Ugly Truth

Perfect Getaway..

~ Hazel’ POV

I open my eyes, it’s already morning. I’m still in the kitchen eventually I fell asleep behind the kitchen table. I wake up with a blanket wrapped around my body. Who put it here? As long as I remember, i don’t seem bring a blanket here since I was in a panic state. But who give the blanket then? Could it be jiyong? Aah it’s impossible, he’s too busy making out last I remember. I sit there still trying to figure it out, suddenly I hear a familiar voice.

“Good Morning! Sine you finally wake up, make me coffee and breakfast. I’m hungry.” Jiyong said, he’s sitting on the chair beside the kitchen table playing with his phone.

“huh?fine..” I rub my eyes , then make breakfast. I put it on the table.

“Where do you think you’re going?Sit. eat.” Jiyong said suddenly when I want to go to the bathroom to have shower before eating breakfast

“I’m going to shower first.”

“no, I said sit there and eat. You can shower later.” He said. What’s wrong with him? he seems weird.

“yah.. jiyong.. what the hell is wrong with you?”

“nothing, I just need to talk to you about something. So sit down and eat your breakfast.” He said while looking at me. So I sit on the chair across the table.

“Talk about what? Aahh.. is it about last night? Well I forgot about the 4th rule okay, so sorry to interuped your ‘business’ it won’t happen again. Oh and don’t worry i won’t tell anyone about it. Are we cool now? Can I go?”

“no, i haven’t say anything yet. But since you bring it up, about last night, didn’t I left a reminder on the note?”

“yes, and I ddn’t see it until the last minute before you came.”

“oh well.. actually that’s not what I want to talk to you about. Hazel, can you drive?”

“huh? Drive? Yeah i can drive, why?”

“do you have any plan for today?”

“yes, kinda.... why are you asking these question?”

“Well, then cancel all your plan for today.. I want you to be my chauffeur for today”

“Wait. What?? A chauffer? You’re not serious right? Yah. Kwon jiyong!!! I don’t want to be your chauffer!!”

“aarrgghh.. don’t be so noisy in the morning will you? Think of it as the punishment for not obeying the 4th rule! So here’s the car key, eat your breakfast and go shower. I’ll meet you by the car in 15minutes.” He said walking away to his room leaving me speechless.

This guy really getting out of line! What? A chauffeur? For him? Gaaaahh.. Pabo haze, why should you forget about that freaking riddiculous rule! Damn it!

~ Jiyong’s POV

I walk to my room smilling. She’s so cute when she’s angry  and pouting like that. Seems like today is gonna be a fun day.

~ No one’s POV

Hazel go the car as soon as she’s ready. Jiyong’s already waiting standing by the car. They get into the car. Jiyong sit on the back.

“So,how’s this gonna chauffeur thing gonna work?”

“it’s simple, you just need to take me to the place i want to go, and wait for me there. Now let’s go to YG building. Fast.”

“YG Building? Jiyong-ssi, in case you forgot, I’m a foreigner, I don’t know the way to YG Building and i don’t even know where the hell is that building!”

“Well, you can look it up on the GPS, then ask me if you need directions. So just drive.”

The drive is quiet, Hazel focus on driving with her pouting face. Thinking what a bossy person jiyong is. Meanwhile, jiyong busy texting with his phone. They finally arrived in YG building. Hazel park the car in the parking lot.

“well here we are.”

“ah.. okay, follow me..”

“Wait. Why? I just have to wait for you right? Can i just go somewhere else or wait here? So if you done just call me?”

“No. You should come with me and wait inside, So I don’t have to wait for you to come if I need you. The boys also asking me to bring you in, seungri has been nagging me all day. Hurry up.”

Hazel finally decide to go inside with Jiyong. She look around the building as she walks inside. This building is awesome. It’s  such a modern , chic building and amazingly Huge building. They go to the recording studio,  eventually bigbang has to record their new songs today.

“HAZEEEELLL!!!!” Seungri yell as soon as he see Hazel come into the room and pll her into a hug.

“Wah.. Hazel you really come!” Daesung said.

“so jiyong really bring you here.. woaahh Teddy, Jiyong’s gonna be in a good mood today, seems like we’re gonna finish the recording fast today.” Taeyang said to Teddy swhile smirking to Jiyong

“Yah! Yongbae!!” Jiyong said punching yongbae’s arm.

Top was still recording when they come. He wave his hand on Hazel when she come in. Hazel smile at him. The recording took a long time. she’s just waiting there looking at them seriously singing their part of the songs and sometimes talking and joking with the boys. Suddenly she feels so hungry, she ask seungri where the cafetaria is while jiyong and seunghyun is recording their part.

“Ah it’s right across the hall, I can take you there if you want!” Seungri said with a big smile on his face.

“ No , I’ll be fine seungri-ah..” She said leaving the room and walk to the cafetaria.

She sat there by her self. There are not so many person there. Just some of the staff because it’s not actually lunch time yet. She eat her food, listening to her ipod lay her head on the table and close her eyes. Suddenly she feels something cold on her cheek. She open her eyes and see a Top holding a can of cold coke for her.

“Oh! Top-ssi!”

“Hahaa.. here for you.”

“aah, thank you..”

“Are you okay?” He said and sit beside me

“I’m know what’s funny top-ssi? Everytime you see me the one thing you always say was ‘are you okay?’” She said imitating his voice. Top laugh out loud.

“hahaahaa .. really? Well last time because you bumped me, but today it’s because you look tired. Isn’t it boring waiting for us recording? How did Jiyong bring you here anyway?”

“no actually it’s not boring at all, it’s interesting seeing you guys look so seriously singing your song. And jiyong didn’t literally bring me here..”

“what do you mean?”

“Well he tell me to be his chauffeur for today as a punishment for forgeting one of his weird rules. So here I am, waiting for him.”

“A chauffeur? Hahahahahaha can’t believe jiyong said that..”

“He’s silly right? And weird..”

Hazel and Top laughing and talking. When suddenly her phone ring, it’s a text from jiyong

“Where are you? Come to the recording studio, now.”

After reading the text. Hazel and Top go back to the studio together. As soon as jiyong see Hazel and Top come in together, he feels that weird feelings again. ‘How can they come in together?’ he thought.

“what’s up? Are you done?” Hazel ask jiyong, as he come to her.

“I’ll be done in a minute, buy me coffee will you? There’s a coffee shop right beside the building after that we can leave.”

“coffee? But can’t you just buy it for yourself, jiyong-ssi??”

“I can’t. no more buts. Just buy it for me will you Hazel-ssi ? or you can start looking for a place to live.”

“FINE!” Hazel said, pouting as she walk out the room and go to the coffee shop.

Jiyong can't help but smile looking at Hazel pouting . He just like teasing her like that. Maybe he start to falling for her?.

Hazel walk to the coffee shop while mumbling to herself. ‘that cocky bastard. He really make me his slave.aaaaarrggghhhh!!’ . After she bought coffee for Jiyong, she go outside the coffee shop and hear a voice calling for her. It’s the voice she wish she don’t have to hear anymore.


“Tian? And you??!” Hazel said as she turns around and see Tian holding hands with a girl, no other then one of her bestfriend, Lexy. Lexy is one of the closest friend she ever had. Hazel always tell everything to lexy, even the feelings she had towards Tian.

“Hi Haze..” Lexy said with a smile on her face

“Why are you here?how did both of you….?” Hazel said

“Well you know, my father works in seoul, he asked me to come for holiday. I hesitated it at first because it will be boring if I go by myself. But thanks to you, now I can have Lexy here with me.” He said tighting his grip on Lexy. That makes Hazel feel sick , angry and confused.

“Thanks to me? What do you mean thanks to me?”

“okay babe, let me explain to her.” Lexy said

“ so here’s the thing haze, I know you and Tian were close back then but the truth is, it’s just his way to get to me, and thanks to you he's finally with me now. I know you have feeling for him and you thought he likes you too, but come on Haze don’t be that naïve. How can he like…you?” She said, standing in front of Hazel looking at her up and down with a smirk.

“YAH! LEXY!!” Hazel said trying to hold her anger making a tight fist on her right hand

 “yeah Haze , I can’t believe you like me.. we’ve been friends right? And you knew the type of girl I like.”

“ Tian! You!!” Hazel said walking up to him then Lexy push her had, make her fell to the ground and hurt her right hand.

“WHAT?! Come on Haze just face the truth, He likes me not you!”

“See this is why this happen, you just dull, can’t manage your anger.. you just not fun anymore” Tian said.

Hearing that words hurt her so bad. It’s just worst than the first confrontation with Tian. Especially knowing her own bestfriend stabbed her in the back like that. Her anger is just explode in her head and heart. Suddenly Hazel smile.

“Are you both done?” Hazel said get up on her feet, push lexy aside and punch Tian on the face, hard.

“You bastard!” she said looking at Tian that fell on the ground.


“And you, a ‘so-called-bestfriend’ that turned out to be a Betrayer ! Can you get any lower than that?!” Hazel said looking at Lexy with anger in her eyes and trying so hard to hold back her tears. She just can’t take it anymore. This is beyond her control. Lexy swing her hand ready to slap Hazel in the face when suddenly some one block Lexy’s hand, grab Hazel’s hand tight and take her out of the scene, leaving Tian and Lexy staring at them.


let you guess who become the white knight for hazel..

it's a long one.. finally..

Hope you all like it! :]

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.