
So We Go On
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Hae's POV

2 1/2 Weeks Later

Seoul, South Korea

9:36 AM Local Time

It was a serious long two weeks in Spain and Germany but I really did enjoy myself with Eun Hee and Si Yoon. Yonghwa seriously called, texted and skyped me every single day for the past 2 weeks that I was there. I love him and all but jeez... girl just wanna have fun.

Now that I'm back he hasn't left my side at all. Every waking moment he is there. Literally.

I rolled to my side only to fell something warm and squishy beneath me. "Aish! YONGHWA!" I yell in frustration as I roll off the sleeping body.

He mumbles in his sleep as he burrows his face deeper into the pillow and pulls me by the waist closer to him. "Young is going to kill you if she sees you like this," I said as I poked him in the arm.

Again he mumbles something incoherent. I sigh through my nose and practically give up. He's lucky I don't have to work today. Ever since I got back, everyone in my department told me to take the rest of week off since I've been working so hard and that I deserve some vacation time and that they'll take care of everything.

Even Eun Hee told me to take a break although we spent about two weeks in a foreign country.

I snuggled closer to Yonghwa placing my head on his chest. He pulled me even closer and placed his chin on the crown of my head. He wrapped his arms around me as I tangled our legs. I heard his chest rumble. "What?"

"It's been forever,"

I rolled my eyes at him even though I knew he didn't see it all. "I really missed you. I didn't know what to do with myself," he admitted as he rubbed lazy circles on my back causing me to close my eyes.

"I missed you too," I mumbled as I snuggled closer, if that was even possible. We practically didn't even have a bit of space left between us.

Just hearing his heart beating was enough to make me go back to a deep slumper.

"I love you," was the last thing I heard before I went to lala land.


2 Hours later...

"Yah Yoon Hae! Wa-" I heard the door to my room being loudly opened as Young walked in.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" I heard her yell as she stomped over and pulled the sheets off our sleeping bodies.

I really wanted to open my eyes but my eye lids felt very heavy. I heard her gasp and suddenly I felt myself being yanked away from Yonghwa.

"NO!" I protested as I tried grabbing onto him but it was no use.


"Yah... Unni.... it's too early in the morning for this," I yawned as I rubbed my eyes. "Too early in the morning!? It's ing 11:38 AM!"

That really got me to open my eyes. "WHAT!?" I look towards the tablet that I had on the night stand that has a digital clock open, and sure enough it is 11:38 AM.

"We really slept that long? Hmm.. I guess I'm still jet-lagged," I yawned as I stretch out and sit on the bed.

Young only blinks at me as her face says it all. She's furious.

"What. Were. You. Two. Doing?" she asks. "Nothing sleeping," I shrug as I lay back down and pull the covers over our bodies.

"Oh no you don't. You're getting up," she said as pulled the covers back down. I whine in protest but it's no use.

Young went to the other side and literally pushed Yonghwa out of bed. She didn't even blink.

I gasp in horror. "What the hell?" he rubs his head as he looks up to Young. "Get out," she points towards the door.


"I said. GET. OUT!" she yelled as she grabs the pillow and starts hitting him with it. "UNNI!"

Yonghwa looks offended as he slowly walks out of the room. "You're being too much," I pout.

"Too much? What if you guys did something else? Hmm? You two were incredibly too close for my liking. He's going to sleep in the other room with the twins next time,"

"UNNI! How can you share the same bed with Minhyuk but I can't?" I protest. Instantly her face becomes red.

"W-Well... t-that's different,"

"No it's not. It's the same thing," I raise my eyebrow.

"He's too touchy with you,"

"So? He's my boyfriend after all," I roll my eyes as I stand up and go towards my closet to see what I'm going to wear.

"Well I don't like it,"

"You sound like my mother. Maybe I should start calling you Umma," I laugh.

I turn to face her and her face hardened. "Don't call me that,"

"What? Umma? UMMAAA~~~" I do my aegyo as I laugh.

"Stop that,"

"No Umma,"

I hear her huff as she stomps out of my room and slams the door shut. I shrug as I go towards my bathroom to shower.


After I finished showering, I walk downstairs to find only the twins and Jae watching tv. "Where did Yonghwa go?" I asked looking around in hope of finding him.

"Young kicked him out. Along with Minhyuk. So they had to leave. But he told me to give you this," Dong-Sun said as he handed me a neatly folded piece of paper.

I took it and opened it.

Sorry I had to leave... Young forced me and Minhyuk to leave. So we had no choice. But hopefully you can make it to my solo concert because I really want you to be there. ANd next month we have our FNC Kingdom concert as well... Don't forget I love you. I don't know when I'll be able to see you again because I'm going to have a really busy schedule and I'm going to be out of the country. So if I don't get to see you anytime soon, I love you a lot. And maybe when I come back I'll get to met your parents. Although I'm going to be really nervous.

- Yonghwa <3

I smiled the whole time I read it. "What did he say?" Dong-Sun asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh... nothing," I lied as I folded the paper back up. Maybe I should pass by FNC tomorrow. Why did he keep saying he wasn't going to see me? I can always go where he is.

"I'm going to work!" chimed Young as she came downstairs. I checked the time and it was 12:40.

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I could go in late today," she shrugged. "Do you want me to bring you food?" I asked.

"Yes! Please," she smiled. "Alright,"

"Bye!" she waved as she went out the front door and towards her car.


I had decided to leave the twins and Jae at the house while I went shopping and went ot buy food for Young.

I went to the hat store I had gone to a long time ago. It's been a while since I visited the store because I was so busy with work and Yonghwa.

I walked into the store and smell of new hats was in the air. I really hoped I could find a hat that I could wear all the time. As well as one for Yonghwa.

As I browsed the large selection of hats, I felt someone staring directly at me. Slowly, I turned to face who ever it was.

"Is there some-" my breath was caught in my throat as I realized who it was.

"Annyoung. Long time no see," he smiled as he waved. I broke into a smile and placed the hat that I grabbed back. "Yah! Don't stare at me like that!" I hit him on the shoulder as hard as I could. He yelped and jumped back. "Yah yah yah," he whined.

I laughed and stopped. "How have you been?"

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends though...lol. I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD