jealousy means....................

Perfect Getaway..


~ no one's POV

They go straight to the photoshoot set. They are slightly come late, when everyone start looking for them. Jiyong go straight to the make up room while Hazel go to the wardrobe and help Jieun unni. They are so busy with the photoshoot, they barely talk to each other. Hazel thought it’s good to be this busy because she still trying to figure out why she suddenly kiss him. is it really because she start to fall for him?. she keeps thinking about that in the wardrobe room while doing her work. She doesn’t even realize that the boys are already in the room, except jiyong. Until yongbae talk to her.

“so..Hazel, what makes you late today?”

“huh? Oh , yeah.. I’m just got caught up..”

“caught up?”

“Hazel-ah! You had a date with jiyong hyung earlier, right?” Seungri said with a smirk

“what?! A DATE?!” Daesung and yongbae yell in unison. Seunghyun just looking at her with a serious look.

“WHAT?!! No----“ Hazel unable to finish her sentence when jiyong suddenly come into the room and cut her words.

“YES we did!” He said smirking.

“SERIOUSLY??!!” Daesung and Yongbae yelling in unison, again.

“I knew it!” Seungri said smiling happily.

“YAH!!!” Hazel said then hit Jiyong’s head and stomp on his feet.

“OUW!!!!! YAH! It hurts!!”

“You crazy?? It’s NOT again NOT a DATE!! It’s just him being a stalker!!”

“what?! A stalker?? I told you I’m not a stalker!!”


“well if I am, then why did you kiss this stalker?” He whispering to hazel’s ear whit his hand wrap around her shoulder and smiling proudly.

 “on the cheek! It’s just a thank you kiss!!please don’t exaggerate it..” Hazel said with a low voice trying so hard not to blush.

“yaah, jiyong.. never thought both of you are that close..” yongbae said

“of course! We are closer than you think! We even slep-----“ she cover his mouth with her hand realizing the word that jiyong about to say.

“YAH!! Y-Y-You... cocky bastard!” Hazel  said start to blush then leave the room while all the boys are laughing so hard looking at her.

"cute..." jiyong said

Hazel storm out of the room.Suddenly she bumps into someone.

"oh! I'm so sorry.." hazel said getting back up.

"HEY!! Watch it!!"

"I'm sorry.." hazel said bowing a couple times

"YAH! Do you even know how much this dress cost?!!stupid staff"

"woah! Didn't I say I'm sorry?!"

"your sorry is useless and priceless!uggh!" the girl said with a y attitude then walk away.

"seriously?! Such a ."

Then do the rest of her work with jieun. The following days, keeps teasing her and hazel getting closer with jiyong and the boys. One day, it’s the most tiring day for the wardrobe crew because the clothes their using are a lot! And there’s a lot of fixing here and there. Hazel barely get to sleep the night before. After the photoshoot is done, the boys and the crews are having a party at the club in the hotel. All of the people that involved in the photoshoot are there. Hazel is stll hesitating to go to the party. Well she’s not really the ‘party girl’ kind. She still remember how seungri tell her about the party.


“hazel!” He said.


“yah! Why do you always been so cranky to me?”

“hm? Let’s see.. because you deserve it?”

“yah! Don’t blame me, it’s just fun teasing you and hyung”

“yaahh..seungri! why are you here anyway? The photoshoot end like an hour ago.”

“just want to tell you, there’s a party tonight at the hotel. You should come! Everyone will be there.”

“naah, I think i’m gonna pass.. ”

“aww come on.. it’s going to be fun..”

“naah.. I’m just tired,seungri-ah... I need some sleep.”

“aahhh..okay then, have a good rest hazel-ah. Just come to the party if you can.”he said, dissappointed

{end of flasback}

 Suddenly her phone ring, it’s yongbae.

“haze! Where are you?” he said, sound panic.

“in my room. Why?what happened?”

 Just come here, fast! I’ll be waiting at the front door.” Then he hung up the phone.

‘What the hell is happening?’ she wonders in her mind.

She meet yongbae at the front door of the club.

“yongbae, what the hell is happening?”

“its jiyong. He’s drunk and won’t stop drinking. Plus, he keeps saying your name. Come here hurry”

“what?my name? You kidding? He must be nuts.” Hazel said following yongbae to the bar where jiyong is laying his head on the table with his hand on a glass of vodka.

“see! Please can you get him to his room.. please.. there are a lot of people from our sponsor here, none of us can get jiyong to his room. Please..”

“okay.. I’ll do it.”

“thanks Haze.. you are THE BEST!”

“yah! Jiyong! Get up, stop drinking!” she said while shaking his body.

“OH! It’s hazel....... my jagiyaaaaa~ ” he said looking at her then pinch her cheek.

“your what??yah!you’re drunk! come on! Up up.. let’s go, we have to get out of here..” she said, pulling jiyong out of the sit and help him stand properly. Then she hardly take him to walk to his room while jiyong keeps looking at her and saying “my jagiyaaaa~” . she enter his room with the card from his pocket then put him on the bed. He snuggle to his pillow comfortably. Hazel stand beside his bed, looking at jiyong.

“you are unbelievable......” she mumbles, then start to walk out of his room when jiyong call her name.


“what?” she turn around and look at him.

“I Love you.” He said, then go back to dreamland.

“yeah, right. You are unbelievably drunk.” She said then walk out of his room.

On the last day in jeju, they have photoshoot from early in the morning until the afternoon. After the photoshoot, hazel tidy up things in the wardrobe when jieun ask her for a favor.

"hazel-ah, can you help me deliver this clothes to jiyong's room?"

"huh? Jiyong's room?"

"yeah, I have to go talk to the sponsor now.. So I give it to you then.. Thank you hazel.."

"oh okay unni.. No problemo.." hazel said smiling. Actually she barely talk to jiyong today. They're too busy with their work. There's only one time that she caught jiyong smiling and looking at her. The weird thing is, just by doing that is enough to make her heart beat a lot faster and blush. but the rest of the time jiyong seems too busy talking closely with female models, and seeing that makes Hazel feel uncomfortable.

She walk to his room with his clothes on her hand. She look at the door it's slightly open. Then she knocks then open the door slowly

"sorry, ji----" she can't even finish her sentence when she see the one scene that break her heart eventually. There he is, sitting on the bed with a girl on his lap. The girl is the that bump her the other day. The girl snuggles into his neck.

"haze.."jiyong said with his eyes widen.

"who the hell are you?!" the girl said

"oh.. I-I-I'm so sorry, the door was open.. Jieun unni tell me to bring jiyong-shi clothes here." hazel said holding the pain in her heart.

"'s not what you think....." jiyong said while pushing away the girl then get up and walk slowly towards hazel.

"sorry for disturbing." she said , put the clothes in the closet the. Get out of the room while holding back her tears.

Hazel walk very fast through the hallway. She don't even recognize that she walk pass seunghyun when he try to greet her.

Seunghyun watched her walk from jiyong's room holding her tears. He follow hazel to the elevator without her notice. He look back to jiyong's room and see jiyong get out of the room with a girl. He recognize that girl. 'that .' seunghyun thought as turn around and keep following hazel.


~hazel's pov

I keep walking fast out of the hotel. Then I stop and sit at the beach. Why does my heart hurt so bad?. Why does it hurt when I see him with other girl? He's not my boyfriend and I'm definitely nobody to him. I just can't understand. Did I get my hopes to high again?but he said he love me. wah! Hazel! How cn you be so stupid! He’s drunk that night, how can you believe  words from a drunk bastard?. Tears starts strolling on my cheek. Damn, why can't I stop crying?.

"what are you doing here at this time?" said a deep voice behind me. I wipe my tears and look back, it's seunghyun.

"don't you afraid that the sea monster will find you and eat you alive?" he said then sit beside me.

"really?sea monster?"

"yup, sea monster. He likes to find and eat a girl with mellow face that sit alone at this beach." he said with a serious face.

"seriously? Wait. You're not the sea monster right?"

"do I look like a sea monster?"

"well then what should I do so the sea monster won't find me?" I said with a weak smile.

"first, wipe these tears from your face." he said wiping the trails of tears on my cheek.

"second, you should stop faking a smile. You're not good at it." he said looking to my eyes.

"there you go. Then the sea monster won't find you." He said with his hands still on my face.

"well thank you mr.choi seunghyun.. You saved my life. I owe you" I said when suddenly he hug me.

"seunghyun, w-w-what are you doing?"

"consider it as the payment for saving your life, you'll thank me later." he said. Suddenly someone grab my hand and drag me away from seunghyun.




another update! yeay!

I'm trying to add a little jealousy there..

hope you like it.. :]

I'm finishing the next chapter right now.. :D

comment and subscribe.. thank youuuuuu

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.