He's here.

Perfect Getaway..

"Hey haze.."

"Jiyong......." I'm stunned by the look of him. Is he really here? Or is it just my hallucination.

"Hi, I'm jiyong, and you must be daisy, hazel's best friend." He said offering his hand to daisy whose at the same stunned condition as I.

"O-o-oh.. Hi.." She said shaking his hand. Then the silence came out again. I don't know what to say, all I do is staring at him like there's no tomorrow.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you two alone. Bye haze, call me later!" She said and wink at me before walking away. Wait. Did she just wink? At me? I can imagine how she's fangirling inside after shaking hand with the GDragon. Speaking of GDragon.

"What are you doing here? With my car? How can you get my car?!"

"Woow, chill. One question at a time. I'm here because we need to talk."

"You came all the way to New York just because you think we need to talk? Well, news flash jiyong there's nothing to talk about, now give me my car keys."

"Are you really going to act like this until now? come on haze, I know."

"Know what?"

"Everything! Why you left me? The fans.seunghyun hyung told me."

"That bingu--" my words got cut out when someone call my name from behind me.

"Yo. Hazel!" It's Dean, my friend. My basketball sparing partner to be exact.

"Dean!" I said as he come to me and give me a hug. I can feel a pair of eyes burning my back as I hug him.

~Jiyong's POV

Dean? Who the hell is he? Omo. Did. He. Just. Hug. Her?! 
"Hey, where have you been? I missed you girl, it's been a while since we do our thing on the field." What the he meant by 'do-our-thing' ? My blood starts to boil.

"Yeah, I just got back from korea last week."

"Korea? Really? Wow! Anyway, let's play again! It's been a while right? The boys missed you so much you know. They keep asking me about you."
Wait. Did he said boys?! My girl playing with boys as in the plural word of boy as in there's more than one boy?!. Oh my God.

"Yeah sure! Text me, and I'll be there." Ahh look at her smiling. She looks so happy. But what the hell are their relationship?. I can't take it anymore seeing them comfortably talking at each other ignoring me like I don't exist.

"Babe, are you done?" I said bluntly. Greeted by the shocked look of both of them and glaring eyes from hazel while I just smile instead.

"Oh! Haze, is he your--"

"Hi, I'm jiyong, Hazel's boyfriend." Pressing on the word Boyfriend then there's  Another shocked look from hazel. I miss this side of her. I miss seeing her face like this.

"Hi,I'm Dean. Haze, I thought you're with--"

"Tian? Nope. Long story." She said.

"Well, okay then. I gotta go, I'll text you okay haze? And nice to see you jiyong. Bye!" That Dean guy said as he walks away. Finally. Then I feel someone hit my arm. Hard.

~No one's POV
"OUUCCHH!!!What was that for?!" Jiyong scream rubbing his arm after being hit by hazel.

"That's for talking without thinking! Why did you tell him that you’re my boyfriend?”

“Wae? I am your boyfriend!”

“we broke up jiyong and you hate me.” She said looking down. He stunned by her words. The pain of regrets take over his heart. But he won’t back down. He came all the way to New York for her. To get her back.

“whatever. Just give me my key.” She said again try to be strong in front of him.

"No." Jiyong hold back the key.

"Why? It's my car!"

"I know, but your mom specifically told me to pick you up at school and drive you home."


"Call your mom if you don't believe me." And as he said that Hazel's phone ring. It's her mom.


"Hazel baby, did you met jiyong? He's picking you up from college."

"Yeah mom, I met him. Why did you let him drive my car ? I can go home by myself mom."

"Because he's minhyun's son. he's a nice guy and he's the one that let you stay in his house back then in seoul. So just be nice to him okay?"

"Fine. See you at home mom."

"Haze, did you forget? I'm leaving to London to visit your father today, remember?"

"Aahh.. Right." Just then I hear the flight announcement as the backsound from my mom's phone.

"Okay, I have to go now. See you next week okay? Be nice."

"Okay mom, tell dad I miss him"

"I will. Bye." She hung up the phone then she look back at jiyong's now grinning face.

"Believe me now? Can we go?"

"Whatever." Hazel said then get into the car. Jiyong starts the engine and starts to drive.

"Yah! Kwon jiyong. Why are you here? I thought I told you to forget about me!"

"I told you, I'm here because we need to talk. And how can you possibly think that I will easily forget you?"

"How did you found me? How did you know my house? Are you freaking crazy showing up at my college looking like that? What if there's someone recognize you?! There's a lot of kpop fangirls there!!"

"Yah! Stop scolding me. I already had enough scolding from my mom just to get your address and your mom's permission to do all this!"




"Omma, can you help me with something?"

"eh? What? What happened?"

"Erm...it's about.."

"Let's talk about it first okay, I'm coming to your house. Meet me there, now"

"Arasseo omma."
As he hung up the phone, jiyong go to his car and drive home. He opens the door, his mom hasn't arrive yet. He look around and the house still feels empty after she left.

"Jiyong! What's wrong?" His mom suddenly said as she open the door seeing jiyong who sit in the living room then she take a seat beside him.

"Hey, what's wrong? Where's hazel? Why isn't she here?"

"Well that's the thing... She's kinda left."


"She left me, she left seoul.. and it’s my fault."

"Omo jiyong what did you do?"

“I mean, it’s not entirely my fault well it is. I mean you know when the news about us came out, I insist her and sajangnim to make our relationship public, she didn’t say anything about it. Then suddenly she take me to this awesome date and the next day she left me after the concert. Then I know that she has been attacked by our fans , they threatened her to leave me, and she did but---“ Jiyong doesn’t able to finish his sentence when his mom suddenly hitting him.


“Yah! How can you be so stupid! Think of her feeling jiyong, I know that she love you so much, but making your relationship public is a very big decision for her. She can’t live her normal life anymore. You can’t just think about your feeling, think about hers too. Ask her opinion, that doesn’t only involve your life but her life too! Oh my, poor hazel. She must be so confused and sad. Aiishh! You stupid kid! Did you even asked her to stay?”

“I did! I come to the airport begging her to stay, but she said she doesn’t love me and..”

“and? Don’t tell me you get angry and said something bad.”

“and… I said I.. Hate her.” Then his mom hit him again.

“aiiisshhh.. jiyong why are you so..aiisshh this kid!” His mom said while jiyong rubbing the spot that his mom keep hitting. As much as it’s hurt it’s nothing compared to the pain of the hole in his heart.

“I’m angry and confused that time! What are you expect me to do! But I know everything now and I want to fix  everything , I want to get her back.”  He said looking at his mom. His eyes are full of sadness and sincerity. Looking at her son’s face, his mom smile. At one side, she’s sad for their messed relationship. On the other side, she’s happy to see her son finally meet someone and love someone that love him so much.

“Fine, what do you need my help with? But let me warn you, if you do stupid things and let her slipped away again. I’m not gonna help you again and let you sulk all your life in that dark room of yours.”

*end of Flashback*

“then my mom called your mom, be all those nostalgic and ask her your address telling her that I’m coming to new York to visit you. And here I am.” Jiyong said proudly while hazel just stare at him blankly.

“you are unbelievable.” Is all she said.

“I am. Oh and one more thing. Did your mom told you on the phone?” He said smiling widely.

“Told me about what?”

“That I will be staying at your house all the time I’m in new York.”


“yup. With that, we have soooo much time to talk about everything.” He said looking at her and pat her had with his hand.

The touch of his hand on her head makes her doubt herself. Is this a dream? Or is it real? Is he really here?. She can’t lie. She missed this, she missed his touch, his smile, the sound of his voice when he said her name. it’s as easy as turning the palm of her hand to take him back, and fall for him all over again. But deep down there’s an insecure feeling that she can’t ignore. Deep down she’s scared. Terrified that all those bad thing will repeat if they go back to what they were. 

Hello readers!!

first, I want to apologize.

I know on the last chapter I told you that I will do double updates.

But then my Final Exam studies get in the way.

So I can only update the chapter now.

mianhe~ :(

anyway, the new chapter is here!


and thank you for subscribing and for al you comments.

it really make my day! LOVE YOU ALL ~ ^^

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Perfect Getaway Special chapter! :D


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Chapter 51: Ok ending had me laughing. LOL loved the story was really great.
ishkpopin #2
Chapter 52: Loved reading this story. Was really good :D
Chapter 51: LOL maknae always showing up in the worst of times... kkk i really enjoy this story, you manage to make me read this on one go ^_^v Despite GD is not my bias, i truly enjoy this story so much, that i feel my heart quiver a bit XD
Chapter 51: LOL magnae,so funny....
you always come in a wrong time of awrong place XDD

Love this story ^^
ChoLilith #5
I love the story ~ G8 job ^.~
seunghyunz #6
Chapter 48: MEEEEEE! I'm from Singapore. xD
parkmita #7
Chapter 51: hi! i just finished your story :)) sorry for not kept my promise, been busy recent days :)

i love this story sooooooooooooo muucccchh <33333333333333333 thank's for making one of best story for us ^^
parkmita #8
Chapter 41: love this chapter soooo muuch <3333333
that was great!
Chapter 51: That was agreat chapter
Seungri is always very unlucky he is the want that always the one that break the sweet part!!
Ginniosa #10
Chapter 51: That story was great. Keep up the good work.