Where is your joyful side, Ricky?

Goddess's Oneshot CHRISTMAS GIFT

Username: Han-Eun
 Feauturing male idol(s): Teen Top (Ricky)
 Featuring female (oc): Lee Chaekyung
 Plot: This happen when Teen Top and Chaekyung first met. All of them were nice to her except Ricky, who suddenly turns out to be a cold-hearted-cutie-boy. However, L.Joe told her that Ricky only reacts like that towards the girl he likes. So...
 Genre: Romance
 Title: Where is your joyful side, Ricky?




"Hyung!" Chunji huffed at CAP who stole his drumstick from his plate. "You food bully!"

CAP stuck out his tongue. "Merong."

L.Joe caught the sight and felt faint, massaging his temples. "Someone tell the leader that with his masculine face, aegyo is definitely in his list of must-not-dos?" he muttered under his breath.

Ricky grinned and patted his own chest. "Aww hyung, let me handle the aegyo in this group." he grinned. "I'm the visual maknae remember?"

"Maknae title stealer." Changjo muttered under his breath.

"Meh." Ricky made a face. "You're not as cute as I am, Changjooooiiii~ Can you beat this? Buing buing~" he made a cute expression.

Changjo looked away and gagged. "Please stop."

"Or this?" Ricky struck another cute pose with two of his fingers. "Kawaii~~"

"Yes we get your point, please stop." Chunji choked on his food.

"Or this?" Ricky laughed, enjoying the torturing of his hyungs. "Neomu banjjak banjjak nuni bushyeo NO NO NO NO NO~~~" he began dancing.

"RICKY!!!" All the teen top boys chorused in unison. Ricky laughed merrily. Just in the middle of his fun, a girl approached their table and Ricky's smile was immediately wiped off his face. He sat back down, shoving a spoon full of rice into his mouth.

The boys looked at him curiously and saw that he didn't even dare raise his head.

"Hi." The girl smiled at them politely. The boys turned to look at her, nudging each other. She was pretty cute and was really quite pretty. She had nice defined features but the nicest part of her face would definitely be her eyes. Her eyes were large and twinkled under the light.

"Yes?" CAP spoke up, being the leader.

"I'm the president of the Animal Welfare Club in school." the girl smiled. "I'm called Chaekyung. I'm just asking if you guys are free to do a little survey for us?"

"Sure." L.Joe shrugged, taking a piece of paper and pen from her. Chaekyung smiled at them brilliantly and passed them the sheets of survey and extra pencils.

Ricky took his own piece, grinding his teeth. "How bothersome." he muttered loudly.

Changjo blinked at his hyung in surprise, not expecting him to be quite so rude. Chunji kicked Ricky under the table and frowned. Chaekyung looked a little taken aback by the reaction but she didn't say anything since she was nice like that.

The boys did their surveys but Ricky took the longest time. He kept fidgeting and his gaze darted around, biting his lips and looking like doing this survey was the worst thing he had to do in his life.

L.joe watched his behavior with a smug grin on his face.

"Thank you for your help, guys." Chaekyung smiled at them as she collected the materials. "See you around at school again."

As soon as she left, CAP frowned at Ricky. "Dude, that was majorly rude."

Ricky stuck his nose in the air and pouted. Only L.Joe grinned from the side knowingly. *I think I recognize that behavior, Yoo Changhyun.*


The Teen Top members and Chaekyung became slightly closer, saying hi each time they passed in the hallways. Every single time, Ricky's usual cheerful and playful attitude would change drastically and he would be cold, mean and rude.

The Teen Top members didn't understand why he did so and only L.Joe remained wise about that matter.

Until one day, Chaekyung couldn't take it anymore.

She had been trying to talk to Ricky because she had gotten closer to every Teen Top member except him. It was infuriating to try to talk to him because he wouldn't reply. If he did, it would be a rude comment. It was utterly discouraging on her part.

She finally yelled at him and stormed away, telling him to just hide in a hole if he didn't want other people talking to him. Harsh, really.

Ricky looked so upset after that that L.Joe decided to help.

L.Joe went around the school to look for Chaekyung, finally finding her sitting at the bottom of a stairwell and staring into space. "Hey."

Chaekyung looked up and gave a half-hearted smile. "Hey."

L.Joe sat down next to her and raised his brows. "That bothered by Ricky's behavior?"

Chaekyung wrinkled her nose. "It's nice to know a Teen Top boy wants to talk to me right now." she murmured. "I don't get that guy. Am I that detestable? Why does he always have to be so mean and cold to me? I'm tired of trying to forge a relationship with him when there isn't any to begin with."

"You're quite wrong about that." L.Joe murmured.

Chaekyung looked at him. "About what?"

"Relationship." L.Joe looked at her. "You and him, you guys have a relationship."

Chaekyung rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, hateful relationship that's what." she muttered under her breath. "I thought he was a nice person and I always wanted to know him better. I didn't expect him to be like this."

L.Joe sighed, taking a deep breath. "You know, our visual maknae isn't always like that." he told her. "Ricky is the most cheerful in our group and he's the fun maker, together with Niel."

Chaekyung blinked, disbelieving. "No way."

"Yes way." L.Joe grinned at her expression. "You know why he treats you that badly?"

Chaekyung shook her head.

"Have you heard of the saying?" L.Joe smiled. "In elementary school, when boys pull on your pigtails and call you names, it means they like you. I think....Ricky hasn't grown up of that stage yet."


"Yah Ricky." Chaekyung tapped his shoulder. Ricky whirled around, his heart thumping fast. He forced a fierce expression on his face. "What." he snapped.

"How old are you?" Chaekyung asked.

Ricky frowned, puzzled. "Same as you. 18."

"Exactly." Chaekyung clicked her tongue. "So why are you behaving like you're eight all the time? Is it that difficult to ask a girl out? A girl you like?"

Ricky's eyes widened. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Pulling pigtails and calling you names, that means the boy likes you." Chaekyung murmured. "That's so out-dated, especially for our age, Ricky. How do you expect me to like you if you behave like this?"

Ricky swallowed. "What are you talking about? No way I'll like you."

"Hm." Chaekyung shrugged. "Fine then. Guess I won't ask if you want to go on a date with me after school today." she walked away slowly, a playful smirk on her face.

Ricky took several moments to react.

"Wait! I'll go! Wait for me!"

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please come back author-nim! T-T I love these xD
jiminisbae123 #2
soooo cuuuuuteeeee
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: So cuteeeeee
Chapter 24: Now Kris know how his girlfriend was feeling when he only cuddle with ace ^^
Chapter 18: Jealous Jae is so cute!
Chapter 5: Such a bunch of y boys! I wouldn't mind having them as my best friends ^^
Chapter 89: Will you do this again this year? :)
exoramen #8
Is it open or close now ? I really wanna reqest a fic
sehunomg #9
Chapter 37: I love all Baekhyun and IU's story~~~
sehunomg #10
Chapter 36: I really love Baekhyun's Tutor story. Well, Baek and IU is my bias after all and I found this story is too cute for a god's sake personally I want period fic about it. nononono