The View Here

So We Go On
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Young's POV

Loud voices laughing and talking lead me to the room at the end of the hall, where a large banner hung from above the glass doors that said, WELCOME. Upon wakling in further was greeted with music playing and various other nurses, staff and physicians mingling with each other. There was one large table set up in the back full of fruits and snacks and bottled water that made me chuckle. 

I walked toward the table and one of the nurses, a short woman with round glasses and a small smile looked up at me and bowed quickly before offering me something to drink. 

"Annyonghasaeyo Dr. Hee,"

"Annyonghasaeyo," I bowed back and took the bottle of water before unscrewing the cap and taking a quick swig. I turned around and leaned against the table while looking at everyone talking and tried to pick out our special guest.

"Have you seen him yet?"


"Dr. Park Ji Sang," the woman blushed and looked down as she tried to arrange the items. "Have you met him yet?"

I looked over my shoulder and noticed how red her cheeks had become and laughed quietly to myself before shaking my head. "Ani, I came down here to meet him but he must be pretty popular,"

"And pretty handsome too,"she muttered.

I threw my head back and laughed loudly, almost dropping my water bottle and turned around to slap her arm playfully.

"Yah! Don't try anything on hospital time, if you want to jump his bones then save that for home,"

The nurse's eyes widened and she made a wailing noise before covering her face up with her hands and peeked between her fingers to glare at me.

"You're horrible! Don't say things like that out loud!"

I shrugged and she pulled her hand away like she was going to hit me and I flinched back before someone strode over and cleared their throat to get our attention.

"Um should I be concerned and call security?"

The nurse and I both turned at the voice and her eyes widened before she was making a squeaking sound and pulling her hand down to turn around and walk off in the opposite direction. If this was a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of her ears and I would have been able to see her face turn undescribeable shades of red.

But this wasn't a cartoon and unfortunately I had to pull myself together and cleared my throat before straightening myself up and bowing at the stranger. He had an amused smile on his face when I looked back up but bowed to me as well before holding out a large hand.

"Dr. Park Ji Sang, Chief of the Cancer Department. It's nice to meet you," His jaw was sharp and his nose small with tan skin and his hair cut short. With the color as dark as his eyes.

"Dr. Hee Young," I took his hand and smiled bashfully. "Chief of the Medical Department here. Um sorry for that back there, we were just fooling around," and rubbed the side of my neck slowly.

Dr. Park smiled and shook his head before reaching over and grabbing a water bottle for himself. "No problem, it's actually nice to see how easy going and playful everyone is around here. It's actually much more comfortable than where I worked previously,"

He leaned his hip against the edge of the table and I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. "Oh, where did you work before?"

"University College Hospital in London," he smiled. "Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful hospital with a brilliant team of doctors and nurses, but it was just not for me after awhile. I was very thankful when I was offered a position back home in Korea,"

"Wow...London," I said mostly to myself. "I would love to go to London,"

"Maybe I'll take you some day and I can be your tour guide," he chuckled. 

I raised my eyebrow at him and he blushed slightly before shaking his head and apologizing. "Sorry, that was kind of a little forward for me. I apologize for coming on like that,"

"It's no problem," I chuckled.

He smiled at me in relief and I smiled back before he coughed and shifted the water bottle into his other hand. 'So uh how long have you been working here?"

"It'll be a year in a few months actually, just like you I was very thankful when I was able to get work so fast after a series of unfortunate circumstances," I frowned.


I shook my head and waved him off. "Nothing important, so what about your family? Are they just as happy to be in Korea as you are?"

Dr. Park scoffed and shook his head. "I have no family, well no spouse or children. I'm single, happily. My mother and father live in America, they retired there after living in Daegu,"

"Oh really? That's cool, I'm from America too, I was raised there!"

Dr. Park's eyes widened, "really?"

"Yeah, but I really like living in Korea,"

"Spouse? Kids?"

"Mm no, no, no...boyfriend," I wrung my fingers.

He nodded thoughtfully and just before he was going to say something else, a few other doctors walked over and interrupted our conversation by patting him on the back.

"Well it seems like you guys have gotten to know one another on your own," Dr. Im wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I frowned at what he meant by that and Dr. Park shifted uncomfortably before shrugging his hand off politely. "We were just making small talk,"

Dr. Min and Kim, pediatric physicians, both rolled their eyes and shoved Im Koojun. "Yah stop implying things when you know nothing!"

Koojun frowned and opened his mouth just as I reached over to grab a napkin and load some cookies onto it. "We were done talking anyway. I have to get home now, so I will see the rest of you tomorrow morning," I bowed.

"Dr. Kim, Min and boys," I glared slightly at Dr. Im before shooting Dr. Park a smile. "It was nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy working here,"

"Unnie," Min whined. "Are you really leaving?"

"Yes, call me if anything," I waved at both of them before saying good bye to a few more people and taking my leave out of the hospital. I walked out and around the building to get to the car garage and took the elevator down until I was at the bottom level and walking to my car.

As soon as I got in and shut the door behind myself, I plugged my phone in and threw my other things in the back seat before pulling my coat off and starting the engine. I pulled out, careful of the other cars behind me and took off a second later, speeding out of the building and onto the road while turning the radio on.

Bangtan's 이사, was playing and I tapped my fingers along the steering wheel while humming along to some of the parts I knew. Just as I was about to get into the chorus and merging onto the highway, my phone started ringing and I grumbled while answering it from the steering wheel.


"Hi sweetheart, I was wond- hey why did you say what? No I love you or I miss you, how was your day?"

I rolled my eyes at the sound of Minhyuk's voice but couldn't help the smile that blossomed on my face whenever he called me randomly. "You already know that I feel very intense and strong feelings for you. I can't miss you since I literally just saw you the other day and last time I checked, from your Instagram at least, your day has been pretty eventful,"

The line was silent for a few minutes and I could only imagine him huffing to himself before shaking his head. "Whatever, you're so weird. Well how was your day then?"

"Long, tiring, and I'm really hungry. I had a very small lunch break and my stomach has been growling all day but other than that the usual. There was a new doctor today that's going to be working in the cancer department, Dr. Park Ji Sang,"

"Aw my baby didn't get to eat a lot today?"

I wrinkled my nose at the pet name and switched over on a different lane before nodding even though he couldn't see me. "Yes, so I'm incredibly starving,"

"I could bring you something, I'm not busy. Do you want to eat at your place or mine?"

The thought of going back to my place should seem appealing since the twins were at school and Hae was gone, so it would be eerily quiet and I would have it all to myself, but I didn't want to be alone and although I would never admit it, like ever I did miss all of them.

"Yours. I have to stop for something really quick, but then I'll be over,"

"Great, is there anything particular you want?"

"Fried chicken," I said automatically," with rice please,"

He chuckled lowly and there was some shuffling like he was writing it down before he got back on the line. "Did you like the new doctor?"

"He was friendly," I shrugged. "He seems like a nice man but a little shy probably because this was his first time back in Korea, he actually worked in London. I was so jealous,"

"I'll take you to London, jagiya,"

"I don't want to go to London with you," I teased.

"Excuse me?! Rude! You only go with your boyfriend-soon to be fiance-soon to be husband,"

I laughed loudly and turned into the shopping district before pulling my car around to find a parking space in the many lots. "That was unecessary,"

"You're unecessary," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and before I found a spot, I told Minhyuk I would call him back and we said our goodbyes before I promised to meet up with him at his place in fifteen minutes.


Yonghwa's POV

8:57 pm 

I glanced down at my cellphone as I walked through my apartment and saw a message that was left from Hae earlier. I pulled it up just as I sat down on the couch in my living room and lifted my legs up to the coffee table, 

To: Yonghwa 12:15 PM

Oppa!~~~ Hi! We're leaving the venue to go to the restaurant to eat. Guess who I ran into today? My parents... D: And they said that they're GOING TO KOREA! (/.\) That's really going to be interesting. They said they want to meet you to. I mean of course it's about time don't you think? ( ^^ ') But they're visiting my sister first than coming to Seoul. I don't know when. I think after I came back.

But... other than that everything is going well. I just wanted to let you know that... I'm going to stay in Spain for two weeks instead. Eun Hee Unni really wants to explore Barcelona. And four days before we actually leave, we're going to Germany. I hope you don't mind. I know you're probably going to be busy because of your solo debut and the up coming concert you told me about. But don't worry. I'm probably going to make it back on time to see the one you're having in Seoul. If not I'll just fly out to China or Japan. ^^ I love youu~~~

My feet dropped from the coffee table and I momentarily choked on my saliva as I reeled forward in shock. This was almost too much for me to comprehend-correction no, this IS too much for me to comprehend. I immediately jumped off of my couch and ran back into my bedroom before grabbing my laptop off of the desk and racing back into the living room. 

I switched the lights up higher so they weren't so dim and made myself comfortable before opening up Skype and quickly searched for Hae's name before tapping on the contact and waiting as the dotted blue circles loaded.

I didn't even know what time it was in Spain and frankly I didn't care, I just needed her to pick up NOW.




Thirty seconds later the screen finally connected and the image was grainy at first and blurry before it focused and I could see that Hae was in her pajamas and sitting up on her hotel bed. The room was completely black except for the glow of the lamp beside her that lit her face and she looked slightly tired with her ruffled hair and swollen eyes.

"Do you realize what time it is over here?" she frowned and rubbed her eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak and frowned because no I actually didn't.

"It's three fifty-seven, almost four in the morning," she glared at me and rubbed the side of her cheek. 

Instead of actually feeling bad though, I felt somewhat happy in a weird twisted way, not for waking her up but at the same time seeing her like this so early. She looked utterly adorable, with her hair and her slightly wide eyes and swollen face. I just wanted to pick her up and lay her on my own bed and- whoa whoa what am I talking about?!

I shook my head quickly and sighed before pulling the laptop closer. "I'm sorry babe, for waking you up. I must have forgot but we need to talk really quickly,"

"Right now? This can't wait until a more decent hour?"

She flopped herself down on her side so she was still facing the screen but now her hair was covering up part of her face. Technically what I wanted to say wasn't exactly direly important and I supposed it could have waited, but I needed to discuss this now. 

"You're staying there for two weeks?" I pouted and deflated as I tried to  make myself look as sad as possible. "Hae that's too much, that's seriously too much. I was already hesitant about you being gone for those days but two weeks that's really-"

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jbsica99 #1
Chapter 52: No , Hae how could youuuuuu
Haneih #2
Chapter 43: Haha, i think all of your charecters are a bit crazy, but i enjoy your story, fighting
spirit_L #3
✦✧ Advertise Paradise ✧✦ - Spirit_L's comment:

Hello~ As requested from Advertise Paradise, I am here to give you feedback on your story. Since this is a sequel, there were details in the story I was confused about but as I continued reading, I got the hang of it.

Them crazy boyfriends I like that you guys stringed the events of the idols' lives in the story too. There is one word I would describe this fic: DRAMA lmao. All the relationships in the story were crazy but that only made them closer. I particularly like the MinYoung moments haha.

After reading that last chapter, I feel a bit cautious xD Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish you the best of luck on your story (though you done even need it). ^^
Alyss_White #4
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: It was an awesome Chapter :-D B-)
Hitomie #5
Chapter 28: ahhhh Minhyukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~ so sweet :) let me just switch places with Young , ~~call??? XD I always enjoy Min&Youngs parts alot :) esp because of Young´s personality XD she always try to hide her feelings .. but no chance while beeing with Min XD