
So We Go On
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I tried to get out of Young's embrace but it was no use. I was starting to grow tired and I just sat there on the floor. Not knowing what to do. I wanted to chase after Yonghwa but I wasn't sure where he would have gone off to. I don't know if he would have gone to his apartment or to the company. All I knew was that I needed to find him.

Once Young let go of me, I was finally able to get up. "You should -"

"I don't want to hear anything from you!" I yelled at my mother as she looked at me sternly. We stared at each other before the door opened and in came Jae.

"I have some great news!" he smiled but immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw our parents and Soo Hyuk. "What are you doing here?" he pointed to a folder he had in his hands.

Mother smiled towards him. "Hae and Soo Hyuk are getting married,"

Jae looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his eyes. He looked between Soo Hyuk and me before looking at mother.

"How dare you? Why do you always want to control her life huh? She can make her own decisions!" he spat. Mother looked rather offended. Father didn't say anything as he shifted uncomfortably in his place. Soo Hyuk played with his hands as he just there. "And you," Jae said pointing at Soo Hyuk with the folder. "You're just going to agree with all this? What do you know about sister? Were you there at her worst time? Did you help her get through it? Huh? No right?"

"But I will be there for her in the future,"

"So? You got in between her and her boyfriend. You don't deserve her. You really don't,"

"Jae please. It's already been-"

"To hell with it. You're going to bring back Yonghwa. You're going to apologize to him. You're going to see that he really is a great  guy. Just because he wasn't there when Hae fell into the pool doesn't mean anything,"

"J-Jae. Please..." mother said. "No. You've really done it this time mom. I warned you. I warned you that you intervened things weren't going to pretty. I can and I will prevent this marriage. It's just not right,"

Soo Hyuk looked up at my brother shocked and dumbfounded. "What's with -" the twins both came downstairs and when they saw my mother they stopped dead in their tracks and jumped back with wide eyes. The twins were scared of my mother and I don't blame them.

"Come to your senses,"

"No. You come to your senses. I don't understand why you were so mean to Yonghwa, but I've had enough,"

I was having a hard time breathing, and I wasn't sure why. All I could think about was trying to find Yonghwa. "What's in the folder?" asked Young trying to change the subject.

"Oh... this. Well we found Hyun Ki and In Su. We're following them, tracking all their moves,"

"Who are they?" asked Soo Hyuk. I rolled my eyes because he wasn't going to understand and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him. "None of your business," Jae said glaring at him. Jae was the type of person to start not liking someone when they did something he doesn't like.

"Young's and Hae's ex-boyfriends," mother sighed. "See this is why I had to choose -"

"No. Yonghwa is different and you pushed him away without even trying!" I screamed. I totally lost it. I couldn't think straight.

Mother looked at me and didn't say a word. "It's your fault Yonghwa was so silent these past few weeks! Your the reason we broke up! It's your fault I got pus-" I stopped. That was something no one knew. At least to my knowledge...

"You got what? Pushed? You got PUSHED! BY WHO? WHO THE FLYING PUSHED YOU!" Young yelled as she looked at me. I didn't look at her. I couldn't.

"Sis... please tell us the truth... who pushed? What exactly happened? Please..." Jae begged. I sighed because it was already too late.

"Yes. I got pushed into the pool. It was some woman. I don't know. She said I was in her way. That she liked Yonghwa and didn't understand why he was dating a non-celebrity. Stuff like that,"

"What did she look like? What actress?" Young questioned . "I-I don't know,"

There was a loud sigh from Soo Hyuk before he stood up. "Kim Yoo Ri. I saw her. So did Lee Jong Suk, Kim Woo Bin, Seo In Guk, and Lee Min Ho," he said.

Jae pulled a notepad out of his back pocket and a pen and started writing it down. Soo Hyuk looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to investigate this," he said. "What do-"

"I'm a detective," Jae said blankly before turning around. "I'll be at the station," he said before leaving. "Well then..." Mae came back into the living room. "You've just won mother of year award, mom," Mae said sarcastically. Mother just glared at her.

"Just for the record I didn't agree with this," father finally said something. "I know," I smiled towards him weakly. Ever since I was little mother was the one who controlled me. Never Jae or Mae but me. Why? Because I was different from them. I didn't want to do something practical like them. I wanted to be on stage not work for a company. When Jae had gone off to college he lied saying he was getting his business major when in fact he went to a communications major and went off to Police Academy.

Suddenly something clicked. "You don't like Yonghwa because he's an idol. Is that it? Because you never wanted me to be on stage and you can't swallow the fact that I am dating an idol? What makes Soo Hyuk any different? He's an actor. So is Yonghwa. A song-writer, producer, singer, actor, model, he's everything. He's the full package. What's wrong about him?" I asked.

"You're right,"

"The hell with you. That's NOT A ING VALID REASON NOT TO LIKE SOMEONE LIKE HIM!" I yelled. I could feel my heartbeat beating uncontrollably. I really had to find Yonghwa.

Instead of continuing to argue with mom, I ran out the door and jumped into my car. I turned it on and rushed out onto the street.


Yonghwa's POV

I didn't know where to go... so I ended up going to the company and locking myself in the practice room. I sat there in a daze. I was angry at myself for giving in so easily, but what could I do? Hae's mother looked so sure about everything. Hae never mentioned the fact that her family was rich. None of the Yoon siblings ever mentioned that or even act like they were rich.

I sighed as I didn't know what to think. All I could think of Hae. I couldn't think that I did that to her. I started crying because I was overwhelmed by everything. I cried even more when I thought back to earlier and how Hae was screaming for me to come back. I hit the floor repeatedly as I laid down on the floor and covered my eyes.

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was Hae. I was unsure if I should answer it or not. Sighing I ignored the phone call.

Again my phone started ringing but I ignored it. Again. Again and again. It was ringing none stop. Sighing I finally answered.

"Y-Yonghwa?" I heard her strained voice causing my heart to constrain. "Ne,"

"Where you are? Huh? Can we please talk?"

"I thought I told -"

"The flying ing hell what you told me. I don't give a . I don't give damn actually. Just tell me where the ing hell you are before I tear up this entire ing city looking for your ," she said. I smiled a little because I always found it funny when she cussed.

"I'm at the company in our practice room,"

"Thought so," she hung up and seconds later there was a knock on the door and someone trying to open the door. Confused I got up and went to unlock the door. In came Hae bursting in as she glared at me. She slammed the door and locked it. Glaring at me she came over and slapped me. I looked at her shocked.

"You ing damn bastard! You son of a ! You're going to ing give up on me like that!? You really think I'm just going to ing allow it!? NO ONE. NO. ONE. WALKS AWAY FROM YOON HAE JIN! Do you hear me? No. One," she yelled at me as she cried and hit me several times on the chest.

I couldn't help it. I grabbed her wrist to stop her and looked deeply in her eyes. "But you're getting married," I sighed.

"No the I'm not. Not under my watch. Jae's going to block the marriage. You deserve an apology from mother. She doesn't even have a valid reason to not like you. You and me are going to fight until the end. So please... man up," she said looking into my eyes. I stared at her and I couldn't help but to smile.

I pulled her into a hug. I hugged her tightly. She was right. I had to fight back, I couldn't let someone like Soo Hyuk get inbetween us. I slightly pulled away and kissed her. I kissed her roughly. I could taste her salty tears but I didn't care, that only made me deepen the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I brought her closer to me. I really didn't know what I was thinking when I had walked out of the house.

How could I let someone like her go? How was I supposed to live? We pulled apart after a few minutes and she looked at me. "I have a plan," she smirked. "What kind of plan?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're not going to like it but I think it might work," she said. "What is it?"

"I can only tell you under one condition,"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"We're not over. We're still dating. Okay? No more leaving and saying things we don't mean okay?"

I chuckled a little as I wiped her face. "Of course and alright. No more. I promise with all my heart,"

"Good," she leaned up and kissed me before pulling away. "So the plan... we're going to pretend we're over okay. I'll try to do what my mom wants. You just have to trust me. When the time is right... I'll tell her that I'm actualy not going through the marriage and that we never broke up,"

I looked at her as if she had gone crazy. "Did the chlorine get to your brain?" I asked jokingly. "YAH!" I laughed. "I'm kidding. But are you sure this will

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD