
So We Go On
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Hae's POV

Wednesday Morning 6:30 AM

I tapped the steering wheel to the beat of Yonghwa's Checkmate. Out of all the songs in his album Checkmate, Energy and Mileage were my favorite. Of course One Fine Day is a favorite but I couldn't stop thinking about that damn music video. Even though that is long over with, I still can't wrap my mind around it. What made Yonghwa write a song like that when we were perfectly together? Did he write that before he met me? Did one of his ex's leave him in that matter?

I looked through the rearview mirror to see that the detectives weren't even following me today. That's weird.

Suddenly I got a text from Jae as I saw it pop up on the screen of my car. I pressed on it and the voice read the text for me.

'Yo sis all the detectives that were assigned to you have a day off today because you know following someone can be tiring. But I doubt In Su or Hyun Ki will approach either of you because they haven't done so since Hyun Ki got out. But if anything just call or text me alright? Love ya,'

I sighed through my nose as I turned into the parking garage and parked my car in my designated parking spot.

"Doubt they'll do anything huh? Whatever,"

I reached over for my purse and the large leather messenger bag I had for work. I grabbed my coffee out of the cup holder as I turned off my car and opened the door to get out. I groaned as I hauled everything out with me and stood up to straighten my belongings before closing the door and making sure it locked.

"Chief Yoon!" I heard a female voice chime. I turned around to see Eun Hee fast walking towards me as her high heels clicked on the smooth concrete floor of the parking garage and echoed through out it.

"Good Morning!" I smiled as I adjusted the strap of my messenger bag. "Good Morning! How are you? Do you need help?" she asked quickly as she looked full hands.

"No I'm fine,"

"Are you sure?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes I'm sure," I chuckled as I took a sip out of my coffee.


We walked towards the elevator and she went ahead and pressed the button for us. Not even seconds later the elevator door dinged and opened. We walked inside the empty elevator and she pressed the button for the first floor.

She signed slightly as she elevator ascended. "What's the matter Miss. Kim," I chuckled. I liked messing with her because she hated it when I called her by her last name instead of her first name,"

"Chief-nim! I thought we were on first name bases!" she whined as she huffed and the elevator dinged indicating we arrived. The doors opened and we walked out into the lobby of the first building. I never understood why my office wasn't connected to this building. We had to walk out of the first building and walk towards the tallest building which my office was actually was.

"Doesn't it feel nice out?" asked Eun Hee inquired as she smiled and looked up to the blue sky. "Yeah but it's still a little cold,"

"But I mean... March is next month and spring! Ahhh I can't wait!" she exclaimed as we walked into the building. The receptionist stood up and bowed to greet us as we walked past. We scanned our IDs and mad our way towards a large crowd hovering by the elevator.

When some saw me they bowed and greet me. "Good Morning Chief Yoon," said a tall guy that smiled down at me. "Good Morning," I said a little confused.

"Ahh Shin Woo Jin -iminda," he slightly bowed. "I'm the Chief of Telecommunications," he smirked.

"Oh okay. That's cool. I guess you already know what title I am," I snickered. Eun Hee covered her face to hide the forming smile.

He scoffed a little. "Yeah I know. Chief of the Electrical Engineering Department. Otherwise known as the Chief of Electronics. I mean we do kind of work together if you think about it," he wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes dramatically as Eun Hee gaged. The elevator finally arrived and I was let in first as everyone else pilled in. Woo Jin stood beside me as he asked one of the employees to press the button for his floor.

"So um Chief Yoon how old are you? I heard a few things but I wanted to be sure,"

"I'm 22 here in Korea. I'm 21 in the states," I answered blankly. He took a double take before clearing his throat. I noticed a few other employees shift in the elevator uncomfortably.

I looked over to Eun Hee and she looked like she was about to burst. "Yah what's wrong with you?" I whispered to her as I nudged her elbow.

"They're being childish. Just because someone is younger than them but has a higher position doesn't mean she's any different. It only means she worked harder to get to where she is now," she said rather loudly. The others cleared their throats as well.

"Well I mean... I think that's a huge accomplishment. I admire you Chief Yoon," smiled Woo Jin cheekly. "Thanks,"

A few moments later the elevator dinged. "Ah my floor. If you ever need anything you can always ask me. Here's my card. I'll see you around," he said as he quickly handed me a business card from his jacket pocket and walked out the elevator with a few other employees.

"Player," whispered Eun Hee. "What?"

"He likes to flirt with a lot of the female employees. I almost fell for it but then I realized he did the same to them all. I were you, I'd be careful. Especially that you're a chief. He likes women that have high positions. But you're the first to have the title as Chief. I'd have a close eye on him," Eun Hee warned me.

I nodded my head as I placed the card in my purse and waited for the elevator to arrive to our floor.

