
So We Go On
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Soo Hyuk picked me up and carried me over to the bed bridal style. I clung onto him as I shoved my face into the nook of his neck as I heard more thunder outside. I would shiver or slightly jump each time thunder boomed.

I heard Soo Hyuk chuckle slightly as he shifted one of his hands to balance me as he pulled the covers with his other hand. He set me down gently on the bed before tucking me and then going around the bed to pull the covers on that side before carefully crawling underneath the covers.

He was getting comfortable when there was another clap of thunder causing me to yelp and in an instant I was in his arms as he looked at me shocked for a second before relaxing and pulling me close.

Wrapping one arm around me while the other pulled me close, I felt safe in his embrace. My head was on his chest as I rested one of my hands on his abdomen; he really was built.

"Have you always been afraid of thunder storms?" he asked.

I quickly nodded my head as I heard the rain pouring down and lighting would illuminate the room from time to time.

He slightly chuckled because I felt the rumble come from his chest.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked quietly.

"Ani... I think it's cute actually," he said as he looked down at me. I looked up and our eyes caught as we just stared at each other. For some reason my heart was beating fast but not because of the storm.

Soo Hyuk was taking an effect on me and that wasn't good. I had to remain strong because I only have Yonghwa in my heart. This should be Yonghwa. It should Yonghwa that should be comforting me, not Soo Hyuk. Though Soo Hyuk is great and all - he deserves better.

"Soo Hyuk..."


"Why do you like me so much? What about me do you like so much? Are you sure you really like me? Like... why are you doing this? Why are you making me go through this?"

He slightly me away from me shocked. He blinked a few times before pulling me closer and rubbing his thumb on my arm.

"You're beautiful, smart, athletic and talented. Everything about you is perfect. You're not like the other girls I've met. You're not afraid to speak your mind but you know when and where. You're a hard worker too. Though you couldn't continue your dream because of a stage accident, you got through it and pursued a new dream; to which you're dedicated to. I remember the first time I saw you..." he paused as he looked at me and smiled.

"It was love at first sight. I wanted to approach you but I was afraid you wouldn't like me the way I liked you. I was afraid to talk to you. You were the most popular girl in school; why would you talk to a scrawny boy like me? So I kept my distance even though our moms knew each other and were friends,"

"Wait wait wait... how did you know I was the most popular girl? Did we... go to the same high school!?" I asked shocked because how come I didn't know that until now.

"No... we went to different high schools, but you were so popular that I knew who you were. Like I said I didn't approach you because I was self conscious of my looks. I thought you were going to ignore me or something. So I admired you from a distance. Whatever chance I got, I would to your gigs,"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Hold up... were you the one who would send flowers each gig?"

I pushed away from him slightly to look at him and I saw him blushing as he looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Oh my god you are huh!?" I pointed at him.

He cleared his throat.


I laughed at him because I always found that kind of sweet. Who knew it would be him.

"You really did huh? I thought it was so nice and sweet," I smiled.



He smiled. "I'm glad,"

"Go on,"

"Right... so up until you went to college I admired you from afar. Once I thought I was ready to actually approach you, you had changed so much. You became much more beautiful in college. Once the years passed you started dating that guy and I was so sad and depressed. I started modeling because I thought it would help improve my image so I could talk to you. And you already know the rest of the story from there,"

"So you never approach me all these years because you thought I would look down on you? Was I really that shallow? Or scary?"

"No no no. I just lacked the confidence, but not anymore. Than I found out you were dating Yonghwa and that really hurt my pride. I'm just glad I have you now. Even more that we're getting married," he smiled as he looked me.

I gulped because I really didn't want the guys heart. It went through one sided loves for years and now he's getting the chance to actually... love me, but I feel like I'm just going to rip his heart out.

"Wait a minute... you're four years older than me. So by the time I was a senior in high school you were a senior in college..." I said.

"Yeah well... like I said I kept my distance for that reason too. I actually went to one of your first concerts because of my friend. It wasn't until later that I found out you were just a high schooler and I actually lost all hope up until you were senior. But I was still some scrawny guy,"

"You? Scrawny? Please,"

"It's true. You don't believe me? I had to build muscle, so I worked out a lot. It took me a long time to become like this,"

I nodded my head. He did a pretty good job but it was kind of creepy how he would I guess in some ways follow me.

Suddenly there was a really loud thunder clap causing me to jump as I whimpered and pressed my face into Soo Hyuk's hard chest.

"It's okay. Don't worry," he said trying to calm me down. I really didn't know what was happening to me. Was my wall slowly coming down?

Soo Hyuk kissed the crown of my head as he rubbed my arm to calm me down. The storm raged on as we laid there in bed as he held onto me.


Two Weeks Later...

CNBLUE's Comeback

"HAE! HURRY UP THEY'RE COMING ON!" Young shouted at me as I ran to the living room. I really did miss the house. I missed Young so much and the twins.

I had come over because we both wanted to see the guys music video. The guys had asked us to go to their video shooting but since we both had busy schedules we couldn't go so watching the music video was exciting.

"I wonder how it came out!" Young said as she turned up the volume as the music video came on.

"OH MY GOD! LOOK! LOOK!" she said pointing to the TV as the intro played.

It started off with Jonghyun in the car with a girl and it looked like they were going to kiss but than she disappears and in her seat was a heel.

Than the next scene was Minhyuk in a laundry mat and a girl 'bumps into him.'

"I swear if a girl were to ever do that!" Young started.

"Unni it's a music video,"

"Whatever," she huffed

Than it was Jungshin who bumped into the girl but when he turned around she was gone and there nothing but a heel as well.

Than it was finally Yonghwa's scene. The girl was putting shaving creme on him and he put something into her bag. IN HER BAG! And then he was leaning to kiss her which caused me to ball my fists up but as he leans forward he falls because she disappeared and there was a heel there too.

"HA! Serves you right! She actually touched his face! LIKE WHAT THE FLYING HELL!?" I yelled.

"Yah dongsang... it's a music video," she reminded me.

"Yeah so?"

She smirked at me. "At least you still care,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Just watch,"

Once the music video came to an end we both squealed because we loved it.

"That was amazing! Well the song! That girl though," I said crossing my arms.

"I know,"

We looked at each before bursting out squealing and laughing. "OH MY GOD!" we both yelled because the feels were strong.

"What's going on here?" an all too familiar voice said. We both stop what were doing and look up to find the guys standing above us judging us so hard.

Both Young and I looked at each other and we're both blazing red with embarrassment.

"We uh... were just... uhh"

"It's not what you think,"

They all raised an eyebrow at us.

"Young?" Minhyuk questioned her.

Yonghwa stared at me. I knew he was holding back his laughter.

"Fine... we were fangirling," I sighed as I slump back into the couch. The guys burst out laughing as we both huff.

"That so cute and adorable!" Jungshin gushed as he came over and pinched my cheek.

"YAH!" I yelled at him as I smack him on the head.

"You really crossed the line!" Yonghwa said scolding him.

"What? They were being so cute! Did you not see how much they were squealing? It's because of my good looks!" he boasted.

My eyes widened in realization.

"How long were you standing there?"

"Hmmm almost the whole music video? Didn't you hear us come in?" Jonghyun asked.

Young and I faced each other because this was totally an embarrassment. They actually saw us fangirl over them! I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me already!


Three hours later...

"We're going to be so busy the rest of the month and in October as well," Yonghwa said as we laid in my bed. How I really missed my room. I exspecially missed my window seat.

"Really? Me too," I sighed

"How come?" Yonghwa pulled me closer as he played with my hair. I never liked it when people messed with my hair but for some reason Yonghwa was the exception. I never let In Su touch my hair either.

"Samsung is launching the Note 5 and than the S6 Edge+ later on. So we have to double check all the internal components and what not. We're launching a newer versions of  a lot of our products as well as new products in general. We're already preparing designs and electrical components for next years phones. The higher ups wants to make sure that it's water resistant so all the departments are working closer together before," I explained to him.

Yonghwa had this blank expression as he only blinked at me.

"I didn't understand a word you said but I hope everything works out. And no flirting with any guy in any department," he pointed at me.

"I thought you said you didn't understand anything I said?" I laughed at him.

"Yah~~" He whined as he pouted. He was seriously too much. I laughed at I lightly hit him.

"You're such a child,"

"But you love me!" he said pushing his nose into my cheek as he poked me on the side causing me to jump, he seriously knew my weakness.


He cracked up laughing as he pinned my legs down with his own leg and started poking me.

"S-Stop!" I laughed as I tried pushing him away, but he was seriously too strong.


"What's the magic word?" he teased as he continued to poke me.

"I-I don't know!"

"Access denied!" he kept on poking me as I kept laughing and trying to push him away.

"YAH! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Young barged into my room.

"U-Unni," I said looking up at her.

"OUT!" she pointed towards the door.

Yonghwa sighed as he let go of me; much too my disappointment. I don't know why she never let Yonghwa touch me, like seriously he's my boyfriend! Well... yeah he is. Though Soo Hyuk is technically my fianceé... I'm so confused!

Yonghwa held his head down as he left the room. While Young huffed and looked at me. "You!" she pointed.

"Yah Hee Young. You're too much! I hate you!" I yelled as I pushed myself out of bed and ran out the door.

"YAH! Yoon Hae! YAH! You brat come back here!" she yelled back.

I ran down the stairs and towards the living to find the twins, all four of the guys and even my idotic brother watching TV.  Now this was a sight I really missed.

"Help me!" I said as I jumped onto Jae's lap.

"W-What's going on?" he asked dumbfounded as the rest of the guys looked at us shocked.

"YAH! I swear! Yoon Hae Jin!" Young came rushing down the stairs.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Minhyuk asked looking between us.

Young huffed and puffed as she stared me down. 

"The little brat dared to say that she hated me! Why... never in my life!" she said glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out at her as I clung onto Jae.

"You brat!" she lunged forward but Jae quickly stood up a

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD