Be with Me

So We Go On
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I knew what I was doing wrong, really wrong, but I really couldn't stop myself. My brain was telling me to stop and push him off me, but my heart was telling me something completely different. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up as our lips were still locked onto each other. I groaned, and I could feel his smile against our lips. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my thighs and pushed me up further.

He carried me towards the hallway before he pushed me against the wall deepening the kiss. Alarms were going off in my head but I wasn't doing anything about it, I was letting Soo Hyuk have his way for once.

I could feel him feeling my thighs causing me to blush a little as I swatted his hands away making him laugh a little. He tilts his head the other way as he pushed me more against the wall. This was a different feeling; something that I never experienced before. I knew it was wrong on so many levels, but it felt nice.

He pulled away, and my eyes flutter open to met his gaze. "You're so beautiful, and you don't know how much this means," he breathes as he held onto me with one arm as he brought his other arm up to push away some stray hair. My arms and legs were still very much attached to him, and I could feel my face heating up.

"But you know that-"

"Say no more. I already know what you're going to say but please just give me a chance. Please, Hae I'm begging you," he said with his expression that I couldn't explain. He was sincere, how could I say no? But I did love Yonghwa. This was cheating on him. Why is my life so complicated?

I looked away because I really didn't know to say. Though it was obvious of what I should say, I didn't say anything. I felt his warm fingers grab onto my chin to force me to face him.

"I understand, but I hope you give me a chance," he gives me a smile before he gently kisses me once more. He was about to pull away when I did the unexpected. I placed my hand on his head to prevent him from pulling away. At first, he was shocked but gave in quickly and wrapped his arms around me once more before pulling away from the wall and slowly walked towards what seemed to be his room.

He gently set me down on his bed as he crawled on top of me and continued to kiss me. Though everything I had said to that point, was biting me in the and I knew that everything that I was doing right now was so totally wrong. I just let it happen... Karma was going to be a and I knew it was going to come around to chop my head off.


A Week Later

Soo Hyuk's POV

Ever since that passionate kiss that Hae and I shared, somehow I felt we formed a bond that was unexplainable. She wasn't as hostile as before and was actually being nice.

Though she did seem a little down, I thought it was because she wasn't working because her workplace happily gave her a long vacation which I was taking to full advantage. I knew that once she started working she was probably going to go back to being mean and hostile and probably be meeting up with Yonghwa. I knew that they could have talked or made up at some time and could be secretly meeting, but I didn't want to think like that. Although it could be very possible, right now she was under my roof with me so I just had to be happy with it.

Even if she was meeting Yonghwa behind my back, they couldn't do much. After all I was going to marry her and there was no stopping it. No matter how much they wanted to be together, I've loved her far longer than anyone. I was just always last and now that I have this chance I'm not going to let anyone get in my way. Even her brother, there was no way he could prevent the marriage from happening. It was just impossible.

"Soo Hyuk nice job. We'll see you next week," said the director as he lightly patted me on the shoulder. "Ne thank you," I said quickly as I bowed deeply before sitting in front of the mirror.

The hair dresser and make-up artist came over and did their job. She restyled my air to a more casual look while the make-up artist took off any heavy make-up.

"All set," they said as they gather their belongings and left. I was already in my normal clothes so I pushed myself up and gathered my things.

I left the set and went towards my car. Opening the front door, I throw my bag in the passenger seat and got in. I turned it on and buckled up. Putting the car in drive I took off out of the garage and went home.

Before I got home though, I stopped by a Chinese take-out place, because I remembered that Hae said she wanted it before I left. Smiling looked over at the bag because it really did feel like we were already married.

Once I got home I opened the garage door and took off my shoes. I saw that the lights were off, alarmed I peeked out the garage door and her car was still there.

"Did Young come to pick her up?" I said out loud as I looked around, but there was no way because she would have said something or would have texted me.

Or would she have?

Setting my bag down and the plastic take-out bag on the table, I went down the hall towards her room. For some reason I was nervous and I couldn't explain why. Probably because she could have left to met up with Yongwa which kind of angered me as well as making my heart hurt. I lightly knocked on her door but there was no answer.

Sighing I slowly turn the knob and as quietly as possible I peek inside. Her, room is softly lit by a small lamp on top of her dresser across the room. Quietly I tip-toe over and find her sleeping figure. I relax and let go of a sigh as all my nerves and worries go away.

I take a closer look as my eyes adjust to the lighting and I notice that hair is all over the place,, she was slightly drooling, and her limbs were all over the place. I softly chuckled because I thought that this was the cutest thing ever. I bend down and just watch her as she softly snores. I lean over and the bed dips, scared I look over to her but she was deep in sleep. I softly place a kiss on her forehead; I look at her sleeping face and the urge of kissing her on the lips was there, but I tried holding back.

I move down to her lips and hover over as I decide that's not the best idea. I stand up and was about to leave her room when her phone vibrates on the night stand. Knowing that it would be an invasion of privacy, I look at the message anyway. I gently grab her finger to unlock the phone and go to her messages. It was from Yonghwa.

To: Hae

From: Yonghwa My Everything <3 6:30 PM

Love you! ^~^ I really want to see you. When are you coming to see me?

The very thing I was afraid was true. They were texting each other, but at least they haven't seen each other... yet.

Jealous I quickly delete the message. Just when I was about to turn off her phone another message.

To: Hae

From: Young the Doctor Unni 6:32 PM

Yah Dongsang! What the hell? Why did you call me and then hang up!? Do you not think I'm busy working?! YAH!

I wanted to laugh, but I held it back because it was so Young. I, swear those two were something else. I turn off her phone and set it down. I looked at her once last time, she really was everything that I wanted. She made me do things I didn't even know I could do.

I fixed her sleeping position and tucked her in. Kissing her forehead once more, she made a sound and shifted to her side. She really was adorable. Not thinking twice I lifted the covers and got into bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She groaned a little as she seemed to have snuggled closer to causing me to smile and blush at the same time. Her hair smelled so nice and in no time I fell asleep as well.


Hae's POV

To say the least, I was tired. From doing what? Nothing. Nothing at all. Well actually I cleaned the house, maybe went through Soo Hyuk's stuff again...

I never cleaned a house by myself before, especially not of this size. I had watched TV after and then got bored so I went outside but then grew bored with that.

I hated not doing anything, so I then I started playing the Sims 3 on my laptop and I was on that for a few hours before I got tired of it too and decided to go to bed.

Suddenly I thought about Soo Hyuk and remembered that he probably was coming home soon or maybe he was already home? CRAP!!

My eyes shot open and was about to go out of bed when I realized that someone was holding onto me. Freaked out I looked up and found Soo Hyuk's sleeping figure. I slightly gasped. I wanted to push away but I was compelled to trace his facial features. He really did have a sharp nose and it was so perfect. There was no way that someone could be so flawless.

With the tip of my fingers I went down his cheek and traced over his lips. Suddenly they tilted up shocking me. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Having fun there?" he said with a raspy voice that sent shivers down my spine. I didn't say anything though. I felt his chest rumble since my head was against his chest.

"I know you're awake," he said as he tilted his head down. "Oh," I blushed. He chuckled as he brought me closer to him. This reminded me of when I would lay in bed with Yonghwa not wanting to get up. Just to cuddle and be in each others presence. But it was different with Soo Hyuk. It was something I couldn't explain... it was nothing

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD