
Of Truth and Love

Daejung spent the rest of the night at Hongdae with his band. Their hyungs from Hyukoh had a rehearsal and they didn't show up at their practice..

"I'm going home. I still need to prepare for school on Monday," said Minchan.
"Me, too," said Eunshil, Chulwoo and Kwangmin saying the same.
"And what about me?" said Daejung standing up.
"I don't know. Go home or something," said Chulwoo who was the oldest in the group.
"I don't want to go home yet," said Daejung.
"Why don't you always want to be at home?" Asked Eunshil.
"It's just awkward being at home with my sister," said Daejung.
"Didn't you say that you and your sister live alone?" asked Chulwoo. Daejung nodded. "Then why don't you go spend time with her at least? Before school starts," he said.

The four all left and Daejung was left at the pub's stage staring at the drums on one side. He was thinking about his sister. Somehow, the last words his father said became fear to him. "See you." How would he even say that if he was going back to prison? What is he exactly planning to do? And even though his sister didn't say it to him, he knew she was thinking the same thing. He caught her and Hyoseob talking about it. He was just a kid. Hoe was he going to be able to help his sister?

"Daejung-ah?" he heard someone call from above.

He stood up and hurriedly looked up at the door to the pub and was surprised as he saw the person. "You..." he said.
"Hey. Why are you alone?" asked Dean as he came down the stairs.
"Why are you here?" asked Daejung.
"You haven't even answered my question," said Dean raising his eyebrow at him.
Daejung rolled his eyes at him then sat back down on the stage floor. "We were practicing earlier. But the others already went home. And that's why I'm here," he answered.
"Why didn't you go home yet if they already left you?" asked Dean as he walked across the floor to the stage.
"I don't feel like going home," answered Daejung crossing his legs. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, Oh Hyuk-ssi called me and wanted to check up if you guys all went home. He's at a recording. I'm just doing a favor," said Dean walking onto the stage. 
"Hyuk hyung asked you to check up on us? Really?" said Daejung.
"Yeah. I mean... I do know you, right?" said Dean but he didn't answer. He only heard the boy sigh. "You guys forming a band huh?"
"Yeah. Well... Still practicing."
"Keep it up and do your best. Who knows? You might be as popular as Hyukoh in the future."
"We were wanting to become like the KOXX."
"Ah. The KOXX. I know Shaun hyung. We worked on some songs for EXO."
"Do you know NELL, too?"
"Of course. Who doesn't know them?"
"We like them as well."
"From electro rock to psychedellic rock real quick huh."
"We also like FT Island."
"And now pop rock."
"We're still looking for our own sound. It's hard."
"That's just fine. It might take time. It took time for me to understand what I like more, too. From a rapper to a producer to a singer. It took me years."
"I'm having doubts though."

Daejung said this in a worried tone and Dean turned to look at him. The younger hung his head low and huffed. Dean approached him and sat on the stage floor across him.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.
Daejung looked up at him and huffed again. He looked away and leaned his arms behind him. "Noona doesn't know about this. I've been hiding it from her because I don't want her to worry, to think so much about me. I'm afraid she wouldn't allow me to continue with the band," he said.
"Why are you thinking about that? You have cousins that are musicians as well. That should be pretty normal with your family," said Dean.
"I'm just scared that she'll say no. We don't really have that much money to buy my own guitar. She also pushes me to study better. My grades really aren't as great as hers, you know," said Daejung.
"Do your cousins know about this?" asked Dean.
"Your grades at school will help you through life, Daejung-ah. But if you really want to become a musician, a better musician and start a band, you have to practice more. You have to tell your sister sooner or later. I'm sure she'll support you. While you're waiting for that opportunity to tell her, make sure you study well and save up so you could finally be able to buy your own guitar. Some acoustic guitars are pretty cheap nowadays," said Dean.
"I don't know," said Daejung looking at him.
"Has she ever made hints that she doesn't want you to become a musician?" asked Dean.
"Not really. She doesn't really nag when I say I'm with Hyuk hyung and the others. But when I'm not, she usually nags at me for staying out late. She thinks I'm meeting a girlfriend or something," continued Daejung giving out a laugh.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" asked Dean slightly teasing the boy.
"No. I don't even like someone right now," smiled Daejung.
"Ah. You'll get there one day," said Dean leaning on his own arms, too.

Daejung sat properly and looked at Dean with a smile. "How about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" he asked informally.
"Uhm... No. Not really," answered Dean hesitantly.
"When are you going to ask my noona then?" asked Daejung.
"What?! How... How did you know about that?" asked Dean.
"I heard Hyuk hyung and Hyunjae hyung talking about you and her. Jiho hyung and Jisuk hyung, too," said Daejung. "They said they don't like you for her."
"Oh. Is that what they said?" said Dean sadly, giving out a sigh.
"I don't know anything about you or what your relationship with my sister is but just a piece of advice," said Daejung standing up. "You're gonna be in for a rough ride with her," he said smiling as he walked down the stage.
"Where are you going?" said Dean as he realized the boy was leaving him there.
"I'm going home," answered Daejung.
"What if I take you home?" said Dean getting down the stage as well.
"We're not back to the apartment yet. We're still staying with our cousins," said Daejung.
"Let me take you there, then," Dean offered.
"I don't know. The hyungs might not like it when they see you. I told you. They don't like you," said Daejung.
Dean put an arm around his shoulder and locked his neck with it. "I don't have to go inside," he said ruffling his hair.
"All right. All right. But don't ever show yourself there," said Daejung pushing his arms away.

They drove all the way to the Woo's apartment complex. Dean parked his car a good distance away from the complex and watched Daejung who still sat inside his car.

"Aren't you going out?" he asked.
"Thank you," said Daejung.
"For what?"
"For what you said earlier at the pub. About working hard on being a musician."
"Oh. That. You're welcome. Remember, Daejung-ah. You're still young. You can become anyone you want to be in the future. If you really want to become a musician now, work hard on that. Make yourself and your sister proud."
"I will."
"And about my sister..."
"What about her?"

Daejung removed his seatbelt and looked towards Dean seriously. "Are you free tomorrow?" he asked.
"Uhm... Why did you ask?" asked Dean returning his stare.
"Jiho hyung said we should do some shopping to help noona unwind. She's.... She's been..." hesitated Daejung to say.
"Emotional?" said Dean. The boy raised his eyebrow at him in wonder. "You told me the other day," he said.
"Oh. Right. Yeah," hesitated Daejung. "Well... She still is... I was just wondering if you could come with us. Jisuk hyung will be busy. Hyuk hyung and the band can't go with her. I received my monthly allowance from child services and I need to buy things for school. We could go to Myeongdeong, around 10am. Hyoseob hyung said he'll try but he hasn't promised yet."
"Hyoseob?" mentioned Dean raising an eyebrow.
"Hyoseob hyung. He's known as Crush. You know him, right? You have a song together," said Daejung.
"Yeah... I just... I wanted to know if it's the same Hyoseob I know," said Dean.
"They've been best friends for years. You should have known that," said Daejung.
"I know about it," smiled Dean. "I'll see what I can do tomorrow. Give me your phone number and I'll call you later if I'm free. I have to check my schedule," said Dean giving his phone to Daejung.
"You know, I'm sort of helping you out with my sister," said Daejung as he took his phone. "Going with us tomorrow is your chance to talk to my sister and spend time with her, you know. So you better put this in your schedule."
"Are you... Are you trying to help me with her?"
"Sort of. But I'm really trying to help you understand her. And if you don't spend time with her too much, you would never realize things."
"Does this mean you trust me with her?"
"No. If I trust you, I'll let you date her alone. But that would never happen."
"Then why this?"
"I told you. If you like her, you need to spend time with her. And besides... My sister needs more friends right now than ever before."

The two stared long at each other, weighing their intentions and patience. Daejung gave Dean's phone back and opened the door. He got out and walked away. Dean rolled his car window down and called for him.

"I'll be there tomorrow. But you have to promise to call me hyung," smiled Dean from the window.
Daejung rolled his eyes at him and said, "Whatever." he turned around and continued to walk home.

Dean smiled as he rolled his car window back up, gripping tight onto the steering wheel. Somehow, Daejung's air irritated him, the same way Chahye annoys him. "They are siblings," he told himself. But he felt happy. He was finally stepping into Daejung's life. He felt bad for making Daejung a bridge between him and Chahye but it couldn't be helped. Sooner or later, he would become friends with Daejung. "But first, he needs to learn to treat me as a hyung and not like we're the same age," he smirked at himself as he backed the car up and sped away.

= _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ =

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Hi guys! I'm currently back at writing Of Truth And Love. Hopefully, I can post a new update REALLY SOON! I'm so sorry if it took so long. I have a lot of stories to tell you guys! Please anticipate my return! Bam!


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MecrazySasaUnnie92 #1
Chapter 76: Sana mag update na.... ilang years na akong nag aabang ng chapter 77 huhuhuhu Ano besh??? Comeback juseyo~
Acerv_ #2
Chapter 75: ttt... I'm scared... that's horrible I don't even know what to say...
ayenvyone #3
Chapter 74: wahhhh!! thanks for updating!!
Chapter 73: girl
Chapter 70: so amazing you're good writer omg
Chapter 68: o.o young master she have other bro !??
Chapter 64: omo that her dad
Chapter 62: lol how many people she know
Chapter 59: bad GD bad GD lol how could you make him like this omg XD
ayenvyone #10
Chapter 73: cant wait for the next update dor this and all of your stories