FNC Kingdom

So We Go On
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Three Days Later

Yonghwa tried not to sulk. 

He really did try not to but how was he supposed to survive without Hae while she in Barcelona?

He could barely survive the nights when he didn't stay over at her place and now she was completely leaving the country without him and to make matters worse she was going with Si Yoon. Granted there was another female going too but still, it's not that he didn't trust Hae it was just the other guy.

But there was nothing Yonghwa could do about it. When Hae had told him how excited and happy she was, he didn't have a single bone in his body to not celebrate with her so he held back his pouting for later which was right now as he stood in his bathroom and towel dried his hair.

He had just gotten out of the shower and wiped the steam off of the glass with his hand before looking at his reflection and sighing.

"I'll just call her every two hours and send her videos and pictures of myself so she'll miss me more while she's away," Yonghwa mumbled to himself.

He lifted the white towel off of his shoulders and ran it through his hair for a good ten minutes before walking into his room and pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt with one of his favorite hoodies.

He checked the time on his TV, only 8:30 am and after pulling out his phone to send a good morning text to Hae and the rest of s, he grabbed his things to head out toward the concert venue.


Young's POV

I rolled over in bed at the sound of my phone buzzing loudly on the nightstand and flung the blankets off of my face in a huff of annoyance before reaching over for the device. 

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before they adjusted to the light from the screen and I groaned as I accepted the call. 

"What?" I yawned. 

"Good morning my perfect ray of sunshine- hey what do you mean what?!"

I slapped a hand over my face and ran it down slowly before closing my eyes. "It's too early for your sap, why are you even calling me this early?"

"I always get up this early, why don't you? And you should be happy I'm willing to call you to profess my love,"

I snorted and to my side so I was facing the wall. "I don't get up this early unless I need to work but I don't so you're interrupting my sleep,"

Even if I couldn't see him, I could feel his eyes roll so when he huffed over the line, it brought a lazy smile to my face. 

"What am I going to do with you Young?"

"Let's start with you hanging up first so I can go back to sleep,"


I pulled the phone away from my ear and cringed at the sound before laying my phone on the pillow beside my head. "If you must know, I also wanted to make sure you were still coming tonight and if you wanted me to come get you so we could arrive together or something and-"

The smooth sound of his voice made me hum softly and I closed my eyes as I settled back into my pillow, his words lulling me right back to sleep. 


"Are you still awake?"

Yah-Hee Young?! D-Did you seriously fall asleep?"

"You're just messing with me right?"


"Aish! I can't believe this and here I was just trying to--aww are you snoring? Wait! No, no, no not cute! I can't believe you fell asleep on me!" he scoffed. 


Hae's POV

I walked back up the stairs towards the bedroom with my laptop in hand and a coffee in the other when I heard the sound of someone talking loudly on the other end of the hall in Young's room. I raised my eyebrow and walked in my room to set my things down before coming back out and making my way down the hall. 

"Young?" I knocked on the door. 

When she didn't answer me, I pressed my ear against the wood and listened but could only hear the talking I had heard a few minutes earlier and waited for a second before opening her door. 

I peeked inside and Young was completely passed out on her bed, one arm hanging off the edge of her bed and face down in the pillow with half of the sheets on her body and the other half on the floor. 

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and looked over at her phone that was beside her and still on when I edged closer. "Minhyuk?"

"And then-wait who is that? Hae is that you? Yah! Can you believe this woman fell asleep on me?!"

I held back a laugh and bit my bottom lip as I carefully reached over her bed to grab the phone off of her pillow and pull it up to my ear. "She's knocked out," I whispered. 

Minhyuk huffed and I picked up some of the blankets before laying it back over Young who didn't even budge. "I was trying to tell her good morning which she totally didn't reciprocate and then just when I was about to go into full detailof my reason for calling, she falls asleep,"

"Sorry," I smiled. "But you should know Young isn't really the best person to try to have a conversation with or anything in the morning, if I let her and if she wasn't a doctor then she would literally sleep all day,"

"What?!" he sputtered. 

"Yep," I nodded and looked down at my watch before sighing. "I have some last minute things to do so I'll catch you and the others later?"

"At least someone appreciates a wake up call," he mumbled. "But see you later and tell Young I love her!"

"Yeah...no you tell her yourself,"

"W-Wait what-"

I hung the phone up and laughed to myself as I moved to set it back on her nightstand and set the volume all the way up just to mess with her incase someone wanted to contact her.

"Young~" I poked her with the toe but she still remained motionless and I shook my head as I closed the door behind myself. 

She really does sleep like she's dead. 


A couple hours later

Young's POV 

"Wow VVIP tickets?! Man I'm so glad you guys are dating them!" Dong-Yul smiled widely as he looked at the tickets in his hand and Dong-Sun nodded along with him.

"I just want to see Juniel really,"

"Oh man I know right! She's so pretty!" Dong-Yul gushed.

I snorted as I drove towards the venue and stopped at the red light as a black Hummer pulled up right next to me. "You know she's twenty-two right? She's five years older than both of you,"

Dong-Sun leaned forward between the seats and frowned at me. "So? Look at Hae and Yonghwa hyung, they're four years apart and that doesn't stop them,"

"Yeah," Dong-Yul said. "I'm sure Juniel won't mind and who knows, she may have a thing for twins too," he wiggled his eyebrows.

Dong-Sun sat back in the seat and looked over at his brother before he nodded and I gagged while reaching back and tried to smack them.

"YAH what do you mean by that?!"

They broke into a fit of laughter and I rolled my e

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends though...lol. I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD