The Final Date part 2...

Perfect Getaway..

>> Previously :

“I’ll go to the restroom for a while okay?” He said when the parody is coming to an end. I nod and he went out from the studio. After the parody end, he hasn’t come back. The screen is off and the light is back on and I can hear the background music just like when we came. I know the song this time, it’s ‘if I have a lover by Rain and G.Na’. I remember back in seoul when we heard this song on the radio, I tell jiyong I love this song and he said it’s too cheesy makes his finger curled everytime he heard it. I smile on the memories of us back then. But I don’t know why, this one that I hear right here is different.

Suddenly the screen came on again........

when the screen came on, still immersed on the music I look at the screen and it show something that I never thought I will see. I cover my mouth, my eyes are watering. There he is, jiyong sitting on a chair in a room, playing guitar singing to that song. He sing it so beautifully, suddenly he get up then walk away from the camera. Then the studio door, and he walk in continuing the song while playing the guitar until he stand in front of me. Now my tears are falling. The song ended, he put don the guitar and kneeled to match my sitting level. He stare at my eyes and hold my hand.

“I know how you love this song. I remember how you said that this song is so romantic and the lyrics are exactly the list that you want to do when you have a boyfriend. So , here I am, making all of these come true , doing all of the things in the list with you. If you haven’t realize, we already did 3 of the list, Amusement Park , Piggyback ride, and the movie even though it’s not late at night and not really a movie but—“ My tears are pouring. He remembers. Everything.

“it’s 4 already..” I said wiping my hapy tears.


“4. Surprise event since this morning.” I said.

“that? Well the surprise events are not done yet, so we can’t scratch it from the list now. I still have some more surprise for you..”

“oh.. really?” I smirk at him

“yeah, so come on. We don’t have much time and got list of things to do! Kaja..” He said then take my hand walking out of the studio. He thanked the cinema boy and we get into the car again. We laugh along the way until jiyong stop his car again. This time in front of a… Subway gate?. I get out of the car confused. Turns out he already have someone waiting for him to take the car away, like his own private valet service. We walk inside and take the subway.

“since, we can’t take the train to Choonchun because we’re in New York so we’ll take the subway. It’s still a train right?” He laugh at his own idea.

“yeah. It is a train jiyong. but where are we headed?”

“well, that’s my another surprise event for you, just wait and see.” Is all he said.

The subway ride is fun. We laugh at people who has weird expressions. I tell him , my way to divide kinds of people who ride the subway and he argue with my opinions but in the end we just laugh at our argument. People might think we’re some crazy teenager in love, but we don’t care what people think. This moment is gold for me. for us. When I busy laughing, jiyong pull my hand and we get off on the subway station. He drag me out of the station it’s already dark and we walk to a big gate with CENTRAL PARK written on it. my favorite place in new York.

We walk through the lines of trees. There are barely anyone here, maybe just some couple on their own love world. Just like us. I look at my both side, I never thought central park will be this beautiful at night. The sound of water falling in the fountain, the animal’s sound, and the sound of calm wind fills my ear. Then jiyong suddenly stand in front of me.

“now, I want you to close your eyes.” He said

“you’re not gonna pulla prank on me aren’t you?”

“of course not. Do you trust me?”


“good, close your eyes then.” I close my hand and he lead the way. He carefully lead the way I walk. It’s weird how I feel safe by closing my eyes walking in central park. It’s all because that one person. He stop walking and I can feel him move to my back. He put his hands on my shoulders from the back. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

“Now open your eyes.” He whisper to my ear.

I open my eyes and I see the beautiful view of my favorite place and my favorite person. It’s lining candles making a pathway on the grass and it leads to a picnic blanket that spread neatly on the grass with a picnic basket on it and it look straight to the lake view. I gasp and close my mouth with my hand again, my eyes are wide open. He did all of this for me? GDragon did this for me, a person. A nobody.

“oh my God….. jiyong…” I stuttered.

“How is it?” He ask, still standing behind me.

“it’s beautiful. Unbelievable. Perfect. I love it. So much.”

“Glad you love it then.” He said. I turn around and hug him tight.

He lead me walk through the candle light pathway. We sit on the blanket then he starts to pull out foods from the picnic basket. “let’s have dinner.” Is all he said then we start eating together while enjoying the view. I just can’t believe it. I’ve never treated like this before him. Jiyong is the one who can make me feel like this. He’s the one who can sweep me off my feet will just being him. After eating , I remember that this is the last night he’s here. It’s already night time. And the time is running out.



“I love you. You know that right?. I love everything about you, even the little things. I love being with you and I know coming to New York is the right thing. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened in my life. You make my life brighter, you’re always there when I need you the most. You did a lot of things for me. and when you left me back then in seoul, my world tumbles down.and when I know you did that to protect me and all the boys, I don't know what to feel anymore. I feel useless. You're in pain because of me. You did that to make me happy, but one thing you need to know that my definition of happiness is being with you in my life. I love you Hazel Forbes. It’s you and always you. I'm sorry for everything that happened, all the things that I caused that makes you hurt. Because it hurts me when I see you like that too. Hazel-ah.. Will you be my girlfriend again? You don’t have to answer it now, I will wait. I don’t want to rush you—“

“Yes.” I said


“Yes kwon jiyong. yes I’ll be your freakin’ girlfriend again.” I said again and he hug me tight, stand me on my feet then twirl me around in his arms.

“Thank you.. thank you! I love you!!”

“I love you too.. so much.”

“Hazel-ah.. I know it will get hard sometime but we’ll face it together from now on,okay? We’ll talk about it together. Don’t put all the problems for yourself, share it together. don't you worry your pretty little mind.People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard. The stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours and no one can take it away.”

“Taylor swift. Really? You’re using taylor swift’s song on me? a songwriter GDragon use taylor swift’s song lyrics to his girlfriend.”

“Yah. you’re ruining the moment. Yes I use Taylor Swift’s song on you, because it’s exactly what I want to say, is it working?”

“Very and I love that song.”

“so.. now that we’re back together. I can finish the list. The remaining are couple rings.” He said then he pull out the ring from his pocket and put it on my finger again.

“and.. wait it’s said kissing in the streets. We need to find the street first.”

“oh.. just shut up and kiss me already!”

“With pleasure..” he smirks then lean down and kiss me.

This kiss completes it all. It's like the perfect finale of a series of things that happened these days. The feeling when his soft lips landed on mine is the best feeling ever and I miss this so much the second I turn my back on him 10days ago in seoul. This feeling swept away all my doubts, the feeling that I'd love to hold on my entire life, the feelings that I get when I'm with him.

Just like he said, I can't let the ghost from the past keep haunting me. I love him , he loves me and that's all what matters. It may be too hopeless romantic, cheesy , or fairytale-ish but that's all I can think about now.

Jiyong put his hand on the back of my neck and deepen the kiss. That soft kiss turn into a passionate one. Our lips move in motion. Our tounge are battling for dominance. My hand found a comfortable place on his hair. The air are from our lung but none of us want to let go. Even though we both know that the time is running and jiyong has a plane to catch. After getting out of breath we finally let go. Our face are so close just an inch away from each other.

“you got a plane to catch, ji..” I remind him, still try to catch my breath.

“I know.” He said then kiss me again and just like that my heart leaps, my body responding automatically to his kiss.

“aww.. come on guys.. it’s a public place for God’s sake.” Suddenly we hear someone said. And that voice seems so familiar. We let go of the kiss abruptly then look at the source of the voice. Now I know why that voice sounds so familiar.

“y-you.. what are you guys doing here???” Jiyong yell at 4 boys staring at us smiling widely. Yes, The boys are here. Daesung and yongbae smiling widely, seunghyun looking at me with his teasing stare and seungri, the one who interrupted our kiss is there eating while carrying a bucket of buffalo wings like it’s his baby. And none of them answering the leader’s question. Me? I’m pretty sure my face is as red as a tomato now.

“YAH! I’m asking you! Are you guys here to pick me up? Come on, I already booked my flight at—“

“we canceled it.” yongbae said calmly.

“you what??” jiyong is definitely confused right now, me too and the boys just laugh loudly. Damn.

“Daesung-ah.. just tell them already..” Seunghyun said wiping his tears try to stop his laughter after receiving a death glare from me. that bingu better be start explaining now.

“arasso arasso.. so.. yeah we canceled your flight hyung. Actually, we canceled it right after you booked it last night. Why? Because you don’t need to be home that early. Why again? Because the thing about sajangnim looking for you and everything is a lie and when seungri called you yesterday we all laughing at the background listening to your panicking voice. Why we did that? Well that’s because we knew you won’t make a move soon and that you’re afraid to rush hazel, that if you rush her, she will leave again which we all know that won’t happen because we also knew that she love you as much as you do. So we did that to impulse you to make things a little bit faster and it works.” I’m stunned. Listening to daesung’s explaination makes me realize how lucky we are especially jiyong to have such best brothers in the entire world.

“b-but… I receive a text from sajangnim this morning….. telling me to go home…” Jiyong’s voice is fading as if he finally got the idea about what really happened by seing the maknae’s eating his buffalo wings and smiling naughtily.

“oh no you didn’t.” jiyong said.

“well that one… yeah… it’s the maknae’s idea.” Seunghyun said. I can see seungri look shocked with seunghyun’s word and afraid as he turn to see jiyong’s angry face.

“yongbae hyung, please take care of this for me……” Seungri said slowly handling his buffalo wings bucket to yongbae.

“jiyong hyung…… I know you’re mad at me….. b-b-but.. let me explain first… hyung.” Seungri said pleading looking at jiyong who now walking towards him.


“Hyung…… breath…. Hyung…. Slow down…. HYUNGGG!!! KYAAAAA!!!!!!” Seungri scream running as jiyong chasing him. They run like little kids circling us.

“it’s good to see you again, Haze..” Yongbae said and hug me.

“me too! I miss you..” Daesung said and hug me too after yongbae let me go.

“I miss you too dae.. it’s good to see all of you again.."

“Hazel.." After daesung release his hug, seunghyun come to me with a big smile on his face.

"Choi seunghyun." I said coldly.

"Oh no. You're saying my full name, that's never a good sign"

"I'm mad at you, choi seunghyun" I said.

"What? Why?"

"Because you broke your promise not to tell anyone anything." I said pouting at him. He ruffle his hair.

"Yes, I broke my promise and I'm sorry for that. But you did the same thing too!"


" I told you to not do stupid thing then you said you won't. But look at what you did next. You definitely did that stupid thing I told you not to! Do you know how worried we all are when we knew you left? Do you have any idea how stupid I feel for not being able to help you with anything?!" Seunghyun said folding his arms on his chest looking at me with his intense stare.

"I know. It's my fault.. I'm sorry, seunghyun and both of you too. I'm sorry.." I said looking at daesung and yongbae.

"Aaww.. It's okay haze, we know how you felt back then. Just let it go. The past is the past." Yongbae said and daesung just smile at me his 1000volt smile.

"Seunghyun..." I turn to face him then he smile and hug me tight.

"It's not anyone's fault. Just forget about it, whatever happened in the past all I can think is that I'm so glad that you're back with jiyong and back with all of us" he said

"Me too." I said then suddenly I heard jiyong scream

"YAHHH!!! SEUNGHYUN HYUNG!! LET GO OF MY GIRLFRIEND YOU BINGU!!!" Jiyong scream then let seungri go from his grip walking towards seunghyun. All of us just laugh looking at his jealous act.

"Good to have you back, hazel-ah.." Seungri said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Me too, ri"

Looking at that view makes me realize that this is what's normal for me now. The last view days in my old normal life before jiyong come to new york feels empty. I didn't know why. But now I know, my definition of normal has changed. Being with them, looking at jiyong running around chasing seungri , lauging with yongbae and daesung, seeing jiyong's jealousy act towards seunghyun is what complete my life. It's my new normal life. Jiyong is the last puzzle piece of my life. Now it's completed. Happy is not enough to express how I feel right now. I’m blessed.

The date part is finished!

What do you think?? ^^

it's really sad to say that this story may be ending real soon.

maybe 1 or 2 chapter left.. T^T

I'll try my best to write the best ending for all of you guys..

thank you for all of your comments.. those really made my day! love ya! ^^

Thank you for subscribing too~

PS :

can I ask your opinion on this :

"should I write another story or not?"

thank you~


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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.