Once we got to our floor Eun Hee went behind her desk and I went straight to my office. I unlocked the door and the lights. I placed my bag and purse on the sofa and placed my coffee on the table. I grabbed the Manila folder that I left on my desk and opened it to check what I had to do for the day.

I took a sip of my coffee as I leaned on the desk and went through the papers. I immediately stopped when I saw that one of the papers was signed by none other than Chief Shin.

"Well I be damned," I said as I went over the papers and it turned out to be some blueprints for a new phone that Samsung is waiting to release.

Someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I said as I placed the folder and the papers back on my desk and stood up right.

"Chief Hae! Omo! Big news!" chimed Eun Hee as she opened the door.

"What?" I asked confused. "Look! Tickets to Barcelona!" she said jumping up and down. "What? Tickets? Why? When? How?"

She stopped and looked at me as if I was stupid. "Uhh... Samsung's biggest event of the year? Unpacked! Duh! Me, you, and I think Si Yoon are going to the event in Barcelona the first week of March! Woaahhh I can't wait! I've never been to Spain! I need to learn spanish!" she exclaimed.

"Eun Hee! Claim down. Really Unpacked? We're going?"

"Of course! We even have VIP tickets and Business first class Plane tickets! I need to prepare! But here is yours,"

"Hold onto it. I don't want to lose it," I said quickly. "Oh okay. But Spain! Chief Hae! This is amazing!"

"Yeah yeah okay. I'm sure you'll like it. Trust me. It was beautiful," I smiled.

Her eyes grew wide as she stared at me. "You've been to Barcelona?! I'm so jealous!"

"Yeah I have," I chuckled. Sometimes I quesetioned who was the older one here.

"Well I better get back to work," she said smirking as she turned to leave. I shook my head as I went behind my desk to sit down.


Minhyuk's POV

Minhyuk opened the door to his car and got in. He started his car and pulled out the driveway.  He was on his way to FNC because he felt that he needed to practice a little bit and just get his mind off certain things. But he also wanted to get some ideas on how and when he should propose to Young. He thought about the ring that was hidden in one of his drawers.

He smiled slightly just on the thought of it. He did the right thing about buying the ring that day even though the twins totally discouraged him, but he needed to build more courage if he is to propose to Young.

He to the main road and noticed that traffic was light so he was making good time. He to another street and he was about to turn onto another street when suddenly he heard a loud 'pop' and his car shook. He freaked out so he pulled over to the side and parked his car and put on the hazard lights on before getting out.

There were barely anyone on the street so he went over and saw that he had a flat tire. "Aish! Seriously!?" he shrieked as he looked around to find the cause of it.

He squint his eyes as he saw something shiny in the distance; it was a really large nail on the road. "Wow..." he was about to pull out his phone when he heard someone else close their car door. He looked up and was shocked on who he saw.

"W-What are you doing here?" he asked as he gulped and dialed Young as he shoved his phone into his pocket. He felt his vibrate slightly as indicating that Young had answered the phone. He heard the faint "Hello" but hoped that Hyun Ki didn't.

"Hmm well I just wanted to talk to my girl's... my ex-girl's boyfriend," he smirked as he raked his eyes up and down Minhyuk's body.

"W-why?" Minhyuk said hesitantly as he took a step back from the approaching Hyun Ki causing the latter to smirk.

"Because you stole her from me. If she hadn't met you than we might have still been together,"

"That has nothing to do with me. She broke up with you before I came along," he said.

"Oh really? Because last time I checked we were together when she supposedly left to Korea with Hae for a vacation. But then while she was over her she threw the bomb that she actually moved to Korea and wanted to end things. I'm pretty sure you were already in the picture," he said as he balled his fists.

"Well I don't know. I really don't," Minhyuk defeated as he bumped into his car. Too bad he had  a flat or else he would jump into it and drive off but he was pretty sure Hyun Ki would follow anyway.

"I don't care. All I want is my girl back. So if you would be so kind," Hyun Ki said as his expression darkened.

"No. Young is not some object to be given whenever or wherever. Young choose to be with me now. So maybe you should move on," inquired Minhyuk bravely.

"I should move on? Please... never. She will always be mine and if you don't want to hand her over I guess I'll have to take extreme measures," he said as he clenched his teeth.

Minhyuk looked confused and before he knew it Hyun Ki charged him and threw a punch at him, knocking him to the asphalt.

"Don't you get it? I want Young back. Give her up now or pay the consequences," Hyun Ki said deadly.

"I... will never give... Young back to an like you," choked Minhyuk as he tried to stand up but Hyun Ki placed his foot on top of Minhyuk's back and stepped on him causing him to flatten onto the asphalt with a gaunt. He sent a silent prayer that Young was still on the line and getting help because he felt like he wasn't going to win this fight.

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD