is that who I think it is...?

Perfect Getaway..


"omma? are you here? I saw your car outside.."

a guy came in, and Hazel shocked as she sees someone she perfectly familiar with.. Someone she used to see in TV , computer or even her ipod background.................................


~ Hazel's POV

"jiyong~ie..!" Minhyun scream excited as she see her son came and hug him tight

is that who I think it is? it's not a dream right? is that really GDragon a.k.a Kwon Jiyong as in the leader of Bigbang? seriously? you've got to be kidding me..

"jiyong~ie, what are you doing here? I thought you never come to this house anymore since you live in the dorm.."

"I came here once in a while omma, to relax my mind.." he said as minhyun pull away her hug.

"why are you here omma?and who is she?" jiyong said when he see me standing there

"aah.. this is Hazel-ssi, she is my bestfriend's daughter.. Hazel, this is my son that I talked about Kwon Jiyong"

'woaah so he really is kwon jiyong..' I thought as I bow to him

"annyeong haseyo, Hazel imnida" I said with a weird way to say korean languange since i'm still working on it even though my mom taught me almost everyday but since it's not my first languange so it's kinda hard.

"oh, annyeong, kwon jiyong imnida." he said, barely bowing. okay that's kinda rude but whatever

"omma, can I talk to you for a minute?alone?" jiyong said walking outside with his mom.

I stay inside, looking around.. actually I can't really hear what they talk about but his voice is so loud and thanks again to my mom, I can understand what he said even just a piece by piece of words. all I heard was 'omma, chincaro?aah!! Shiro omma!" and looking at his expression right now, he definitely don't like me being here in his house.. Great another drama as soon as I arrived.. *sigh*

After a while, they come back inside.

"so Hazel, just like I said, you can live here as long as you want, jiyong is perfectly okay with it as long you don't tell other people about this house" Minhyun said as she walk into the house with jiyong following behind her giving a weak smile

"I understand thank you, about the secret, you don't have to worry I don't even know anyone here and I barely speak korean so yeah it's save with me." I said smiling, looking at jiyong.. woah this guy really is an Idol, he really know what to wear, he look great even with jeans and tshirt.

"okay then, make yourself at home hazel.. Sorry I can't help you unpack your things, I have things to do.. so if you need anything just ask jiyong as long as he's here, okay?"

"okay, no problem.. thank you "

I walked mihyun-ssi to the door and watch her as she drive leaving the house. Okay, be cool haze there's Gdragon in the house don't be too obvious even though you squeeling inside. i walk into the house, and jiyong is sitting on the couch watching TV. he saw me coming in but keep his eyes straight to tv. So i walk pass him to the room that suppose to be my room for the entire month. I start unpack my things. after finished unpacking my things I go out of my room to the kitchen to get a drink. Suddenly jiyong call me

"hazel! your name is Hazel right?come here for a second, I need to talk to you" He said shille sitting at a couch looking at me

"err, yeah? what is it?" I said walking then sit at the couch in front of him.

" okay, here's the thing, honestly I don't like you being here in my house, I hate it! but since my mom forced me to allow you living in this house so I don't have another choice than letting you live here, now let me tell you the rules living in my house."

what? he said rules? woaah never thought he will be this cocky.. what an Idol attitude..

"first, DO NOT tell anyone about this place" I nod.. okay I've heard this and I promised not to tell anyone.

"second, since you live in this house then you have to clean this house, think of it as the way you pay for living in this house" okay, it's reasonable since I can live in this house for free.

"Third, don't you ever ever come to my room if I don't ask you to go, I don't like if someone touch my things" woah he is a cocky bastard, but still acceptable, it's not like I want to go to his room right..

"Last but not least, you have to get out of this house every saturday night.."

"okay. wait, WHAT??!" I said nearly screaming

"I have stuff to do here it's none of your business, I don't want you to be here so I don't care where you go or what you do as long as you not here it's fine with me. got it?okay."

"woah, this is getting weird, you have got to be kidding me..the other three is fine but leaving the house every saturday night?seriously?" I said

"why? it's my house remember? you can leave if you don't like it."

"Fine...." "Cocky bastard" I said with a small voice that I don't think he can hear it

"yah! What did you say?!" he said, screaming to be exact

"Nothing.. you done right? I need to go, unpacking stuff" I said as I walk to my room

"yeah, you can go.." he said smirking..

'yah! GDragon, you done! your nice charismatic sweet image has blown away you cocky bastard.. damn it.' mumbling to myself in my room while changing my ipod wallpaper that used to be filled with his picture.



wahh thank you for your comments and for subscribing.. mean so much to me! yeeaayy...

I'll try to update soon, since I'm on holiday now..

thank you again.. :]

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.