chahye as she put the cup on the bedside table.
"Yes," he answered.
"Then... Is there a reason for me to stay here? To maintain communication with you? Is there anything else you don't want to lose now?" asked Chahye.
"Yes. There is," said Bada seriously. She just looked at him and waited. "I don't want to lose you anymore."

They stared at each other without much emotion, weighing each other's intention and sincerity. Suddenly, a knock came on the door and they both looked towards its direction, Youngsoo standing outside.

"The young master has arrived," he said bowing.


Jeffrey walked straight to the living area and placed his jacket on the sofa. "Changmi-ah. Has dad already eaten lunch yet?" he asked as the maid followed him.
"Not yet," she answered.
"But is there food prepared?" he asked again noticing the door to the backyard porch open.
"Yes," she answered.
Jeffrey smiled and nodded. But then he noticed a ladies' bag on the other long sofa. He pointed at it then looked at Changmi. "Whose bag is that, Changmi? Do we have visitors?" he asked.
"Yes. The young princess has come home," bowed the maid, avoiding his stare.
"Princess? You mean... She came here?" asked Jeffrey in a surprised tone.
"Yes. She's with a friend. And Mr. Junyoung Lee came, too," answered Changmi.
"Which friend?" asked Jeffrey slightly knowing who it is already.

Suddenly, a maid came back from the backyard porch that quickly bowed at the sight of Jeffrey. "Young master," she said. He smiled back at her and stepped aside to show two men.

"Jeffrey. It's nice to see you today," said Junyoung walking over to him and shaking his hand.
"It's nice to see you, too, Mr. Lee. Thank you for visiting my father," smiled Jeffrey as he cupped the lawyer's hand in both of his. 

Dean walked over with his mouth slightly open, surprised to see Jeffrey inside the house. Jeffrey on the other hand, was already expecting the other visitor to be him. He walked over to Dean and gave him a hug, the usual ones they always share.

"It's nice to see you here," said Jeffrey with a smile.
"But... What... What are you doing here, hyung? Are you..." asked Dean.
Jeffrey smiled and squeezed his shoulder just as he stepped away. "I live here, Hyuk," he said. "You must have already met my dad," he said.
"Your dad?" asked Dean looking back at the lawyer beside him.
"Chahye's father," he smiled.
"So, that means...." said Dean tilting his head to slightly.
Junyoung held Dean's shoulders and nodded. "Exactly as you think," he said.
Dean looked back at Junyoung then at Jeffrey. "You've known each other and you haven't even told Chahye?" he said.
"Jeffrey," they heard from someone at the stairs.

Chahye and Bada stood at the foot of the stairs watching them, her hands holding onto his arm. "Jeffrey," whispered Chahye. She looked up at her father and he gave her a faint smile.
"I wasn't expecting you until later for dinner," said Bada as they walked over to the three men. 
"I was early, dad. Nothing much to do at the construction site. Not that I know a lot about it though," smiled Jeffrey. He looked at his father's left side and saw Chahye with her eyes wide open and focused onto him. "And if it isn't the lovely Jin Chahye. Nice seeing you here," he said with his usual warm smile.
"Jeffrey," she said.
"Meet my first child, Chahye. Jeffrey, your brother," said Bada as he took her hand off of his and giving it to Jeffrey.

But just as Jeffrey reached for her, Chahye swung her arm away and kept it against her chest. Jeffrey pursed his lips and avoided any sign of annoyance. He understood Chahye has issues with people, especially older men, and although she knew him, they weren't actually that close to have hands held at every meeting. Chahye walked away and straight into Dean's arms, holding onto them as tightly as possible.

"Are you okay, Chahye?" asked Dean as he reached for her chin and made her look at him. She nodded as a response and looked down again. 
"Chahye-ssi," said Junyoung stooping low to see her face.
She looked up and saw her lawyer. "Mr. Lee..." she said. "What are you doing here? Did Dean call you?" she asked looking back at her lover. 
"No, he didn't," smiled Junyoung.
"Lee Junyoung is a friend of mine, Chahye-ah," said Bada as he walked over to her. He put a hand on top of her head and smiled. "I know you have a lot of questions, my child. Why don't we talk about it over lunch," he said. "Changmi," he called.
"Yes, sir," the head maid said in attention.
"Have you prepared food enough for our guests? Please prepare the table so we could all eat," he invited.
"Come on. The maids here cook really good food," smiled Jeffrey walking towards the dining area.

Chahye sat in between Junyoung and Dean. Bada sat at the head of the table, Jeffrey right next to him. Bada invited Chahye to sit beside him but she declined, not wanting to leave Dean's side. They were served with authentic Korean food which includes soup dumplings, pork cutlets, seafood stew, potato noodles and chicken skewers. Dean was amazed to see Chahye gawking at all the food in front of them. 

He put a finger under her chin and pushed it up. "The food might fly straight into your mouth, Jin Chahye," he said smiling.
Chahye's cheeks flushed red as she realized what she was doing. She looked around and bit her lips. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm just not used to eat at a table with this much food. And I don't think I can cook all of these. They all look delicious," smiled Chahye at Bada.
"Don't you eat at your aunt's during Sundays?" asked Bada with her hands folded together.
"I... We do... But I haven't visited for a while," she admitted. 
"Well... Please enjoy the food, Chahye-ah. Eat up," smiled Bada.
"Changmi and the other maids, Minyoung and Seolhee-ssi, they cook amazingly," boasted Jeffrey as he placed his own bowl of potato noodles in front of him.
Chahye took her pair of chopsticks and looked at Junyoung. "Do you eat here usually, Mr. Lee?" she asked.
"Only when I'm invited, Chahye," he answered with a smile. "Now, don't be shy. Eat," he said also saying the same thing to Dean.
"But... How did you become friends?" Chahye asked him again.
Junyoung took a piece of meat. "Bada-ssi... I met him two years ago. I didn't tell you but he came to me, asking if I could help him meet you and possibly pay for your education. Remember when I asked you if you're willing to receive a sponsorship from someone? That's him," he said.
Chahye looked at Bada who was watching them. She looked back at her lawyer and leaned closer. "I said no. But why didn't you tell me it was him?" she asked.
"Because I didn't want him to tell you," said Bada calmly.
Chahye looked at him then back at Junyoung who nodded. "He told me anyway. That he met you," she said matter-of-factly. "He told me when he gave me your first letter."
"Have you read them?" asked Bada.
"Uhm... No. Just... Just one," admitted Chahye. "That's why I brought Hyuk. As you wanted to."
"I never saw you at the studios, Hyuk-ssi," said Bada looki g at the young man.
"I'm always... I'm always busy. I'm sorry, sir," smiled Dean before taking his glass of water.
"Hyuk-ssi is going to America next week, dad. And I'm going with him," said Jeffrey.
"What is he going to do there?" asked Bada.
"He has his first show in New York. And a show at SpamNEggs. I'm sure you remember Far East Movement. He's going to be at their club," answered Jeffrey.
"Hmm... The one in LA, I believe. You must be excited, Hyuk-ssi," smiled Bada.
"I am, sir. This is going to be the second time that I'll be performing in America after debuting here in Korea," smiled Dean. "Thank you for supporting me."
"No need to thank me," said Bada. "Just say hi to Jay and Hank for me when you get to the Universal Music offices. I'm sure they miss you as well."
"I will, sir," said Dean with a smile.
"Do you want to go with Hyuk to America, Chahye-ssi?" Bada asked.
"Huh?!" reacted Chahye. "I... I'd love to but I can't."
"Why so?" asked Jeffrey.
"Chahye is currently doing internship for an advertising company in line with her course requirement. She has to finish hours," answered Junyoung for her.
"An advertising company eh," hummed Bada.
"I'm part of the international relations of the office. I take English language and literature so being in that kind of workplace helps with my speaking and communication," smiled Chahye.
"I see," hummed Bada in response.
"Dad owns a construction company, too, Chahye. We usually work with other international companies especially when it comes to getting materials or contracts. Maybe you'd like to join us there," smiled Jeffrey.
"I think I'm good where I'm at right now. Thank you for the offer though," smiled Chahye.
"I think Chahye doesn't fit that type of work though, Jeffrey," said Junyoung. "She is an excellent writer and her imagination is amazing. Being in the advertisement company gives her a horizon to new imagination and quests."
"Hmmm. Then you would go well with a magazine, Chahye. Or maybe in a tourism company," smiled Jeffrey.
"Maybe... I just... I just don't think I can fair well with people," said Chahye bowing her head low.
Dean saw her sudden awkwardness and put a hand above hers under the table. "But Chahye is good with people, especially if she likes them. And if they have the same interests," he said smiling, trying to change the mood. "I remember, we used to not get along but here we are now."
"I remember seeing Chahye avoid him back then, Dad. But now, you can't even separate them," smiled Jeffrey as he pointed at the two.
"Ah. Young love. When will you ever find yours, son?" smirked Bada.
"Aish. Dad. Not here," said Jeffrey, almost to a laugh.
"What about you, Junyoung? Any love interest?" Bada asked the silent lawyer.
"Oh. Yes, sir. I have a girlfriend now," he answered with a smile. "I'm praying she's the one destined for me."
"Mr. Lee," said Chahye looking at him smile.

After their lunch, Bada walked with his guests around the house out to his little forest that led to a clearing with the view of the river and the other side of Seoul city. As slow as they were, Dean enjoyed it so much. He hasn't seen nature in a while since he went with Crush during his music video shoot.

Dean and Jeffrey talked and Chahye stuck close to Mr. Lee. Bada joined the two and smiled.

"Junyoung has been here numerous times," he said.
"I always wanted to try to see this view during nights though. It must be lovely," said Junyoung as he smiled, his arms behind him.
"Would you want to stay for the night, Chahye-ah?" asked Bada. Junyoung sensed the seriousness in Bada's voice and he slowly walked away from the two.
"No," answered Chahye directly. "I have a brother to go home to and he's waiting for me."
"I see. Of course," nodded Bada. "So you live with him now? He must be a young man already."
"He is," smiled Chahye. "He's studying the guitar, too."
"Will it be fine if the two of you visit me again? I would prepare a full meal for him," smiled Bada excitingly.
"I... I don't know," hesitated Chahye. "I... I haven't even told him about you yet. Not even a clue," she said.
"Why?" asked Bada.
"Because I don't want him to think that I'll leave him. I would never do that," she answered.
"My child..." said Bada reaching his hand out to touch her arm.
"Look... Sir... It's been really nice to have met you, to have spent the afternoon with you. But please do not think that I'm doing this for you," said Chahye. "I'm doing this for my sake. I wanted to meet you and it already happened. And I guess it ends here. I will not leave my brother for you. I will not come live here. I cannot also promise that I could call you my 'father'. So please don't think that we're all good. Twelve years can never be fixed with just a few hours," Chahye ended and Bada only sighed, tigthtening his grip onto his cane. "Now, if you would excuse me. I have to give back to you the money you've been sending. I didn't use any of it, I promise. It's in my bag back inside the house."
"You don't have to give it back, Chahye-ah. It's yours," said Bada.
"No. It's not mine," she said seriously.

Chahye started walking back on the path leading to the house. Dean saw her and followed her quickly. Bada just sighed as she immersed herself back into the woods to the house.

"She doesn't like me," said Bada.
"Nonsense," said Jeffrey walking over to him, Junyoung following.
"Just give her time, Bada-nim. She's right. Twelve years can never be healed that fast with just a few hours," said Junyoung. "Chahye is a wonderful person. She's just confused and maybe doesn't know what to do yet. But believe me, she is an angel and it won't take long until she gets used with you."
"I hope so, Junyoung-ssi," said Bada.
"Come on. Let's get back to the house and follow them," said Jeffrey.

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Hi guys! I'm currently back at writing Of Truth And Love. Hopefully, I can post a new update REALLY SOON! I'm so sorry if it took so long. I have a lot of stories to tell you guys! Please anticipate my return! Bam!


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MecrazySasaUnnie92 #1
Chapter 76: Sana mag update na.... ilang years na akong nag aabang ng chapter 77 huhuhuhu Ano besh??? Comeback juseyo~
Acerv_ #2
Chapter 75: ttt... I'm scared... that's horrible I don't even know what to say...
ayenvyone #3
Chapter 74: wahhhh!! thanks for updating!!
Chapter 73: girl
Chapter 70: so amazing you're good writer omg
Chapter 68: o.o young master she have other bro !??
Chapter 64: omo that her dad
Chapter 62: lol how many people she know
Chapter 59: bad GD bad GD lol how could you make him like this omg XD
ayenvyone #10
Chapter 73: cant wait for the next update dor this and all of your stories